Multiple Purposes of Data Collection

Multiple Purposes of Data
William T Grant i3 Learning Community
October 14-15, 2012
Elma Ruiz and Alison Boardman
Welcome & Introductions
Who is in the room? With a show of hands:
– University (IHE)
– School District (LEA)
– Community Based Organization (CBO)
– Additional participants?
What drew you to this session? What piqued your interest? What
questions or issues are you facing with regards to this topic?
Session goals
– Share efforts to reduce burden, maximize utility of and maintain
research standards in data collection and sharing
– Discuss opportunities and challenges related to data sharing
CSR Colorado i3 Validation Grant
CSR Colorado received a validation grant to brings the
unique approach of Collaborative Strategic Reading
(CSR) to DPS middle schools. Through research,
classroom implementation, school-wide approach and
community outreach, CSR Colorado provides a holistic
approach to improving the reading comprehension skills
of middle school students.
The initiative is facilitated by a unique partnership
between Denver Public Schools, the University of
Colorado Boulder and Padres & Jóvenes Unidos.
Build Capacity at District and School Level
Collaboration with LEA
Structures & Supports
Expand to other content
Principal Executive
Sustainable Structures
Science & Social
Principal Executive
Capacity Building with a Focus on Results
Parent Engagement
In-Class Coaching
• Increase meaningful participation of parents as
educational partners
• Increase participation of historically
underrepresented families
• Fidelity to CSR Model
• Connections to Instructional Shifts
• Coaching toward CSR Certification
On-Site Leadership Coaching & Support
Teacher Leadership Development
• Develop a shared vision
• Build capacity to lead school-wide reform
• Implementation tools and resources
• Create Model CSR Classrooms
• Coach colleagues toward CSR Certification
• Lead professional conversations
Promethean Integration
Differentiated Professional Learning
• Promethean boards in DSP middle school
• Flip charts and curriculum resources to support
fidelity to CSR model
• Help educators grow through professional
learning and collaboration
• On-site and tailored to school needs
• Science, Social Studies and Language Arts
Collaborative Strategic Reading
Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) combines reading
comprehension strategy instruction (e.g., Palincsar & Brown,
1984) and cooperative learning (e.g., Johnson & Johnson, 1989).
In CSR, students read and discuss text through a combination of
teacher led discussion activities and student-led cooperative
group work.
CSR promotes content learning, language acquisition, and
reading comprehension in diverse classrooms that include
English language learners and students with learning disabilities
(Klingner, Vaughn, Argüelles, Hughes, & Ahwee, 2004; Klingner,
Vaughn, & Schumm, 1998; Vaughn et al., 2011).
Coaching Data
Coaches input data into an online data
management system using ipads. This data is used
– Track and monitor coaching activities (e.g.,
consistency, amount)
– Track teacher change over time.
– Provide feedback to teachers.
– Triangulate implementation fidelity data.
– Report trends to school administrators.
Teacher Reported
Implementation Data
Teacher Implementation Data
– Monitor implementation.
– Track change over time.
– Link implementation to student outcomes.
– Report to administrators with purpose of
working with school to support
Facilitating data collection and
Features we have developed to coordinate data needs:
– Mobile online data collection system.
– Considerations during data base development that facilitate
quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
– Different levels of access depending on role.
• Ex. University researchers have access to all coaching data
while school district coaches have access to coaching data for
teachers they work with and selected fields for other
– Various forms to capture a variety of coaching activities.
– Reports created to make data easier to use for coaches.
Coaching Report
Sharing data with schools
School Level
– Principal update meetings to share trends across
teachers and develop a shared vision of CSR in action
– Sharing classroom and whole school implementation
• Principal dashboard with drill down pages
• Landing page is visual representation of schoolwide implementation
Principal Dashboard
Sharing Data with the District
District Level: Ownership of the Reform
– Shared understanding at senior leadership level
– Implementation Dashboard, access to all schools
implementing reform
– Briefings on impact and implementation and articulated
role of Instructional Superintendents (IS)
– Reform is called out and school improvement
conversation include data to guide school improvement
efforts (UIP)
– Fidelity PD, informed by data, for district level coaches
and key support staff
– Aligned and identified in teacher evaluation system
Our Data Conundrum...
How can we remain true to IRB requirements around data sharing
while providing enough information to support school
How can we make use of the extensive data collection?
– The district sees an opportunity to benefit from the intensive data
collection and support provided.
• Access to videos of strong teachers.
• Asking researchers to observe “effective teaching indicators”
not part of the CSR intervention.
How does our research really influence schools?
– The reality is that we impact more in schools than the implementation of
the intervention we are validating.
We continue to be vigilant about supporting schools and the district
while maintaining research integrity.
Consultancy Protocol:
The presenter gives an overview of the challenge and frames a question for the
group to consider. (1-2 minutes)
The group asks clarifying and probing questions of the presenter. The presenter
may respond to the group’s questions, but there is no discussion by the group of the
presenter’s responses. (5 minutes)
The group talks with each other about the dilemma presented. (8-10 minutes)
Possible questions to frame the discussion: What did we hear? What didn’t we
hear that they think might be relevant? What assumptions seem to be operating?
– What questions does the dilemma raise for us? What might we do or try if faced
with a similar dilemma? What have we done in similar situations?
Members of the group may suggest actions the presenter might consider taking.
Most often however, they work to define the issues more thoroughly and
objectively. The presenter doesn’t speak during this discussion, but instead listens
and takes notes.
The presenter reflects on what s/he heard and on what s/he is now thinking,
sharing with the group anything that particularly resonated for him or her during
any part of the Consultancy. (5 minutes)
Table Conversations
Small or Table Groups (20 Min)
– What is your biggest data collection/data sharing
– What have you done to address that challenge to date?
– Pick one problem as a group to discuss and workshop - help
one member of the small group actually work through a
challenge, consultancy protocol.
Large group discussion (20 min)
– What kinds of challenges did you discuss?
– What solutions did you come up with?
– What are some of the common themes?
– What still needs to be figured out?