13 Gifts

Reviewed by
[your name goes here]
Ms. Valley’s Library
Media Class
This Realistic fiction story takes place in Willow Falls.
Fill in the Genre blank with one of the following fiction
Science Fiction
Fantasy Fiction
Mystery Fiction
Classic Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Suspense Fiction
Action & Adventure Fiction
Historical Fiction
Horror/Ghost Fiction
Humor Fiction
 Tara
Brenton is 12
 She
moves around a lot
and doesn’t ever want to
be a part of a group or to
make friends but her
mother pushes her to try
What is the main characters age, gender and
personality traits. Insert a picture from clip art that
you feel best resembles the main character. Do not
crowd the slide up with too much text.
 Tara
pulls a prank on the
school principal and is
suspended from school
 Her
parents punishment
is to send her away for
the summer to live with
people she has never
met before
The rising action is the problem at the beginning of
the story
 Tara,
who has never
been out of her
parents sight except
while at school gets
robbed on the train
ride to her new
The most dramatic part of the story….BUT DON’T GIVE
AWAY HOW IT ENDS….leave them haning
 This
was a great story for girls entering middle
school. It is a story about making friends and
mistakes in order to learn lessons and grow. It is
also wonderful for showing the love and the strain
between mothers and daughters
Make sure to tell us more than
“this is a good story.”
Make us want to read the book
without giving too much away.
Mas, Wendy. Thirteen Gifts.
New York: Scholastic, 2011.
Example of citing a book with one author. The punctuation is in yellow
and the ^ sign means that there is a space:
[author’s last name],^[author’s first name].^[title (underlined)].
[city it was published in]:^[Publisher],^ copyright date.
Use the Citation Maker found on our library website or at
Making sure to cite all your sources (book, pictures, etc.)
You do not have to cite pictures or music used from clipart
 Every
slide should have a Title, picture and
text (information)
 Background and text colors should contrast
each other so that they are easy to view
from the back of the classroom when
displayed on the SmartBoard at the front
 Use colors that are opposite on the color
 So that you do not overcrowd your slides
with text, use one sentence or 6 one word
bulleted points. Do NOT do what I did in the
notes. There are too many words here.
Make sure that the Title, picture and text you
use all go together. For example, if you are
writing about a family camping the picture
would the one in the middle
Insert a song that plays as soon as your project
opens up until it has ended
(Insert tab > sound > sound from file)
Songs can be found at:
StudentCommons on Vulture > Media Productions >
Music folder