Workstream 5 Breakout Session Understanding your Workstream and Priority Tests of Change Early Years Collaborative Learning Session Three – Day 2 We’ve been building will & generating ideas for a while Dr Bruce Perry – neuroscience and brain development EPPE Study –- 2004 GIRFEC - 2004 CMO’s report - 2007 Early Years Framework - 2008 The Foundation Years - Frank Field – 2010 Early Intervention - Graham Allen – 2010 Scottish Government economic modelling (Nov 2010) Joining the Dots – Report from Professor Susan Deacon (March 2011) Components of a Learning System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. System level measures Explicit theory or rationale for system changes Segmentation of the population Learn by testing changes sequentially Use informative cases: “Act for the individual learn for the population” 6. Learning during scale-up and spread with a production plan to go to scale 7. Periodic review 8. People to manage and oversee the learning system From Tom Nolan PhD, IHI Breakout Objectives • Build a common understanding of the current theory of what drives the overall aim for this Workstream; • Identify where on the Driver Diagram your work is having an impact. • Identify and prioritize drivers by areas of highest impact at a local level • Reflect on the assets within your community that can help you achieve greater impact in prioritised areas • Develop a proposal for Tests of Change to be shared with your CPP. How we will spend our time …… • Refresh on Driver Diagram theory and presentation of current theory for Workstream 5 • Review and Reflect on Workstream 5 Driver Diagram • Identification of which Drivers you have the biggest impact on • Development of a proposed Test of Change to share with CPP. Conceptual Driver Diagram Outcome 1⁰ driver 2⁰ driver 2⁰ driver 1 1⁰ driver 1 2⁰ driver 2 2⁰ driver 3 Aim or Outcome 2⁰ driver 4 1⁰ driver 2 2⁰ driver 5 Outcome Measure(s) Process Measure(s) Local Process Measure(s) Specific Change Ideas Ideas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . . . . . N Understanding Our Theory: Early Years Workstream Diagrams WORKSTREAM 1 (conception to 1 year) Theory of what actions will reduce infant mortality Theory of what drivers infant mortality Aim 2⁰ 1⁰ Poverty Social Issues Housing Domestic Abuse & Violence Attachment Reduce infant mortality Health Post-birth actions Parenting skills Maternal smoking Detailed Aim: To reduce by 15% the rates of stillbirth & infant mortality by 2015 Maternal drinking Improved teamwork, communication and collaboration Improved uptake of benefits Increase rate of breastfed babies Quicker diagnoses of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Improved leadership & culture Improved family centred response Improved stability / permanence for LAC Improved identification Increase referrals Pre-birth maternal health Maternal misuse of drugs Maternal Obesity Maternal mental health Improved management of care Improved sharing of information Improved planning Identification & reasons for current resilience WORKSTREAM 2 (1 year to 30 months) Theory of what actions will ensure developmental milestones are reached Theory of what drivers developmental milestones Aim 2⁰ 1⁰ Social Issues Improved teamwork, communication and collaboration Poverty Housing Domestic Abuse & Violence Improved uptake of benefits Increase child’s dental health Improving child nutrition Children have all the developmental skills and abilities expected of a 2730 month year old Health Child’s physical and mental activity Attachment Improving brain stimulation and physical play Improved family centred response Mother’s level of education Improved stability / permanence for LAC Improved identification Detailed Aim: 85% of all children within each CPP have reached all of the expected developmental milestones at the time of the child’s 27-30 month child health review by end-2016 Maternal health and skills Parental misuse of drugs Parental obesity Maternal mental health Increase referrals Improved management of care Improved sharing of information Improved planning Parental misuse of drinking Improved leadership & culture Parenting skills Identification & reasons for current resilience WORKSTREAM 3 (30 months to start of primary school) Theory of what actions will ensure developmental milestones are reached at the start of primary school Theory of what drivers developmental milestones Aim 2⁰ 1⁰ Social Issues Poverty Improved teamwork, communication and collaboration Housing Improved uptake of benefits Domestic Abuse & Violence Increase child’s dental health Improving child nutrition Children have all the developmental skills and abilities expected at the start of primary school Early Learning Child’s physical and mental activity Health Attachment Mother’s level of education Improving brain stimulation and physical play Improved family centred response Improved stability / permanence for LAC Improved identification Detailed Aim: 90% of all children within each CPP have reached all of the expected developmental milestones at the time the child starts primary school, by end-2017 Maternal health and skills Parental misuse of drugs Parental obesity Maternal mental health Increase referrals Improved management of care Improved sharing of information Improved planning Parental misuse of drinking Parenting skills Improved leadership & culture Identification & reasons for current resilience Secondary Driver(s) WORKSTREAM 5 Poverty Home environment equalities Domestic Abuse Media Influences Primary Driver Employment /Workforce issues Societal Issues childcare Impact of in Access to wider opportunities Accessibility and affordability of CYP implementation Secondary Driver(s) Primary Driver Child’s physical, cognitive, mental health & emotional development Aim 95% of children in each CPP area will have reached all of the expected developmental milestones and educational outcomes by the end of Primary 4 by 2021 (Individual child’s characteristics/profile) Safe & secure home Access to quality Early learning Child’s & family aspirations relationships Health Attachment Participation in wider opportunities knowledge, skills & understanding Play Ability to form Workforce Cultural activities Disabilities Child resilience Secondary Driver(s) Safe & secure home Family resilience Primary Driver Family aspirations Carers’/Parents’ physical & mental health & skills Disabilities & mental health Level of education Adequate income Substance misuse Parenting skills & knowledge Nutrition/physical disabilities Family relationships Secondary Driver(s) Primary Driver Learning environment Achievement of Es and Os at relevant CfE levelStandards of delivery for meeting learners needs Home learning environment Parent’s engagement involvement with services School learning environment school childcare, learning and play Parental out of Support with homework Secondary Driver(s) Transport Primary Driver Access to wider opportunities a key part of the community Access to services Children Parents on school councils/ committees Children’s views sought and acted on in developing local resources Community environment Space to play Use of schools and grounds community assets Review of DD and Reflection Step One: Take a few minutes to review the driver diagram and discuss with the person next to you. Step Two: Discuss the driver diagram with your table mates using the following prompts: 1. Yes, I’m glad this was included …… 2. I would add…. 3. I don’t understand ….. Don’t Forget! If you have a question while at your table… Raise your GREEN CARD for Improvement Sciencerelated questions Raise your YELLOW CARD for Early Years Contentrelated questions Raise your BLUE CARD for logistics questions (e.g., Can we have a few more marker pens, please?) All Worksheets will be collected after the session! Report Out to the Room “What did you learn that came as a surprise to you?” Prioritization and Inventory of Assets CPP: Early Years Collaborative Learning Session 3 Inventory of Bright Spots and Creating Initial Tests of Change PART 1: PRIORITIZATION OF DRIVERS & CREATING CREATING TESTS OF CHANGE Prioritise the drivers with the highest impact for you, what specific interventions are you currently working on in this area? What community assets will be needed to help you achieve maximum impact? PART 2: What test(s) could you run that could make that work even better/more impactful? Describe your first test(s) of change: Person responsible When to be done Where to be done Prioritization and Inventory of Assets Step One: Using the worksheet and driver diagram identify which of the drivers you are currently working on and identify the top 3 where you feel you can have the most impact. Step Two: For these areas of highest impact, reflect on the community assets that can help you have maximum impact. You can work alone or team up with others on this exercise, however everyone need to complete the worksheet. Creating a Test of Change Using your number 1 area of highest impact, reflect on the tests you could run that could make that work even more impactful and record on the worksheet. You can use this to share your proposed test of change with your CPP. Report out to the Room • What intervention are your currently working on, and what is your test of change? • Keep all report-outs to a “twitter update” (1-2 sentences!) Thanks for a great session! Transition to CPP Planning Session (Coffee available to take with you!) Driver diagram for a new healthier me! Aim Primary drivers Secondary drivers Limit daily intake CALORIES IN Substitute low calorie Limit alcohol A NEW HEALTHIER ME!! Tests of change Track calories Plan meals Drink water not coke Gym 5 x per week Exercise Cycle to work CALORIES OUT Fidgeting Chi balls