06/10/2014 Op terugwinning van grondstoffen gebaseerde sanitatie Department of Environmental Technology 02-10-2014, Grietje Zeeman; WUR-ETE Grietje.Zeeman@WUR.nl Industrialized countries Basic setup of aerobic treatment large quantities of water for toilet flushing screens grit chamber primary activated secondary sedimentation sludge sedimentation tank tank tank Raw sewage Treated effluent Dilution of toilet waste water Sludge sludge digestion sludge dewatering 1 06/10/2014 Basic setup of anaerobic treatment screens grit chamber AWWT plant Bucaramanga,Colombia high-rate anaerobic treatment Post-treatment Raw sewage Treated effluent Sludge sludge drying beds UASB UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed) reactor • Developed by Lettinga (1970’s) 2 06/10/2014 Direct anaerobic treatment in UASB-digester Low temperature & low concentration Denitrification with Methane Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera biogas effluent N removal &CH4 removal: CH4 DAMO ammonia Large UASB reactors biogas dissolved biomass influent 10-20°C suspended UASB 10-20°C Digester 30-35°C Mahmoud N, Zeeman G, Gijzen H, Lettinga G. 2004. Anaerobic sewage treatment in a one-stage UASB reactor and a combined UASB-Digester system. Water Research 38: 2347-2357. Lei Zhang, Tim L.G. Hendrickx, Weiguang Li, Christel Kampman, Hardy Temmink, Grietje Zeeman (2013). Co-digestion to support low temperature anaerobic pre-treatment of municipal sewage in a UASB-Digester. Bioresource technology 148, 560-566 Christel Kampman, Tim L.G. Hendrickx, Francisca A. Luesken, Theo A. van Alen, Huub J.M. Op den Camp,Mike S.M. Jetten, Grietje Zeeman, Cees J.N. Buisman,Hardy Temmink (2012). Enrichment of denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria for application after direct low-temperature anaerobic sewage treatment; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Volumes 227–228, 164–171 'New Sanitation’ concept Community-on-site recovery of: Community-on-site recovery of: biogas 'New Sanitation’ concept discharge *Removal micropollutants (ozone) Nitrogen recovery) struvite precipitation nutrient rich product UASB(ST) black water kitchen waste reuse •P-fertiliser discharge *Removal micropollutants (ozone) Nitrogen removal (OLAND) sludge biogas •Biogas struvite precipitation reuse •Biogas hygienisation grey water treatment *not yet realised nutrient rich product UASB(ST) black water •P-fertiliser kitchen waste sludge •Organic fertiliser hygienisation grey water •N-fertiliser treatment •Water *not yet realised •Organic fertiliser Pathogen & MP free •Water 3 06/10/2014 ‘New Sanitation’; restore the cycle with agriculture Barrel system End of the 19th century: Feces & urine collected in barrels Hygienic ? The potential for recovery BW + KW (tons per year) Barrel system P 3.9*106 Fertilizer production (tons per year) #14.9*106 % coverage Energy equivalent 27 Abraham: ’’what, not yet forbidden….?’’ World Population:6,911,750,810 people (http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html) #Cordell, D., Drangert, J.-O., and White, S. , (2009). ##J. N. Galloway et al, (2008); + Haber-Bosch:35kJ/gN; conversion; 0.0378 MJ/LCH4 . ++anaerobic treatment: 70% Van Zon, 1986 4 06/10/2014 Recovery and reuse of nitrogen needed? Haber-Bosch process 78% N2 + 3 H2 → 2NH3 Energy use : 37-45 kJ/g N; * .. *Maurer, M., Schwegler, P., and Larsen, T. A. (2003). Nutrients in urine: energetic aspects of removal and recovery. Water Science and Technology, 48 (1), 37-46. The potential for recovery BW + KW (tons per year) P 3.9*106 Fertilizer production (tons per year) #14.9*106 The potential for recovery % coverage Energy equivalent BW + KW (tons per year) 27 COD N *30.9*106 ##121*106 25 World Population:6,911,750,810 people (http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html) #Cordell, D., Drangert, J.-O., and White, S. , (2009). ##J. N. Galloway et al, (2008); + Haber-Bosch:35kJ/gN; conversion; 0.0378 MJ/LCH4 . 280*106 % coverage Energy equivalent ±cooking energy 69*109 m3 CH4 per year 1.1*103 PJ/y ++anaerobic treatment: 70% 5 06/10/2014 EET & STOWA supported New sanitation‘Brouwershuis’ New sanitation ‘Brouwershuis’ 6 06/10/2014 Modern vacuum collection and transport Black water treatment Biogas • • comfort • water use:1 liter per flush MP & Pathogens limited dilution Sludge UASB UASB (6l/person/day) • Local use Phosphorus Nitrogen Future: 1l/person/day? Air MP & Pathogens Effluent Black water treatment Simultaneous Ca-Phosphate precipitation & CH4 production in a UASB Biogas MP & Pathogens Sludge UASB UASB Agriculture Phosphorus Nitrogen MP & Pathogens Granule formation in black water UASB reactor (a) dried granule (b) and inorganic core of granule (burned at 550"C) (c) Effluent Taina H. Tervahauta, Renata D. van der Weijden, Roberta L. Flemming, Luc´ıa Hern´andez Leal, Grietje Zeeman,,Cees J. N. Buisman (submitted) Calcium phosphate precipitation in anaerobic treatment of black water: a new approach to phosphorus recovery. Water Research 48 (2 014 ) 632-642 32 7 06/10/2014 Simultaneous Ca-Phosphate precipitation & CH4 production in a UASB Energy Liquid Eff. Sludge Black Water NH3-recovery; microbial fuel cell • migrational ion flux to the cathode N,K orga -nics P-granules • driven by electron production • anaerobic degradation of organic matter in urine. Kuntke, P., Śmiech, K.M. , Bruning, H., Zeeman, G., Saakes, M. , Sleutels, T.H.J.A. , Hamelers, H.V.M., Buisman, C.J.N. (2012). Ammonium recovery and energy production from urine by a microbial fuel cell. Water Research, 46-8, 2627-2636 N & P recovery; microalgae growth on urine N & P recovery; microalgae growth on BW N&P Agriculture C Biogas Pilot research DBW BW Vacuum toilet PBR UASB effluent polishing Algae harvesting - KNAW NIOONIOO - KNAW H 2O Wetland Kanjana Tuantet, Marcel Janssen, Hardy Temmink, Grietje Zeeman, René H. Wijffels, and Cees J.N. Buisman (2013). Nutrient removal and microalgal biomass production on urine in a short light-path photobioreactor. Water R e search 5 5, 1 6 2 -1 7 4 Schematic representation of current and future black water according to new sanitation concepts. Adapted from Tania Fernandes, NIOO 8 06/10/2014 Organic Fertiliser production from BW Black water does not contain external heavy metal sources, such as household chemicals. Organic Fertiliser production from BW Feces • main contributor to the heavy metal loading of vacuum collected black water (52–84%) • In sewage the contribution of feces to heavy metals is less than 10%. Taina Tervahautaa,, Sonia Rania, Lucía Hernández Leala,Cees J.N. Buismana, Grietje Zeeman (2014). Black water sludge reuse in agriculture: Are heavy metals a problem? Journal of Hazardous Materials 274 ; 229–236 (Hyper)-thermophilic anaerobic treatment (50-70°C); ‘Anaerobic disinfection’ Taina Tervahautaa,, Sonia Rania, Lucía Hernández Leala,Cees J.N. Buismana, Grietje Zeeman (2014). Black water sludge reuse in agriculture: Are heavy metals a problem? Journal of Hazardous Materials 274 ; 229–236 Future transition research The Netherlands: Energy Concentrated Black Water* Hyperthermophilic ‘Anaerobic Disinfection’ Pathogens Liquid Eff. N,P,K towards Sludge COD Micro Pollutants *Collected 100.000 km sewer network & 351 WWTPs DESAH BV Resource recovery based sanitation with improved vacuum toilets 9 06/10/2014 Micro-pollutants (MPs) Fate MPs in biological BW- or GW-treatment *almost 200 micropollutants from personal care products in GW **190 different pharmaceutical substances recorded Lucia Marthe Graaff TitiaHernandez de Mes *Personal care products in GW **Pharmaceutical DESAH BV *Eriksson, E.; Auffarth, K.; Eilerse, A. M.; Henze, M.; Ledin, A (2003). Household chemicals and personal care products as sources for xenobiotic organic compounds in grey wastewater. Water SA, 29, 135–146. **Winker, M., Faika, D., Gulyas, H. and Otterpohl, R. (2008). A comparison of human pharmaceutical concentrations in raw municipal wastewater and yellow water. Science of the total environment Conclusies; op terugwinning van grondstoffen gebaseerde sanitatie 3 ‘Nieuwe Sanitatie’ toepassingen in Nederland Ontwikkeling UASB-slibvergisting systeem residues & estrogens in BW *Hernandez Leal L., Vieno, N., Temmink H., Zeeman G., Buisman C.J.N. (2010). Occurrence of Xenobiotics in Grey Water and Removal in Three Biological Treatment Systems. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (17): 6835–6842 **de Graaff, M.S., Vieno, N.M., Kujawa-Roeleveld, K., Zeeman, G.; Temmink, H.; Buisman, C.J.N. (2011). Fate of hormones and pharmaceuticals during combined anaerobic treatment and nitrogen removal by nitritation-anammox in vacuum collected black water. Water Research, Volume 45, Issue 1; **T.Z.D. de Mes, K. Kujawa-Roeleveld, G. Zeeman and G. Lettinga (2007). Fate of oestrogens during anaerobic blackwater treatment with microaerobic post-treatment. Water Science & Technology Vol 56 No 5. Conclusies; op terugwinning van grondstoffen gebaseerde sanitatie Verbeteringen ‘Nieuwe Sanitatie’ in ontwikkeling Transitie strategie noodzakelijk 10 06/10/2014 Op terugwinning van grondstoffen gebaseerde sanitatie VRAGEN? 11