Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy The Oregon Water Conference CH2M Hill Alumni Center – Oregon State University May 24, 2011 Brenda Bateman, Project Manager Alyssa Mucken, Oregon Water Resources Department Bruce McIntosh, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Gene Foster, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Stephanie Page, Oregon Department of Agriculture The Oregon Water Conference CH2M Hill Alumni Center – Oregon State University May 24, 2011 Purpose Oregon’s House Bill 3369 (2009) • Directs WRD to lead efforts to “understand and meet” Oregon’s water needs.” • Partner with DEQ, ODFW, ODA, other agencies, tribes, stakeholders, public • Account for coming pressures Oregon Has Many Water Issues to Address Fully allocated streams Declining aquifers Approximately 15,000 stream miles impaired Area-wide groundwater contamination Fish populations at a fraction of historic levels Habitat loss, deteriorating infrastructure, etc. Impaired Waters Clean Water Plans Low Summer Flows Higher Winter Flows Current Climate Future Climate Scenario Water and Agriculture Irrigated farms produced over 80% of the total value of Oregon’s harvested crops Issues facing irrigators: Climate change - Growing demands on water resources - Endangered species - Energy costs - Incentives - Technical assistance - Water and Agriculture 41% of irrigated farms reported improvements between 2003-2008 to USDA-NASS Barriers to Greater Efficiency: - - - Up-front cost Difficulty securing financing Other investments, such as labor saving investments have quicker payback Operational costs – energy and labor may go up even as water use goes down Awareness of opportunities and incentives Fish Species Opportunities to Restore Streamflows Where are we today? Phase I: Setting the Stage (Fall 2009) Phase II: Identifying Water Needs (Early 2010) Phase III: Developing Recommended Actions (2010-2011) Phase IV: Producing the 1st Strategy (2012) Phase V: Implementation & Evaluation (2012-17) IWRS Framework Vision Goals Objectives Critical Issues Guiding Principles Recommended Actions Recommended Actions How can we meet Oregon’s water needs today, and into the future? Next Steps in the Strategy → Develop the draft Strategy for public release Fall 2011 → Vet, revise, and release final version Summer 2012 → Water Resources Commission notify other Boards → Adopt Fall 2012 → Deliver to Legislative Assembly in 2013, with recommendations → Update every five years How can you be involved in the Strategy? Find information on our website (www.wrd.state.or.us) Join the electronic mailing list http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/iwrs Send us your thoughts waterstrategy@state.or.us Alyssa Mucken, 503-986-0911 Thank You! Questions?