Safeguarding Children in Education


Safeguarding Children in Education


 Training for school staff

 Helen Wilson

 Advisory Teacher Child Protection

Aim: To increase awareness of issues related to safeguarding


•To have thought about safeguarding children and what are safe working practices in school

•Know what to do if you are worried that a child is being abused

•Be able to identify common signs and indicators of child abuse

Child Protection Training

•Often deals with sensitive issues

•Questions and contributions are welcome

•Anything shared during the training session will remain confidential


• Protecting children from maltreatment

• Preventing impairment of children’s health or development

• Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe effective care; and

• Taking action to enable children in need to have optimum life chances


Children are best protected when professionals are clear about what is required individually, and how they need to work together

The Legal Framework

• Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (DH2003)

• What To Do If You Are Worried A Child Is Being Abused (DH2006)

• Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (DfES 2007)

• Working Together to Safeguard Children (March 2010) revised Sept 2012

• Trafford Council Child Protection / Child in Need Procedures

• Local Safeguarding Children Boards TSCB

• CRB Checks – Child Protection Safer Recruitment

Section 175 Education Act 2002

Safeguarding Agenda

A duty to have arrangements about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

Section 175/157 Education Act 2002

(2) The governing body of a maintained school and Proprietors of Independent Schools shall make arrangements for ensuring that its functions relating to the conduct of the school are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children who are pupils at the school


• All agencies to ensure that the risks of harm to children’s welfare are minimised

• Where there are concerns, all agencies take action to address those concerns

• Working to agreed local policies and procedures

• Working in full partnership with other local agencies

Working in Partnership

Social Services


Education Neighbours

Community police

Anti Bullying policies




Health &


Child Protection

Child Protection

Staff Conduct







Building Design


Safe Recruitment and Selection


• Keeping children safe

• Providing a safe environment to learn

• Identify children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm

• Taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe at home and school

More than protecting individual children

• Pupil Health

• Safety

• Bullying

• Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions

• First Aid

• School Security

• Drugs and substance misuse

• Also specific safeguarding needs of individual children

healthy supportive safe environment

Children have a range of needs

… vulnerable child child in need child in need of protection seriously abusive environment child protection

. assessment framework

. safeguarding

Model of Children in Need

Level 4

Child Protection

Level 3 Child Concern

Level 2 Need for Support

Level 1 Universal





Children can and do move up/down the ‘needs triangle’


Level 1 – Universal

Universal services for all children. Social Services do not provide a service at this level.

Level 2 - Need for Support

Children who are unlikely to achieve or maintain or have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining a reasonable standard of health or development without the provision for him/her of services, or he/she is disabled.

This level is single agency response that may result in other agencies calling a Child in Need meeting.



Level 3 - Child Concern

Children where risk issues or concerns are identified and a multi-agency response is required to address them. Children

Act S17 (1c): ‘his health or development is likely to be significantly impaired or further impaired without the provision of such services’

Level 4 - Need for Protection

Where abuse has occurred and there is continuing risk or continued likelihood of significant harm.

Children may enter the model at any level and can move through the different levels at different times in their lives.



Emotional &


Development Identity


Basic Care

Ensuring Safety

Emotional Warmth



Family & Social




Self-care Skills

Safeguarding and promoting welfare

Guidance &




Why Schools Matter

• After parents, education staff are the adults who have most contact with children

• School staff are the only professionals who routinely have daily contact with children

• Not many children have a social worker, the majority of children attend school

Barriers to Diagnosis

The biggest barrier to diagnosis is the existence of emotional blocks in the minds of professionals. These can be so powerful that they prevent diagnosis even being considered in quite obvious cases. All those working with children should be warned that their overwhelming impulse on confronting their first case is to cover it up.

Lauren Wright – 1994-2000

• when she died, she had lost four stone and weighed only two stone

• after appearing with bruises, which were explained away

• Lauren was killed by her stepmother

Lauren Wright – 1994-2000

“lots of times, often she was covered with lots of small bruises and with major bruises about once a month. These included black eyes, bruising to her face and scratches across her back.”

Class Teacher

“Her physical deterioration had been apparent for at least 5 months before she died.”

Head Teacher

House of Commons Hansard Debates for 16 th July 2003: Column 479

What went wrong?

• Lauren’s stepmother was a member of staff in the school

• The designated teacher for the child protection had left the school

• A Governor offered to take on the responsibility for the child protection

What went wrong?

• Lauren’s Classroom teacher has received no child protection training

• The stepmother told Paediatrician that the bruises were as a result of bullying in school

• No referral was made by either of the teachers to Social Services

What is Child Abuse?

A range of ways in which people harm children:

• Physical injury

• Sexual abuse

• Emotional abuse

• Neglect

• Can suffer from one or a combination of these

• Often the abuser is someone known

What is child abuse?

‘The child is suffering from significant harm or is likely to suffer significant harm’

(The Children Act 1989)

The emphasis is on present and future harm

Physical Abuse

Physically hurts or injures a child by:

Hitting, shaking, biting, throwing, burning & scalding.

Drowning, suffocating, fabricated & induced illness.

• Giving alcohol, inappropriate drugs or poison

• Fails to prevent physical injury or suffering

• Whether a child was knowingly put at risk

• Whether reasonable attention was paid to the safety of the child

Common sites for physical injury

Eyes -

Bruising, black

(particularly both eyes)

SKULL – fracture or bleeding under skill (from shaking)


FACE – bruising, finger marks

EARS – pinch or slap marks, bruising

MOUTH – torn frenulum

NECK – bruising, grasp marks

SHOULDERS – bruising, grasp marks

GENITALS bruising

UPPER & INNER ARM – bruising, grasp marks

CHEST – bruising, grasp marks

KNEES – grasp marks

BACK ) Linear bruising.

BUTTOCKS) Outline of belt/buckles.

THIGHTS ) Scalds/burns.

Common sites for physical injury










Emotional Abuse

Persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on his/her emotional development.

It may involve:

• conveying to children they are worthless, unloved or inadequate – regularly humiliating a child

• conveying to children that they are valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person

• inappropriate expectations for their age or development

• causing children to feel frightened or in danger

• the exploitation or corruption of children


Persistent failure to meet the child’s basis and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of a child’s health or development.

It may involve:

• a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing

• failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger – left alone

• failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment

• unresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs

Sexual Abuse

Forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.

Activities include:

• physical contact, including penetrative and non-penetrative acts

• involving children looking at or in the production of pornographic material

• watching sexual activities

• encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways

• inappropriate discussion about sexual matters

Both girls and boys can be victims

Domestic Abuse

•The effects is of domestic violence on children is such that it must be considered as abuse.

Either witnessing it or being the subject of it is not only traumatic in itself but is likely to adversely impact on a child and it should be treated as physical or emotional abuse as appropriate.


• www.womansaid

(changing to Trafford

Domestic Abuse Services (TDAS)


(For young people)

•The Expect Respect Education Toolkit- a series of lesson plans from Reception to Yr 13

Domestic Abuse

• Children living in households where DA is happening are now identified as ‘at risk’

• Adoption & Children Act extended the legal definition of harm to include harm suffered by seeing or hearing ill treatment of others

Some Effects

• Children are confused and frightened

• They don’t know who they can trust

• Effects are far ranging and often profound

• Context of abuse

• How long has the abuse gone on for?

Recognising Child Abuse

•Two areas


Physical signs


Behavioural signs

Education staff are well placed to observe signs/changes in behaviour.

They can do no more than give rise to suspicion – not proof.

Education service does not have direct investigative responsibility

Physical signs :

• hungry/stealing food

• frequently dirty, smelly

• loss of weight/under weight

• dressed inadequately

• untreated medical conditions


Behavioural signs:

• always tired

• missing school or being late

• compulsive stealing or scavenging

• few friends

• fails to attend medical appointments

Physical Abuse

Physical signs :

• injuries which a child cannot explain

• injuries not treated

• bruising

• cigarette burns/human bite marks

• broken bones

• scalds

Behavioural signs :

• reluctant to have parents contacted

• aggressive/temper outbursts/depression

• shows fear

• flinches when approached or touched

• reluctance to get undressed for sport

• unnaturally compliant

Sexual Abuse

Physical signs:

• plain, discomfort around genital area

• sexually transmitted disease

• frequent stomach pains

• pregnancy in a girl under

16 years were the identity of the father is a secret

Behavioural signs :

• fear of someone

• nightmares/bedwetting

• self harm

• sexualised behaviour/knowledge in young children

• sexual drawings/ language

• reluctance to undress for sport

Physical signs :

• failure to grow or thrive

• sudden speech disorders

• delayed development

Emotional Abuse

Behavioural signs :

• compulsive nervous behaviour eg. rocking

• unwillingness to play

• fear of making mistakes

• excessive lack of confidence

• excessive need for approval


•All schools must have a written child protection policy

• A designated person for child protection

• All staff need to be aware of procedures

Designated Person for Child Protection

• Attends refresher training every 2 years (all staff every 3 years)

• Liaises with other agencies about child protection

• Acts as a source of support, advice and expertise within the school

• Ensures all staff have child protection training

TSCB Child Protection Procedures

Sexual Abuse

• Consult with the designated person as soon as possible

• Listen to the child

• Limit the questions / not leading questions

• Do not ask a child to undress

• Reassure the child

• Do not keep secrets

• Record actual words of the child

• Parents/carers should not be contacted

Procedures for cases other than sexual abuse

• Consult with the designated person

• Check the CP file for any previous concerns

• Listen to the child and reassure

• Don’t ask leading questions or examine the child

• Information can not be kept secret

• Make careful notes, visible injuries, observations of behaviour/emotional state

• Sign and date information

What is designated CP person will find helpful to know

 What is your concern

 How/why your concerns have arisen

 What you have seen/heard to make you believe a child may be at risk

 Do you know if anyone shares your concerns

 The child’s name, age, ethnicity, disability/SEN

 Have you discussed concerns with parents/carers. How did they respond?

Recording Concerns

• Make a careful note of exactly what the child said as soon as possible

• Notes should be taken objectively and factual

• Behaviour and/or emotional state

• Any injuries or marks to the body showing location, date and explanation for the injury

• Attendance

• Appearance/dress – especially if concerns about neglect

• Include dates, times, events

How to respond if a child confides in you

• Take what the child says seriously

• Listen to the child carefully and without interruption or prompting

• Remain calm, don’t rush into any action which may be inappropriate

• Reassure / how are you going to help

• If in a group situation, arrange to speak with the child on their own

• Make sure emergency medical care is provided if necessary

Responses to avoid

• Do not allow your shock to distaste to shoe

• Do not probe for more information that is offered

• Do not speculate or make assumptions

• Do not make negative comments about the alleged abuser

• Do not make any promises that you cannot keep

• Do not keep information a secret

• Never delay emergency action to safeguard

• Never express disbelief in what the child is saying

• Disabled/children with SEN may find it more difficult to disclose abuse

Golden Rules


•Listen carefully

• Make accurate notes using the child’s words

• Inform the designated person for child protection

• Tell the child that they have done the right thing by telling you


• Ask leading questions

• Use your own words to describe events

• Investigate

• Promise confidentiality


• Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

• Referrals to MARAT- Single Agency Referral Form

( S.A.R.F.) Tel 0161 912 5125

• Trafford Safeguarding Children’s Board (TSCB) website


•Munro Review

Allegations against staff


Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

 Manage and oversee individual cases

 Provide advice and guidance

 Liaise with police and other agencies

 Monitor progress of cases

Senior Manager considers:

What information do I have about the subject of the allegation?

What information do I have about the child/adult making the allegation?

Am I aware of any incident/tension/friction between the parties?

Senior Manager must then consider:

Does the allegation suggest that the individual has: behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to a child, a child; or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children

Contact LADO

Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a child

Allegation reported to senior manager named in employees procedures

Possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to, a child; or

Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children

Police investigation

Senior manager considers alleged behaviour

Contacts LADO

Initial discussion with

LADO and decision re course of action

Strategy Discussion

Internal Action e.g.

Support for Staff/

Child Parent

Policy review

Staff Training



(including disciplinary action)

Assessment by

Social Care

LADO tracks progress, monitors outcomes and reports to the LSCB and DCSF

Framework for the inspection of

Maintained schools in England

From January 2012

• Key judgements –

• Leadership and Management

• Ensure that all pupils are safe

• The behaviour and safety of pupils

• Behaviour management

• Anti-bullying

• Behaviour around school

Private Fostering

What is private fostering?

The Children Act 1989 defines PF as…

A child/young person under 16, or under 18 if disabled, who is cared for by someone other than:

Their parent

A person with parental responsibility

A close relative

For 28 days or more

Close relatives are defined as:

• Parents or step-parents

• Siblings

• Brothers or sisters of a parent (full or half blood or by marriage)

• Grandparents

Private fostering arrangements are usually continuous but allow occasional short breaks

How is it organised?

• Private fostering is organised as a private arrangement between parents and carers, not by the Local Authority BUT the

• Local Authority should be informed about it and assess it’s suitability, meet the child regularly and offer any support required to meet the child’s needs.

Why is private fostering so important?

The reasons for children becoming privately fostered are varied and complex and they are at risk of being “invisible children”

Research has found that children in private fostering arrangements have more difficulties in life and less support than children in standard foster placements ( Holden 1973)

Private fostering arrangements are often invisible and are a potential honey pot for abusers

One in ten children are believed to be privately fostered at some time during their childhood

Examples of possible private fostering:

• Young people coming to England for education and staying with carers who are not close relatives

• Children staying with friends while a parent is in hospital

• Teenagers staying with friends due to the breakdown of relationships at home or to be with a boyfriend/girlfriend

• Children with disabilities staying with distant family due to the pressure of meeting their needs

What you need to do

• If you think an arrangement exists which might could be considered Private

• Fostering, or you are not sure - you must contact

MARAT with as much detail as possible to get their advice and support.

• MARAT – (0161) 912 5125

• More Information on Trafford Council

Website – Trafford Private Fostering
