The Teacher Leadership & Compensation System AEA 267 Planning Meeting Iowa Department of Education Teacher Leadership & Compensation System Division VII of HF 215 establishes the Teacher Leadership and Compensation System, as well as the Teacher Leadership Supplement (TLS) categorical funding. • Goals: • • • • attract and retain effective teachers promote collaboration reward professional growth and effective teaching improve student achievement • Planning Grants: $3.5 million available in 2013 • Phased-in Entry: $50 million available per year for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 school years. Iowa Department of Education Teacher Leadership & Compensation System (cont.) The DE is currently developing the process by which it will support districts in developing and implementing their teacher leadership and compensation plans. The DE will provide additional guidance and support throughout the year. Timeline: Iowa Department of Education Teacher Leadership & Compensation System (cont.) Division VII of HF 215 provides school districts three models to consider in developing a local teacher leadership and compensation plan. Teacher Career Paths Model (284.15) Instructional Coach Model (284.16) Based on the work of Iowa’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation Task Force and creates model, mentor, and lead teacher roles. Includes three leadership roles: model teacher, instructional coach, and curriculum and professional development leader Comparable Plan Model (284.17) Includes minimum criteria all plans must meet: (1) minimum salary of $33,500 for all full-time teachers; (2) increased support for new teachers; (3) differentiated, multiple teacher leadership roles; (4) rigorous selection process; (5) aligned professional development system. Iowa Department of Education Five Requirements (“Must-Haves”) Applicable to All Teacher Leadership and Compensation Systems: 1. Minimum Salary 2. Improved Entry into the Profession 3. Differentiated, Multiple, Meaningful Teacher Leadership Roles 4. Rigorous Selection Process for Leadership Roles 5. Aligned Professional Development Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary A. Initial/Beginning (all Models) 1. Minimum Salary - $33,500 2. Residency Year – during the first year of employment; must include the following characteristics: a. Mentoring b. Collaboration c. Extended Contract – 5 days d. Observation, Evaluation and Support – State Standards B. Career (all Models) 1. Completed initial teacher mentoring and induction program; successfully completed comprehensive evaluation. 2. Demonstrated competencies. 3. Holds valid teacher license. 4. Participates in professional development and demonstrates continuous improvement in teaching. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) C. Teacher Leadership Roles 1. Qualifications: a. Demonstrates competencies and superior teaching skills; b. Possesses a valid teacher license; c. Participates in professional development; d. Demonstrates continuous improvement in teaching; and e. Possesses the skills and qualifications to assume leadership roles. 2. Selection Process: rigorous review process; selection by a site-based review council comprised of teachers and administrators. 3. Length of Assignment – one year; includes peer feedback. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 4. Participation a. Career Paths Model 1) Model – 10 % of teaching staff 2) Mentor – 10 % of teaching staff 3) Lead – 5% of teaching staff b. Instructional Coach Model 1) The total of model teachers, instructional coaches and curriculum and professional development leaders should equal 25% of teaching staff. 2) Instructional Coach – one at each attendance center; minimum of one for every 500 students. 3) The total of instructional coach and curriculum/professional development = 15% (i.e. total of mentor and lead in Career Pathways) Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 4. Participation (cont.) a. Comparable Plan Model 1) The distribution of teacher leadership roles to be determined by the district; make a “good faith” effort for the total number of teacher leader positions equal to 25% of teaching staff. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 5. Additional Days a. Career Paths Model 1) Model – 5 days 2) Mentor – 10 days 3) Lead – 15 days b. Instructional Coach Model 1) Model – 5 days 2) Instructional Coach – 10 days 3) Curriculum and Professional Development Leader – 15 days c. Comparable Plan Model 1) Additional days to be determined by the school district. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 6. Teaching Load a. Career Paths Model 1) Model – 100% student instruction 2) Mentor – maximum of 75% student instruction 3) Lead – maximum of 50% student instruction b. Instructional Coach Model 1) Model – 100% student instruction 2) Instructional Coach – full-time coaching 3) Curriculum and Professional Development Leader – no specific requirement c. Comparable Plan Model 1) Teaching load to be determined by the school district. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 7. Salary Supplement a. Career Paths Model 1) Model - $2000 2) Mentor - $5000 3) Lead - $10,000 b. Instructional Coach Model 1) Model - $2000 2) Instructional Coach – $5000 to $7000 3) Curriculum and Professional Development Leader – $10,000 to $12,000 c. Comparable Plan Model 1) Salary supplement to be determined by the school district. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 8. Duties a. Career Paths Model 1) Model – serve as models of exemplary teaching practice. 2) Mentor – duties to be determined by the school district. 3) Lead – may include planning and delivery of professional development; facilitating an instructional leadership team; mentoring other teachers; participating in the evaluation of student teachers. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 8. Duties (cont.) a. Instructional Coach Model 1) Model – serve as models of exemplary teaching practice. 2) Instructional Coach – provide additional guidance in one or more aspects of the teaching profession to teachers. Coaching shall include detailed preliminary discussions as to areas in which the teachers being coached desire to improve; formulation of an action plan to bring about such improvement; in-class supervision by the coach: post-class discussion of strengths, weaknesses, and strategies for improvement; and dialogue between the coach and students and school officials regarding the teachers being coached. Shall coordinate coaching activities relating to training and professional development with an area education agency where appropriate. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 8. Duties (cont.) 3) Provide and demonstrate teaching on an ongoing basis; routinely work strategically with teachers in planning, monitoring, reviewing, and implementing best instructional practice; observe and coach teachers in effective instructional practices; support teacher growth and reflective practice; work with and train classroom teachers to provide interventions aligned by subject area; support instruction and learning through the use of technology; actively participate in collaborative problem solving and reflective practices which include but are not limited to professional study groups, peer observations, grade level planning, and weekly team meetings; plan and deliver professional development activities designed to improve instructional strategies; and engage in the development, adoption, and implementation of curriculum and curricular materials. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary (cont.) 8. Duties (cont.) c. Comparable Plan Model 1) Duties to be determined by the school district. Iowa Department of Education Requirements Applicable to All Teacher Leadership and Compensation Systems 1. Salary Supplements – shall fully cover the salary costs of the additional contract days. 2. Site-based Review Councils – the school board shall appoint a site-based review council for the district’s attendance centers. 3. Teacher Compensation – a teacher shall not receive less compensation than the they received in the school year preceding implementation of the TLC system. 4. National Board Certification – national board certified teachers shall continue to receive the award. 5. Teacher Emeritus – school districts are encouraged to use appropriately licensed teachers emeritus (i.e. retired teachers). 6. Applicability – the framework or comparable system shall be applicable to teachers in every attendance center operated by the school district. Iowa Department of Education Model Requirements Summary Questions? Iowa Department of Education Application Process Overview Remember the legislative intent – develop a vision/goals for a system that meets your local needs. The Key Components of the Plan make up 40% of the scoring; the Planning and Implementation Criteria, about 60%. The application and scoring rubric were reviewed by members of the Commission on Educator Leadership and Compensation. Intent to have an online application process. May be minor changes in final application. The final application will be available sometime before Thanksgiving. Iowa Department of Education Quality Planning Process Application Part 1 - Describe the planning process used by the district to develop your Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) plan. Please include the following information in your narrative: a) A description of how the planning grant and available planning time was used to develop a high-quality plan; b) A description of how each stakeholder group (teachers, administrators and parents) engaged in the process and contributed to the development of the plan; and c) A description of the support for and commitment to the plan from each stakeholder group (teachers, administrators and parents). Scoring Rubric Part 1 - Extent to which the planning process: a) Utilized the time and resources available to develop a high-quality plan; b) Engaged each stakeholder group (teachers, administrators and parents); and c) Built commitment and support among these stakeholders. Iowa Department of Education Connecting State and Local Vision/Goals Application Part 2 – Describe the school district’s vision and goals for its TLC plan. In your description, please explain the local context (including relevant student achievement data and existing goals) and how the plan will be tailored to that context while also working toward the statewide goals of the system. Scoring Rubric Part 2 - Extent to which the plan clearly articulates a vision and specific goals that is both tailored to the local context and aligned with the vision and goals for the statewide TLC system. Iowa Department of Education Connecting to Other Work Application Part 3 - Describe how the TLC plan will connect to, support and strengthen the district’s key school improvement initiatives (e.g. RtI, K-3 Literacy, Iowa Core implementation, etc.). Scoring Rubric Part 3 - The extent to which the district’s plan connects to, supports and strengthens existing school improvement initiatives in the district. Iowa Department of Education Improved Entry Into the Profession Application Part 4 - Describe how the TLC plan will utilize teacher leaders and the additional funding to improve entry into the teaching profession for new teachers. Include in your response an analysis of the effectiveness of the current induction and mentoring program, areas of improvement needed in the current program and how your TLC plan will address these gaps. Scoring Rubric Part 4 - Extent to which the plan will improve entry into the teaching profession for new teachers. Iowa Department of Education Teacher Leader Roles Application Part 5 - Describe each of the proposed teacher leadership roles in your plan. Please include the following information in your narrative: a) A description of the responsibilities and duties for each leadership role as well as the percentage of time each role will spend engaged in student instruction and the percentage of time each role will spend performing teacher leader duties; and b) A description of how each of the roles fit together to create a coherent instructional improvement strategy that will strengthen instruction and improve student learning and student achievement throughout the district. Scoring Rubric Part 5 - Extent to which the plan: a) Creates multiple, meaningful, and differentiated teacher leadership roles; and b) Explains how the roles fit together to create a coherent instructional improvement strategy that will strengthen instruction and improve student achievement and student learning throughout the district. Iowa Department of Education Rigorous Selection Process Application Part 6 - Describe how teacher leaders will be selected. Please include descriptions of how the district will determine and evaluate the following in selecting teacher leaders: a) Measures of effectiveness; and b) Professional growth. Scoring Rubric Part 6 - Extent to which the plan describes a rigorous selection process for teacher leaders that includes detailed descriptions of how the district will determine and evaluate the following in selecting teacher leaders: a) Measures of effectiveness: and b) Professional growth. Iowa Department of Education Aligned Professional Development Application Part 7 - Describe how the TLC plan will utilize teacher leaders to improve the district’s current professional development program. Please include the following information in your narrative: a) A description of the role teacher leaders will play in the creation and delivery of professional development; and b) A description of how the district’s TLC plan aligns with and incorporates the key elements of the Iowa Professional Development Model. Scoring Rubric Part 7 - The extent to which the district’s plan: a) Utilizes teacher leaders in the development and delivery of professional development; and b) Aligns with the Iowa Professional Development Model. Iowa Department of Education Evaluation of Effectiveness Application Part 8 – Given the state and school district goals, please provide the following information: a) A description of how the district will determine the impact/effectiveness of the TLC Plan, including short-term and the long-term measures; and b) A description of how the district will monitor and adjust the TLC plan based on the results of these measures. Scoring Rubric Part 8 - The extent to which the district has a clear vision as to how it will: a) Measure the impact and effectiveness in achieving the goals described in the plan; and b) Monitor and adjust its plan over time. Iowa Department of Education TLC System Sustainability Application Part 9 - Describe the school district’s capacity to implement the TLC plan and what the district will do to sustain it over time. If you intend to partner with another district or an AEA to implement your plan, please describe that partnership in this section. Scoring Rubric Part 9 - The extent to which the district has the capacity to implement the plan and sustain it over time. Iowa Department of Education Aligned Budget Application Part 10 - Please provide an estimated budget for the use of the Teacher Leadership Supplement (TLS) Funds to support the TLC plan: a) Amount used to raise the minimum salary to $33,500; b) Approximate amount designated to fund the salary supplements for teachers in leadership roles; c) Amount used to cover the costs for the time teachers in leadership roles are not providing direct instruction in a classroom and to cover the costs when teachers are out of their classroom to observe or co-teach with another teacher (e.g. hiring emeritus, part-time or full-time teachers); d) Amount used to provide professional development related to the leadership pathways; and e) Amount used to cover other costs associated with the approved teacher leadership and compensation plan. Please list and describe all additional costs anticipated in the development of your teacher leadership plan. These costs must be approved by the Iowa Department of Education prior to the implementation of your plan. Iowa Department of Education Aligned Budget (cont.) Scoring Rubric Part 10 - The extent to which the district’s budgeted use of teacher leadership funding is aligned with the narrative of the plan. Iowa Department of Education Assurances Check each of the boxes below. Your plan will not be considered for approval unless each of the boxes are checked, indicating your agreement to meet these requirements. □ Minimum Salary – The school district will have a minimum salary of $33,500 for all full-time teachers. □ Selection Committee – The selection process for teacher leadership roles will include a selection committee that includes teachers and administrators who shall accept and review applications for assignment or reassignment to a teacher leadership role and shall make recommendations regarding the applications to the superintendent of the school district. □ Teacher Leader Percentage – The district will demonstrate a good-faith effort to attain participation by 25 percent of the teacher workforce in teacher leadership roles beyond the initial and career teacher levels. □ Teacher Compensation – A teacher employed in a school district shall not receive less compensation in that district than the teacher received in the school year preceding implementation of the district’s TLC plan. □ Applicability – The framework or comparable system shall be applicable to teachers in every attendance center operated by the school district. Iowa Department of Education FAQs/Q&A Contact Information Dr. Peter Ansingh Education Program Consultant – Teacher Leadership Division of Policy and Communications 515.281.5433 (office) 515.326.5637 (cell) Iowa Department of Education