January 2015 Community Forum Presentation

Community Forum
January 26-27, 2015
Dr. Kaylin Coody
Welcome! And thank you for your time!!!
Our schedule
I. District update
II. School finance
III. District priorities – Comprehensive Local
Education Plan
IV. Your input on priorities
V. Wrap up
District Update: Enrollment
Lower Elementary (PK-2)
Upper Elementary (3rd-5th)
Middle School (6-8)
High School (9-12)
District Enrollment Changes
• Increase of 190 students since 2011
• 10% increase – huge for any district
• Also seeing changes in demographics
Now 55% of students in the district live in poverty
Over 54% of students are minorities – Hispanic, Black, Native American, Asian
• Requests for transfers – over 400 for this school year
We follow a very specific process, largely based on class size
District Update: Certified Staff
Lower Elementary (PK-2)
24 Certified Gen Ed/ 15 Certified Support
1 Admin
Upper Elementary (3rd-5th)
18 Certified Gen Ed/3 Add’l Certified Support
1 Admin
Middle School (6-8)
16 Certified Core/12 Add’l Certified Support*
1 Admin
High School (9-12)
17 Certified Core/19 Add’l Certified Support*
2.3 Admin
*Many in extracurriculars some portion of day/not full-time
3 District Admin
School Finance – Types of money
General – majority of funds, from local, county, state, federal funds: spent
on salaries and general operations
Building – specific for facilities: spent on upkeep of facilities
Activity – generated from fund raisers/ticket sales: spent as each group
Bond – voter approved based on property valuation: spent as bond
specifies, usually facilities or transportation
Hilldale Finance
District valuation:
$47,222,813 (value of all property inside the school district)
District budget:
$12,000,000 (approximately)
State aid to district: 62%
Federal funds:
Local funds:
Concerns: state funding is at approximately 2009 levels, sequestration at
federal level (est 5-9% reduction), need for local development to increase ad
District finance: Bond issues
• $7.2 million approved in March, 2013 – 10 year bond
MS-HS band room – storm shelter
MS classrooms/restrooms
MS-HS kitchen/cafeteria
Elem kitchen/cafeteria
QSCB federal funds pay part of interest
District Priorities: Comprehensive
Local Education Plan (CLEP)
& some of our progress in the last
GOAL 1: Provide quality curriculum and instruction that prepare
all students for the future using a variety of methods including
• Implemented full day pre-school
• Established HS Video Production class
• Increased college classes on campus
• Established district plan for pacing guides, lesson plans and grades on-line
• Began PLCs for staff to increase focus on individual student interventions
• Expanded Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at HS
• Disseminated 100 Chrome Books at secondary, 15 Redcats and 60 miniipads at elementary
GOAL 2: Provide a safe learning environment for all
students and members of the school community
• Worked with the City of Muskogee to have 2 School Resource Officers on
• Implemented safer drop-off and pick-up routes at elementary sites
• Completing 3 safe room spaces, enough for all staff and students
• Awarded state and national School of Character for strategies implement at
the MS
• Worked with city, county and state law enforcement to have emergency
training in our buildings
• Established a contract with Green Country Mental Health to provide services
on our campuses
GOAL 3: Attract & retain qualified, competent
teachers and staff members
• This is a HUGE challenge, statewide
• Increased training through electronic and on-site formats
• Increased structure of PLCs across campus – respect that they ARE the
experts and support them to provide for our students
• Increased focus and access to technology
• Teacher grants through Hilldale Education Foundation and response to PLC
notes as incentives
• Need to continue to increase recognition!
GOAL 4: Provide quality facilities
• Nearly $1 million spent on roofs across the district last summer
• New facilities through $7.2million bond issue almost complete
• Maintenance and custodians working on existing buildings
• Purchase of church adjoining elementary campus – NO, we don’t have plans
• Another bond issue? Anything before 2023 will raise taxes – how much is ok?
SO…here’s your part!
Move into groups of 4-6 people
Quickly – someone volunteer to lead each group
Brainstorm on each goal: No bad ideas!
Everyone has a voice
Respect all perspectives
Each participant will select their top three and tally for the group
Goal 1 – Curriculum & Instruction
5 minutes: What else do we need? Think of how we pay for that.
3 minutes: Tally group votes
Goal 2 – Safety
5 minutes: What else do we need? Think of how we pay for that.
3 minutes: Tally group votes
Goal 3 – Qualified, competent staff
5 minutes: What else do we need to do? Think of how we pay for that.
3 minutes: Tally group votes
Goal 4 – Quality facilities
5 minutes: What else do we need? Think of how we pay for that.
3 minutes: Tally group votes
Are these the four priorities?
• Quality curriculum & instruction
• Safety
• Qualified staff
• Facilities
A few announcements
• Tomorrow night, Elementary Open House and Community Forum, 5:30/6:30
• Survey re: school calendar; probably next week
• District survey: probably end of Feb. – just more ideas
• It’s spring. Our legislators are getting ready to go into session. PLEASE get
involved! Call or email me anytime. www.oklegislature.gov
• YOU must share and gather input! Tell 10 people what you learned tonight.
Thank you so much for your time!!!