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World Canal Conference
Milano 2 September 2014
A cultural and tourist water-itinerary on the lagoon of Venice
arch. Francesco Calzolaio
Prolegomena: three ouputs of the European Project for a network of
costal territories (DGXII Culture 2004/6)
First: the exhibition dedicated to
the industrial heritage between
land and sea has visited nine
European countries, from the
archipelago of Turku the lagoon of
Venice, from the Danube delta to
the roadstead of Hyeres, from the
Gulf of Thessaloniki to Barcelona
a book and a cabotage to promote cultural communities around the
industrial archeology
second output: a relay
race of historic vessels
involved local
authorities and citizens
of Iglesias, Gaeta,
Siracusa, Taranto,
Venice and Macerata, in
the production of a
the book “Rooms of the ecomuseum of the lagoon of Venice, 2009
Third output: a guide to the
museums of the material
culture, the environment and
productions, from San Dona
in Chioggia, from Mira to Stra,
from Valle Averto Pellestrina,
from the Arsenal to Murano
and Burano
the threat: National Geographic 2010 assesses the Unesco World Heritage
Sites. In Venice predominates "A sense of decay that makes almost regret
tourists for coming, as complicit in the degradation of the city"
it is necessary a
decongestion of the
central area, where the
daily life of citizens in
danger of suffocation,
If the city is reduced to
a Theme Park citizens
are likely to be fish in
an aquarium
Mission: the source of identity that has been lost over the centuries
is the sostenbile use of water transport, which is, however, still an
extraordinary resource for the future of Venice and its lagoon
Lagunalonga1: a cultural cabotage to diverge the tourism flows in a
diffused museum network, as a tool for eco-museum of the lagoon
Lagunalonga2: A group of tourists / citizens cross the lagoon
by boat, using existing hotels and visiting museums and oasis
Culturnet: a European Grundtvig project (2009/10) based on the
selection of the most valuable local resources in 9 sites, which define
the sense of heritage community for residents (Faro Convention)
a. einviromental heritage
b. museum heritage
c. productive heritage
d. archeological heritage
e. immaterial heritage
Malta. 1
Salonicco 2
Bruxelles 3
Po Park. 4
Venice. 5
Bed Frigua, Tunisia
Minneapolis, USA
Porto, Portugal
Conero Park, Italy
Output1: the web-portal, from local to social network
Output2: exhibition at the Settimana degli Ecomusei
di Argenta (Delta Po) settembre 2012
Opening of the exhibition Culturnet with Hugues de
Varine, who conied the term Ecomuseum in 1971
Design1: LagunalongaAnchorpoint, from the local network to the structuring of a
node as the interpretive center of the lagoon.
In my project for Thetis, the
beautiful path around the
Lazzaretto Nuovo, between
walls and saltmarsh, can be
equipped to interpret the
lagoon landscape to visitors
prototype of boathotel, as a ecosustainable and
itinerant center of
interpretation of the
cultural resources of
the lagoon
Lagunalonga3: a cabotage to consolidate the
community of citizens and institutions of the
Committee for the Ecomuseum of the Venice
Lagoon, which offers a participatory process
for sustainable development of the lagoon
Lagunalonga2014 is a test round tour of the lagoon: we produced a
documentary, verified times and places of the water route. Meanders through:
11 islands: Torcello, Burano, Lio Maggiore, Lio Piccolo, Sant'Erasmo, Lazzaretto Nuovo, Certosa, Lido, Poveglia, Pellestrina, Chioggia,
11 associations: Tra Mar e Laguna, Fondazione Bucintoro, Forum Arsenale Futuro, Vela al Terzo, Poveglia per tutti, Polisportiva Millecampi,
Marineria Tradizionale, Venti di Cultura, Faro Venezia, Proloco Lido e Chioggia, Archeoclub,
8 municipalities: Quarto D'Altino, Jesolo, Cavallino - Treporti, Venezia, Chioggia, Codevigo, Campagna Lupia, Mira
7 hisorical boats:
bragosso Sant'Alban e Pietro III, cabinati a vela di Vento di Venezia, la chiglia del Bucintoro, barche a remi e al terzo,
burcio Timoteo, canoe dell'associazione Polisportiva Millecampi
4 farmhouses: La Barena,
4 museums:
Il Lato Azzurro, Valle Averto, le Saline
Museo Archeologico di Altino e Torcello, museo del Merletto di Burano, Museo della Torre dell'orologio e Museo della laguna sud di
3 rowing associations: Treporti, Francescana e Pellestrina
3 natural reserves:
3 forts:
Valle Averto, Cà Roman e Alberoni
Forte Vecchio, torre Massimiliana, l'Arsenale
2 walled vineyards: Orto di Venezia e Venissa
2 beaches: il Bacan e gli Alberoni
2 musicians; Angela Milanese e Maurizio Nizzetto (album Peregrinazioni Lagunari)
1 golf course Lido
1 Palladian villa Malcontenta di Mira
Next1: LagunalongaFestival is an international multimedia festival
dedicated to cultural routes by bike, rowing and sailing.
In the framework of the european Grundtvig
project “River of Opportunities”, with the main
operators of festivals along european
waterfronts, the Festival is an annual context
for documentaries that discover the landscapes
between land and water, it's a articulated in
three different locations days and sections.
Next year is in preparation the first issue.
Next2: LagunalongaEvent is a journey of four days, from 2015,
proposed every week from May to October
The 2014 WCC lagoon pretour
A magic journey to the discovery
of cultural resources distributed
in the lagoon, aboard of
historical boats, in existing
hotels and farmhouses.
An itinerary that tastes a mix of
typical resources of the lagoon,
from local products, to
museums and environmental
sites, from the eno-gastronomy
to the unique silence of the
lagoon. It's proposed with
Destination Venice