PARCC Overview - Macon

Updated January 27, 2015
PARCC - What’s in a Name?
For Assessment
Of Readiness
For College and Careers
Acronyms You Need To Know
PBA – Performance-Based Assessment
EOY – End-of-Year Assessment
PLD - Performance Level Descriptors
PNP – Personal Needs Profile
CBT – Computer-Based Assessment
PBT – Paper-Based Assessments
Acronyms You Need To Know
EBSR – Evidence-Based Selected Response
TECR – Technology-Enhanced Constructed
PCR – Prose Constructed Response
ECD – Evidence-Centered Design
LAT - Literacy Analysis Task
RST - Research Simulation Task
NT - Narrative Task
Email from: Chris Koch State Superintendent December 1, 2014
“As we work together to implement our new
assessment system, we have heard from a number
of high school educators with concerns regarding
PARCC implementation this spring. In response to
these concerns, we have worked with our vendor
and are able to offer a one-time opportunity to
allow districts their choice of the sets for the high
school PARCC assessments during the 2014-15
Student Information System (SIS)
ISBE SIS Power Point Presentation - December 2014
• Students in grades 3-8 will be captured according to their grade level at time
of enrollment. Students in high school will be captured according to their
spring course assignment.
• Home school districts are responsible for entering Pre-ID information
including PNP/Accommodations for each student.
• Files due in SIS no later than noon on the following dates:
PBA: December 8, 2014 (extension)
EOY: January 23, 2015
• Student counts for both paper-based and computer-based testing will be
generated according to these files. Any changes to the files after these dates
may require you to place an additional materials order.
Test Administration Windows
2014-2015 Test Administration Dates
What is the difference in each of these tests?
Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)
- after 75% of instructional time
End-of-Year Assessment (EOY)
- after 90% of instructional time
“Sessions” and “Units”
A session includes all of the units for a content area
and may be scheduled across one or more days.
Sessions refer to the groups of tested students that
are scheduled together (as set up in PearsonAccess
Next for computer-based testing).
Each content area (or session) of the PARCC
assessments is comprised of units.
Administration Components
Test Design
Math PBA
Literary Analysis – 2 passages, one
correct answer and more than one
correct answer questions, written
Unit 1 – one correct and more than
one correct answer questions, show
and explain work*
Research Simulation - (3rd grade, 2
passages) 3 passages, one correct
answer and more than one correct
answer questions, written response
Unit 2 – one correct and more than
one correct answer questions, show
and explain work*
Narrative Writing – 1 passage, one
correct answer and more than one
correct answer questions, write a
*label each part of your work if a
question has multiple parts and
clearly identify your answer for each
One answer
More than one answer
ELA and Math EOY – all multiple choice
FAQs about Scheduling
Q: How long will the testing window be at my school?
A: CBT = 20 consecutive school days and PBT = 10
consecutive school days
Q: What happens if my school has a break in the middle of
our assigned testing window?
A: Breaks (e.g. spring break) may fall into the middle of a
window and will not count against the 20 days (CBT) or 10
days (PBT) as long as testing days remain within the overall
administration window and fall on consecutive days.
FAQs about Scheduling
Q: Is there a particular time during the testing window in
which our school must schedule test units (e.g., Literary
Analysis on Monday, Research Simulation on Tuesday)?
A: No. Schools may test any time during the testing window
during regular school hours. Make-up sessions must be
scheduled within the 20/10 consecutive school days allowed
for testing.
Q: Do the units (e.g., Literary Analysis Unit, Math Unit 1)
need to be administered in order?
A: Yes. All units within a content area must be scheduled and
administered in sequential order for an assigned group of
students. Absent students = resume testing and missed
unit(s) will need to be rescheduled during make-up testing
FAQs about Scheduling
Q: Do students in the same grade/course need to take the
same unit at the same time?
A: CBT – scheduled as close together as available devices will
allow; PBT – each unit must be completed by all students
within a grade/course on same school day
Q: Is it required that content areas (i.e., ELA and Math) be
administered in a particular order?
A: No. Schools may use their discretion in scheduling which
content areas are scheduled on what days, so long as units
within each content area are administered in sequential
FAQs about Scheduling
FAQs about Scheduling
Q: Can schools schedule content areas on separate weeks?
A: Yes. Schools may use their discretion when scheduling
Q: Are schools required to begin testing on Monday?
A: No. Schools may use their discretion when scheduling
Q: Can my school administer more than one unit per day?
A: Yes, as long as the unit is completed in one day. Highly
recommended – no more than two units per day for any given
FAQs about Scheduling
PARCC Unit Times
PARCC Unit Times
PARCC Unit Times
Q: If all students in a unit finish early, can the testing group
move on to the next unit?
A: Yes. If all students in a testing group have finished a unit,
the testing group may move on to the next unit if the schedule
allows. (Must give students a break)
Q: If one student in a testing group finishes early, may he or
she move onto the next unit?
A: No. A new unit cannot be started until all students in the
testing group are finished (with the exception of absent
Sample Elementary Schedule
Sample Middle School Schedule
Sample High School Schedule
PARCC 2015 Spring Manuals
PARCC 2015 Spring Manuals
Appendix A – Glossary
Appendix B – Security Agreement
Appendix C – State Policy Addendum (Illinois)
Appendix D – Signs
Appendix E – Accommodation Forms
Appendix F – Estimated Time on Task
Who May Administer PARCC?
• Educators employed by the district who hold a Professional Educator
• Administrators
• Paraprofessionals who hold an Educator License with Stipulations
endorsed as a paraprofessional and are under the constant-line-of-sight
supervision of a licensed educator
• Substitute teachers who hold a Substitute Teaching License hired by the
district to substitute teach in place of a teacher
• School psychologists, school social workers, school counselors, and
speech language pathologists who hold a PEL endorsed in a School
Support Personnel field
• School librarians who hold a PEL
Who May Not Administer PARCC?
• Technology staff (without an Educator License) may not serve as Test
Administrators. They may serve as proctors who assist the Test
• Student teachers may not serve as test administrators. They may serve
as proctors who assist the Test Administrators.
• Parents are not allowed to be present in the classroom with their
children during testing. There are two exceptions:
1. The parent’s presence is required as part of the student’s IEP
or 504.
2. The parent is employed by the district and his or her duties
require him or her to be present in the child’s classroom.
Prohibited Classroom Resources
• Posters, maps, charts, and displays that define, explain, or
illustrate terms or concepts (in content tested)
• Math formulas/theorems
• Graphic organizers
• Multiplication tables*
• 100 charts*
• Definitions
• Writing formulas
• Any manipulative not approved through unique
accommodation prior to testing*
*May be allowable if listed in the student’s IEP or 504 plan
It is not necessary to cover or remove calendars, posters displaying the
alphabet or consonant blends, or posters displaying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Prohibited Materials
• All cell phones (Exception: Test Administrators)
• Personal electronic equipment
• Instructional aids related to the content being
• Reference books
• Any resource (e.g., books, posters, models, displays,
teaching aids) that defines, explains, or illustrates
terminology or concepts
• Mathematical formulas or conversion tables other
than the grade-specific, PARCC approved Math
Reference Sheets
Allowable AFTER Testing
Specific to Illinois
After a student’s test has been submitted and all secure materials have
been collected… (local decision)
• Student must sit quietly
• Test Administrator dismisses the student
• Student may sit quietly and use allowable materials
Allowable materials… (local decision)
Recreational books (must be unrelated to PARCC content)
Textbooks for subjects other than the one being tested
Pamphlets, magazines, or periodicals (subject matter unrelated)
Notebooks or paper of any kind (subject matter unrelated)
Pens or colored pencils
NOTE: Electronic readers are NOT allowed
Online Tools
Answer eliminator
Flag item for review
Text highlighter
Line reader
Underlined words in text hover over for pop-up
Answer eliminator
Flag item for review
Text highlighter
Line reader
Math Reference Sheet
Calculator (available only
on calculator allowable
Allowable, but not provided, tools for Grade 8, Geometry,
Integrated Math I, II, and III… tracing paper, reflection tools,
straight edge, compass
Headphones are needed for ELA/Literacy PBA units.
(Not needed for Grade 8 Spring 2015)
• Volume controls appear before the start of each unit. Therefore, the volume can
only be adjusted prior to beginning the test—any attempt to adjust the volume
later may cause TestNav to close.
• There are different forms of the test. Within a unit, students may or may not
experience items connected to multimedia text. Therefore, headphones need to be
provided for each PBA unit.
• Stand-alone headphones (i.e., headphones not connected to a device) are also an
accessibility feature; therefore, some students may use headphones as noise
buffers to minimize distractions or external noise during testing.
• Schools have several options for ensuring they have a sufficient number of
headphones. First, schools can instruct students to bring their own headphones.
Second, if schools have a smaller number of headphones, schools can break up
classes into a smaller number of students for administration. Third, schools can
purchase additional device-compatible headphones.
Calculator Policy
Updated Calculator Policy
Scratch Paper
Blank scratch paper (graph, lined or un-lined
• given to students before testing
• students must write their names at the top
• returned to testing coordinator
Test Security
NO CELL PHONES – Except for emergency use (i.e. sick
student, tech help) by test administrator
Test Administrators
• NOT allowed to grade papers, read a book or newspaper
during testing – must be actively monitoring at all times
• May remind students to stay on task
• May NOT individually remind or encourage students to
answer all questions
• NOT allowed to provide help with questions or assist with
online tools
• May NOT take pictures of computer screens or write down
or discuss any test content with peers, social media, etc…
Test Security
• Suggested use of folders to create privacy screens on
• Only students can view test items (except for certain
• Visitors (parents, board members, reporters, non-testing
students, school staff not authorized to serve as Test
Administrators or Proctors) are NOT allowed in the
testing environment
• Use script provided, which includes a section reminding
students to check their work and answer all questions.
Do NOT encourage individual students to review
What are…
…Testing Tickets?
• Student Testing Tickets – usernames and passwords for students to access
their PARCC tests
• Students have one ticket per test session per content area
• Test Coordinator may print as soon as test session in PearsonAccessnext is
• Cannot print multiple testing tickets per page
…Seal Codes?
• Numerical codes that Test Administrators provide to students to unlock units
during administration
• One Seal Code per testing unit for a testing group
• Test Administrators will print one copy and write the Seal Code number on the
board when prompted to do so in the script
• Test Coordinator may print as soon as test session in PearsonAccessnext is
• Can print multiple Seal Codes on one page
Student Testing Ticket
What if…
…the power or Internet go out during the test?
• Note time of disruption
• Follow troubleshooting procedures
• Allow student(s) to resume testing once issue solved
• Adjust testing time as needed based on the time of the
• Document event in writing
…a new student shows up to test?
• Test Coordinator should add student manually into
Student Statuses in PearsonAccessNext
The big
Claims for ELA
Performance Level Descriptors for ELA
Claims for Mathematics
Performance Level Descriptors for Math
Master Claim: Students are on-track or ready for college and
Sub-claim A: Students solve
problems involving the
major content for their grade
level with connections to
Sub-Claim B: Students solve
problems involving the
additional and supporting
content for their grade level
with connections to practices
Sub-Claim D: Students solve
real world problems
engaging particularly in the
modeling practice
Sub-claim C: Students
express mathematical
reasoning by constructing
mathematical arguments and
Sub-Claim E: Student
demonstrate fluency in areas
set forth in the Standards for
Content in grades 3-6
Model Content Frameworks
ELA Model Content Frameworks
The Model Content Framework for ELA for each grade
level (grades 3–11) is divided into four sections:
• Narrative Summary of the ELA Standards
• The Model Content Framework Chart
• Key Terms and Concepts for the Model Content
Framework Chart
• Writing and Speaking and Listening Standards
Progressions Charts
3rd Grade Framework Sample
10th Grade Framework Sample
Kane & Lake County ROE Collaboration
Model Content Frameworks
Math Model Content Frameworks
The Model Content Framework for Math is
divided into seven sections:
• Examples of Key Advances from the Previous Grade
• Fluency Expectations or Examples of Culminating
• Examples of Major Within-Grade Dependencies
• Examples of Opportunities for Connections among
Standards, Clusters, or Domains
• Examples of Opportunities for In-Depth Focus
• Examples of Opportunities for Connecting
Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practices
• Content Emphasis by Cluster
ISBE Model Math Curriculum
Check out this
ISBE Model Math Curriculum in Livebinders
High School Math Standards with PARCC Emphasis Coding
Overview of ELA Evidence Statements
• The tables contain the Reading, Writing and
Vocabulary Major claims and the evidences to be
measured on the PARCC Summative Assessment.
• Evidences describe what students might say or do to
demonstrate mastery of the standards.
• An item on the PARCC assessment may measure
multiple standards and multiple evidences.
Reading ELA/Literacy Evidence Tables
Evidence Tables in ELA
Grade 6 ELA Evidence Table
Overview of Math Evidence Statements
Evidence statement key
Evidence statement text
Math practice alignment
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Evidence Tables in Math
Grade 5 Math Evidence Table
PARCC Blueprints
PARCC Blueprints
ELA Item Guideline Link
Item Guideline for ELA/Literacy PARCC Summative Assessment
• This site will give you a booklet that is in depth
about how the questions will be written for
• Item Guidelines for PARCC summative
• Look at pg. 33 specifically at Narrative Writing
Check out this
Narrative Writing
Illinois Writing Matters
Considerations for Narrative Story and Narrative Description PCRs:
• Consider info in fact box and info from informational text and produce a
narrative description
• Not fanciful ideas but developed ideas based on facts/reasonable judgments
• Narrative prompts should tell students (to):
 The form, audience, topic, and purpose
 Support answer with specific info/details from text
 Use precise words and phrases, descriptive details, sensory language
 The details may be explicit or inferred from the text
 Develop the topic (facts, extended definitions, quotations, examples)
 Organize the narrative (task focus from task model)
 Use appropriate narrative techniques to ensure readers understand
 How the writing will be scored and provide access to rubric
Overview of PARCC
ELA/Literacy Task Types
Two standards are always in play—whether they be
reading or writing items, selected-response or
constructed-response items on any one of the four
components of PARCC.
○ Reading Standard One (Use of Evidence)
○ Reading Standard Ten (Complex Texts)
For more information see PARCC Task Development ITN Appendix D.
Task Types: ELA Performance-Based Assessment
LAT-Literary Analysis Task
 Read text closely asking students to consider literature worthy of close
study and compose an analytic essay
 This separates college-ready and non-college-ready readers
RST-Research Simulation Task
 Skills of observation, deduction, proper use of evaluation of evidence
across different types of text
 Students look at several types of articles and multimedia-1st article is
an anchor test to introduce the topic
 Students answer a series of questions
 Students then write two analytic essays
NT-Narrative Task
 Describe experiences, events, real or imaginary
 Write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account,
describe an account of events, scenes, or objects
Task Types: MATH Performance-Based Assessment
Task Type
Description of Task Type
I. Tasks assessing
concepts, skills and
II. Tasks assessing
• Each task calls for written arguments / justifications, critique of
reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements (MP.3, 6).
• Can involve other mathematical practice standards
• May include a mix of machine scored and hand scored responses
• Included on the Performance-Based Assessment component
• Sub-claim C
III. Tasks assessing
modeling /
• Each task calls for modeling/application in a real-world context or
scenario (MP.4)
• Can involve other mathematical practice standards
• May include a mix of machine scored and hand scored responses
• Included on the Performance-Based Assessment component
• Sub-claim D
Balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application
Can involve any or all mathematical practice standards
Machine scored including innovative, computer-based formats
Will appear on the End-of-Year and Performance-Based Assessment
• Sub-claims A, B and E
Design of PARCC Math Summative Assessment
Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)
• Type I items (Machine-scored)
• Type II items - Mathematical Reasoning (Hand-scored –
Scoring rubrics are drafted but PLD development will
inform final rubrics)
• Type III items - Mathematical Modeling (Hand-scored
and/or Machine-scored - Scoring rubrics are drafted but
PLD development will inform final rubrics)
End-of-Year Assessment (EOY)
• Type I items only (All Machine-scored)
Sample Items
Practice Tests
Grade 3 Evidence-Based
Selected-Response Item
Part A
What is one main idea of “How
Animals Live?”
Part B
Which sentence from the article
best supports the answer to Part A?
a. There are many types of
animals on the planet.
a. “Animals get oxygen from air or
b. Animals need water to
b. "Animals can be grouped by
their traits.”*
c. There are many ways to
sort different animals.*
c. "Worms are invertebrates.”
d. Animals begin their life
cycles in different forms.
d. "All animals grow and change
over time.”
e. "Almost all animals need water,
food, oxygen, and shelter to
Grade 6 EBSR Item
Part A
Based on the passage from Julie of the Wolves, how does Miyax feel about her father?
a. She is angry that he left her alone.
b. She blames him for her difficult childhood.
c. She appreciates him for his knowledge of nature.*
d. She is grateful that he planned out her future.
Part B
Which sentence from the passage best shows Miyax’s feelings for her father?
a. “She had been lost without food for many sleeps on the North Slope of Alaska.”
b. “This could be done she knew, for her father, an Eskimo hunter, had done so.”*
c. “Unfortunately, Miyax’s father never explained to her how he had told the wolf of
his needs.”
d. “And not long afterward he paddled his kayak into the Bering Sea to hunt for seal,
and he never returned.”
Grade 10 EBSR Item
Part A
What does the word vanity mean in these lines from the text Daedalus
and Icarus? “Proud of his success, the foolish Icarus forsook his
guide, and, bold in vanity, began to soar” (348-350).
a. arrogance*
b. fear
c. heroism
d. Enthusiasm
Part B
Which word from the lines in the text in Part A best helps the reader
understand the meaning of vanity?
a. proud*
b. success
c. foolish
d. soar
Grade 3 Technology-Enhanced
Constructed-Response Item
Drag the words from the word box into the correct
locations on the graphic to show the life cycle of a
butterfly as described in “How Animals Live.”
Grade 4 TECR Item
Drag and drop three details from the story that help create the setting of this story.
“Cougar is the mightiest of the animals in the forest.”*
“The next day, when the sun was high, Cougar came back along the same trail.”*
“The mosquito began to bite the soft inner ear of the cougar, and drank from his blood.”
“The mosquito bit him again and again.”
“The cougar pawed at his ear, and ran around in a circle shaking his head.”
“Cricket, come out! Let me meet your mighty cousin!”
“Cougar ran off down the trail, and never went that way again.”*
Grade 6 TECR Item
Part A
Choose one word that describes Miyax based on evidence from the text.
There is more than one correct choice listed below.
A. reckless
B. lively
C. imaginative*
D. observant*
E. impatient
F. confident
Part B
Find a sentence in the passage with details that support your response to Part
A. Click on that sentence and drag and drop it into the box below.
Part C
Find a second sentence in the passage with details that support your
response to Part A. Click on that sentence and drag and drop it into the box
Grade 9 TECR Item
Create a summary of the excerpt from Brian’s Winter by dragging four statements
from the list and dropping them in chronological order into the table titled
“Summary.” Note that not all statements will be used.
Brian is sore as he gets into his bag that night.
Brian attempts to scare away the bear that
wakes him up.*
The bear is more powerful than Brian thinks.
Brian believes that he has learned to co-exist
with the bears.*
Brian takes a serious risk.
Brian thinks about solutions to his major
The bear tosses Brian and eats the scraps of
Brian’s meal.*
The bear looks at Brian and walks away.
The bear sits back and sniffs the air.
Correct Response: 4, 2, 7, 6
Understanding the Prose Constructed
Response Summative Assessment
Analysis Task
Simulation Task
Narrative Task
• Two literary passages
• PCR Item and Reading Comprehension
• Focus on analysis
One extended text and two shorter texts
Informational text
Often includes multi-media or audio stimulus
PCR Item and Reading Comprehension
• Two types: narrative story or narrative
• One literary or informational passage
• Focus on elements of narrative
• PCR Item and Reading Comprehension
Grade 8 PCR:
Literary Analysis Task
You have read excerpts from two novels focused on survival in the
These excerpts are from:
• Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen
• Call of the Wild by Jack London
Consider how the main character in each excerpt reacts to the
incidences that occur, and write an essay in which you analyze how each
character’s thoughts and actions reveal aspects of his personality.
You do not need to compare and contrast the characters from the two
texts. You may consider each one separately. Be sure to include evidence
from each excerpt to support your analysis and understanding.
Grade 3 PCR:
Research Simulation Task
You have read two texts about famous people in American
history who solved a problem by working to make a change.
Write an article for your school newspaper describing how Eliza
and Carver faced challenges to change something in America.
 In your article, be sure to describe in detail why some
solutions they tried worked and others did not work.
 Tell how the challenges each one faced were the same
and how they were different.
Grade 6 PCR: Narrative Task
After reading 1-3 texts, students write either a narrative story or a
narrative description (e.g., writing a historical account of
important figures; detailing a scientific process; describing an
account of events, scenes, or objects). Narrative MUST travel
through time….
 In the passage, the author developed a strong character named
Miyax. Think about Miyax and the details the author used to create
that character. The passage ends with Miyax waiting for the black
wolf to look at her.
 Write an original story to continue where the passage ended. In your
story, be sure to use what you have learned about the character
Miyax as you tell what happens to her next. Story must match the
character and events in the original text.
Grade 7 PCR:
Research Simulation Task
You have read two texts and watched a video describing Amelia Earhart. All
three include information that supports the claim that Earhart was a daring,
courageous person. The three texts are:
• “The Biography of Amelia Earhart”
• “Earhart’s Final Resting Place Believed Found”
• “Amelia Earhart’s Life and Disappearance” (video)
Consider the argument each author uses to demonstrate Earhart’s bravery.
Write an essay that analyzes the strength of the arguments related to
Earhart’s bravery in at least two of the texts. Remember to use textual
evidence to support your ideas.
What standards were
assessed in the
previous question?
Standards Assessed
• PARCC Claim: Students write effectively when using and/or
analyzing sources.
• PARCC Subclaim: Students build and present knowledge through
research and the integration, comparison, and synthesis of ideas.
Standards Assessed
Standard W.7.2 (Informative)
Standard W.7.4 (Produce writing)
Standard W.7.7 (Conduct short research)
Standard W.7.8 (Gather relevant info)
Standard W.7.9 (Draw evidence from texts
Standard L.7.1 (Conventions – grammar)
Standard L.7.2 (Conventions – cap, punct)
Standard L.7.3 (Knowledge of lang)
Standard RL.7.1 (Cite several pieces)
Standard RL.7.8 (Trace & evaluate claims)
Standard RL.7.9 (Analyze 2 or more
authors writing)
Words from the Grade 4 ELA Test
Speaker thoughts
Different structures
Structural elements
Mainly organize
Slack tide
What academic
vocabulary would
students need to know
in order to complete
the following question?
Grade 10 Example From PARCC ELA
Use what you have learned from reading “Daedalus and
Icarus” by Ovid and “To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to
Triumph””by Anne Sexton to write an essay that provides an
analysis of how Sexton transforms “Daedalus and Icarus.”
As a starting point, you may want to consider what is
emphasized, absent, or different in the two texts, but feel
free to develop your own focus for analysis.
Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both
texts. Be sure to follow the conventions of standard English.
Grade 10 Example From PARCC ELA
Use what you have learned from reading “Daedalus and
Icarus” by Ovid and “To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to
Triumph””by Anne Sexton to write an essay that provides an
analysis of how Sexton transforms “Daedalus and Icarus.”
As a starting point, you may want to consider what is
emphasized, absent, or different in the two texts, but feel
free to develop your own focus for analysis.
Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both
texts. Be sure to follow the conventions of standard English.
Academic Vocabulary
What words do we teach?
What grade level needs to introduce the words,
practice the words, master the words, and
review the words?
Marzano’s Academic Vocabulary
PARCC Accessibility System
Accessibility Features and Accommodations Overview
ISBE Computer and Paper-Based Accessibility Features/Accommodations Forms
Accessibility Training Module
* For students with
disabilities, English
learners, and English
learners with
PARCC’S GOALS for promoting student access
• Universal design during every stage of the development of the
• Minimize/eliminate irrelevant features in the assessment
• Measure the full range of complexity of the standards
• Using technology for accessibility
• Building accessibility without sacrificing validity
• Using item review, bias and sensitivity review, policy development
and review, and research
Complete Manual:
Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual, 3rd Edition
Presentation Accommodations
• Alter the method or format of the test
Response Accommodations
• Allow use of alternative methods to provide
answers to test items
Timing/Scheduling Accommodations
• Extended time
• Changes in test administration
Personal Needs Profile (PNP)
• Needed for accessibility features that have to be “turned on” in advance
• Catalogs each student’s testing needs and demographic information
• Available for students with disabilities, English learners, English learners
with a disability, students with 504 plans, and students receiving
interventions through RTI and other tiered support systems
• PNPs for students with disabilities will be determined by the IEP team
and should be listed on the IEP
• PNPs for students other than those with disabilities will be drawn up by
educators with possible input from parents
• Special or Unique cases will be decided at the State Board Level
Over accommodating is a HINDRANCE.
Model Content Frameworks
Test Specifications and Blueprints
Sample items and tutorials for every tested subject and grade
Educator Leaders Cadres
– Public ELC portal for educator resources!
Test Administration Training Modules
– PowerPoint and voice recorded guidance to guide test administration
Practice Test