Student Guide to Exams 2014 - 2015


Cowes Enterprise College

Student Guide to

2014-2015 Exam Seasons

Before the Exam

• Make sure that you have read the JCQ guidelines that were sent home with your exam timetables.

• For morning exams please go directly to your exam room at least twenty

minutes before the scheduled time of the exam.

Do not go to your normal registration classroom in the mornings.

• For afternoon exams you will be allowed to go to the canteen for lunch at

12.00. A register will be taken by a Progress Mentor who will then escort you over to the Winder Sports Hall (OSH) on the old site.

• If you arrive late to College please go directly to your exam room.

• Please arrive at all exams in full school uniform or you will not be allowed to enter the exam room.

• The College does have permission from the examining boards to start exams thirty minutes earlier than the published times of 9.00 and 13.00.

We aim to get morning exams started at 8.45 and due to the school buses afternoon exams need to be started by 12.45.

Winder Sports Hall (OSH and OSH1)

• If the room code on your timetable is OSH then your exam is in the Winder Sports

Hall on the old site. If you have the OSH1 then your exam is in the room above the

Winder Sports Hall.

• You can leave you bags in the changing rooms. Your mobile phones must be

switched off and left either in your bag, with the exams officer or the Invigilator.

• Once in the Hall you are under exam conditions . Copies of the JCQ exam regulations will be on display both in and outside all the exam rooms.

• Please don’t worry if you forget your seat number there will be seating plans up in the Main Inspiration Zone the day before every exam. There will also be seating plans up outside the exam rooms.

Other Exam Rooms

• There will also be exams timetabled in SEN1, SEN2, SEN3, SC14, SC17 and

CA07 on the new site. If you have any of these rooms on your timetable then please go directly there at least twenty minutes before the scheduled start time of your exam. You will also be allowed to go to lunch at 12.00.

• You can leave you bags at the back of the room. Your mobile phones must be switched off and left either in your bags, with the exams officer or the


• Once in the exam room you are under exam conditions . Copies of the JCQ exam regulations will be on display both in and outside all the exam rooms.

• Please don’t worry if you forget your seat number there will be seating plans up in the Main Inspiration Zone the day before every exam. There will also be seating plans up outside all the exam rooms.

In the exam room

• You must be silent and do as instructed by the member of staff in charge

• You can only bring into the exam rooms:

 a see-through pencil case with relevant pens (a black biro is essential, pencils, rulers etc)

 your exam timetable,

 a bottle of water with labels removed,

 a calculator (if required for the exam)

• You will need to write on the front of your exam paper:

 your legal surname and first name

 your candidate number (found on your exam timetable)

 the exam code (this will be written on the board for you with the start and finish times of the exam)

• If you finish the exam early you must sit in silence, facing the front of the room, until the end of the exam.

• When leaving the exam room you must remain silent; please be aware that there may be other exams still going on in the room or building.

Any Questions…..

• Some of you will have exam clashes on your timetables and you will need to be kept in isolation during the duration of these exams. This will all be explained to you in advance of your exams. Please be reassured that if you have clashes I do provide water, snacks and you can have comfort breaks. I do strive to make sure that those of you with exam clashes are well looked after.

• If you or your parents/carers have any questions or worries concerning any aspect of exams please come and find me or phone me on my direct line 203145. My office is downstairs in Shamrock.

• Email:

I wish you all the very best of luck with your exams.

• Many thanks

• Mrs Hambley

Exams Officer
