Sandy River Middle School Data Presentation February 29, 2012 Mission Statement: Sandy River Middle School To Facilitate Student Success in the 21st Century Core Beliefs : Students need guidance, support, selfdiscipline, respect and encouragement in order to be successful learners. A safe and caring environment, which is adaptable to the diverse needs of the individual, is essential for the learning and well being of all students. Responsibility and respect of self and others are essential to personal development. Learning takes place when the teacher and student are both motivated at a higher level. Tiger Pride Through a combined effort of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and support personnel, our students will develop skills necessary to compete in the 21st Century. About us… • • • • • • • • We are a grade 6 through 8 school We are located in the western part of McDowell County Our student enrollment is 260 Our Free and reduced Lunch enrollment is 77% We are a second year School Improvement Grant (SIG)school We are a 1003g school and a school of improvement There are only 2 business in our enrollment area The primary income of our employed parents is coal mining How much we’ve improved WESTEST2 Students at Mastery and Above Sandy River Middle School 50 45 Percent at Mastery 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Math 2009 35 2010 34.86 2011 49.1 RLA 29.03 30.26 41.57 Figure 2: Continuous improvement in students Proficient, 3 year trend What we have to celebrate: West Virginia Middle Schools State Ranking WESTEST2 All Students 2009 . 2010 2011 0 20 27 40 60 Mathematics 80 100 RLA 101 120 127 140 149 119 144 160 Figure 1: Ranking of 156 Middle Schools-Proficient students Sandy River Middle School students have shown significant improvement In achievement over the past three years as evidenced by school rankings. How much we’ve improved West Virginia Ranking by Subgroup, Low SES Middle Schools 2009 2010 0 2011 8 20 40 Reading/LA 60 71 80 100 101 120 140 160 180 Figure 3: Ranking sorted by Low SES subgroup Mathematics 91 How much we’ve improved West Virginia Ranking of Distinguished and Above Mastery proficient on WESTEST2 2010 2011 0 30 40 Mathematics 80 95 71 RLA 93 120 160 Figure 4: Ranking Above Mastery & Distinguished of the 156 Middle Schools in WV Why we have improved: Example of higher order thinking skills increase 25.00 23.77 P e r 20.00 c e n t 15.00 I n 10.00 c r e 5.00 a s e 0.00 20.6 Mastery of Level 1 Questions Mastery of Level 2 and 3 Questions 9.60 1 Mathematics 6 RLA 6 We believe that our improved student achievement is due to our students’ increasing their higher order thinking skills within the standards and objectives . Our Continuous Improvement Process Three Focus Areas of Sandy River Middle School Achievement Attendance Relationships- Teacher to teacher; teacher to student; teacher to parent; parent to student, etc. Culture Survey/Typology 1. Our Culture Survey, completed Fall 2011. It indicated a culture of high expectations and strong internal support. •Collaborative groups working together toward student learning. 2. Low areas of school culture: • Community involvement, • Parental involvement. Survey is rated on a scale of 1-5, one is the lowest and five is the highest. Culture Survey/Typology Culture Typology was completed on Dec. 23, 2011 Culture was labeled as Collaborative. Culture Typology Top 4 Areas: Shared Values- ALL teachers agree there is a strong agreement among teachers concerning educational values Risk Taking- Teachers are constantly looking for new ideas Communication- Any teacher can talk to ANY teacher about Organizational History- At this school there is an understanding their teaching practice that school improvement is a continuous issue. Goal: Collegial Awareness Action Step: Collaborative teams will plan critical peer review We believe that we are a school of continuous improvement, therefore, we continue to make goals to improve critical factors. SRMS Attendance Month Percent Attendance 1st 95.5 2nd 93.0 3rd 91.7 4th 91.5 5th 90.0 6th 91.0 Attendance incentives given in form of special activities, or Celebrations. The most important thing is getting students engaged in learning, so they want to attend….. For Example Let’s Move SRMS! Each department picked a day that they are responsible for including movement into their lessons or as a break. This can be done on any day, but at least once/week. Principal initiates Let’s Move activities via the intercom with music for everyone to dance or at least move. Get a Life- Read! 15 Minutes/Day set aside to read in at least one class. Digital Learning Activities Animoto Problem Based Learning School-wide Activities Universal Meal Participation Month Breakfast Lunch September 61.97% 79.15% October 63.52% 76.55% November 63.59% 70.80% December 64% 74.89% 8th Grade techSteps 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Projected to be 0 Animate a Change Process Database Analysis Digital Storytelling From Issue to Action Linear Data Deductions Online Book Review 7th Grade techSteps 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Projected to be completed 3/12 In Progess 10 0 Active Reading Collaborative Database Dynamic Journeys Fact and Fiction Random Climb Vector Translations 6th Grade techSteps 80 70 60 50 40 30 Projected to be completed 5/12 20 10 In Progess In Progess 0 Famous Person Plaque How Does Fair Food Fare? Investigate Paper Copters Poetry in Motion Timeline Map Web-Powered Research WV Writes Proficiency Summary % Novice 48% Partial Mastery 35% Mastery 14% Above Mastery 3% Distinguished 0% Our usage of WV Writes has been good. This year our goal has been to improve writing performance levels to 50% mastery and above, rubric scores above 4. Last year we performed at about 40% at 4 or above. READ 180- SRI Scores 8th Grade: 6 students 601L-800L 2 students 401L-600L 2 students 201L-400L 7th Grade 7 students 401L-600L 1 student 201L-400L 3 students BR-200L 6th grade 6 students 401L-600l 4 students 201L-400L SRMS 6th Math BM 1 & 2 *Numbers have gone down in Tiers 1 and 2; Up in Tiers 3, 4 and 5 Sandy River Middle Benchmark 1 Math Sandy River Middle Benchmark 2 Math 7th Grade Math BM1&2 *Scores increased in level 2 greatly; decreased in all others. Tier SRMS BM 1/2 County ½ 1 5/3 9/4 2 16/44 35/59 3 45/28 39/24 4 23/19 13/10 5 11/6 4/2 8th Grade Math BM 1&2 Tier 2 increased greatly, Tiers 1 and 3 stayed the same and Tiers 4 and 5 have decreased. Tier SRMS BM 1/2 County 1/2 1 4/3 5/5 2 19/35 28/37 3 42/44 42/41 4 24/14 19/15 5 11/4 6/1 6th Grade ELA BM 1&2 Tiers 1,2,&3 decreased; Tiers 4 & 5 increased Tier SRMS BM 1/2 County BM 1/2 1 7/5 7/6 2 16/14 27/22 3 33/26 36/29 4 34/38 25/34 5 11/18 5/10 7th Grade ELA BM 1&2 Increase in Tiers 1, 2, & 3; decrease in Tiers 4 & 5 Tier SRMS BM 1/2 County ½ 1 8/9 9/17 2 13/22 23/34 3 20/34 28/31 4 37/24 26/14 5 23/10 13/4 8th Grade ELA BM 1&2 Tiers 2 & 3 increased; Tiers 1, 4 &5 decreased Tier SRMS BM 1/2 County ½ 1 12/9 18/15 2 16/17 28/29 3 41/32 35/32 4 30/28 18/18 5 1/14 1/5 Tools to help SRMS Keep Focus 10 minute meetings/Conversations PLC’s/Leadership Team/Conversations Data Tracking- Data Wall, Data Tracking Template Walk Through’s- different formats designed for different outcomes Trying new strategies, making the most of work time given SRMS Organizational Schedule PLC Lesson Plans 10 Minute Meeting HR/1 Monday ELA Math 8:15- Anglin Tuesday Science S. Garrett Wednesday Soc. Studies Sp. Ed Dept. Thursday PE/Art/Music L. Addair 8:10- Polston 8:25- Proffitt 8:15- Chadwell 8:10- Wimmer 8:25- 7th Math Friday ELA PLC Math PLC 2 3 9:45- Rhodes 4 5 10:15- T. Hunt 10:30- Adams 11:00- Art Soc. St. PLC 11:00- Garrett 6 11:50- K. Hunt 7 8 12:15- L. Addair 1:00- Denton 9 10 12:15- R. Lester 1:45- Jones 2:00- Stacy 2:20- Woolridge 2:35- A. Lester Jones/Stacy PLC Science PLC 10 Minute Meeting/Conversations • Scheduled weekly/teacher; On average meet with each teacher bi-weekly. When only a few can be met for the day, I prioritize in order of importance. • Each teacher brings a high, medium, low level of student work OR the topic of the week, such as if a short cycle assessment was just completed, they can bring that data. • Follow 10 Minute Meeting Form to guide discussion. After guiding the discussion at hand, I may use the opportunity to have “other” conversations, especially with my leadership team members. • Discuss the four questions: • • • • What do we want them to know? How do we know if they know it? What do we do if they know it? What do we do if they don’t? Principal’s10 Minute Meetings Log on Excel Evidence Teacher Name Date 10/3/2011 S. Youngs **Not 10 minute 10/5/2011 S. Hunt Lesson Plans **Not 10 Minute Discussion Discussed matters with Miss Youngs regarding her frustration level, yelling and "throwing things" in class. I gave her the book Discipline with Dignity for her to read and for us to discuss. She tells me this did not occur in the manner being referenced. We discussed her being frustrated and overwhelmed in general. We discussed my level of high expectations and if she can meet them. I asked Mr. Hunt to come in and meet with me on his lesson plans as I had discovered that he was making one plan for two grades. We discussed the results of my walk-throughs and how his instruction needs to change. His method of lecturing is not working and he needs to find what will. I gave him the book Entertaining an Elephant and have asked him to read it for us to discuss. I also gave him the charge of completing one peer observation in the remaining two days. He needs to try to find ideas and things to help himself. Discussed the number of discipline referrals- fights, skipping, arguments that are coming out of his class. I discussed with him the need for being more aware as I am concerned for the safety of his students. He is "blowing off" more than what is warranted and someone will get hurt. I did review with him about checking the role and reporting anyone not absent that did not report to class. I also discussed the need for signing the agenda book to allow them to be in the hallway. 10/10/2011 G. Denton **Not 10 Minute 10/11/2011 Laura Polston Teacher Made Test We discussed the DOK level of questioning on the test. Most items were at a 2 however, she had one test item that could have possibly reached a level of 3. Most of her students did well on this test, but the ones that did not she is trying to reach the parents and request tutoring after school. 10/11/2011 Anita Proffitt Teacher Made Test We discussed the DOK level of questioning on the test. Most items were at a 2 however, she included the use of a graphic organizer for explanation of a question. She is providing individual reteach as needed with the students. 10/11/2011 Amanda Lester Data Folders Mrs. Lester brought in data folders she has had each of her students to make to track their progress in Science. They set goals for their performance on each test and their CSO's. They track the information their performance on the CSO's measured by coloring a graph to demonstrate their progress. 10/24/2011 Jessica Anglin Genre Display Mrs. Anglin brought in items that the students developed regarding the genre of their choice and she was able to explain how each of them created and explained their organization. 10/25/2011 Laura Polston BM 3 Discussed the improvement of students on the BM 3 and how she is going to target the ones that are low performing through after school for individualized tutoring. Items on chart: Date Teacher Name Evidence Discussion from meeting PLC’s, Leadership Team Conversations • Scheduled weekly according to Organizational Schedule • Use Guiding Format-norms, agendas, minutes; enter into Indistar for SIG Monitoring • Present when I can be; regardless of my attendance, the form guiding PLC’s is completed by the meeting group and placed in a dropbox that is shared by all members of the department or group for viewing at any time. • Make the most of any time given to discuss issues at hand. Focus is on achievement and instruction first, but then can be utilized for departmental tasks or discussion. Collaborative Conversations Data Tracking • Use of Data Wall for ELA/Math in PLC room • Individual classroom uses of data walls • Instructional Objectives being kept in student notebooks and posted on the whiteboard. • Data Tracking Template by CSO- Item Analysis • Bell Ringer Tracking Template matching each CSO being taught • Data Tracking Template by student- Short Cycle Assessments, Bell Ringers Collaborative Conversations Data Tracking samples Collaborative Conversations Data Tracking samples • Use of Data Wall for ELA/Math in PLC room 7th Grade Math (unchanged) 8th Grade Math 8th Grade Math and RLA reflect 1st Acuity Benchmark Results 8th Grade RLA Collaborative Conversations Data Tracking samples WV Writes Data Collaborative Conversations Data Tracking samples Data Tracking Template by CSO- Item Analysis Classroom Visits and Observations of Instructional Strategies • Walk-through’s using different formats to gather different information via e-walk and other tools • • • • • • • • • APL Carnegie Language! McDowell County Instructional Walk-Through Sandy River Middle School Instructional Rubric Evaluation Forms Service Personnel Evaluation Form Athletic Coach Evaluation Custodial Checklist Walk Through Tracking Sheet Instructional Practices Inventory- completed 3-4 times/year Sample Walk-Through Chart Classroom Visits and Assessing Student Engagement through conversations Teacher Led Instructional Practices Inventory- completed 3-4 times/year Student Work with Teacher not Engaged, 2.38% Student Work with Teacher Engaged, 41.67% Complete Disengage ment, 2.38% Student Active Engaged Learning, 17.86% Student Learning Conversati ons, 3.57% TeacherLed Instruction, 32.14% Teacher Led faculty discussion and goal setting after each IPI IPI Faculty Discussion about Student Engagement Sandy River Middle School February 2012 Questions, Data, Comments Was this a typical day? Yes What can we celebrate? 5’s and 6’s increased 2’s decreased Our collaborative conversations are interactive Teacher ideas; suggestions What do we value? The breaking down of the coding How our work has been worth it Sharing teaching ideas Students are at the center of their own learning The awareness the IPI creates Teacher led talk can be turned to student engagement What do we need to improve Our 1’s stayed the same Students need to work in pairs or groups to capture the social learning student based questions Content specific work for the subs Tests need higher order questions