“Read like a wolf eats” Published works [edit] Brian's Saga Hatchet (1987) (Has an alternate ending which makes great continuity with Brian's Winter) The River (Hatchet: The Return) (1991) Brian's Winter (Hatchet: Winter) (1996) Brian's Return (Hatchet: The Call) (1999) Brian's Hunt (2003) [edit] Murphy series Murphy (1987) Murphy's Gold (1988) Murphy's Herd (1989) Murphy's War (1990) Co-authored by Brian BurksMurphy's Stand (1993) Murphy's Ambush (1995) Murphy's Trail (1996) [edit] Alida's series The Cookcamp (1991) Alida's Song (1999) The Quilt (2004) [edit] World of Adventure The Legend of Red Horse Cavern (1994) Rodomonte's Revenge (Video Trap) (1994) Escape from Fire Mountain (1995) The Rock Jockeys (Devil's Wall) (1995) Hook 'Em Snotty! (1995) Danger on Midnight River (1995) The Gorgon Slayer (1995) Captive! (1995) Project - A Perfect World (Perfect Danger) (1996) The Treasure of El Patron (Treasure Ship) (1996) Skydive! (1996) The Seventh Crystal (1996) The Creature of Black Water Lake (1997) Time Benders (1997) Grizzly (1997) Thunder Valley (1998) Curse of the Ruins (1998) Flight of the Hawk (1998) [edit] Tales to Tickle the Funnybone The Boy Who Owned the School (1990) Harris and Me (1993) The Schernoff Discoveries (1997) The Glass Cafe (2003) Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day (2004) The Amazing Life of Birds: The Twenty-Day Puberty Journal of Duane Homer Leech (2006) Lawn Boy (2007) [edit] Culpepper Adventures The Case of the Dirty Bird (1992) Dunc's Doll (1992) Culpepper's Cannon (1992) Dunc Gets Tweaked (1992) Dunc's Halloween (1992) Dunc Breaks the Record (1992) Dunc and the Flaming Ghost (1992) Amos Gets Famous (1993) Dunc and Amos Hit the Big Top (1993) Dunc's Dump (1993) Dunc and the Scam Artists (1993) Dunc and Amos and the Red Tattoos (1993) Dunc's Undercover Christmas (1993) Wild Culpepper Cruise (1993) Dunc and the Haunted Castle (1993) Cowpokes and Desperadoes (1994) Prince Amos (1994) Coach Amos (1994) Amos and the Alien (1994) Dunc and Amos Meet the Slasher (1994) Dunc and the Greased Sticks of Doom The Curse of the Cobra Amos's Killer Concert Caper (1994) Amos Gets Married (1995) Amos Goes Bananas Tracker (1984) Dogsong (1985) Sentries (1986) The Crossing (1987) The Island (1988) Night Rituals (1989) The Voyage of the Frog (1994) (1995) Dunc and Amos Go to the Dogs (1996) Amos and the Vampire (1996) Amos and the Chameleon Caper (1996) Amos Binder, Secret Agent (1997) Dunc and Amos on Thin Ice (1997) Super Amos (1997) [edit] Other novels Sarny Nightjohn The Special War (1966) Some Birds Don't Fly (1968) The Death Specialists (1976) The Implosion Effect (1976) C. B. Jockey (1977) (alternate title of The C.B. Radio Caper?) The Golden Stick (1977) Tiltawhirl John (1977) (also known as Tasting the Thunder in the UK) The C. B. Radio Caper (1977) Foxman (1977) Winterkill (1977) (1977) The Green Recruit (1978) The Spitball Gang (1980) Compkill (1981) The Sweeper (1981) Clutterkill (1982) Dancing Carl (1983) Popcorn Days and Buttermilk Nights (1983) (1989) The Winter Room (1989) Canyons (1990) Kill Fee (1990) The Night the White Deer Died (1990) The Monument (1991) Clabbered Dirt, Sweet Grass (1992) The Haymeadow (1992) (known as The Fourteenth Summer Soldier's Heart (1998) Canoe Days (1999) The Beet Fields (2000) The White Fox Chronicles (2000) The Time Hackers (2005) The Legend of Bass Reeves (2006) Mudshark (2009) Notes from the Dog (2009) Woods Runner (2010) Lawn Boy Lawn Boy Returns (2010) Masters of Disaster (2010) Liar, Liar (March 8, 2011) Guts (autobiography) (2001) [edit] Non-Fiction The Grass-Eaters: Real Animals (1976) The Small Ones (1976) Hitting, Pitching, and Running (1976) Martin Luther King: The Man Who Climbed the Mountain (1976) Dribbling, Shooting, and Scoring (1976) Careers in an Airport (1977) Facing Off, Checking and Goaltending (1979) Launching, Floating High and Landing (1979) Pummeling, Falling and Getting UpSometimes (1979) Track, Enduro and Motocross (1979) Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting (1979) Going Very Fast in a Circle (1979) Guts: The True Stories Behind Hatchet and the Brian Books (2001) Caught by the Sea My Life on Boats (2001) How Angel Peterson Got His Name (2003) T.V. and Movie Animals [edit] Awards and recognition Newbery Honor Book 1986 - Dogsong[8] Newbery Honor Book 1988 - Hatchet[8] (1980) (with Art Browne, Jr) Money Saving Home Repair Guide: Successful Home Improvement Series (1981) Sailing: From Jibs to Jibing (1981) Downhill, Hotdogging and Cross-Country (1979) (1999) (reprint title of Pilgrimage on a Steel Ride) (1980) The Transall Saga (1998) (known as Blue Light in the UK) Zero to Sixty: A Motorcycle Journey Through Midlife Full of Hot Air: Launching, Floating High, And Landing (1993) A Guide for Using Hatchet in the Classroom (1978) (1980) Running, Jumping, and Throwing (1978) Successful Home Repair: When Not to Call the Contractor (1978) Forehanding and Backhanding (1978) Hiking and Backpacking title of Woodsong or Winterdance?) (various authors, including Paulsen excerpt?) Tennis: Focus On Sport The Car (1994) The Tent (1995) The Tortilla Factory (1995) The Rifle (1995) Worksong (1997) Ice Race (1997) (alternate (1977) (1997) All Aboard: Stories from Big Books (1998) (1980) Ice Hockey: Focus On Sport (1980) Motor Cycling: Focus On Sport (1980) Motor Racing: Focus On Sport (1980) Skiing: Focus On Sport Beat the System: A Survival Guide (1982) The Madonna Stories (includes Spanish translation by Gloria de Aragon Andujar) (1998) Pilgrimage on a Steel Ride: A Memoir of Men and Motorcycles Athletics: Focus On Sport Tackling, Running, and Kicking (1977) Riding, Roping, and Bulldogging (1977) Farm: A History And Celebration of the American Farmer in the UK) A Christmas Sonata (1992) Dogteam (1993) Sisters / Hermanas (1993) Northers (1996) My Life in Dog Years Winter Room[9] (1993) Sequoyah Book Award 1990 Young Adult - Hatchet[10] Western Writers of America Golden Spurs Award - The Haymeadow (1994) Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod (1994) Father Water, Mother Woods (1994) Puppies, Dogs, and Blue Newbery Honor Book 1990 - The Winter Room[8] (1988) Woodsong (1990) Eastern Sun, Winter Moon Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards 1989 - The Margaret Edwards Award 1997 Winner[11] Sequoyah Book Award 2010 Children's - Lawn Boy[10] Like all writers, Gary Paulsen’s writing is based on his life experiences, but most writers don’t have access to the kind of action-packed, adventurous life that is Gary Paulsen’s. Born in 1939, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to parents who “was puke drunks,” Gary Paulsen learned as a small boy that he would have to take care of himself in this life. Paulsen has written a similar painful beginning for many of his young characters in his novels. For example, “Me” in Harris and Me Copyright 1993 In his novel The Beet Fields, the 16 year old protagonist, referred to only as “the boy,” runs away from his abusive, dysfunctional home and works in a carnival, labors in the beet fields, and comes of age—a mirror image of the author’s life at 16. Delacorte Press Copyright 2000 “A lot of the books—My Life In Dog Years, How Angel Peterson Got His Name, The Beet Fields, Caught By The Sea, Father Water Mother Woods, A Christmas Sonata, Guts, Alida's Song and The Quilt—are about me and my life so I guess I'm a real life character.”— from www.randomhouse.com Gary Paulsen webpage Run away from home at age 14 Traveled with a carnival Worked on a farm Been an electronics engineer Worked in construction Been a ranch hand, a truck driver, and a sailor Run the 1800 mile Iditarod in Alaska twice Worked as a satellite technician for an aerospace firm Spent a year as a Hollywood magazine proofreader Written over 175 books in many genres Been married twice Raised three children, two boys and a girl Fished Hunted Flown airplanes Been a soldier in the US Army And… Newbery Honor Book 1986 - Dogsong Newbery Honor Book 1988 - Hatchet Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards 1989 - The Winter Room Newbery Honor Book 1990 - The Winter Room Sequoyah Book Award 1990 Young Adult - Western Writers of America Golden Spurs Award - Hatchet[10] The Haymeadow Margaret Edwards Award 1997 Winner Sequoyah Book Award 2010 Children's - Lawn Boy Soldier's Heart Harris and Me (my personal favorite!) Dogsong Nightjohn He shows respect for his adolescent audience; he doesn’t “talk down” to them. He uses vivid images in his writing to make his stories come alive. His characters are real and believable—they look, sound, and act like people in our everyday lives. The stories are fast paced, believable, exciting, and often humorous. The problems the protagonists face reflect those of everyday, real kids. Paulsen’s love of books began when he went into a library, seeking a warm place on a cold day. The librarian gave him a library card, and he began reading one book after another. Now Gary Paulsen writes, “18-, 19-, 20-hour days completely committed to work. Totally viciously, obsessively committed to work, the way I’d run dogs” (Paulsen ). Kids love to read his books; they send him as many as 200 letters a day! Gary Paulsen Currently lives with his wife, Ruth, dividing his time between a home in New Mexico and a boat in the Pacific Ocean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7 ADtOjxmRs http://www.randomhouse.com/features/gary paulsen/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Paulsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7ADtOjx mRs www.scholastic.com/teachers/contributor/ga ry-paulsen www.yourlibrary.ws/childrens_webpage/jauthor52000.htm