I stand with Malala

An Announcement!
I, CutieAngel say that if anyone cannot go to
school it is not fair. Every person in the world
should be educated! School is about having fun,
learning new things, playing games, making
friends and most importantly learning how to
think about your future! I think school is
amazing; when your 40/45 your going to look
back, think of childhood memories which you
treasure, things that you learned but you
wouldn’t be able to if school wasn’t there or if
you never went to school!!
Story Time!!
I will tell you a story about a girl
called Malala:
One day Malala tried to persuade
many people to let young boys and
girls come to school(happened last
October). Someone rejected and
tried to shoot her…
Story Time!!
LUCKILY, Malala Yousafzai survived
the attack in Swat Valley and will
fight for the rights this year! On
Friday 12th of July – Malala Day,
Malala will speak at the UN about the
rights of a child going to school.
She is campaining even harder to get
every child to be educated!
Comments from People/MW
Reporters With Support!
GlitterHorseSparkles says: I feel very sorry for Malala. She should have
the right to go to school and get educated as well as all of the children in
the world who can't go to school. Malala is a very brave girl to stand up
for her rights and I think that's excellent of her, and she shouldn't get
injured because of it. Before, I used to hate school so much that I didn't
realise how important it was and everyday I used to make a fuss about
going to school but now I see how important going to school is and how
important getting educated is, so we can get a good job and be
successful in life. I understand it's important to go to school to learn to
read, write and learn things. Going to school can change your life and
becoming educated you can do anything in life, and I hope people don't
be violent when it comes to going to school, because it's something
people need to do in life. I'm really sorry Malala, I hope your dreams
come true and don't worry about anything, just go for it and follow your
Comments from People/MW
Reporters With Support!
Lewis_Phillips says: This is an incredible story and must result in change!
kkoszler says: I think it was brave of you to stand up for girls and share
your point, get well soon.
sparklemaker says: Mala must be so upset I think we should get her a
school and find her true passion is
tri123 says: I believe in you malala......
ultimatemagician says: yeah just speak what your heart says and it
does'nt matter if they laugh at you
Leopard111 says: malala must be so upset,i know education is
important every child must go to a school around the world.
Sarah Hoff says: School is a place to learn, to be free, and to become
inspired for your life ahead. No one should be denied this opportunity.
Keep fighting for the right of childhood education! You go Malala!!!
Comments from People/MW
Reporters With Support!
Marsha Bowe says: All people should have the right to public school and
zaynfan says: come on malala I know you can do it
Mrdavey says: Everybody has the right to learn.
Everybody has a right to speak.
Nobody has the right to take that away.
Coolkid9 says: Malala just wanted an education so in the future she
could be a docter. Every child must go to school.
You rule Malala!!!
Bfc says: Every child should go to school
TrendyGirl6 says: Malala, you can do it, fight for your rights, fight for
yourself. There's no harm in standing up for what you believe is right! Go
Comments from People/MW
Reporters With Support!
Caitlin27 says: Education is one of the most important things in a child's
life. Some people like Malala don't get it which I don't think is right.
Malala was very brave to stand up for herself as even though she got
injured, she's got a lot of courage to stand up for herself and everybody
to make a stand. Malala, you're an inspiration to loads of people around
the globe and Malala shows that if you stand up for what you believe, it
can happen.
bertie8 says: i love this its soo cool and ya stand up for your rights yo go
girl! soz i know that sounds really cheesy it was suppost 2
tri123 says: I believe that I am seriously privileged to receive an education and I think
that you are not only an inspirational model for millions of young girls around the
world, but a very special person who deserves a place in all of our hearts. I can only
wish that I had courage like you and I think, that, although some of us might not have
the bravery to do what you did, we should always stand up for our rights, and not give
up until equality and justice is firmly put into place. Get well soon, I believe in you!