Reporting Special Education Events in EMIS This training will • Remind experienced EMIS staff about special education events reporting • Focus on the areas for which ODE and OSEP have provided clarification or changes Two Important Reminders • District software ISN’T EMIS • Deadlines might change, but they aren’t negotiable New Attention to Data • • • • Auditor of State Media frenzy around reporting accuracy Increased scrutiny from federal OSEP “Big Data” utility Who has to report an event? – District of residence and community schools have accountability for event, they MUST report. – Districts of service who participate in specific events usually report them From Forms to EMIS Data Collection Tool • Optional tool created by ODE • Used to share data from special education staff to EMIS staff • Often completed at same time as “event” • ODE updates annually, sometimes more often, and posts on line Name: _________________________ Data ID#: ______________________ Resident District: ________________ District of Attendance: ___________ Grade Level: ____________________ Race: ________________________ DOB: ________________________ Building of Attendance: __________ Disability Category: _____________ Date: ________________________ Autism Scholarship? ____________ **** Refer to Master Code Sheet on page 3 for codes and explanations!!! A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) Event Date from PR-XX form (GE 110) Begin Date (GE 140) Outcome (GE 120) End Date (GE 150) Compliance 1. PSTC (Preschool Transition -transition from Help Me Grow) N/A N/A 2. RFRL (Referral for Evaluation - after the child is suspected of having a disability) N/A N/A 3. CNST (Parent Consent for Evaluation -on or after referral date) CNGT ETNE 4. IETR (Initial Evaluation Team Report -Completion due 60 days from consent) 6. RETR (Reevaluation Team Report - 3 years from prior ETR) CNDP ETDP IEPR IEDP IE16 IE62 ETDP ETEX Disability Category (circle): ET01 ET09 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET10 ET12 ET13 ET14 ET15 ET16 IEPR ET12 ET13 ET14 LRE codes (circle) : IE13 IE14 IE15 IE55 IE56 IE60 IENS 7. RIEP (Periodic Review of IEP - 1 year from previous IEP) CNNR Disability Category (circle): ET01 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET09 ET10 ET15 ET16 IENS 5. IIEP (Initial IEP - 30 days from ETR Completion; by third birthday if PSTC) CNRF IE17 IE18 IE19 IE20 IE64 IE70 IE72 IE38 IE39 IE51 IE53 IEDP LRE codes (circle) IE13 IE14 IE15 IE16 IE17 IE18 IE19 IE20 IE38 IE39 IE53 IE55 IE56 IE60 IE62 IE64 IE70 IE72 IE51 8. TETR (Transfer Student ETR Adoption) ET01 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET09 ET10 ET15 ET16 ET12 ET13 ET14 9. TIEP (Transfer Student IEP Adoption) LRE codes (circle) IE13 IE14 IE15 IE16 IE17 IE20 IE38 IE39 IE51 IE53 IE55 IE56 IE60 IE70 IE72 IE18 IE62 IE19 IE64 NA 10. FIEP (Final IEP meeting prior to graduation) 11. CIEP (Consent for services withdrawn by parent) NA Data Reported as Student Attribute Data Reported as Student Attribute Name: NOT REPORTED Data ID#: ______________ DOB: ______________ Building of Resident District: District of Attendance: Attendance: ________________ ___________ __________ Grade Level: Race: _________________ ______________ Disability Category: _____________ Date: NOT REPORTED Autism Scholarship? ___________ Pre-School Transition Conference A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) 1. PSTC (Preschool Transition Conference - ONLY for students coming from Help Me Grow) Event Date from PR-XX form (GE 110) Begin Outcome (GE 120) Date (GE 140) N/A End Date (GE 150) Comp liance N/A PSTC • For students coming from Part C ONLY • Reported by district of residence • For first-time preschool enrollees, EMIS will accept all special education events that occurred prior to enrollment • Starts the compliance clock ticking, just as a referral does • Cross-checked with Dept of Health counts Referral Event Date Begin A. Date Type Codes: from PR- Outcome (GE Date Activity (GE100) 120) XX form (GE 140) (GE 110) 2. RFRL (Referral for Evaluation - after the child is suspected of having a disability) N/A End Date Comp (GE liance 150) N/A Referral Date from PR-04 •Only REQUIRED for initial consent Consent A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) 3. CNST (Parent Consent for Evaluation -on or after referral date) Event Date from PR-XX form (GE 110) Outcome (GE 120) C CN N GR GI CN GO C N CN R NR F CND P Begin Date (GE 140) End Co Date mpli (GE anc 150) e Consent Date from PR-05 CNGT Consent Granted •Date Signed might NOT be the date entered on the form- the date reported is the date the district RECEIVED the consent! The receipt date must be documented. Consent Date from PR-05 CNRF Consent Refused The date reported is the date the district RECEIVED the refusal! The receipt date must be documented. Consent Outcome • • • • • • CNGI - Consent Granted for Initial Evaluation CNGR Consent Granted for Re-Evaluation CNGO- Consent Granted for Other Activity CNDP - Consent Moved to Due Process CNNR - Consent Not Returned CNRF - Consent Refused CNGI– Consent for Initial – Used for Profile calculations – In most cases, should only be one CNGI code CNGR – Consent for RIEP – If consent is obtained, report it CNGO – Consent for Other – Report required consent for activities other than initial evaluations and reevaluations CNNR – Consent Not Returned – Date district has made sufficient documented attempts to get consent – Attempts go beyond back pack letters – Use date district decides to cease the attempts CNDP – Consent Not Granted, Referred for Due Process – Date the decision was made to go to due process Evaluations A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) 4. IETR (Initial Evaluation Team Report -Completion due 60 days from consent) 6. RETR (Reevaluation Team Report - 3 years from prior ETR) 8. TETR (Transfer Student ETR Adoption) Event Date from PR-XX form (GE 110) Outcome (GE 120) ETNE ETDP Disability Category (circle): ET01 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET09 ET10 ET12 ET13 ET14 ET15 ET16 ETDP ETEX Disability Category (circle): ET01 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET09 ET10 ET12 ET13 ET14 ET15 ET16 ET01 ET02 ET03 ET04 ET05 ET06 ET08 ET09 ET10 ET12 ET13 ET14 ET15 ET16 Beg in Dat e (GE 140) End Date (GE 150) Compl iance From the PR-06 ETR Event Codes • IETR – Initial ETR • RETR – Review of ETR, or decision that current documentation is sufficient • TETR – IEP team reviews ETR of a transfer student, and accepts it in its entirety 26 ETR Outcomes - Disability Category • Currently, districts also report a disability category as a student attribute • Eventually, OEC hopes the ETR outcome will be used as the disability category for every table in EMIS Other ETR Outcomes • ETDP -- ETR Resulted in Due Process • ETEX -- Exiting Special Education. THE IEP TEAM determines a child no longer requires specialized instruction or related services. NOT used if a student graduates or withdraws or a parent revokes consent for services • ETNE -- Not Eligible for Services Non-Compliance Reason • Describes reasons why an activity was not completed according to the federally mandated timelines • Some reasons remove student records from calculation of federal reporting Non-Compliance Reason ** Not Applicable – Timelines were all met 01 No Identified Reason. Includes weather related delays 02 Staff Not Available - Summer Months 03 Staff Not Available - School Year 04 Scheduling Conflicts with Family 05 Parental Choice Documented --usually a PR-01 06 Parent Refused Consent OR repeatedly didn’t show up at scheduled meeting and consent was never obtained 07 Child’s Health 08 Student’s Incarceration 09 Compliance with timelines, but incorrect/missing data reported in a prior reporting period IEPs A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) IIEP (Initial IEP - 30 days from ETR Completion; by third birthday if PSTC), or TIEP 7. AIEP (Amended IEP) 12. RIEP (Review of IEP) Event Date from PR-XX Outcome (GE 120) IENS IEPR IEDP IE13 IE19 IE55 IE72 IE13 IE19 IE55 IE72 IE14 IE15 IE20 IE38 IE56 IE60 IE16 IE39 IE62 Complia nce IE17 IE18 IE51 IE53 IE64 IE70 IE14 IE15 IE16 IE17 IE18 IE20 IE38 IE39 IE51 IE53 IE56 IE60 IE62 IE64 IE70 IENS IEPR IEDP IE13 IE14 IE15 IE16 IE17 IE18 IE19 IE20 IE38 IE39 IE51 IE53 IE55 IE56 IE60 IE62 IE64 IE70 IE72 13. FIEP (Final IEP meeting prior to graduation) 14. CIEP (Consent for services withdrawn by parent) IEPR NA AIEP Event Codes • IIEP - Initial IEP • RIEP - Review IEP (annual or review other than annual) • TIEP – IEP team reviews and accepts IEP from another district • CIEP – Parental Consent withdrawn • AIEP – Amended IEP • FIEP – IEP annual review held shortly before graduation, no changes in goals or services 32 IEP – From PR-09 IEP Dates and Outcomes • Dates come from PR-07 • Effective dates used to determine eligibility for weighted funding and December Child Count • Outcomes usually show the environment OR – IEDP - IEP Resulted in Due Process – IENS - IEP Complete – Not Served – IEPR - IEP Complete – Parental Refusal 34 Determining LRE Codes IEP Section 7: DESCRIPTION(S) OF SPECIALLY DESIGNED SERVICES • Do NOT add all of the minutes in Section 7 and use as numerator in percentage calculations • Use child’s schedule that would result from IEP implementation, and calculate percentage of time in regular classroom AIEP - Amendments • When anything else that is reported changes • Must have a previous IEP IN EFFECT • Cannot be used to change effective dates of IEPs RIEPs v. Amendments • An RIEP re-sets the timeline • RIEP data used to verify compliance • Can be annual or other review • Cannot be used to change effective dates • Minor changes to existing document; can’t change goals Calculating LRE In an average week, minutes spent in a setting not defined as “special education” that serves all students In an average week, minutes spent in a setting that serves only SWD Total Related services (OT, PT, speech, counseling) 0 (2*20 SLP = 40) + (1*45 OT= 45) + (1*45 PT = 45) = 130 130 Core academic coursework (4*40 in math small group, NOT just SWD = 160) +870 in regular class = 1030 (4*40 Resource room) = 160 1190 Career tech courses, work/study 0 0 Other coursework (music, PE, art) 5*30 (1 special per day) = 150 30 (Adaptive PE) 180 Non-course activities (homeroom, lunch, recess) 5*60 (15 minutes homeroom, 30 minutes lunch 15 minutes recess) = 300 0 300 Total 1480 320 1800 Activity % in typical 82.2% ISPs Individual Services Plans A. Date Type Codes: Activity (GE100) Event Date from PR-XX Outcome (GE 120) Sta En Complia rt d nce 7. IISP (Initial Service Plan) IE39 NA 8. RISP (Reviewed ISP) IE39 NA Annotated versions of all forms! • etr_annotations_09.pdf Alternative School Setting B. Has the student been removed to alternative school setting? EMIS program code 211001 (circle if appropriate) Services D. Services (2150XX) Record any and only those services described on IEP. Make sure to include any IEP-required “speech and language services” for students whose disability category is “speech,” regardless of whether speech is “specialized instruction” or “related service” on the IEP. 215001 215002 215003 215004 215006 215007 215008 215009 215010 215011 215012 215013 215015 215017 215018 215020 215021 215022 215026 215027 215023 Adaptive Physical Education Aide Attendant Audiology Interpreting Medical. Occupational Therapy Orientation and Mobility Physical Therapy Reader Services Psychological Speech-language Pathology Rehabilitation counseling Parent counseling and training Counseling Recreational Special Transportation Social Work School health services School nurse services Other Services • IEPs will include services NOT reported to EMIS • Your software may collect services not reported to EMIS – you can adjust tool, if you need to • For school age, NO connection to funding Testing Requirements F. Testing TEST TYPE Accommodations Requirements required by IEP: required: ALT STR ** NO Y1 STA Y2 Y3 Passing OGT Required for Graduation? M R S SS W Graduation Record G. Special Educati on Gradua tion Record : Assessment Area Code Assessment Type Code Exemption Flag R (Reading) GX W (Writing) GX M (Math) GX C (Social Studies) S (Science) GX Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N GX IEP Date IEP Type How ODE Uses the Data Finding “Non-Compliance” • Any time OEC staff notice a violation of any special education law • Most frequently noticed monitoring or data review • Most common reason noticed in data for non-compliance is a late or missing event Federal Timelines for Events Consent to Initial ETR – 60 days Annual Review of IEP – within one year Initial IEP for transitioning Part C – before third birthday Snow Days • Non-compliance reason “01” – no identified reason • Calamity (windstorm, flooding, HVAC failure, or snow day) makes it impossible to meet the timelines • Federal procedural timelines don’t change Graduation Issues • Conflict between IDEA/FAPE requirements and AYP graduation rate requirements • District can’t make a decision to not provide FAPE, even if it affects graduation rate December Child Count • Determines total amount state gets from federal government • A formula divides that total federal aid into district shares • District share goes to districts and private schools To Count in DCC • • • • IEP IN EFFECT on Dec 1 IEP Outcome Code is not PR Student Attribute is not ** Data successfully transmitted to EMIS before count “snapshot” is final For December Federal Count • Not affected by related services • Not affected by “non-compliance reason” • Not affected by “was it late” • Not just being on “IEP status/do not fund report” Special Education Accountability • Determinations • Findings of non-compliance • Confirmation of correction of noncompliance On-site Monitoring • Team of 3-6 OEC employees • Targeted selection of records for review • Records are reviewed for evidence of non-compliance • Records are compared to EMIS data to verify EMIS submission Determinations 1) Performance on compliance indicators; 2) Whether data submitted by the LEA are valid, reliable, and timely; 3) Uncorrected noncompliance from other sources; and 4) Any audit findings Calculating Determinations OEC: Calculated determinations by averaging the points assigned to the LEA for each of the areas listed previously Identified the overall LEA determination by linking the average to the corresponding determination category Overall Determination Score Determination Meets Requirements Criteria 4.0 points Needs Assistance Needs Intervention Needs Substantial Intervention 3.0-3.9 points 2.0-2.9 points 1.0-1.9 points Getting Help • First stop – your EMIS Manual and Special Education Guidance • Second stop – ITC • Third stop –ITC contacts help desk • If all else fails, email: –