“State of the Mighty Pirate Ship…” Student Orientation Assemblies August 24th and 26th, 2011 Administrative, Guidance, Clerical, and Behavior Specialist Organization and Introductions: Mr. Vigue, Principal, Admin Building Mrs. Yeazall, Principal's Secretary, Admin Building Mr. Florio, Assistant Principal, 4-126B Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha L-Z Ms. Hauer, Assistant Principal, 4-336C Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha A-K Ms. Greene, Behavior Specialist, 4-126B Mr. Francois, Behavior Specialist, 4-336B Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha L-Z Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha A-K Ms. Mueller, Clerk, 4-126 Ms. Stroman, Clerk, 4-326 Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha L-Z Traditional Students Grades 9-11 Alpha A-K Mr. Joyer, Assistant Principal, 6-005 Dr. Lowery, Assistant Principal, Portable 10 Medical Magnet Students Grades 9-12 Alpha A-Z Fundamental SWAS Students Grade 9 Alpha A-Z Ms. Love, Guidance Counselor, 6-004 Ms. Randolph, Guidance Counselor, Portable 10 Medical Magnet Students Grades 9-12 Alpha A-Z Fundamental SWAS Students Grade 9 Alpha A-Z Ms. Mitchell, Clerk, 6-001 Ms. Mogil, Clerk, Portable 10 Medical Magnet Students Grades 9-12 Alpha A-Z Fundamental SWAS Students Grade 9 Alpha A-Z Ms. Van Dora, Assistant Principal, 4-100 Traditional Students Grade 12 Alpha A-Z TBA, Grades 9-12 Alpha A-G, 4-254 Ms. Dias , Grades 9-12 Alpha H-O, 4-254 Ms. Fields , Grades 9-12 Alpha P-Z, 4-354 Traditional Guidance Counselors Mr. Shuman, Behavior Specialist, 4-100 Traditional Students Grade 12 Alpha A-Z The BCHS – looking back to move forward! • We had the largest improvement in our FCAT scores of all 16 high schools in Pinellas County last year • We spent last spring and this summer adjusting our practices, and processes to give you the best opportunity to be successful • We hired many new staff members who are here to support you in your efforts to do your best – we have the best staff and students in the entire county • We have greatly increased our course offerings to give you more options • We have a new schedule and Safety Net program! Graduation Requirements • In order to graduate, you’ll need to earn: – 24 credits (4 English, 4 Math, 3 Science, 3 Social Studies, 1 HOPE, 1 Art, and electives) – Maintain a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average (this is a “C” average of all of your semester and year long courses, not the 6 week GPA) – Pass the 10th grade FCAT or End of Course Exams • These are the absolute minimum standards to receive our diploma. If you intend to continue on to college, you’ll need to do more: – Take at least two years of foreign language – Take honors, dual enrollment, and/or advanced placement (AP) courses – Earn high qualifying scores on the CPT, ACT and/or SAT – Maintain the highest GPA you can throughout your HS career! How Credits are Earned • Credits are earned each semester, with the exception of algebra, geometry and biology, which earn credits at the end of the year • A semester is 3 grading terms and the exam combined (or half of the year) • A few samples of how we average you semester grades: 1st term: 2nd term: 3rd term: Exam: Grade: A A B B A or B B B B F C F C B B C D D F F D or F A A F F C or F F F B F D or F F F F A D or F Courses that will Help you get to College • Honors level courses in all core subjects and many electives • Dual Enrollment courses are available for 11th + 12th grade students who qualify with a 3.0 or high GPA and a high CPT, ACT, or SAT score – Passing a dual enrollment course with a final grade of “C” or better earns HS credit and 3 College Credits at the same time • Advanced Placement courses are available to everyone, but require a lot of extra work, reading, and studying – AP exams are graded by the College Board on a scale of 1 to 5 – A score of 3 or higher on an AP exam earns college credit • Students who take honors, dual enrollment, and advanced placement courses will face a more challenging curriculum and will be better prepared for college (regardless of the score on an AP exam) What We Will Offer You to Help • Safety Net Teachers routinely seek you out to offer you help • Extended learning for credit recovery, FCAT tutoring, ACT/SAT tutoring, and classroom extra help begins next week and will continue all year long – Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 in room 4-101 – See Mr. Francois in 4-326 to register or receive more information • AP tutoring after school in March and April (AP exams are in May) • Summer 2012 credit recovery during June and July • Every 10th grader can take the College Placement Test (CPT) for free during the school day during the week of April 23rd on our campus • Every 11th grader can take the ACT for free during the school day on March 20th, 2012 • These CPT scores and ACT scores can qualify you to take Dual Enrollment classes on our campus this spring or next year • Start thinking ahead now for what you plan to do next year and beyond! Pinellas County School Board Policy for Absences and Tardies: • Absent – More than half of the period (unless coming with an excused pass) – Absent from three or four block classes in a school day • Unexcused absences are from OSS, vacations, no timely parent notification (call or note) • Excused tardy will be used when you receive a pass (blue or other) signed by an adult • Unexcused tardy will be used for all other tardies • Three unexcused tardies equals one absence Pinellas County School Board Policy for Makeup Work: • Work from an excused absence, ISS, and ABS receives full credit • Work from an unexcused absence or OSS must be dropped a full letter grade • Number of days to make up work will equal the number of days absent • Work not turned in on time can be reviewed, but must be given a grade of zero Pinellas County School Board Policy for Final Exam Exemption Requirement: • A or B in all grading terms to exempt with a limit of three per semester (except second semester seniors) • Students cannot exempt both exams for a yearlong class (except seniors) • Student must be enrolled in PCS for the entire semester to be eligible to exempt an exam • Five or more absences in a class require the student to take all semester exams (tardies are added in) • Students cannot exempt End of Course (EOC) exams Pinellas County School Board Policy for final Exam Requirement: • Student who fails last term and exam should receive a semester grade of “F” • Student who fails two terms and exam should receive a semester grade of “F” • Student who fails three terms should receive a semester grade of “F” Pirate Pact: High Professional Expectations for Administrators: • Lead by modeling respect and civility for all students and staff • Expand efforts to motivate and recognize students • Support the learning environment by working as a team to correct student behavior • Simplify processes for student behavior referrals • Work with staff and other partners to continually develop, evaluate and support programs such as the Student Safety Net Program Pirate Pact: Higher Expectations for Teachers • • • • Take attendance accurately every day Post student assignments in data base Enter grades in Portal each week Respond to and document all communication requests (email & phone) within 24 hours • Enforce the no food/no drink (water only) policy • Do not allow profanity in your classroom • Please stand outside your door between classes Pirate Pact: Higher Expectations for Students - Maintain the dress code - Refrain from the use of profanity - Electronics off and out of sight except before/after school and during lunch - Arrive at school and at each class on time - Treat each other, the staff, your family and our school with respect every day all of the time - Put your best effort into all of your school work! A Few Last Minute Reminders • Get involved in our activities, clubs and sports • You must maintain a 2.0 overall GPA to participate in athletics and clubs • Student parking will be behind building 4 for now, but will move to the new parking lot north of 7th avenue this spring. Student decals will be required and can be purchased in room 4-326 • Electronic devices can be used before school, during lunch, and after school – not in the buildings, during classes, or between classes • Take care of your textbook and return all missing textbooks – you will not receive new textbooks or participate in major school events (including homecoming, prom, and graduation) if you have not returned all materials or if you have outstanding financial obligations • Don’t turn a small thing into a big problem, only you are in control of your actions and the way you respond to redirection • Serious issues and repeated misconduct will be addressed swiftly and fairly In Closure… We have the best students and the best staff in all of Pinellas County, so let’s work together to continue to transform our school into the best high school in Pinellas County! Seniors – Meet your Class Sponsors and Officers • Your Senior Class Staff Sponsors are Ms. Oldja and Ms. Spiegel in room 4129 (Media Center). Ms. Oldja and Ms. Spiegel will move into the new building’s media center on October 17th • Your Senior Class Officers are: – – – – – – – President - Margaret Poyhanya Vice President - Jasmine Williams Secretary - Nicole Raghoo Treasurer - Marqueia Baker Historian - Elizabeth Hill SGA Senators - Kamilah Williams Truc Thuy Nguyen