ASSOCIAZIONE DI PROMOZIONE SOCIALE JOINT Via Giovanola, 25/C, IT-20142 Milano, , , Tel +39 02 45 47 23 64, Fax. +39 02 450 70 956, Mob. +39 338 577 61 60, , Ride the waves of EVS INFOPACK 1 st period Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095 Dear partners and friends, This info-pack is about the hosting process in Cooperativa Sperimentazione Territoriale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. di Dates: Origin Organization Brazil Romenia Outro Olhar Spain Team youth Association Cerujovi Number 2 for 1 1 Beginning of End of the activities activities 01/02/15 1/08/15 01/02/15 1/08/15 01/02/15 1/08/15 the Duration 5 months 5 months 5 months Tasks: Cooperativa di Sperimentazione Territoriale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile: - - Take care of the animals (sheep, cows, horses, goats, chickens): clean the stables, feed them, bring to the grazing land etc (always possible, but it happens rarely and only accompanied, if the volunteer deserve the trust of the staff); Support operators in maintenance of the biologic garden; Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095 - Collect dry wood from the forest and move it to the camp for the heating system; - Work with a natural materials, like helping to build a house with the green building techniques (like with straw, soil and wood) and learn how to make baskets with branches; - Learn to cook Italian food (helping the staff to cook for some groups) and learn to make bread and pizza; - Clean the house after the departure of the groups; Pic: The animals of Cooperativa - Going to another’s farms who the cooperative help to do agriculture works and know more about Italians farms; Buona Terra: It’s a educational farm belonging to Cooperativa where are most of environmental educational workshops with kids and children from the schools: - Support operators in a educational farm to lead didactic laboratories (visits and stays) dedicated to young, children and families; - Help to produce the cheese “Pecorino” (collect the milk and produce the cheese); Pic: The educational farm “La Buona Terra” - Help to maintenance the farm “La Buona Terra” for cleaning and Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095 preparing the garden, planting and snip plants and keeping in order the camp; - Help to maintain the garden of aromatics plants such as: lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme; - Help and learn to do the natural oils with aromatics plants. Pic: Didactic laboratory with kids doing the cheese Pic: A group of EVS volunteers of Cooperativa di Sperimentazione Territoriale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095 Life during the project: The house: - The volunteers will share the house with the others EVS volunteers and with the responsible of the EVS project; - The volunteers will share the rooms with the others volunteers, divide in two girls and two boys; - The accommodation is provided by the Cooperativa di Sperimentazione Territoriale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, the volunteer have to accept that the decisions about the food are taken by the project coordinator - Anita together with the EVS volunteers; - The house is located in the town, Passignano sul Trasimeno, at 40 minutes walking from to the place where the volunteers will work. It’s near to the beach and the centre of the town. In Passignano are a train station with trains who goes to Firenze and Perugia. The transport: - In the working days the transport from the house to the work will be provide by the Cooperativa. with lifts by car. Selection criteria: The volunteer must be ready and motivate to: (1- in the work): a be prepared to work in the fields every day and to take part in a large variety of works, that include humble works; Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095 b have a really strong spirit of adaptation, to be open to the requests and the working hours asked; c work with a not always balanced working time schedule (i.e much in a period of the year and less in an other, work sometimes in the week-end having free time the other days of the week); d be open to understand the learning style of the Cooperativa (learning by doing) and waiting quite a lot before having the responsibility to do even simple tasks. (2- for the place and the “life style”): a Work surrounded by convinced ecologists in an environment in which people live and speak respectfully of the nature: to be interested to ecology themes, to sustainable development, to biological agriculture and way living, b Have a hierarchical community life, sharing daily life with other people, which means: i. share the room with other volunteers and having not a private space and having difficulties to get some moments for yourself; ii. sharing the food: being in part dependent from the decisions of the person of the staff of Cooperativa who buy the food, having a diet mainly based on seasonal products (the food comes mainly from the “orto”, the vegetable garden) not eating meat often and eating pasta most of the time (one or two times a day); Associazione di promozione sociale Joint Milano, Via Giovanola 25\C, 20142 Italia, C.f. 97 36 54 50 150, P.I. 06 091 280 963 Tel. +39 02 45 46 23 64 Fax. 02/4507095