
and ummm…
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
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Q $300
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Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
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Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Splish
Photosynthetic organisms are found
mainly in shallow water due to the
availability of what?
$100 Answer from Splish
$200 Question from Splish
The largest watershed in the United States
is what river?
$200 Answer from Splish
The Mississippi River
$300 Question from Splish
Mangrove swamps provide breeding and
feeding grounds for roughly _________
animal species.
$300 Answer from Splish
2, 000
$400 Question from Splish
Which of the following is not an
environmental function of wetlands?
- Increasing runoff
- Absorbing and removing pollutants
- Trapping carbon
- Controlling floods
$400 Answer from Splish
Increasing runoff
$500 Question from Splish
Which of the following statements is not
- Lakes may contain a region that recieves little
- Swamps are dominated by woody shrubs.
- Wetlands help remove pollutants.
- Rivers generally move faster as they reach the
$500 Answer from Splish
Rivers generally move faster as
they reach the ocean.
$100 Question from Kersploosh
Water __________ sunlight; thus
photosynthesis in lakes and oceans does not
occur below 100 meters.
$100 Answer from Kersploosh
$200 Question from Kersploosh
In the _________ zone, the water is cool
and dark.
$200 Answer from Kersploosh
$300 Question from Kersploosh
In the ____________ zone, aquatic life is
diverse and abundant.
$300 Answer from Kersploosh
$400 Question from Kersploosh
What distinguishes nekton from benthos?
$400 Answer from Kersploosh
One swims freely and the other often lives
attached to a hard surface.
$500 Question from Kersploosh
Two threats to ocean ecosystems are which
of the following:
Nutrient runoff
industrial waste discharge
Entanglement of marine mammals
Algal blooms
$500 Answer from Kersploosh
All of the above
$100 Question from Drippity
Three percent of the world’s water
resources are found as what?
$100 Answer from Drippity
Fresh Water
$200 Question from Drippity
An inexpensive solution to providing more
fresh water is what?
$200 Answer from Drippity
Water Conservation
$300 Question from Drippity
How is fresh water used in industry?
Give the 3 answers seperately.
$300 Answer from Drippity
Manufacturing processes
Disposal of waste products
Generate power
$400 Question from Drippity
What causes most coastal pollution in the
United States?
$400 Answer from Drippity
Industrial waste and sewage
$500 Question from Drippity
Which factor is not an important advantage
for aquatic organisms living near the
surface of a lake or pond?
$500 Answer from Drippity
Presence of decomposing organisms
$100 Question from Kaplunk
Estuaries are extremely productive
ecosystems because they continually
receive fresh nutrients from _______ and
$100 Answer from Kaplunk
Rivers and Oceans
$200 Question from Kaplunk
In an estuary, when fresh water meets salt
water, currents for and cause what?
$200 Answer from Kaplunk
Nutrients to fall to the bottom.
$300 Question from Kaplunk
What is not characteristic of salt marshes
and mangrove swamps?
$300 Answer from Kaplunk
Both are dominated by marsh grasses.
$400 Question from Kaplunk
Which aquatic ecosystem is adversely
affected by runoff?
(Give all 3 answers seperately.)
$400 Answer from Kaplunk
Oceans, Rivers, and estuaries.
$500 Question from Kaplunk
Most pollutants that enter estuaries break
down over time, yet they are still
considered a problem because of what?
$500 Answer from Kaplunk
It is the volume of the pollutants,
more than the time factor, that
harms estuaries.
$100 Question from And umm…
When neighborhood residents noticed a
large number of dead fish in a local creek,
they traced the problem to a nearby gas
station. It turned out that a gasoline tank
had developed a leak. This is an example
of what?
$100 Answer from And umm…
Point-source pollution
$200 Question from And umm…
Parasitic worms would be classified as
which type of water pollutant?
$200 Answer from And umm…
$300 Question from And umm…
Most of the pollutants in the ocean come
from where?
$300 Answer from And umm…
Activities on Land
$400 Question from And umm…
The 1990 Oil Pollution Act requires what?
$400 Answer from And umm…
Tankers in the U.S. waterways be double
hulled by the year 2015.
$500 Question from And umm…
Some communities have banned detergents
containing high levels of phosphates
because of what?
$500 Answer from And umm…
Excessive phosphates in lakes may begin
a process that causes fish to suffocate
and die.
Final Jeopardy
Most large cities get water for households
and industries from what place?
Final Jeopardy Answer
Where are lakes and rivers?