S L D C SLDC Overview Briefing TUDENT’S STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 EADERSHIP SLDC EVELOPMENT WE SET THE STANDARDS ORPS “We Set The Standards” BUILDING CHARACTER IN BROWARD COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOLS STUDENT’S L EADERSHI P DEV ELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS A ONE SLIDE HISTORY • MARCH 1999, AN IDEA IS BORN – A QUESTION ASKED • AUGUST 1999, TWO SCHOOLS • FEBRUARY 2000, FIRST DRILL COMPETITION • AUGUST 2000, SIX SCHOOLS • JUNE 2001, FIVE SCHOOLS • AUGUST 2003, EIGHT SCHOOLS • SPRING 2004, 1ST ALL SLDC DRILL MEET • 2005 JROTC MANAGED SLDC DRILL MEET • SY 2005-2008, NINE SCHOOLS, 827 STUDENTS STUDENT’S LEADERSHI P DEVELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS SY 05-06 School Number of Classes Apollo 2 Authur Ashe 1 Forest Glen 2 Indian Ridge 5 McNicol 5 New River 5 Rickards 2 Silver Lakes 4 Walter C. Young 5 Totals 31 SLDC Enrollment 60 25 70 150 115 70 42 120 175 827 Enrollment = 6.4% Goal is 10% Potential/Goal of 20 schools in the next five years CURRICULUM FOCUS VALUES CITIZENSHIP LEADERSHIP SERVICE LEARNING PHYSICAL FITNESS STAYING IN SCHOOL DRUG ABATEMENT COMMUNICATIONS. STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS The SLDC Creed I am an SLDC Cadet. I am the future of my school, community, and the United States. My duty is to bring credit to myself, my family, and my country. My job is to learn. I am loyal and patriotic. I will always practice good citizenship. I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions. I am a role model and will always remember that others watch my actions as an SLDC Cadet. I set the standards. I will seek the responsibilities of leadership and vow to improve my mind and body. May I have the strength to always live by this creed THE STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPS CREST • The top scroll establishes the official name of the program, The Student’s Leadership Development Corps. STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPM ENT CORPS • The date, 1999, identifies the school year in which SLDC was established. 1999 • The eagle, as our national symbol, represents the United States of America. • The Red, White, and Blue Shield represents The colors of the U.S. Flag. Blue stars on the white field represent the three founding schools. The white stars on the blue field represent other SLDC programs. A white star is added for each new school as it joins the county wide program. • The green garland represents the cadets quest for knowledge. • The golden arrows represent the cadets’ dedication to become better citizens, students and leaders. • The bottom scroll states the SLDC motto, emphasizing that SLDC students set the standards on their campuses. SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS SLDC INSTRUCTIONAL PRODUCTS CD: • • • • • STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPM ENT CORPS Unit #1 and Unit #2 Text Books Instructor Lesson Plans Power Point Slides Student Exercises Exercise Answers County Standard Operating Procedures Winning Colors Superintendent’s Junior Guard SLDC Cadet of the Year SLDC Annual Drill Meet 1999 SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS CITIZENSHIP CHARACTER EDUCATION • • • • • VALUES • CONFLICT RESOLUTION • DRUG AWARENESS CURRENT EVENTS SERVICE LEARNING CIVICS HISTORY THE CURRICULUM BIG LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT • • • • LEADERSHIP TRAITS FOLLOWERSHIP SKILLS TEAMWORK COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC SPEAKING, IMPROVED READING & WRITING SKILLS, HOW TO LISTEN LIFE SKILLS • • • • STUDY SKILLS PHYSICAL FITNESS NUTRITION FIRST AID SLDC 4 SLDC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES A SET OF COUNTY-WIDE • INSTRUCTIONS • RULES • GUIDELINES PROGRAM/COMPANY ORGANIZATION COMPANY HQ • CADET COMPANY COMMANDER • CADET COMPANY FIRST SERGEANT • COMPANY STAFF PLATOON HQ • CADET PLATOON LEADER • CADET PLATOON SERGEANT • CADET STAFF SQUADS • CADET SQUAD LEADER • CADET TEAM LEADER ONE PER PROGRAM ONE PLATOON PER CLASS PERIOD ONE SQUAD PER 6 TO 10 CLASS MEMBERS CADET OFFICERS CADET FIRST LIEUTENANT CADET SECOND LIEUTENANT CADET NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS CADET FIRST SERGEANT CADET SERGEANT 1ST CLASS CADET SERGEANT 2ND CLASS CADET CORPORAL ENTRY LEVEL CADETS CADET PRIVATE 1ST CLASS CADET PRIVATE 2ND CLASS SLDC AWARDS PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENT’S AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE COMMENDATION AWARD ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE PERFECT ATTENDANCE GOOD CONDUCT DRILL TEAM HONOR GUARD CURRICULUM SPECIALIST’S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT COLOR GUARD ATHLETIC AWARD Important to remember: The Curriculum Big Four & The Cadet Creed Drill And Ceremony Is Our Best Leadership & Teamwork Building Activity Cadets Must Have Fun -Yet Experience Discipline Broward County School District Contacts Colonel (Ret) Jim Armstrong* Major (Ret) Keith Duble** 1SG (Ret) Juan Davila-Sosa* SFC (Ret) Anthony Littlejohn** School Board of Broward County Attn: Junior ROTC Curriculum Office 600 SE 3rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 * Office 754-321-1864/1865 **Office 754-321-7626/7628 FAX 754-321-1889 E-Mail JROTC16D023FL@AOL.COM STUDENT’S LEADERSHI P DEVELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 SLDC WE SET THE STANDARDS STUDENT’S L EADERSHI P DEV ELOPM ENT CORPS 1999 McNicol New River Indian Ridge Apollo Silver Trails SLDC Rickards Forest Glen Silver Lakes WE SET THE ST AND ARDS 2003-2004 SLDC Schools STUDENT’S LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPS 1999 McNicol Indian Ridge Walter C. Young Apollo Silver Lakes New River SLDC Rickards Forest Glen Olsen WE SET THE STANDARDS 2005-2006 SLDC Schools