Bank Street College of Education THE DEVELOPMENTAL-INTERACTION APPROACH Bank Street Approach HISTORY History of Bank Street Founders Lucy Sprague Mitchell and Harriet Johnson Founded Bureau of Educational Experiments in 1916 Became Bank Street College of Education Mitchell followed beliefs of John Dewey: Education is based on 2 ideas: Purpose is to benefit democratic society Meaningfully connected to children’s lives (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) History of Bank Street Cuffaro & Nager (2012) explain, “The [original] school was designed to be an arena for studying children and for devising teaching practices that fostered growth and development” (p. 262). History of Bank Street Mitchell- Material must make sense on child’s level “…surely one had to understand children in order to plan a school that was right for their development” (p. 262, Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) -Lucy Sprague Mitchell. Bank Street Has Influenced Developmentally Appropriate Practices Handbook Formation of NAEYC (Wardle, 2003) Early Timeline 1916-The Bureau of Educational Experiments Small experimental nursery school 1930- Changed focus to education of teachers (Lit, Nager, & Snyder, 2010) Cooperative School for Teachers teacher training facility 1934- Founder Harriet Johnson dies Bureau renamed Harriet Johnson Nursery School Early Timeline 1950- State of New York Cooperative School for Teachers assigns Master of Science Degrees Formally renamed Bank Street College of Education 1954- School for Children Began with one class Full-scale elementary school (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Early Timeline Mitchell and staff modeled materials and ideas for public school classrooms in New York City. 1965- Workshops led to formation of Head Start (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012). 1966- Early Childhood Center opened on West 42nd Street Bank Street Today Bank Street departments today Graduate School of Education School for Children Family Center Division of Continuing Education Publications Group Research Division (Mitchell & David, 1992). Bank Street Today Collaborations and Partnerships with Educational Programs and Foundations American Museum of Natural History The Voyage of the Mimi Starring young Ben Affleck The Second Voyage of the Mimi (Freidus, 2010). Bank Street Today In 2011-2012 School for Children had 436 students Graduate School had 1,033 students. Both schools combined have 336 staff members (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Bank Street Approach PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEORETICAL BASIS The Developmental-Interaction Approach Influenced by developmental psychology and progressive education Development differs at different times and ages Focus on whole child development Teachers meet students where they are Teachers have knowledge of human development Teachers skilled at observing children (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Let’s observe! Let’s observe children in a dramatic play environment. As you observe the children in the video, consider what you can observe about their intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. What theories of learning or child development help us to explain or understand these children’s behavior? Jenesa in the dramatic play area (MrsBarrett123, 2010). The Developmental-Interaction Approach Cognition and emotion are interconnected Learning is based on: Active collaboration Relationships between teachers and students Meaningful content (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) The Developmental-Interaction Approach Interaction Child’s engagement with world Importance of parents, families, and community Teacher’s awareness of student interests (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Main Commitments and Philosophy Health and wellness Social Emotional Physical Intellectual Importance of working with community Emphasize culture and linguistic diversity (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Main Commitments and Philosophy Diversity and social justice Head Start Follow Through Social engagement Inclusion Respect for others (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Main Commitments and Philosophy Habits of mind Inquiry Curiosity Lifetime love of learning Diversity and social justice (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) John Dewey’s Influence on Bank Street “No doubt some of the repulsiveness of purely abstract intellectual studies to many children is simply the reflex of the fact that the things—the facts and truths—presented to them have been isolated from their human context. —John Dewey, 1913 (as cited on p. 3, Stuckart & Glanz, 2010) How does this quote relate to the current world of teaching? What does it mean to teach the “whole child?” What is the ideal way to promote the healthy growth of students? John Dewey’s Influence on Bank Street All subject matter is social Attitude for learning is most important Education meets needs of modern world Work with others toward common goals Capacity for innovative problem solving Effective communication skills (Stuckart & Glanz, 2010) John Dewey’s Influence on Bank Street Role of curriculum Promotes growth Improves conditions for most people Active participation in democratic society Social justice Make connections Students’ daily lives Progress of humankind (Stuckart & Glanz, 2010) Teaching Through the Lens of Social Studies Social studies and social issues are the basis for curriculum. Discuss what types of social studies concepts or social issues you could teach. How might you do this in your own classroom? Consider the following: Location of school Culture/Languages Age range Current social issues Integrative with other subject areas Bank Street Approach STRUCTURE AND CURRICULUM The Whole Child All curriculum is described as: An educational approach that addresses the entire emotional, social, physical, and intellectual being of a child. (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) Teaching and Learning Learning opportunities for children Trips Activities Books Other materials and resources “Book learning” is a supplement to other more interactive types of learning. (Nager & Shapiro, 2007) Family Center - Ages 6 months to 4 years Based largely on activities of daily living Activities & Materials central to Family Center Classroom Art Blocks Dramatic Play Sensory Experiences Music, Movement, & Gross Motor Activities Outings (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Lower School - Ages 3s, 4/5s, 5/6s (Equivalent to Nursery - K) Social Studies Emergent Literacy Math Science Spanish Art & Shop Music Library Movement & Phys Ed (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Middle School - Ages 6-10 (Grades 1 - 4) Social Studies Literacy Math Science Spanish Art & Shop Music Library Phys Ed (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Upper School - Ages 10 to 14 years (Equivalent to Grades 5 - 8) Social Studies Literacy Math Science Foreign Languages Art & Shop Music Library Phys Ed & Interscholastic Sports (Bank Street College of Education, n.d.) Assessment in the Bank Street Curriculum Authentic/learner- centered Based on how child makes sense of world Provides range of opportunities to demonstrate understanding (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) What do teachers assess? Competence in basic skills Development of analytic capacity Wide range of knowledge in subject areas Interrelated ability to work independently and collaboratively (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) What do teachers assess? Exercise of initiative Ability to communicate effectively Being a socially responsible member of the community (Cuffaro & Nager, 2012) Inside a Bank Street Classroom Come inside and take a look! Principles of Teacher Education The schools view teachers as whole people Teacher education based on 5 principles: Education promotes, creates, and encourages: Social justice Participation in democratic processes Teacher does the following: Has deep knowledge of subject matter Actively engaged through study, observation, and participation (Nager & Shapiro, 2007) Principles of Teacher Education Children’s learning and development in context Family Community Culture Teacher grows as person and professional. Teaching requires a philosophy of education. (Nager & Shapiro, 2007) Works Cited Ahmed, A., D'Aiello, C., Hansen, M., Bellacosa, J., Sultanova, S., Solomon, R., Poosanguansit, W., Adeyamo, P., Daniel, C., Navarro, B. (2012, July 31). Curriculum and assessment information. Retrieved from http:// and Bank Street College of Education (n.d.). Cuffaro, H. K. & Nager, N. (2012). The developmental-interaction approach at Bank Street College of Education. In Roopnarine, J., & Johnson, J. (Eds.), Approaches to early childhood education (6th Ed., 261278). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. MrsBarrett123. (2010, October 21). Jenesa in the dramatic play area. Retrieved from Nager, N. & Shapiro, E.K. (2007). A progressive approach to the education of teachers: some principles from Bank Street College of Education. Bank Street College of Education Occasional Paper Series, 18. Schoeman, N. (2010). Education for democracy. South African Journal of Philosophy, 29(2), 132-139. Stuckart, D. W., & Glanz, J. (2010). Revisiting Dewey : Best Practices for Educating the Whole Child Today. R&L Education. *Clipart from Microsoft Office Quiz Me! Round 1 Describe the following most important terms to the Bank Street Approach. You may not use the word in your definition. Social studies Community Developmental-interaction approach John Dewey Social justice Bank Street Quiz Me! Round 2 Now it’s your turn! Describe the following most important terms to the Bank Street Approach. You may not use the word in your definition. Assessment Diversity Social issues Social engagement Lucy Sprague Mitchell Harriet Johnson