STRATEGIC PLAN Tennessee Department of Education Common Core Leadership Course Class 1 Welcome to the Common Core Leadership Course (101) Let’s begin with introductions… • INSERT YOUR NAMES AND EMAIL ADDRESSES HERE 1 Mission of the Common Core Leadership Course Support collaborative leadership learning focused on increasing student achievement in the transition to Common Core State Standards. 2 What this course is and is not What it is What it is not Peer led leadership learning Information updates from TDOE or expertdelivered training Content focused – we will dive deep in understanding the expectations Generic discussion of leadership strategies Focused on sharing ideas you can implement immediately while also covering content of summer trainings Mandating implementation of a recipe for instant success Dependent on you having done anything specific thus far Focused on student achievement Focused on compliance 3 This course was designed around 8 key questions Math: 1) Are teachers spending time on the right content? 2) Are students getting regular practice with demanding tasks? 3) Are teachers asking questions that require students to talk about the meaning of mathematical ideas and debate and critique the reasoning of their peers? 4) Are teachers monitoring and advancing the progress of all students towards mastery of all standards and practices? 4 Literacy 5a. (K-5) Are all students receiving sufficient direct, explicit instruction supporting mastery of the foundational literacy skills? 5b. (6-12) Are all literacy teachers (including science, social studies, technical subjects and English teachers) regularly engaging students in appropriately demanding literacy assignments ? 6. Are students receiving daily practice citing evidence in conversation, writing and/or research? 7. Are teachers selecting appropriately complex texts that reflect the needed balance of informational text and fiction? 8. Are students receiving regular practice with and feedback on their writing? 5 The Leadership course focuses on 8 key questions, but for the 101 course we will focus on the following: Math: 1) Are teachers spending time on the right content? 2) Are students getting regular practice with demanding tasks? 3) Are teachers asking questions that assess and advance student understanding? ELA 6) Are students receiving daily practice citing evidence in conversation, writing and/or research? 7) Are teachers selecting appropriately complex texts that reflect the needed balance of informational text and fiction? 8) Are students receiving regular practice with and feedback on their writing? 6 Every session will include Authentic practice with content exercises Video clips wherever possible to demonstrate what this looks like in action Bridge to practice homework assignment (submitted to group leaders and discussed at opening of next class) Time for discussion and sharing ideas with peers in small groups 7 A few notes • This course will bring up questions about PARCC. We will provide some information about PARCC in this session and it will be a bigger focus in Leadership Course 202. • We are in the middle of transition and this means there is a range of experience with the standards right now – in this room and among our teachers. • Some of the content in this course was covered (as is) at summer training, some was not. Similarly, not all of the summer training content can be covered in the Leadership Course. 8 Classes 1-3 Outline Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 ELA ELA ELA Orientation to the ELA Text Complexity and Text Common Core Standards & Text-Based Questions Writing in Common Core Math Math Math Orientation to the Math Common Core Standards & Math Focus Math Instructional Tasks Assessing and Advancing Question ELA Wrap –Up Math Wrap-Up 9 Agenda for Day 1 Time 8:30-8:45 8:45-9:30 9:30-11:30 Session Opening Orientation to the ELA Standards Key Question 6: Text-Based Questions (with a break) 11:30-12:30 12:30-1:00 Lunch Orientation to the Math Standards 1:00-3:00 Key Question 1: Focus in Math (with a break) 3:00-3:30 Closing 10 Norms • Keep students at the center of focus and decision-making • Be present and engaged – limit distractions, if urgent matters come up, step outside • Monitor air time and share your voice - you’ll know which applies to you! • Challenge with respect – disagreement can be healthy, respect all intentions • Be solutions oriented – for the good of the group, look for the possible • Risk productive struggle - this is safe space to get out of your comfort zone • Balance urgency and patience - we need to see dramatic change and change will happen over time • Any other norms desired to facilitate your learning? 11 Core Beliefs Earning a living wage has never demanded more skills. This generation must learn more than their parents’ to do as well. All children are capable of learning and thinking at a high level. Children in Tennessee are as talented as any in the country and often capable of more than we expect. Our current education results pose a real threat to state and national competitiveness and security. Improving the skills of our children is vital for the future of Tennessee and America. Tennessee is on a mission to become the fastest improving state in the nation. Doing so will require hard work and significant learning for all. We must learn to teach in ways we were not taught ourselves. There is no recipe that will deliver a successful transition. Preparing for Common Core will demand effective leadership focused on student growth. PARCC is coming. We need to use the transition wisely to make sure our students and our state are ready. 12 Class 1 : Learning Goals By the end of this class you will: – Understand the structure of the Common Core State Standards, the instructional shifts and strands. –Key Question 6: Understand the importance of text-based work in ELA/Literacy and the role of teacher questioning –Key Question 1: Understand the importance of focus in mathematics 13 Agenda for Class 1 Time 8:30-8:45 8:45-9:30 9:30-11:30 Session Opening Orientation to the ELA Standards Key Question 6: Text-Based Questions (with a break) 11:30-12:30 12:30-1:00 Lunch Orientation to the Math Standards 1:00-3:00 Key Question 1: Focus in Math (with a break) 3:00-3:30 Closing 14 Organization of Materials •For this class you will need the following materials: •Session 3 Booklet •Session 1 Booklet •White Booklet •Post-Its 15 Organizing Materials (Continued) •Please take your post its and locate and locate the sections we will use today • Session 3 booklet, Tab 4, Pg. 1, label it - “Key Question #6 • Session 1 booklet, Tab 2, Pg. 1 - label it - “Key Question #1” • White Book, Tab 2, Pg. 1 – label it – “ Math Standards” • White Book, Tab 2, after pg. 93, – label it –”ELA/Literacy Standards” • White Book, Tab 3, pg. 1, – label it – “PARCC Math Framework” • White Book, Tab 3, pg. 1, after pg. 94 – label it - “PARCC ELA/Literacy Framework” 16 Literacy in Tennessee • Almost 1 in 3 of adult Tennesseans living in poverty have not achieved a high school diploma or equivalency. “S1501: Educational Attainment, 2009-2011 American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates: Tennessee.” American FactFinder. US Census Bureau, 2010. • 53 percent of adult Tennesseans are in the lowest two levels of adult literacy. 2004 Study from the State of Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury • Nearly 16 percent of adults 25-years-old and older had less than a high school education. pe=table • More than 70 percent of Tennessee's eighth-graders read at or below the basic level of proficiency for that grade. 17 Persistence of Achievement Gaps in Tennessee Average Reading Scale Score 2011 Reading Scores 300 250 Free and Reduced-Priced Lunch Eligible 200 150 Not Eligible 100 50 0 4th Grade 8th Grade 18 Impact of Literacy • 70 percent of prisoners fall into the lowest two levels of reading proficiency. National Institute for Literacy, 1998 • 85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate. National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) • Penal institution records show that inmates have a 16 percent chance of returning to prison if they receive literacy help, as opposed to 70 percent who receive no help. • People with low literacy are more likely to report having poor health, and are more likely to have diabetes and heart failure, than those with adequate literacy. 19 The Common Core State Standards are based on sound research about how students learn to read. The standards are anchored in a research-based, meaningful vision of what students need to know and be able to do to be college and career ready. 20 For an introduction to the ELA/Literacy Standards we will examine several key pieces of information • Instructional Shifts – A summary of the largest changes • The Common Core State Standards themselves • The structure of PARCC: how will we assess the Standards? • The PARCC Model Content Frameworks: curriculum guidance to prepare students for the expectations as assessed by PARCC • TN Curriculum Guidance Document: how to get started this year? 21 ELA Instructional Shifts Please find the narrative of the instructional shifts in TAB 1 of your White Books. 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts 2. Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary 22 Structure of the Standards •Turn to Tab 2, after pg. 93 in your White Book. •Identify how many sets of ELA & Literacy standards apply to our grade band. •Put a star next to each sets of standards. 23 Standards Walkthrough TCAP Reading and Language Arts CCSS English Language Arts & Literacy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Language Communication Writing Research Logic Informational Text Media Literature Reading Literature Reading Informational Text Reading Foundational Skills Writing Speaking & Listening Language 24 5th Grade Writing Standards Comparison Common Core State Standards SPIs W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. W.5.1a Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose. W.5.1b Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. W.5.1c Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically). W.5.1d Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. SPI 0501.3.2 Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, to share experiences, to persuade, to report). SPI 0501.3.5 Select an appropriate concluding sentence for a well-developed paragraph. SPI 0501.3.6 Rearrange sentences to form a sequential, coherent paragraph. SPI 0501.3.7 Select details that support a topic sentence. SPI 0501.3.11 Rearrange paragraphs from a narrative writing selection in sequential and chronological order. SPI 0501.3.9 Choose the sentence that best supports the topic sentence and fits the flow of ideas in a paragraph. 25 Literacy Standards •The Common Core State Standards include English language arts AND Literacy. The literacy standards apply to Science, CTE and Social Studies. •The literacy standards begin on page 60 •Read writing standard 1 on page 64 across grade bands. What do you notice? 26 PARCC Subjects CURRENT TCAP SUBJECTS MATH 2014-2015 ASSESSMENT ALIGNMENT PARCC READING WRITING SCIENCE TCAP SOCIAL STUDIES 27 PARCC Goals 1. Determine whether students are college- and career-ready or on track 2. Assess the full range of the Common Core Standards, including standards that are difficult to measure 3. Measure the full range of student performance, including the performance high- and low-performing students 4. Provide data during the academic year to inform instruction, interventions and professional development 5. Provide data for accountability, including measures of growth 6. Incorporate innovative approaches throughout the assessment system 28 PARCC will have two components Performance Based Assessment (75%) End of Year / End of Course (90%) 29 PARCC Assessment Overview PBA 3 Parts Literacy • Research Simulation • Literary analysis • Narrative writing 2 Parts Math • Short and extended response questions • Focus on conceptual knowledge and skill and modeling and reasoning standards EOY 2 Parts Literacy • 4-5 texts (literary and informational including social science, scientific, and technical texts at grades 6-11) • Short-answer comprehension and vocabulary questions 2 Parts Math • short-answer questions focusing on conceptual knowledge, skills, and understandings 30 ELA PARCC Advances Better standards require better tests – and the shifts in the standards call for critical advances in assessment quality. In ELA/Literacy assessments, this means PARCC will include: • Texts worth reading: The assessments will use authentic texts worthy of study instead of artificially produced or commissioned passages. • Questions worth answering: Sequences of questions that draw students into deeper encounters with texts will be the norm (as in an excellent classroom), rather than sets of random questions of varying quality. 31 PARCC Summary ELA •3 Parts Literacy on PBA –Research Simulation –Literary analysis –Narrative writing •2 Parts Literacy on EOY –4-5 texts (literary and informational including social science, scientific, and technical texts at grades 6-11) –Short-answer comprehension and vocabulary questions What do you notice to be similar and different about PARCC versus TCAP? 32 Standards Crosswalk • Review the list of dropped SPIs on Book 3, Tab 3, Page 9. •What do you notice about the kind of SPIs being removed? •What do you notice about the SPIs remaining? 33 PARCC Model Content Framework Please turn the page titled, “PARCC Model Content Frameworks: English Language Arts/Literacy” located in the White Book, Tab 3, after Pg. 94. Take 5 full minutes to read through the ELA framework for one grade: •Grade 4: 22-30 •Grade 8: 58-66 •Grade 10: 77-86 Circle questions & Underline key points 34 PARCC Model Content Framework With a small group of 3-4: • What questions did this raise? • What did you learn? • How do you think this could be used to support planning? 35 Turn to Book 3, Tab 3, page 22 and find the Curriculum Planning Considerations document. A few notes: • We created this document to give teachers and leaders a place to start in thinking about planning for the coming year. This is not required or “state guidance,” it was created by leadership coaches. •This does not represent a recipe for success but a minimum starting point. •This document does not translate neatly to 4x4 block and leaders in this context should feel free to adjust the guidance to fit. 36 Take 2 minutes to read through this document privately. Take 5 minutes to discuss your reaction to this document with your small group. Specifically: • What do you think of these considerations? (Do you agree?) • What would need to change in your building / district to achieve it? 37 Agenda for Day 1 Time 8:30-8:45 8:45-9:30 9:30-11:30 Session Opening Orientation to the ELA Standards Key Question 6: Text-Based Questions (with a break) 11:30-12:30 12:30-1:00 Lunch Orientation to the Math Standards 1:00-3:00 Key Question 1: Focus in Math (with a break) 3:00-3:30 Closing 38 Key Question #6 Are students receiving daily practice citing evidence in conversation, writing and/or research? 39 Shift number two 1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 40 Text-dependent questions •The best way to accomplish shift #2 is through practice reading, writing, and speaking •“Text-dependent questioning” is an easily observable quick proxy for Common Core-aligned instruction 41 “Close reading” and “text-dependent questions” • Close Reading, from Shanahan on Literacy (Tim Shanahan’s blog, March 13, 2013): “Close reading is an outcome. You want students to be able to read texts—without a lot of external information from teachers or publishers—getting what the text says, how it works, and what it means…since we want our kids to be close readers, it makes sense that in some of our reading lessons we would have students engage in such practices; if you never do it, how will you get good at it? The idea is to engage students in such practices so that they will carry the practices forward.” 42 What are text-dependent questions? • Tab 4, Page 1: Student Achievement Partners Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions • 43 What are text-dependent questions? •Questions that can only be answered with evidence from the text •Can be literal but can also involve inference, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation •Focus on word, sentence, and paragraph as well as larger ideas, themes, or events •Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading proficiency 44 Text-dependent questions 1. In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something. 2. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. 3. In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year 1776. According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? 45 Why use text-dependent questions? • CCSS focuses on gathering evidence: – Anchor Standard for Reading #1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. – Anchor Standard for Writing #9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. • Need to spend more time inside the text, less time outside • Going outside the text privileges those who have that experience • It is easier to talk about our experiences than to analyze the text 46 Examples of text-dependent questions 1. Read the excerpt from Because of Winn Dixie 2. With a partner or in a small group, go through the list of discussion questions and identify those that are textdependent 3. Whole group: go over each question, evaluating for textdependency 4. Experience text-dependent questions in practice 47 Writing-to-sources Text-dependent questions can be broadened and turned into essay writing prompts: •The title of this selection is Because of Winn-Dixie. Using your answers from the questions above and class discussion, explain why this is an appropriate title for the selection. Be sure to clearly cite evidence from the text for each part of your answer. 48 Continuing with TDQ: Creating Questions •The second page of the Student Achievement Partners Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions includes: – Steps for creating questions – Student Achievement Partners Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality Guide located in Book 3, Tab 4, pg. 6-7 49 Continuing with TDQ: Creating Questions •The second page of the Student Achievement Partners Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions includes: – Steps for creating questions – Student Achievement Partners Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality • Turn and talk: – Overall impressions – What is already happening in your building you can leverage? – What will be the hardest transition for teachers? 50 Text-Dependent Questioning Example • Tab 4, Page 7: Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality • Blank piece of paper for scripting questions •Play: The Wonders of Nature Video 51 Text-Dependent Questioning Example • Working in pairs, look at your scripting of questions against the evaluating questions guide. – Where did the instructor align well to the criteria? – Which criteria did we not observe or could the questions be improved? 52 Text-Dependent Questioning Example •In table groups, discuss: - How is the teaching in these videos different from or similar to current practices in your district or school? - What support would teachers need to move from current practice to greater alignment with the shifts? 53 A few concluding thoughts… • There is no one right way to have students work with text dependent questions. • Providing for the differing needs of students means providing and scaffolding supports differentially - not asking easier questions or substituting simpler text. • Listening and speaking should be built into any sequence of activities along with reading and writing: • • “Re-read it, think it, talk it, write it” The CCSS require ALL students to read and engage with grade appropriate complex text regularly. This requires new ways of working in our classrooms. 54 54 Key Question #6 Reflection Are students receiving daily practice citing evidence in conversation, writing and/or research? • What is the impact if the answer is ‘no?’ •Do I have the information to answer this question for my building (or district)? – What would I need to collect or learn in order to answer this question? •What actions can I take or have I taken as a leader that would move us toward answer ‘yes?’ 55 Key Question #6 Overview •Look at Key Question #6 document – Key Leadership Actions – Specific Ideas to Consider – Available Resources •What ideas does this spark for you? Which key leader action is most important for your work? •What other ideas do you have about ways you can move your building to yes? 56 LUNCH 57 This course will focus on 8 key questions Math: 1) Are teachers spending time on the right content? 2) Are students getting regular practice with demanding tasks? 3) Are teachers asking questions that require students to talk about the meaning of mathematical ideas and debate and critique the reasoning of their peers? 4) Are teachers monitoring and advancing the progress of all students towards mastery of all standards and practices? 58 Objectives Leaders will be able to… •Identify the instructional shifts in math and find evidence of the shifts in the standards, PARCC sample items and PARCC Model Content Frameworks •Identify leader actions that can support success in Key Question 1 59 Agenda Time Session 1:00-1:10 Opening reflection on Key Question 1 1:10-1:30 Instructional Shifts 1:30-1:50 Standards for Mathematics Walk Through & Discussion 1:50-2:15 PARCC Model Content Frameworks 2:15-2:20 Break 2:20-2:45 PARCC Overview and Sample Items 2:45-3:15 Discussion on Key Question #1 3:15-3:30 Closing 60 For an introduction to the math Standards we will examine several key pieces of information • Instructional Shifts – A summary of the largest changes • The Common Core State Standards themselves • The structure of PARCC: how will we assess the Standards? • The PARCC Model Content Frameworks: curriculum guidance to prepare students for the expectations as assessed by PARCC • TN Curriculum Guidance Document: how to get started this year? 61 Three major shifts in mathematics Math: 1. Focus strongly where the Standards focus 2. Coherence: think across grades, and link to major topics within grades 3. Rigor: require conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with intensity. 62 Take five minutes to closely read the instructional shifts overview document. Underline key points. Circle phrases that raise questions for you. 63 Instructional Shifts Discussion In small groups discuss the following questions: •What are the key points you underlined? What questions do you have? • What do you think will be the most challenging shifts to realize in your school? •These shifts are based on evidence about what students need to be successful in college and career. We don’t want to change instruction just because it is a new fad. Why do you think these shifts matter? 64 Turn to page 2 in the math standards, the table of contents. What do you notice? Now read pages 3-4, Towards greater focus and coherence… Discuss in small groups your reaction to this section. 65 •Pages 6-8 walk through the standards for mathematical practices. These were a significant place of focus this summer. •We will touch on these again later today, but to begin - let’s all read MP1. •What do you notice about the practices? How would you see evidence of these practices in action? 66 Scavenger hunt! •Turn to page 27 (Fourth Grade). •Read the front page. In your own words, how would you describe the most important work of the grade? •Turn to page 29. • How many clusters are there in fourth grade? Can anyone identify the focus clusters? 67 Scavenger Hunt! •With a partner, look for 2-3 examples of each of the following: – Procedural skill and fluency – Conceptual understanding – Application with intensity 68 PARCC Math Priorities In mathematics, this means PARCC will include: • Problems worth doing: Multi-step problems, conceptual questions, applications, and substantial procedures will be common, as in an excellent classroom. • Focus: Instead of randomly sampling a mile-wide array of topics, PARCC assessments will have a strong focus where the standards focus. This will reinforce the concept of “going deep” rather than simply "covering topics.” 75% of PARCC will focus on the major work of the grade, defined by the MCFs. 69 Math Item Types PARCC mathematics assessments will include three types of tasks. 70 Task Type Description of Task Type I. Tasks assessing concepts, skills and procedures • • • • Balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application Can involve any or all mathematical practice standards Machine scorable including innovative, computer-based formats Will appear on the End of Year and Performance Based Assessment components II. Tasks assessing expressing mathematical reasoning • Each task calls for written arguments / justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements (MP.3, 6). Can involve other mathematical practice standards May include a mix of machine scored and hand scored responses Included on the Performance Based Assessment component III. Tasks assessing modeling / applications • • • • • • • Each task calls for modeling/application in a real-world context or scenario (MP.4) Can involve other mathematical practice standards. May include a mix of machine scored and hand scored responses Included on the Performance Based Assessment component For more information see PARCC Item Development ITN Appendix D. 70 Grade 4 Illustrative Sample Item 71 71 •Remember Key Question #1: are teachers spending time on the right content? •That question is partially answered in the PARCC Model Content Frameworks. 72 PARCC Model Content Framework (math) •Begin with the opening – Page 5- 6 •Each grade (3-8) has same categories of information. Let’s look at grade 4 as an example (page 19). – Key Advances – Fluency Expectations – Within-Grade Dependencies – Connections among Standards, Clusters, or Domains – Examples of Opportunities for In Depth Focus ; Connecting Math Content and Practices – Content Emphases by Cluster 73 •Take 10 minutes with a partner to walk through rest of the PARCC Model Content Framework for math in Grade 4 and discuss how this might be used in your school 74 10 minute BREAK When we return we will look at Key Question #1 more deeply. 75 This course will focus on 8 key questions Math: 1) Are teachers spending time on the right content? 2) Are students getting regular practice with demanding tasks? 3) Are teachers asking questions that require students to talk about the meaning of mathematical ideas and debate and critique the reasoning of their peers? 4) Are teachers monitoring and advancing the progress of all students towards mastery of all standards and practices? 76 Opening Reflection Are teachers spending time on the right content? • Why does this question matter? If the answer is no, what would that mean for students? • What have you done or could you do in your school to tackle this question and what are you finding? 77 Curriculum Coverage • The Tennessee Department of Education has released information regarding curriculum coverage (dropped SPIs and Focus Clusters) • Video 2: Content Focus – This video is available on 78 Curriculum Coverage In small groups, discuss: •What questions does this raise for you? •What is one element of the curriculum transition that you feel confident in or are excited about? What is one challenge you expect? 79 Materials Walkthrough We are going to go through multiple documents behind Book 2, Tab 2 that provide information on what was discussed in the videos and in particular on curriculum coverage for Math. Everything that we will be discussing in terms of curriculum coverage for Math is for the 2013-14 school year. 80 Materials Walkthrough •Documents: Book 2, Tab 2 – Standards Table – page 2 – TNCore Focus Clusters and Dropped SPIs Update – page 7 – Key Instruction Shifts – page 11 – Major Work of the Grade for K-8 – page 12 – Required Fluencies in K-6 – page 13 – PARCC Model Content Frameworks for K-8 – page 14-22 81 Turn to page 7, TNCore Focus Clusters and Dropped SPIs Update Let’s take a walkthrough of the table: •What is one of the new focus clusters for 4th grade? •What is one of the newly dropped SPIs for 7th grade? •What is a focus cluster for Algebra I in 2013-14 school year? 82 Fourth Grade Standards Table (Page 2) Let’s take a walkthrough of the table. •Dropped SPIs • Focus Clusters • Other Content Read through the focus standards with the SPIs for the grade level. 83 For the 2013-2014 school year, it is recommended that 60-75% of time be dedicated to the focus clusters, depending on the grade. 84 Fourth Grade Standards Table (Page 2) •Read through the Focus Clusters – Read the Common Core State Standards – Read the SPIs on associated topics • In small groups discuss what you notice reading across a row 85 Curriculum Coverage Exercise Turn to page Page 22, Curriculum Calculator Exercise worksheet Goal of this exercise is to get a high level picture of how a teacher spends time in the classroom – Not an exercise in precision – Not judgmental nor making assumptions – Not just one way to approach curriculum coverage 86 Curriculum Calculator Exercise (Page 22) 1. Have the Standards Table and Fourth Grade Artifact in front of you 2. Go through the scope and sequence categorizing the SPIs into: Dropped SPIs, Focus Clusters, or Other Content 3. Count the number of days spent on each category 4. Calculate the percent of time on each category •Take 15 minutes to complete the exercise in pairs 87 Reflection on Curriculum Calculator •Take 10 minutes to share out at your table: – What answers did you get? – What did you notice? – What questions do you have? 88 Bridge to Practice •Your first Bridge to Practice assignment is going to ask you to find an artifact from your school or district and complete this calculator exercise. You can do this alone or collaborate with a trusted staff member. Write a one paragraph reflection of your findings, reactions, and questions. 89 Key Question #1 • Do I have the information to answer this question for my building (or district)? • What would I need to collect or learn in order to answer this question? • What actions can I take as a leader that would move us toward answering ‘yes?’ 90 Key Question #1 • Take 5 minutes to discuss in small groups: – What evidence do you have to answer this question, and what evidence do you need? – What could you do to move your building to confidently answer “yes?” – Why is this question important? What would it mean for students if we were not able to answer “yes?” 91 Key Question #1 Located: Book1, Tab 4, pg. 2 Reflections from Leadership Coaches -Key Leadership Actions -Specific Ideas to Consider -Resources Available 92 Closing for Class 1 • Turn to Book 1,Tab 4, Page 1 • Closing Reflection: – 3 Things you would like to know more about – 2 Commitments before the next session – 1 Outstanding question 93 Discussion • Largest takeaways from today’s class • 2 commitments • What do you want to know more about? 94 Bridge to Practice •Calculator Exercise: Find an artifact from your school or district and complete this calculator exercise. You can do this alone or collaborate with a trusted staff member. Write a one paragraph reflection of your findings, reactions, and questions. •Script ELA Questions: Observe/attend a lesson that discusses a text. Script the questions the teacher asks and analyze whether the questions are text-based or not. Write and bring in a one paragraph reflection of your observations 95 Bridge to Practice •Literacy Text: Bring a text that is used for instruction in your building. Make sure to note in which class the text was used. •Math Tasks: Bring 4 examples of math tasks used for instruction in your building. Make sure to note the grade-level the text was used. 96 Core Beliefs Earning a living wage has never demanded more skills. This generation must learn more than their parents to do as well. All children are capable of learning and thinking at a high level. Children in Tennessee are as talented as any in the country and often capable of more than we expect. Our current education results pose a real threat to state and national competitiveness and security. Improving the skills of our children is vital for the future of Tennessee and America. Tennessee is on a mission to become the fastest improving state in the nation. Doing so will require hard work and significant learning for all. We must learn to teach in ways we were not taught ourselves. There is no recipe that will deliver a successful transition. Preparing for Common Core will demand effective leadership focused on student growth. PARCC is coming in two years. We need to use the transition wisely to make sure our students and our state are ready. 97 Closing • You will be receiving a follow up e-mail with: – Bridge to Practice Instructions – Online Survey • My facilitators today were _______________________ and _______________________. •Please bring all of your packets and white book to the next session. • Thank you! 98