V-2012-1 Skilt / Signs Linjemerking (ledelinje) – LLL (Low Level Lighting) www.prolink.no Prolink International AS Innholdsfortegnelse Table of contents: Side Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Skilttype Sign type Informasjon / Information Rømningsveiskilt / Escape way sign Sikkerhetsskilt / Safety sign IMO - Sikkerhetsskilt / IMO - Safety sign: AfterRes. A.760(18) IMO – Brannskilt / IMO – Fire signs IMO - Brannskilt / IMO - Fire signs: After Res. A.952(23) IMO - Brannskilt / IMO - Fire signs: After Res. A.952(23) IMO - Brannskilt / IMO - Fire signs: After Res. A.952(23) IMO - Brannskilt / IMO - Fire signs: After Res. A.952(23) Advarselskilt / Warning sign Påbudsskilt / Mandatory sign Forbud – Påbudsskilt / Prohibition – Mandatory sign Informasjonsskilt / Information sign LLL - System LLL - System info Etterlysende skilt & linjemerking / LLL (Low Level Lighting) Tape / Miscellaneous Posters ISPS Spesialskilt / Spesial signs Prolink International AS *NB! Kvalitetene har skiftet betegnelse: Fra PRO 10 til PRO 30 Fra PRO 20 til PRO 50 Fra PRO 65 til PRO 80 Vi utfører og leverer / We carry out and deliver Design / Engineering Materialer / Material Montering / Installation Dokumentasjon, kontroll og måling / Documentation, supervisions Etterlysende / Photoluminiscent PRO 8 PRO 30 PRO 50 PRO 80 Kvalitet / Quality DIN 67 510 = 48/7 - 935 DIN 67 510 = 217/30 - 3152 DIN 67 510 = 362/50 - 4760 DIN 67 510 = 705/94,8 – 9130 Skilt leveres som standard PRO 8, men kan også leveres i andre kvaliteter Linjemerking leveres som standard PRO 30 eller PRO 50 Signs are as standard delivered PRO 8, improved quality can be delivered LLL are as standard delivered PRO 30 or PRO 50 1 Prolink International AS 2 Rømningsveiskilt / Escape way sign 1449 1450 1492 1493 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 1450NØ 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 1452 1490 1491 1450HC 1451HC 1452HC 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 1454 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm Eksempel på dobbeltsidig eller enkeltsidig skilt montert i himling. 1451 10x20, 15x30cm 1449HC 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm 15x30, 20x40, 30x60cm Eksempel på dobbeltsidig eller enkeltsidig skilt flaggmontert. Eksempel på dobbeltsidig eller enkeltsidig skilt med kjettingoppheng. Andre skilttyper i 12 og 16 hundre serien kan leveres. Prolink er produsent, og kan derfor skreddersy løsninger. 1253 1254 1255 1256 1261 1350 1351 1352 33.4410 33.4411 33.4412 33.4340 15x30cm 15x30cm 15x30cm Exit 20x40cm 15X40 CM 1802 21x30cm 1862 10,5x36cm 1865 H 13,5x40cm 15x40 cm 15X40 CM 1803 1804 21x30cm 21x30cm 1862 H 10,5x38cm 1865 V 13,5x40cm Exit Exit 20x40cm 1362 Emergency Exit 21x30cm 1366 Emergency Exit 15x30cm 1367 Emergency Exit 1723 1801 20x45cm 21x30cm 1861 H 10,5x36cm 1861 V 10,5x38cm 1864 H 1866 V 13,5x40cm 10,5x38cm 1864 V 10,5x53cm 10,5x38cm 13,5x40cm Emergency Exit Arrow 15x7,5 20x10cm 20x25cm 1862 V 1866 H 1363 1721 1861 1259 15x30cm 15x30cm 15X40 CM 1805 1258 1257 15x30cm 15x30cm 10,5x53cm 1871 9,5x17,1cm 15x30cm Prolink International AS 3 Sikkerhetsskilt / Safety signs Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex Signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or spesify other dim. 1150 Escape Arrow Rømningspil 50x150mm 1151 Escape Arrow Rømningspil 90x250mm 1201 1202 1206 Life Capsule Redningskapsel 1207 Survival Chute Redningsstrømpe 1211 1212 Running Man, right Running Man, Left Løpende mann, høyre Løpende mann, venstre 1213 Stairs Trapper 1214 Ladder Leider 1215 Sliding Door Skyvedør 1216 Breathing Apparatus Pusteapparat 1218 First Aid Equipment Førstehjelpsutstyr 1219 First Aid station /Hospital Førstehjelpsstasjon Hospital 1220 Stretcher Båre 1221 Emergency Shower Nøddusj 1222 Eye Wash Øyedusj 1223 Safety Torch Lykt 1225 Helideck Helikopterdekk 1226 Rescue Netting Redningsnett 1227 Muster Point / Area Samlingspunkt / område 1229 Rescue Harness Redningssele 1231 IMO Arrow for Emergency Exit IMO Sekundærpil 1232 Stairs Trapper 1235 Hand Flare Håndholdt signalfakkel 1260 Rømningsstige 1282 Emergency Escape Breating Device 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1513 1505 E 1505 N 1507 Man Overboard Boat 1514 Sikkerhetsutstyr Safety Equipment 1517 Emerg. Shut down 1518 Bruk ikke heis.. Do Not Use Elevator. +10x10cm Do Not Use Elevator. +10x10cm 1586 - 1589 Letter: 1552 - 1559 Number: 1551 33,4171 10X30cm 1560 33,4172 10X30cm 1581 33,4480 10X30cm 33,4481 10X30cm 1590 33,4176 10X30cm 33,4177 10x30 cm Prolink International AS 4 IMO-Sikkerhetsskilt/IMO-Safety signs After Res. A.760/18 Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex Signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or spesify other dim. 1301 Lifeboat 1302 Rescue boat 1303 Liferaft 1304 Davit-launched Liferaft 1305 Lifejacket 1306 Child’s Lifejacket 1307 Immersion Suit 1308 Lifebuoy 1309 Lifebuoy with Line 1310 Lifebuoy with Light 1311 Lifebuoy with Light and Smoke 1312 Lifebuoy with Light and Line 1313 Lifebuoy with Light, Smoke and Line 1316 Survival Craft Portable Radio 1317 EPIRB 1318 Radar Transponder 1319 Survival Craft Pyrotechnic Distress Signals 1320 Rocket Parashute Flares 1321 Line-Throwing Appliance 1322 Assembly Station 1323 Evacuation Slide 1324 Embarkation Ladder 1325 Hand Flare 1326 Thermal Protective Aid a 1332 – 1338 Number: b 1328 Arrow, stright 1329 Arrow, angeled 1330 a=1/2b 1331 1383 – 1389 Letter: 1339 1341 1342 1381 1382 1343 S Resuscitator 1344 Defilibrator 1343 Resuscitator 5331 Release Gripes 5332 Release Falls 5333 Lower to the Water: The Lifeboat 5338 Start Water-Spry 5339 Sescure Hatches 5340 Fasten Seat Belts 5334 Lower to the Water: The Rescueboat 5335 Lower to the Water: The Liferaft 5336 Start Engine 5337 Start Air Supply 1390 Prolink International AS 5 IMO–Brannskilt / IMO–Fire signs Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or spesify other dim. 2201 Fire Control Plan 2203 Horn Fire Alarm 2204 Bell Fire Alarm 2205 Manually Operated Call Point 2207 Fire Alarm Panel 2209 Space protected by Sprinkler 2232 Powder Hose and Handgun 2244 Fire Hydrant 2245 Hose Box with Spray/Jet Fire Nozzle 2301 Emergency Switchboard 2330 Electrical Isolation of Room /Area 2335 Helicopter Rescue Equipment 2336 MOB Alarm Push Button 2351 Safety Equipment 2319 Emergency telephone station 2380 Fire Alarm 2401 2402 2412 Fireman Equipment Brannmannsutstyr 2368 Air Compressor for Breathing Devices 2381 Fire Extinguisher 2404 Fire Alarm Push Button Brannalarm 2382 Fire Hose 2384 Emergency Telephone 2385 2386 2405 Fire Hose Reel Brannslange 2407 Fire Extinguisher Gas Brannslokker, gass 2408 Fire Ext. Water / Powder Brannslukker vann/pulver 2411 Fire Axe Brannøks 2413 2427 Fire Station for Helicopter Crowbar Brannstasjon helikopter Brekkjern 2428 Spare Ext. Fillings Reserveladn. For slukkere 2431 2509 2509 FB 2247 International Shore Connection 2390 Oil Pollution Equipment SOPEP 2293 Control station 2296 Inert Gas installation 2512 Emergency Source of Electrical Power 2300 Emergency sourse of electrical power 2527 7,5x5cm 2281 Locker with Additional Breathing Apparatus 2282 Escape Mask 2503 2504 2505 2508 2528 7,5x5cm Prolink International AS 6 IMO–Brannskilt / IMO–Fire signs After Res. A.952(23) Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. Fire Fighting Equipment NB! Spesify Type 2261 W Fire Extinguisher Spesify Litre 2261 P Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2261 F Fire Extinguisher Spesify Litre 2261 CO2 Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2261 H Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2430 Refill Spesify type 2267 W Fire Extinguisher Spesify Litre 2267 P Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2267 F Fire Extinguisher Spesify Litre 2267 CO2 Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2267 H Fire Extinguisher Spesify Kilo 2236 Foam Nozzle 2245 W Fire Hose and nozzle 2245 P Fire Hose and nozzle 2245 F Fire Hose and nozzle 2231 W Monitor 2231 P Monitor 2231 F Monitor 2294 Portable Foam Applicator unit for relevant spare tank(s) Hydrants and valves NB! Spesify Type 2244 W Fire Hydrant 2244 P Fire Hydrant Battreies NB! Spesify Type 2212 W Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery Tanks 2228 W Fixed Fire Extinguishing Bottle, placed in protected area 2212 P Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery 2244 F Fire Hydrant 2212 F Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery 2211 W Fire Main Section Valve 2211 P Powder Section Valve 2211 F Foam Section Valve 2212 CO2 Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery 2212 N Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery 2212 H Fixed Fire Extingushing Battery 2228 CO2 Fixed Fire Extingushing Bottle, placed in protected area 2228 N Fixed Fire Extingushing Bottle, placed in protected area 2228 H Fixed Fire Extingushing Bottle, placed in protected area NB! Spesify Type 2228 P Fixed Fire Extingushing Bottle, placed in protected area 2228 F Fixed Fire Extingushing Bottle, placed in protected area 2211 S Sprinkler Section Valve Prolink International AS 7 IMO–Brannskilt / IMO–Fire signs After Res. A.952(23) Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex signs. 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. Tanks NB! Spesify Type 2234 W Fixed fire extinguishing installation, water 2234 P Fixed fire extinguishing installation, powder Remote Controls 2234 F Fixed fire extinguishing installation, foam 2234 CO2 Fixed fire extinguishing installation, CO2 2234 N Fixed fire extinguishing installation, nitrogen 2234 H Fixed fire extinguishing installation for gas 2394 High expansion foam supply trunk (outlet) NB! Spesify Type 2217 W Remote release station Water 2217 P Remote release station Powder 2217 F Remote release station Foam 2217 CO2 Remote release station CO2 2217 N Remote release station Nitrogen 2217 H Remote release station for Gas 2290 Remote controlled skylights 2253 WT Remote control for Watertight Doors 2253 FD Remote control for Fire Doors 2253 ME Remote control for Emergency Shut-Off Main Engine 2253 FOP Fuel Oil Pump(s) remote shut-off 2253 LOP Lube Oil Pump(s) remote shut-off 2254 FOV Remote control for Fuel Oil Valves 2254 LOV Remote control for Lube Oil Valves 2215 WM Space protected by Water Mist W = Water, green P = Powder, white F = Foam, yellow CO2 = Carbon dioxide, grey N = Nitrogen, grey H = Gas other than CO2 or N, brown Space protection NB! Spesify Type 2215 W Space protected by Water 2215 D Space protected by Drenching 2215 P Space protected by Powder 2215 F Space protected by Foam 2215 CO2 Space protected by CO2 2215 H Space protected by Gas 2209 Space protected by Sprinkler 2237 WM Water Mist applicator 2237 F Foam applicator 2237 W Water fog applicator 2259 Water fog Valve 2270 Drenching Instalation 2315 FD Space protected by Automatic Fire Alarm Prolink International AS 8 IMO–Brannskilt / IMO–Fire signs After Res. A.952(23) Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex signs. 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. Ventilation Fans A = Blue for accommodation and service spaces M = Green for machinery spaces C = Yellow for cargo spaces NB! Spesify Type 2311 A 2311 M 2311 C Ventilation remote control Ventilation remote control Ventilation remote control Shut-Off Accommodation Shut-Off Machinery Shut-Off Cargo Fire dampers 2289 A Fire Damper Accommodation Remote controls for fire dampers 2289 M Fire Damper Machinery 2289 C Fire Damper Cargo 2354 A Remote control for Fire Damper(s) Accommodation Closing device for ventilation inlet or outlet 2310 A Closing device for Ventilation inlet or outlet Accommodation 2310 M Closing device for Ventilation inlet or outlet Machinery 2310 C Closing device for Ventilation inlet or outlet Cargo 2249 Emergency Fire Pump 2256 Bilge Pump(s) 2257 Emergency Bilge Pump 2356 A Remote control for closing device(s) for Ventilation Iinlet and outlet Accommodation 2253 BP Remote control for Bilge Pump(s) 2253 EBP Remote control for Emergency Bilge Pump Remote controls 2253 FP Remote control for Fire Pump(s) 2253 EFP Remote control for Emergency Fire Pump or fire pump supplied by the emergency source of power 2354 C Remote control for Fire Damper(s) Cargo Remote controls for closing device(s) for ventilation inlet and outlet Pumps 2248 Fire Pump(s) 2354 M Remote control for Fire Damper(s) Machinery 2254 FPV Remote control for Fire Pump Valves 2356 M Remote control for closing device(s) for Ventilation inlet and outlet Machinery 2356 C Remote control for closing device(s) for Ventilation inlet and outlet Cargo Prolink International AS 9 IMO–Brannskilt / IMO–Fire signs After Res. A.952(23) Etterlysende eller reflekterende skilt / Photoluminescent or Reflex signs. 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. Fire Locker Equipment 2373 1 – 2373 8 Number: 2273 Fire Locker 2373 0 Number: 0 2280 Locker with Fireman’s Outfit 2412 Breathing Apparatus 2373 9 Number: 9 2335 Helicopter Rescue Equipment 2281 Locker with Additional Breathing Apparatus 2284 Locker with Additional Protective Clothing 2320 Fire Axe 2395 Oxygen and Gas Cylinders Alarm devices / Fire alarm / Detectors 2202 Push button / switch for General Alarm 2203 Horn Fire Alarm 2204 Bell Fire Alarm 2205 Manually operated call point 2206 Manually operated call point 2380 Fire alarm 2210 FM FM-200 Horn 2210 CO2 CO2 Horn 2210 S Sprinkler Horn 2210 H Halon Horn 2210 I Inergen Horn 2315 Space monitored by Smoke Detector 2317 Space monitored by Gas Detector(s) 2318 Flame Detector 2302 2302 WT 2302 SWT 2303 2303 WT 2304 WT 2304 SWT 2305 2305 WT 2305 SWT Fire Doors 2303 SWT 2304 Prolink International AS Advarsel skilt / Warning signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. 10 3206 S 15x20cm 3201 3202 3203 Advarsel Warning 3204 Høyspenning High Voltage 3205 Eksplosjonsfare Explosion Risk 3206 Gass under trykk Gas Under Pressure 3208 Laser 3209 Etsende væske Corrosive Fluid 3210 Brannfare Fire Danger 3211 Brannfare, oksyderende Fire Danger, Oxidizing 3212 Gift Poison 3213 Gaffeltruck Forklift 3217 Nymalt Wet Paint 3218 Trinn opp Watch Step Up 3219 Trinn ned Watch Step Down 3221 Biological hazard 3301 3222 Non-ionising radiation 3401 25x45cm 3304 3405 15x30cm 3305 3406 20x25cm 3306 3307 3410 20x45cm 3408 15x15cm 3413 30x55cm 3458 20x30cm 3414 30x55cm 3430 21x30cm 3431 21x30cm 3216 Forsiktig glatt Caution Slippery 3302 3303 3403 15x35cm 3404 15x30cm 3431 NE 21x30cm 3432 9,5x15cm 3411 30x60cm 3450 15x20cm 3412 30x60cm 3452 15x20cm 3460 20x40cm 3459 20x25cm 33.7581 20x15cm 0996 Acetylene 10x30cm Gå ikke under hengende last Dim. spesifiser 3215 Vått gulv Wet Floor 3308 3409 25x55cm 3407 20x30cm 3207 Radioaktivitet Radio Activity Warning Specify your tekst and symbol 63x28cm 0997 Oxygen 10x30cm 33.7584 20x15cm 33.7605 20x15cm 33.7610 20x15cm Riving Asbest 20x15cm Prolink International AS 11 Påbudsskilt Mandatory signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. 3801 Påbudt med hjelm Hardhat Mandatory 3802 Påbudt med hørselvern Hearing Protection Mandatory 3803 3804 Påbudt med vernebriller Påbudt med gassmaske Eye protection Mandatory Respiratory Protection Mandatory 33.5733 20x15cm 33.5722 20x15cm 33.5712 20x15cm 3805 Påbudt med vernehansker Hand Protection Mandatory 3806 Påbudt med vernestøvler Safety Boots Mandatory Kombinasjonsskilt / Combination Signage (20X30 cm) 6101 20x30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6152 20x30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6250 20x30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6100 20x30cm 6151 20x30cm 6220 20x30cm 6150 20x30cm 6200 20x30cm Kontakt oss for andre kombinasjonsskilt Contact us for other combination signs 6275 20x30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 3807 Påbudt med ansiktsvern Face Protection Mandatory Prolink International AS 12 Forbud-Påbudsskilt Prohibition-Mandatory signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. 3501 Røyking Forbudt Smoking Prohibited 34x34-20x20-15x15cm 3502 Åpen ild forbudt Open Flame Prohibited 3508 3509 Forbudt med vernestøvler Adgang forbudt for dyr Safety Boots Prohibited No Pets 3503 Ingen adgang No Admittance 3504 Adgang forbudt No Entrance 3505 Ikke blokker Do Not Obstruct 3506 Ikke slukk med vann Do Not Use Water if Fire 3507 Fotografering forbudt Camera Prohibited 3533 Slå av mobiltelefon Switch off Mobile 3534 Forbudt med fotballsko Football Boots Prohibited 3598 Adgang forbudt No Admittance 3535 Forbudt med rulleskøyter Roller Skate Prohibited 3536 Forbudt med kopp Cup Prohibited 3608 3521 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3607 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 6002 10X30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6017 10X30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6032 10X30cm Spesifiser tekst Spesify Text 6046 20X30cm 6001 10X30cm 6016 10X30cm 6031 10X30cm 33.8520 3X10cm 6000 10X30cm 6015 10X30cm 6030 10X30cm 33.8532 10X30cm Prolink International AS 13 Informasjonsskilt / Information signs 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or other dim. 5201 5202 5203 Informasjon Information 5204 Dame / Toalett Ladies Room 5205 Mann / Toalett Men’s Room 5206 Mann / Dame Toalett Restroom 5207 Handicaptoalett Handicap Restroom 5208 Senger Beds 5209 Stellerom Nursery 5211 Telefon Telephone 5212 Trapp Stairs 5215 Rulletrapp Escalator 5216 Trapp Stairs 5219 Kafeteria Cafeteria 5220 Restaurant 5222 Garderobe Checkroom 5223 Røyking tillatt Smoking Allowed 5224 Bagasje innsjekking Luggage Check-in 5225 Bagasje oppbevaring Luggage Lockers 5226 Oppholdsrom Lounge 5227 TV-rom TV Lounge 5230 Konferanserom Conference Room 5233 Trimrom Gymnasium 5234 Biljard Billiards 5235 Lekerom Playroom 5238 Kapell Chapel 5239 Hospital 5243 Drikkefontene Drinking Fountain 5248 Dusj Shower 5250 Søppelkurv Trash 5251 Bøttekott Washing Appliances 5259 Innsjekking Chech-in Registration 5269 Vaskeri Laundry 5281 Gangbro Walk Bridge 5286 Pass Immigration 5301 20x30cm 15x20cm 5302 20x30cm 15x20cm 5289 Biler / Bildekk Cars / Car Deck 5292 Liggestol Air Seat 5298 5299 Prolink International AS 14 LLL - Systems ISO 15370 og SOLAS ”Safety of life at seas” gir instruksjoner for lavtliggende ledesystem ”LLL” for markering av rømningsveger på passasjerskip (12 passasjerer eller mer). Standarden angir også prosedyre for testing av utstyret. Testresultatene vil bl.a. avhenge av ladelys. Prolink International AS kan ”designe”, produsere og levere LLL som tilfredsstiller de aller fleste ladelysforhold og de strengeste krav. ISO 15370 and SOLAS “Safety of life at sea” gives instruction for, Low –Location lighting, ”LLL” for marking of escape routes on passenger ships (12 passengers or more). The standard gives instruction for on site testing. Test results will depend on charging light. Prolink International can design, produce and deliver photoluminecent LLL systems to meet the poorest charging light conditions and the highest demands. Standard installation of Prolink’s LLL – System according to IMO resolution A 752 (18) Different use of aluminium profile. After what type of skirting board You have. Bulkhead Bulkhead Max. Height above Deck:300mm Without skirting Deck Fire sign Safety sign Prolink International AS 15 LLL – System Info Standard installation at Watertight door. open Standard installation at sliding Exit door. Standard installation at double hinged Exit door. Standard installation at hinged Exit door. Close Hand Pump Deck Installation of Prolink’s LLL-System in stairs. Above sketches is only a principle and will vary from case to case. Standard installation in Dead End corridors 1,00m Max. Distance between arrows. Bulkhead Deck Landing Assembly Deck Landing Prolink International AS 16 Etterlysende skilt & linjemerking LLL (Low Level Lighting) 2205 55x50mm 2206 55x50mm 2244 55x50mm 2244 W 55x50mm 2245 55x50mm 2245 W 55x50mm 2261 P 55x50mm 2261 CO2 55x50mm 2261 W 55x50mm 2320 55x50mm 2404 55x50mm 2405 55x50mm 2408 55x50mm 2411 55x50mm 2261 F 55x50mm 4583…4595 Letter C…O 4548 4581 55x35mm 55x35mm 4582 55x35mm 4596 55x35mm 4450 55X100mm 4451 55X100mm 4452 55X100mm 4453 55X100mm 4460 55X100mm 4461 55X100mm LLL (Low Level Lighting) strips 55x1200mm Please specify quality, ref. page 1 4322 55x50mm 4328 55x50mm V-4508 180x75mm For ”Door Handle” 1201 55x55mm 85X85mm 4444 55x50mm 4445 55Zx50mm V-4503 980x55mm V-4504 980x55mm V-4509 180x75mm For ”Door Handle” Trinnmarkering Sidekant Stair marking Ø35, Ø40 mm V-4506 980x55mm V-4505 135x70mm Goes together with V-4503 and V-4504 V-4506 For ”Door Handle” Ledelinje innsatt i aluminiumsprofil med endestykker LLL inserted in the aluminum profile with end caps 1160 Trappestrips Stair Strips 15x150mm 1163 Trappenesemarkering. Brun og sølv. Bredde må tilpasses Stair nose. Brown and silver. Width must be adjusted. Prolink International AS is certified for survey of LLL Systems Prolink International AS Tape / Miscellaneous Mareflex MF01 Solas IMO Reflective tape Warning Specify your tekst and symbol 63x28cm 17 Prolink International AS 18 SELF ADHESIVE / SELVKLEBENDE Most signs can be delivered with a self-adhesive backing, for a easy installation. Please order separate each time. Mesteparten av skiltene kan leveres med dobbeltsidig tape for enkel montering. Bestilles for hvert enkelt skilt. PANORAMIC / PLOGSKILT - (Above equipment in corridors and area to be viewed from both directions) - (Over utstyr i korridorer og områder hvor skiltet skal kunne sees fra begge sider) Most signs can be delivered as ”Panoramic”. To order panoramic signs, add the letter ”P” (for panoramic) to The sign number. Ex.: P2405 Mange skilt kan leveres som “Plog”. For å bestille, skriv ”P” (for Plog) forran skiltnummeret. Eks.: P2405 Panoramic Plog ANGLED SIGN / VINKELSKILT - (Bracket for installation of angled signs) - (Brakett for å montere skilt vinkelrett mot vegg) We can deliver angled aluminum bracket for all signs. Bulkhead Vegg Ceiling Himling Vi kan levere aluminiumsbraketter for alle skilt. LAMINATED POSTERS 33.1501 A-3 33.1502 A-3 33.1503 A-3 33.1504 A-3 33.1542 A-4 33.1538 15x10cm IMO 969E A-4 Available Posters: 33.1201 33.1502 33.1503 33.1504 33.1505 33.1506 33.1508 33.1509 33.1515 33.1516 33.1520 33.1522 Lifeboat Launching Liferaft Launching Inflatable Liferafts Fully Enclosed Lifeboat Lounching from Stowed Position Lifeboat Launching in a Dangerous Atmosphere Enclosed Space Entry Preventing Oil Spill Electric Shock, Drowning or Serious Injury Man Overboard Abandon Ship Free Fall Lifeboat Launching Bunkering 33.1523 Post Oil Spill Actions 33.1526 Required Boarding Arrangements For Pilot 33.1527 Fire Extinguisher Types 33.1528 Personal Protective Equipment 33.1530 Craneage Safety 33.1531 Fire & Explosion Actions 33.1532 Gas Bottle Safety 33.1533 Welding & Flamecutting 33.1535 Engine & Machinery Room Safety 33.1538 Drug Warning Notice 33.1542 Don’t Throw Garbage Overboard 33.1545 Davit Launched Liferafts 33.1559 Life Saving Signals IMO 969E Prolink International AS 19 ISPS 35.8795 100X300mm 35.8700 200X300mm 35.8701 200X300mm 35.8704 200X300mm 35.8709 34.MARP A4 35.8702 33.8703 200X300mm 35.8794 150X150mm 35.8690 100X300mm 35.8790 100X300mm 35.3139 300X300mm 35.8692 100X300mm 35.3138 400X300mm 35.5824 100X300mm 35.2800 150X200, 200X300mm 35.5825 100X300mm 35.2896 350X300mm 35.8707 100X300mm 35.8708 100X300mm 140X285mm 140X285mm 35.8796 150X150mm 35.8705 300X300mm 140X285mm 35.8706 300X300mm 35.2419 150X150, 300X300mm Prolink International AS 20 2 Spesial signs ETTER DERES ØNSKE / AFTER YOUR REQUEST 9xxx Special 9xxx Special Eng. /Greek 9xxx Special Magnetic signs 1501 PE 1352 RE 7xxx Special Greek tapeletter 9xxx 9XXX Cabin sign 9XXX Cabin sign Kildesortering A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Prolink International AS Sikterigt. 9 8622 Mo i Rana, Norway Telefon: +(47) 75 19 87 30 Faks : +(47) 75 19 87 35 e-post : prolink@prolink.no Bestilling Fra Firma : Kontaktperson: Gate / Vei : Telefon: Postboks : Faks Sted e-post : Art. Nr. : Ant. Dim. Produkt : LLL - Design Rømningsplan / Escapeway Signpost LLL – MTO Signpost Data Sheet Cabin sign Prolink International AS Sikterigt. 9 8622 Mo i Rana Norway Organisajons nr./ VAT Phone: +(47) 75 19 87 30 Fax: +(47) 75 19 87 35 E-mail: prolink@prolink.no www.prolink.no NO 984184816 MVA