BETONRAPID QUICK SETTING HYDRAULIC CEMENT FOR SEALING HOLES AND CRACKS IN THE PRESENCE OF WATER USO PROFESSIONALE • FOR PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY BETONRAPID I GB D F NL ONE-COMPONENT • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. è consigliato per impermeabilizzare muri di fondazione in calcestruzzo. • MODALITÁ D’IMPIEGO. La superficie da trattare deve essere asciutta, pulita e priva di parti di distacco. Le parti friabili vanno eliminate e ricostruite. Per l’adesività sulle superfici porose e secche, è consigliabile la stesura una mano di diluita al 30% con acqua. va mescolato prima dell’uso con trapani mmani di prodotto. Non eccedere nel consumo per mano per non l’evaporazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto applicato. • CONSUMI. 0,500 kg/m2 per mano. RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER BASED TO BE MEHANICALLY MIXED SPRAY APPLICATION I GB TO BE APPLIED BY PLASTERING TROWEL • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. D MONOCOMPONENTE VEICOLO ACQUA MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER MINIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE APPLICARE CON PENNELLO APPLICARE CON RULLO TEMPERATURA MIN. DI APPLICAZIONE APPLICARE A SPRUZZO • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. APPLICARE CON FRATTAZZO KEEP AWAY FROM FROST USE SUITABLE PROTECTION STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO UTILIZZARE DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONE INDIVIDUALI + 5ϒC D.P.I. • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. F NL kg e • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. BETONR I GB ONE-COMPONENT APID USO BASED TO BE SPRAY APPLICATION TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH ACQUA MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE MINIMUM FOR TEMPERATURE APPLICATION + 5ϒC RULLO CON APPLICARE SPRUZZO A KEEP FROM AWAY FROST APPLICARE PENNELLO CON USE SUITABLE PROTECTION TEMPERATURA DI APPLICAZIONE MIN. STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona D.P.I. UTILIZZARE DI PROTEZIONE DISPOSITIVI INDIVIDUALI - ITALY kg PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY MECHANICALLY MIXED VEICOLO TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER APPLICARE PROFESSIONALE • FOR PRIMER PENETRANTE, PER LASTRE DI CEMENTO CONSOLIDANTE PRIMER AMIANTO E INCAPSULANTE PENETRANTE, PER LASTRE DI CEMENTO CONSOLIDANTE AMIANTO E WATER INCAPSULANTE MONOCOMPONENTE Partita Lot e • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. WATERBASE mano di fondo,PRIMER PRIMER, prima è impiegato e di legarepenetrando degli interventiper la bonifica dispersionele fibre in profondità di demolizione delle lastre di amianto nell’impasto • MODALITÁnell’ambiente, di cemento Applicare D’IMPIEGO. superficiale, o di sopracopertura. di cemento I amianto, superficie WATERBASE tutelando non ben i lavoratori amianto, come nono • CONSUMO. WATERBASE coesionate, PRIMER, necessariamente consente addetti Circa tal quale, evitando di fissare alla bonifica 0,250 • AVVERTENZE. kg/m2 deve con pompe così essere della la loro per mano. - Applicare copertura. pulita. Airless - Il prodottoWATERBASE Mani consigliate: a bassa pressione, - Mescolare teme PRIMER due mani. la • NORME primail gelo. solo a dell’uso. - Non DI SICUREZZA temperature respirare - Evitare superiori i vapori - Non il contatto a +5ϒC. aerosoli. gettare con la - In caso i residui pelle di ventilazione nelle e con gli fognature. insufficiente occhi. usare un apparecchio respiratorio adatto. • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. WATERBASE mano di fondo,PRIMER PRIMER, prima è impiegato e di legarepenetrando degli interventiper la bonifica dispersionele fibre in profondità di demolizione delle lastre di amianto nell’impasto • MODALITÁnell’ambiente, di cemento Applicare D’IMPIEGO. superficiale, o di sopracopertura. di cemento amianto, GB superficie WATERBASE tutelando non ben amianto, i lavoratori come nono • CONSUMO. WATERBASE coesionate, PRIMER, necessariamente consente addetti Circa tal quale, evitando di fissare alla bonifica 0,250 • AVVERTENZE. kg/m2 deve con pompe così essere della la loro per mano. - Applicare copertura. pulita. Airless - Il prodottoWATERBASE Mani consigliate: a bassa pressione, - Mescolare teme PRIMER due mani. la • NORME primail gelo. solo a dell’uso. - Non DI SICUREZZA temperature respirare - Evitare superiori i vapori - Non il contatto a +5ϒC. aerosoli. gettare con la - In caso i residui pelle di ventilazione nelle e con gli fognature. insufficiente occhi. usare un apparecchio respiratorio adatto. GRANTS LEED CREDITS CHARACTERISTICS IMPERMEABILE ENVIRONMENTAL ECO GREEN METHOD OF USE MIX MECHANICALLY RECYCLABLE PROBLEM STOP INFILTRATIONS OF WATER UNDER PRESSURE SPRAY APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS APPLY BY TROWEL STORAGE: IN A DRY PLACE SOLUTION APPLICATION FIELDS BETONRAPID is a ready to use, quick setting, waterproofing hydraulic cement containing additives. The product should be mixed with water and has anti-shrinkage properties. It bonds perfectly to the support, forming one body with the structure. BETONRAPID is a specific product for stopping water flow immediately. It rapidly seals holes, cracks and seeping surfaces, immediately becoming resistant enough to block the flow of water under pressure. Total waterproofing is then possible using OSMOSEAL, osmotic waterproofing cement. BETONRAPID is not suitable for sealing supports subject to continuous movement due to structural settling and dilation. In places without adequate waterproofing or where the hydrostatic pressure from the water table is present, infiltration may occur through cracks, cast concrete, distancing steelwork, etc. or from water seepage through capillaries. If these infiltrations are not stopped immediately, damage which can accumulate in a short time will turn a small drip into a flood with all the serious problems which will result. ADVANTAGES • Rapid and immediate solution to the problem of infiltration. • Easy to use. • Highly resistant and impermeable. METHOD OF USE • SURFACE PREPARATION Thoroughly clean the surfaces, removing crumbling or loose parts from the walls. Holes should be opened out with a chisel to a depth of 2 cm and the edges should be bevelled for better bonding in the cavity (1). Wet the surfaces before applying BETONRAPID. • MIX PREPARATION Pour the water into a container, add BETONRAPID and mix until reaching a plaster consistency, then knead by hand (2) (use rubber gloves) until a ball shape is obtained. Hardening times vary depending on the temperature of the water, the surrounding environment and the surface; during winter mix using warm water, when the temperature is high use cold water. • APPLICATION - IN CRACKS Small quantities of material are quickly prepared and rapidly applied by hand, pressing the small balls of BETONRAPID into the hole or crack with the maximum pressure using the palm of the hand until the water seepage stops (3). Once set, after about an hour, the walls may be waterproofed with OSMOSEAL (4). Vertical cracks should always be sealed starting from the top and working downwards. - ON LEAKING SURFACES Mix BETONRAPID and OSMOSEAL in different ratios to obtain different hardening times of the mixture. 1 2 - WITH DRAINAGE CHANNELS When the water emission is restricted and consistent, it is advisable to use a flexible PVC plastic tube which is introduced into the cleaned out hole for drainage purposes. The BETONRAPID will then be applied, filling the hole around the tube. Apply a slight pressure to the tube until the BETONRAPID has fully hardened. The size of the drainage tube will depend on the leak. When the tube has been positioned the water will begin to flow and may be channelled (continua) 3 4 4th DIVISION 2nd LINE Waterproofing mortar 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona - ITALY Partita B TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Standard Powder Grey 30 ÷ 60 seconds 12 months Aspect Colour Setting time - at 20°C Shelf life in original packaging (dry stored) • PRECAUTIONS • Use cold water in summer and water at approximately 20°C in winter. • Application temperature from +5°C to +35°C. • Do not add water once the mix starts to set. • Do not add any other materials, such as cements, aggregates and additives. • In hot weather, keep damping the finished plastered surface for at least 24 hours to stop it from drying out too quickly. • Do not apply on smooth surfaces. • Straight after application clean the tools with water and the coated surfaces with a damp cloth. • Do not expose the material to the sun in hot weather. • Store in original closed packaging in a dry place. PACKAGING BETONRAPID 20-kg-Pail 1-kg-Bag - Box with 5 bags 5/2014ing-9/2012ita • FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION OR ADVICE ON PARTICULAR APPLICATIONS, CONTACT OUR TECHNICAL OFFICE • IN ORDER TO CORRECTLY USE OUR PRODUCTS, REFER TO INDEX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Internet: Informazioni Tecniche Commerciali Amministrazione e Segreteria Via G. Rossini, 22 - 37060 Castel D’Azzano (VR) - Italy - C.P.67 Index Export Dept. T. +39 045 8546201 - F. +39 045 518390 © INDEX socio del GBC Italia The figures shown are average indicative figures relevant to current production and may be changed or updated by INDEX at any time without previous warning. The advice and technical information provided, is what results from our best knowledge regarding the properties and the use of the product. Considering the numerous possible uses and the possible interference of conditions or elements beyond our control, we assume no responsibility regarding the results which are obtained. The purchasers, of their own accord and under their own responsibility, must establish the suitability of the product for the envisaged use. (segue) towards the exterior of the building. The surrounding area may then be waterproofed with OSMOSEAL waterproofing hydraulic cement. The drainage channel should be removed when the waterproof structure is completely dry and has hardened sufficiently to resist water under pressure. After having extracted the plastic tube, the opening must be closed immediately with a small ball of BETONRAPID. • SETTING TIME From 30 to 60 seconds depending on the temperature and the water in the mix. • CONSUMPTION The yield is roughly 1.2 kg/litre. BETONRAPID