PROFILE OF KATHUA DISTRICT S. No Item Magnitude 1 Geographical Area 2502 Sq. Kms 2 Population as per Census, 2011 3 Sex Ratio 877 4 No. of Constituencies 05 5 No. of Blocks 08 6 No. of Border Blocks 03 7 No. of Panchayats 244 8 No. of Villages 512 9 Govt. Ayurvedic Dispensaries 45 10 Govt. Allopathic Health Institutions 193 615711 a) District Hospital 01 b) Mahatma Gandhi Hospital 01 PROFILE OF KATHUA DISTRICT S. No Item Magnitude c) Community Health Centres 05 d) Public Health Centres 24 b) New Type PHCs 11 c) Sub Centres 151 11 Asha Workers 657 12 Rogi Kalyan Samities 42 13 Vill. Health Sanitation Committees 517 14 No. of Vety. Institutions 118 15 No. of Sheep Extension Centres 53 16 Govt. Educational Institutions 1428 a) Govt. Degree Colleges 06 b) Higher Sec. School 37 PROFILE OF KATHUA DISTRICT S. No 17 Item Magnitude c) High School 104 d) Middle School 365 e) KGBV 04 f) Pry.School 912 Literacy Rate (2011) 73.50 a) Male literacy b) Female literacy 81.40 64.56 18 Drop-out rate 2012-13 (Elementary Level) 03.25 19 ITIs 04 Plan Performance, 2012-13(Distt. Plan) (Rs. In Lacs) # Component Approved Outlay 2012-13 Availability 2012-13 Exp. ending March 2013 I Revenue II Capital %age of Exp against availability 3971.93 2866.92 2788.38 97.26 1 State Share 2087.45 1383.91 1382.74 99.92 2 NABARD Loan 1713.12 1642.46 1617.81 98.50 3 LIC Loan 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Tied Grant 1420.00 628.20 628.20 100 5 Projectized 1020.46 1210.81 1187.47 98.07 Total Capital 6401.03 4865.38 4816.22 98.99 Grand Total 10372.96 7732.30 7604.60 98.35 Financial & Physical Progress under Different Programmes 2012-13 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (PHE-MNP) # District Plan # Sector 2012-13 (Rs. In Lacs) Approved Outlay Availability 294.61 283.20 283.20 100 State Share 121.00 121.00 121.00 100 NABARD 190.00 165.00 165.00 100 LIC 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Additionality 0.00 33.00 33.00 100 Total Capital 471.00 319.00 319.00 100 Grand Total 765.61 602.20 602.20 100 1 Revenue 2 Capital Exp. ending March, 2013 %age of Exp HABITATIONS COVERED BY PROVIDING POTABLE DRINKING WATER # i) Particular Total habitations 1019 ii) Habitations fully covered 537 iii) Habitations partially covered 482 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 PHE (MNP) District Plan # Name of the Sector / Scheme 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement Targeted Schemes Nos. 1 1 Habitation to be covered Nos. 3 1 Mohras to be Nos. 13 10 Souls 4412 1141 1 PHE covered Population covered MAJOR FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME-NRDWP CSS # i) ii) iii) v) vi) vi) Particular No. of schemes Estimated cost 149 Rs. 196.06 Cr. Cumm.Expenditure ending 3/2012 Approved Outlay Funds available during 2012-13 Rs. 72.08 Cr. Rs. 23.69 Cr. Rs. 20.25 Cr. Exp. during 2012-13 ending 03/2013 Rs. 17.94 Cr. Physical Target & Achievements 2012-13 Target Achievement a) No. of schemes b) No. of Habitations c) Total population benefited 16 50 13124 13 40 10844 Date of Start 04/2012 WSS JANNU BLOCK BASOHLI EST. COST = RS 111.96 LACS Target dt. of completion of Scheme 2014-15 CONSTRUCTION OF 20000 GLNS GSR AT TUEN UNDER WSS JANNU (NABARD) ESTIMATED COST = RS 4.99 LACS WSS DRALLAN KHAROTE (NRDWP COVERAGE), Dt. of start 06/2012 ESTIMATED COST = RS 193.12 LACS Target dt. of completion of Scheme 2014-15 CONSTRUCTION OF 0.30 LAC GLNS GSR AT VILLAGE UPPER KHAROTE = Rs 5.75 Lacs WSS JUTHANA (NRDWP COVERAGE), ESTIMATED COST = RS 215.74 LACS Dt. of start 01/2013 Target dt. of completion of Scheme 2014-15 CONSTRUCTION OF DUG WELL AT KHABEL IN PROGRESS = Rs 11.79 Lacs CONSTITUENCY – BASOHLI , WSS KHALAID (NRDWP COVERAGE), Dt. of start 04/2012 ESTIMATED COST = RS 160.24 LACS Target dt. of completion of Scheme 2014-15 CONST. OF 5000 GLNS RAPID SAND FILTERATION PLANT AT KHALIAD = RS 25.00 LACS AVAILABLE INFRASTRUCTURE OF POWER DEV. DEPTT. (POWER) # Status # Item 1 Grid Stations 04 Nos. 2 Receiving Stations 41 Nos. 3 33/11, 66/11 KV Power Transformers 56 Nos. 4 Distribution Transformers 5 Total Install Capacity 446.15 MVA 6 Total Line length (66KV) 187.50 Km 7 Total Line Length (33 KV) 191.55 Km 8 Total Line 11 KV 2765.48 Km 9 Total LT Line 6706.19 Km 10 Total No. of 11 KV Feeder 3418 Nos. 112 No. PHYSICAL/FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (POWER) District Plan Status # Item 1 Approved outlay 57.50 lacs 2 Funds Available 67.50 lacs 3 Expenditure 67.50 lacs 4 Transformers Repaired 424 Nos. REPAIR OF ELECTRIC TRANSFORMERS UNDER DISTRICT PLAN RAJIV GANDHI GRAMEEN VIDYUTIKARAN YOJNA # Flagship/CSS VILLAGE WISE STATUS 1 No. of villages under RGGVY (548-72) 476 2 Villages Electrified 476 3 Taken over certificate (TOC) issued by PDD 470 HAMLET WISE STATUS 4 No. of hamlets under RGGVY 1123 5 Completed 1123 6 TOC issued by PDD 1117 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (EDUCATION SECTOR) # (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # Component Original Outlay Availability Expdt. 2012-13 1 Elementary Education 1610.61 1510.61 1451.09 96.06 2 SSA 1368.00 221.63 221.63 100 3 Adult Edu. 81.89 00 00 00 4 Sec. Edu. 893.96 811.96 784.09 96.56 5 Teachers Edu. 3.56 3.56 2.39 67.13 6 RMSA 510.89 2.25 2.25 100 Total 4468.91 2550.01 2461.45 96.53 %age PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (EDUCATION) District Plan # Name of the Sector / Scheme 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement Opening of Pry. Schools (SSA) Nos. Nil 25 (Against the target of 2009-10) Mid Day Meal Stds 56837 56837 Free Supply of Text Books Nos. 74000 78000 Scholarship to G&B Students. Stds. 5114 4959 Const. of Kitchen sheds. Nos. 239 192 Const. of ACRs in MS. Nos. 39 11 Completed 28 in progress Const. of ACRs in HS Nos. 34 2 completed, 32 in progress Elementary Education PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT UNDER SSA Flagship/C S S S. No Item Ach. 2012-13 Cumm. Ach. 1 RETs Engaged 133 2194 2 RETs Regularized 61 1466 3 New Schools Opened PS upgraded to MS No. of RETs engaged in EGS upgraded as NPS 25 528 24 227 130 416 4 5 STATUS OF CIVIL WORKS TAKEN UP UNDER SSA Flagship/C S S # Particular Target Completed i) PS buildings 571 372 ii) Additional Class Rooms 561 348 iii) Upper Pry School Buildings 21 15 iv) CRC buildings 37 31 v) BRC buildings 06 05 PROGRESS UNDER RMSA Flagship/C S S # Particular i) MS upgraded to HS during : 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 ii) iii) 2012-13 Total Buildings approved for const. in Newly Upgraded HS : Buildings taken up for construction. (iv) Building completed 03 09 23 35 35 12 01 ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION IN NEWLY UPGRADED HIGH SCHOOL AT SUMWAN UNDER RMSA (2012-13) PHASE Ist AAA Cost = Rs. 52.80 Lacs Targeted Date of Completion May 2013 RMSA PHASE IInd AAA Cost = Rs. 39.91 lacs RMSA ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION IN NEWLY UPGRADED HIGH SCHOOL AT BHALLAR COMPLETED UNDER RMSA (2012-13) ADDL.CLASSROOMS IN H.S.S AT PARANALLA UNDER STATE SECTOR AAA COST= Rs 52.58 Lacs Expt. Rs 23.50 Lacs Date of Start 01/ 2010 Date of Completion 03/ 2014 04 NOS. CLASSROOMS IN H.S.S AT PARANALLA FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (HEALTH) (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # 2012-13 Component Approved Outlay 1 Revenue 2 Capital # Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 107.43 107.43 106.39 99.03 Projectized 296.85 302.20 296.85 98.23 NABARD Loan 110.00 64.34 39.69 61.69 Total Capital 406.85 366.54 336.54 93.18 Grand Total 514.28 473.97 442.93 93.45 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (HEALTH) District Plan # Name of the Sector / Scheme 2012-13 Unit Total schemes Status 1 Const. of PHC Blds. Nos. 08 1 completed 7 in progress 2 Const. of S/C Blds. Nos. 34 10 completed 24 in progress 3 Const. of NTPHC Blds. Nos. 04 Work in progress 4 Repair of SC buildings Nos. 02 1 completed,1in progress STATUS OF HEALTH BUILDINGS District Plan Name of the work/ S. No scheme` a) b) 2 3 4 Works completed PHC (Normal Plan) PHC (NABARD) NTPHC Sub Centre Others 6 2 4 34 2 1 0 0 10 2 417.69 52.62 332.69 46.07 386.70 72.82 1142.19 142.53 5.50 4.00 Distt. Plan Total 48 13 2318.62 348.04 1806.14 Estt. Cost Exp. during 2012-13 Cumm. Exp. ending March 2013 Works taken up 330.46 278.69 254.92 936.57 5.50 CHC AT BASOHLI UNDER STATE SECTOR AAA COST= Rs 1027.43Lacs. Expt. = Rs 899.91Lacs COST= Rs 1027.43Lacs. Expt. = Rs 899.91Lacs Dt. AAA of Start 2003-04 Target Dt. of Compl. 03/2014 CHC AT BASOHLI Completed under Distt. Plan Est. Cost = Rs. 28.09 lacs (under Distt. Plan Exp. Rs. 154.33 lac Est. Cost Rs. 206.35 lacs Target dt. of comp. 03/2014 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 PWD (R&B) (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # 1 # 2012-13 Component Approved Outlay Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 160.00 312.00 312.00 100 NABARD Loan Total Capital 1413.12 1413.12 1413.12 100 1573.12 1725.12 1725.12 100 Grand Total 1573.12 1725.12 1725.12 100 Capital Projectized PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 PWD (R&B) District Plan # Item 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement a) Black Topping Km. 24.75 27.50 b) Metalling Km. 23.80 21.80 c) Shingling Km. 34.00 32.89 d) Fair weather road Km. 34.60 31.00 Schemes completed No. 05 05 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 PWD (R&B) (Rs. In Lacs) State Plan # 1 2012-13 Component Approved Outlay Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 1121.00 1116.92 1116.92 100 89.00 89.00 89.00 100 1210.00 1205.92 1205.92 100 Capital Projectized NABARD Loan Total Capital PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 PWD (R&B) State Plan # Item 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement a) Black Topping Km. 48.90 52.90 b) Metalling Km. 28.30 25.50 c) Shingling Km. 30.35 28.40 d) Fair weather road Km. 18.05 28.25 e) Bridges No. 04 04 PWD (R&B) CONST. OF BALTA TO STOE ROAD UPTO PLAIL Under State-Plan-NABARD Est. Cost. Rs. 323.86 lac Exp. 03/2013 Rs.111.41 Lacs Date of start 01/2012 Target date of completion 08/2014 CONSTRUCTION OF DIARA SUNARI LINK ROAD Under District Plan Target date of completion 03/2014 Est. Cost. Rs. 64.97 lac Exp. 03/2013 Rs.34.61 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana a) Schemes sanctioned (Phase-I to VIII) 55 b) Sanctioned cost Rs. 121.46 Cr. c) Cum. Exp. Ending 03/2013 Rs. 65.66 Cr. d) No. of schemes completed 28 e) Targeted Habitations 215 f) Habitations connected ending 03/2013 110 g) Length of sanctioned schemes 221.70 Km. h) Length achieved of completed schemes 86.22 Km. # STATUS OF LAND COMPENSATION UNDER PMGSY S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Total No. of Schemes No. of Schemes involving Land Compensation No. of Schemes Joint Inspection completed Final Award issued Land Compensation advance to various Collectors Total Land Compensation disbursed Addl. Land Compensation requisitioned by Collectors against Final Award cases Magnitude 43 No. 35 No. 35 No. 21 No. 1045.79 lac 599.21 lacs 150.63 lacs Name of road:- Jandrali to Bhikher under PMGSY Stage-I Completed Name of the Road:- Kholiyan Talie to Smodth under PMGSY Work is in Progress Name of the Road:- Sundla to Chunera Work is in progress FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (MINOR IRRIGATION) (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # 1 # Component 2012-13 Approved Outlay Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 125.00 209.60 209.60 100 TIED/AIBP 1420.00 628.20 628.20 100 837.80 837.80 100 Capital State Share Total Capital 1545.00 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (MINOR IRRIGATION) District Plan # Name of the Sector / Scheme Minor Irrigation Unit 2012-13 Target Achievement 1 Potential created 2 Stabilization Hect 441 217 Hect 206 202 3 Schemes Completed No. 2 2 (AIBP) Construction of Dhalli Khul in Hiranagar under AIBP Est. Cost. Rs. 96.64 lac Dt. of start 02/2012 Exp. Rs. 11.11 lac Target dt. of com. 03/2014 Construction of Bana Chack Khul in Hiranagar under AIBP Est. Cost. Rs. 28.50 lac Dt. of start 02/2012 Exp. Rs. 11.11 lac Target dt. of com. 03/2014 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (AGRICULTURE) (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # 2012-13 Component Approved Outlay 1 Revenue 2 Capital # Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 16.49 17.19 17.09 99.42 17.83 17.83 17.82 99.88 Total Capital 17.83 17.83 17.81 99.88 Grand Total 34.32 35.02 34.91 99.69 State Share PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (AGRICULTURE UNDER DIFFERENT PROG.) # Item/crop 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement Vegetables+Potato Qtls Qtls 11186 340 10151 381 2 Fertilizer Distributed Ton 10709 9154 3 Agri. Equipments No. No. 1280 200 1280 No. No. 171 8143 171 8143 1 Seeds Distribution Agriculture Crops Spray Pumps Others (Improved Agri implements) 4 Training camps held 5 Farmers Trained 168 TECHNOLOGY MISSION - AGRICULTURE FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (HORTICULTURE)-DIFFERENT PROGRAMMES (Rs. In Lacs) S.No Scheme . Approved Outlay Availabilit Exp. y %age 1. District Plan 8.63 8.63 8.62 99.88 2. Horticulture Mission for North Eastern and Himalayan States (HMNEH) 120.684 60.00 51.70 86.17 3. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) 66.642 35.80 33.22 92.79 4. Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 8.332 2.00 1.99 99.50 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT UNDER HORTICULTURE SECTOR District Plan # Scheme 1 Area covered under fruit plantation Ha 70.00 74.9 2 Fruit and vegetables processed Mobile demonstrations MT 4.00 4.008 Nos 145 145 Nos 90 90 3 4 Ladies trained UNIT PHYSICAL PHYSICAL TARGET ACHIEVEMENTS ESTABLISHED MANGO ORCHARD AT SAHAR IN BLOCK KATHUA UNDER TECHNOLOGY MISSION FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (SOCIAL WELFARE) (Rs. In Lacs) District Plan # 2012-13 Sector Approved Outlay 1 Social Welfare 2 Welfare of SC/OBC # Availability Expenditure %age of Exp 3.27 3.27 3.27 100 125.16 156.48 151.71 96.95 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (SOCIAL WELFARE & SC/OBC) District Plan # Item 2012-13 Unit Target Achievement 1 Pre-matric Scholarship Students 17000 19234 2 Re-imbursement of examination fee Students 80 83 3 Education up-liftment of children of Sweeper Community Students 50 46 4 Scholarship to physically handicapped Students 300 335 PHYSICAL/FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 UNDER INTEGRATED SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEME (ISSS) (SOCIAL WELFARE ) State Plan # 1 Item ISSS 2012-13 Fund available Expenditure Achievement (Beneficiaries) 453.84 443.28 13429 PHYSICAL/FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 UNDER NATIONAL SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME (NSAP) (SOCIAL WELFARE ) CSS # Item 2012-13 Fund available Exp. Achievement (Beneficiaries) 1 Indira Gandhi National Oldage Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) 227.89 227.89 5127 2 Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) 12.10 11.81 252 3 Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme (IGNDPS) 10.56 10.31 220 4 National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) 03.40 03.40 34 PENDENCY UNDER DIFFERENT PENSION SCHEMES (SOCIAL WELFARE ) # Scheme Pendency in Nos. 1 Integrated Social Security Scheme (ISSS) 4709 2 Indira Gandhi National Oldage Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) 2893 3 Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) 461 4 Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme (IGNDPS) 340 5 National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) 481 PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 (PMEGP/JKSES) # Name of the Sector / Scheme JKSES # 2012-13 Unit Target Sponsored Sanctioned Disbursed Nos. 300 293 194 179 PMEGP DIC Nos. 22 19 16 12 KVIB Nos. 15 20 13 10 Nos. 37 39 29 22 Total PMEGP PHYSICAL/FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT UNDER VSA (SKEWPY) i) No. of male candidates benefitted 1024 ii) No. of female candidates benefitted 737 iii) Amount of VSA disbursed to male candidates iv) Amount of VSA disbursed to female candidates Total amount disbursed during 2012-13 Rs. 49.41 lac Rs. 43.46 lac Rs.92.57 lac IMAGES OF ENTERPRENEURS FINANCED UNDER JKSSES SAMEER GUPTA,KALIBARI KATHUA GENERAL STORE DEEPAK KAPOOR WARD NO. 1 KATHUA, AUTO LOAD CARRIER MAJOR FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME MGNREGA CSS i) Availability a) State Share Rs. 349.00 lac b) Central Share Rs. 2058.21 lac c) Misc/OB Rs. 362.84 lac Total Rs. 2770.05 lac ii) Expenditure ending March, 2013 Rs. 2697.63 lac iii) No. of Rural Households 83377 No. iv) No. of Job Cards issued 50329 No. v) Mandays Generated 12.44 lac vi) Women persondays generated 0.904 lac vii) No. of households provided 100 days employment 498 households. vii) Works taken up/completed 7746/5462 Nos. # AWARD UNDER PANCHAYAT EMPOWERMENT ACCOUNTABILITY INITIATIVE SCHEME Out of three Panchayats of the State, two Panchayats of Kathua District namely Kootah of Hiranagar Block and Nagrota of Barnoti have been awarded under P E A I S CONST. OF POND AT LOKHALLY PYT.. CHILAKH WEST BLOCK HIRANAGAR UNDER MGNREGA Est. Cost. Rs. 03.00 lacs completed during 2012-13 CONST. OF POND AT JUMBLE PYT.MANGLOOR BLOCK HIRANAGAR UNDER MGNREGA Est. Cost. Rs. 1.50 lacs completed during 2012-13 INDIRA AWAS YOJANA (IAY) CSS # Scheme (Rs. in Lac) Outlay 2012-13 Availability 2012-13 S/S C/S Expdt. 1 IAY Normal 58.00 301.06 373.12 337.61 2 RHS G. Total 14.50 72.50 0 301.06 14.50 387.62 14.36 351.97 # Scheme Construction of Houses 1 2 IAY Normal Rural Housing Scheme 2012-13 Taken up Completed - 1103 41 854 32 Constt. of House under IAY, 2012-13 Sh. Bodh Raj R/o Rappad, Pyt. Bhajwal, Block, Kathua PHYSICAL UNDER NIRMAL BHARAT ABHIYAN (Erstwhile TSC) # # Scheme Total Target Ach. Ending 3/2012 1. IHHL 25978 8108 2 School Toilets 1049 Anganwari Toilets Community Sanitary Complexes Target 2012-13 Ach. During 2012-13 Cum. Ach. Ending 3/2013 15962 5518 13626 1037 12 11 1048 33 07 12 03 10 60 36 24 17 53 Note: Low physical achievements was due to less availability of funds and late start of works after the completion of Base Line Survey under NBA conducted during Oct. 2012 BORDER AREA DEV. PROGRAMME (FINANCIAL) CSS i) Approved Outlay 2012-13 ii) Funds operated centrally for Skill Dev. iii) Funds released to the District iv) Additionality/Revalidated Amount v) Total availability vi) Expenditure Rs. 418.00 lac Rs. 20.51 lac Rs. 397.49 lac Rs. 42.17 lac Rs. 439.66 lac Rs. 436.11 lac (99.20%) BORDER AREA DEV. PROGRAMME (PHYSICAL) CSS 1 No. of Rural Dev. works taken up/completed 2 Creation of new Sub Stations 3 Shallow Hand Pumps 41/33 8 172 Road constructed/upgraded I) Black topping II) Metalling iii) Shingling 5.80 Km 13.60 Km 9.90 Km iv) Fair weather 7.15 Km AUGMENTATION/CREATION OF SUB STN. UNDER BADP Augmentation of Sub Station at Mirpur Ram Est. Cost Rs. 01.00 lac Completed 03/2013 Creation of Sub Station at Mirpur Ram Est. Cost Rs. 03.01 lacs Comp. 03/2013 CREATION OF SUB STN. UNDER RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PUMP SETS (CSS) Creation of 100 KVA S/STN at Jarmal Est. Cost Rs. 04.30 lac Completed 03/2013 Creation of Sub Station at Haripur Est. Cost Rs. 04.51 lacs Compl. 03/2013 WIDENING/STRENGTHENING OF KALIBARI-KATHUAHATLI MORE ROAD UNDER ADB BY ERA PACKAGE Cost = Rs 32.86 Cr. Target date of completion – 04/2013 Item Scope of Work Earth Work 6.57 Km Upto date progress 6.57 Km Drain Bituminous Macadam Major Bridge Canal Bridge Kerb Stone Retaining Wall 12500 RM 6.57 1 2 5 Km 300 RM 12485RM 6.49 1 (Completed) 2 (Completed) 4.825 Km 300 RM # KALIBARI – KATHUA – HATLIMORH AFTER DEVELOPMENT ARIEL VIEW OF KALIBARI – KATHUA – HATLIMORH ROAD CATEGORY-WISE FAMILIES,RATION/KEROSENE OIL DEPOTS AND LPG AGENCIES S. No. Item 1 Total Population (Census 2001) 511455 2 APL Families 86887 3 BPL Families 23778 4 AAY Families 10173 5 APS Souls 6 Total No. of families 120838 7 Govt. Ration Depots 33 8 Cooperative Ration/K.Oil Dealers 9 Private Ration/K.Oil Dealers 10 No. of LPG Agencies 11 Total No. of LPG domestic Connections 512 04 / 34 225 / 181 08 61863 REQUIREMENT/ALLOTMENT OF FOODGRAINS AND SUGAR Fig. In Qtls. S. No. Item Requirement Allotment Shortfall 1 APL Families 30410 17338 13072 2 BPL Families 8323 8323 -- 3 AAY Families 3561 3561 -- 4 APS Souls 51 51 -- Total 42345 29273 13072 Levy Sugar 3582 3582 -- 5 PROGRESS UNDER RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT. 2009 Total Application received Disposed of upto 31-03-2013 219 205 Ist Appeal received Ist Appeal disposed off 08 08 PROGRESS UNDER PUBLIC SERVICE GURANTEE ACT Total Disposed Pending Application off under received upto time limit 31-03-2013 76890 74785 2105 No. of appeals received by Ist Appellant Authority Fine/Penality imposed 01 00 PROGRESS UNDER LAND ACQUISITION ( No.) # Item National Highway Border Fencing PMGSY 5 6 7 No. of Vill. involved in LA Final Award Land involved Handed over 29 996 461 ------- 32 1690 1183 8 Balance 534 17 507 1 Amt. deposited 13.72 Cr. --- 07.03 Cr. 3 4 Amt. disbursed Balance Addl. Funds required 09.73 --- 04.72 Cr 03.69 --- 02.31 Cr 20.00 --- 01.00 Cr 1 5 48 No. 17 No. 39 No PROGRESS UNDER LAND ACQUISITION (Rs. in Cr.) # Item National Highway Border Fencing PMGSY 1 Amt. deposited 13.72 --- 07.03 3 Amt. disbursed 09.73 --- 04.72 4 Balance 03.69 --- 02.31 20.00 --- 01.00 5 Addl. Funds required PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF LAST THREE YEARS OF REGIONAL TRANSPORT OFFICE,KATHUA,H.Q. LAKHANPUR S.No. Particulars 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 4591 4506 5627 298 245 349 1357 1246 1401 551 588 586 1868 1980 1451 1 Registration of Vehicles 2 Route Permits Fresh 3 Route Permits Renewed 4 Fitness Fresh 5 Fitness Renewed 6 Driving License Fresh 7979 4937 4470 7 Endorsement for HGV/LMV 616 584 662 8 Endorsement for PSV 218 167 39 9 Driving License Renewed 3348 2894 3401 7723 7205 9080 10 Learner License PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF LAST THREE YEARS OF REGIONAL TRANSPORT OFFICE, KATHUA,H.Q. LAKHANPUR S . Particulars No. 2010-11 Rs. In Cr. 2011-12 2012-13 1 Token Tax 2 Registration fee 3 D/ License fee 02.31 0.16 0.25 02.70 0.23 0.24 03.35 0.37 0.31 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.09 0.13 0.34 0.30 03.36 06.36 13.30 0.13 0.12 0.33 0.38 03.26 06.55 13.94 0.11 0.13 0.24 0.29 03.62 05.62 14.04 T.Permission Fee Fitness Fee Route Permit Road Checking Toll Posts Tax under SRO 137 Total:- REVENUE REALISED BY TOLL POSTS OF KATHUA DISTRICT DURING 2011-12 & 2012-13 # S . No. A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C Toll Post Lakhanpur Minor Toll Post Nagri Goond Govindsar Hatmashka Kote Punnu Mandi Mandikan Paharpur Thein Gandiyal (Kerian) Cost of Forms etc. Total Revenue 2011-12 28233.09 Rs. In lacs. 2012-13 32361.23 720.00 91.16 1359.04 08.15 104.26 68.36 0.35 35.88 0 02.33 30622.62 800.23 158.29 1935.94 09.57 153.55 117.82 01.21 40.08 27.47 05.08 35610.52 REVENUE REALISED BY COMMERCIAL TAXES DEPTT. LAKHANPUR DURING 2011-12 & 2012-13 # Rs. In lacs. S. No. Item 2011-12 2012-13 1 Passenger Tax 341.86 446.68 2 Penalty 615.36 736.30 3 Security 646.28 839.98 4 Entry Tax 8688.21 9985.65 5 Advance Tax 05.36 04.55 6 Total 10297.07 12013.14 Some Major Projects of the District -in pictures OBC HOSTEL AT BASOHLI AAA COST= Rs 163.15 Lacs Expt. Rs 97.90 Lacs. Workdone Liabilities= Rs 65.25 Lacs OBC HOSTEL AT BASOHLI # EXCISE AND COMMERCIAL TAXES OFFICE, TOLL PLAZA LAKHANPUR PARKING YARD FOR TRUCKS AT TOLL PLAZA LAKHANPUR MATA BALA SUNDRI JI DISTRICT KATHUA WAYSIDE AMENITY AT BASE CAMP NEAR BHEENI BRIDGE BILLAWAR COMPLETED 2012-13 at Estd. Cost. of Rs. 26.00 lacs # WAYSIDE AMENITY AT BASE CAMP NEAR Kharote More Kali Bari at Estd. Cost. of Rs. 150.00 lacs CONSTRUCTION OF POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE AT KATHUA ESTD. COST RS. 1450.00 EXP. 03/2013 RS. 220.00 LACS LIKELY DT. OF COMP. 12/2014 # Construction of 311m span bridge over Tarnah Nallah at Magloor under State Plan Estd. Cost. Rs. 1718.00 lacs Exp. 03/2013 Rs. 605.00 lacs Likely date of Com. 03/2015 MAJOR ISSUES • Construction of 1100 mtr Span Double Lane Bridge at village, Keerian Gandyal. Est. Cost. Rs. 9971.00 lac DPR submited to PW (R&B) Department. Village to be benefitted = 03 Souls to be benefitted = 10,000 • Construction of drain along NH-1A from Janglote More to Kathua Khad. Length of drain 1.3 Km. Approx. Cost Rs. 1.50 Cr. Matter taken up by Hon’ble CM with Hon’ble Minister of Roads, Transport and Highways. GOI. Present Status of Drain along NH-1A from Janglote More to Kathua Khad Illegal Extraction of River Bed Material from Ravi River. ILLEGAL MINING IN RIVER RAVI • Replacement of Worn-out and purchase of standby Pumping Machinery : Total Pumping Stations 345 Nos. P/Stns. which require standby machinery 266 Nos Cost of purchase of stand by machinery 08.17 Cr. • Liability on account of supply of water through tanker service : Liability Rs. 216.79 Lac • Damages due to heavy rains and snow falls. The year wise liability accrued:2010-11 - Rs 98.81 lac. 2011-12 - Rs. 87.90 lac. 2012-13 - Rs. 79.78 lac. Total - Rs. 266.49 lac. • Education Department 4 posts of Principals, 5 posts of ZEOs, 2 post of ZEPOs, 167 posts of Lecturers, 34 posts of Headmasters, 91 posts of Masters and 940 posts of Teachers are lying vacant in the District. • Health Department 139 posts of Doctors, 252 posts of Para Medical Staff and 177 posts of Class-IV and Safai Karamcharies are lying vacant in the District. • Construction of Inter State Bus Terminal in Village Chak Sajjan.. • Construction of Fly Over and Installation of Signal Lights. • Untied grants Thank You