Pollution of marine environment by shipping in Bangladesh & possible preventive methods Khairul Hassan Doctoral student Department of Maritime Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan. m.khaer@yahoo.com 1 Introduction Introducing Shipping activities that can pollute marine environment The activities that can reduce pollution. In Bangladesh about 11% of area occupied by water. About 6,000 km navigable water ways and navigating About 5,500 registered and many unregistered vessels. Shipping activities as the source of pollutions The vessel navigating activities Shipyard(ship production) activities and Ship breaking yard activities(ship scraping) Various types of adverse effects of these pollutions. Significant reduction of the pollutions in BangladeshBy proper design and management systems By growing up consciousness about pollution. 2 Marine Environments Marine Environment in Bangladesh Coastal area Inland area Most pullulated zone Around Chittagong port area Most pullulated zone Around Dhaka city Most pollution scientists use different or more precise terms: Wastes are described as inputs Their occurrence in the sea is described as contamination The damage they have on marine environment as pollution 3 Kinds of pollution Land-based activities: Land-fills, rivers and floodwaters, industrial outfalls, discharge from storm water drains untreated municipal sewerage, littering of beaches, coastal areas (tourism), fishing industry. Marine based activities: shipping (eg. transport, tourism, fishing), offshore mining and extraction, illegal dumping at sea, discared fishing gear, shipyard and ship breaking yards activities. Pollution Natural pollution Unnatural pollution Un-natural pollutions have increased significantly as The rapid development of the industrial activities, Electricity infrastructures Transportations and others 4 Pollution by vessels activities Different types of vessels emitted different pollutants: Oil, oily chemicals, garbage, sewage and the anti-fouling paint on a ship’s hull, emission gases, marine pests in ship’s ballast water or clinging to the ship’s hull. Most unexpected source -unregistered vessels in Bangladesh 5 Pollution by vessels activities Dumping of garbage and sewage into waterways from ships. Oil substances with bilge & ballast water thrown into water Leakage during oil transfer process and from the engine room. 6 Pollution by vessels activities Vessels-major source of oil for water pollution in Bangladesh. Leakage during oil transfer process and from the engine room. Oil spill pollutes water in marine environment . 7 Pollution by vessels activities Most dangerous factor - foreign and local ships find the marine area of Bangladesh as a safe place for throwing away their garbage and sewage. 8 Pollution by vessels activities Emissions produced by burning fuel from ships Chemical Reaction a.CmHnSp + (b. O2 +c. N2) → e.CO2+f.CO+g.HC+h.NOx+k.O2+s.HO2+t.N2+y.SO2 Where, CmHnSp is diesel; a, e, f, g, h, k, s, t and y are coefficients determined by mass balance b and c are the air compositions 9 determined by mass balance. Emissions Produced by burning fuel The Shipping sector consumes: About 5% global oil consumption Produced emissions every year About 12.57 million tones NOX, About 10.54 million tones SOX Huge amounts of CO2 10 Pollution by ship breaking yards The ship-breaking yard in Chittagong is the world's second. The ship breaking industry creates numerous hazards for the coastal and marine environment Pollution from ship breaking yards during breaking and scrapping the old ships. 11 Pollution by ship breaking yards Heavy metals Poor working condition High concentrations Oil & grease 95% of total weight is steel. Coating 10 to 100 tons of paint contain Pb, Cd, organotins, As, Zn, Cr. And also contain a wide range of other hazardous wastes, sealants containing PCBs, up to 7.5 tones of asbestos. Several thousands liters- oil, polychlorinated biphenyls. 12 Pollution by shipyards During hull preparation for painting the wash water including marine growth on hull, old paints and heavy metals Contaminants with the nearby waters. During repairing of old ships Wastages, sewage, oily things, coating of the hull, ballast and bilge water. Paint stripping and painting activities Solvent-based paints including volatile organic compounds(VOCs), anti-fouling regulated hazardous 13 Impacts of pollutions 80 percent of the animal protein in diet comes from fish Due to pollution destroying the living places of the fishes So reducing the amount of fishes in water That makes more unemployed people. For environmental damages by ship breaking yards Extinction about 10 different species of seawater fishes 14 21 have become rare in Bangladesh Impacts of pollutions Spill & leakage of oil, bilge and ballast water from vessel Threats existence of fish, shrimp and other livings. In August 1994, the oil spill happened from a vessel of Panama’s flag which capsized near the Sundarbans. Immediate mortality of a great number of fauna and flora. 15 1http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=132782 Impacts on human body 16 Effects of Emissions The emission gases contribute significantly The global warming Melting polar ice risk of rising sea levels Increase frequency of floods Ozone depletion Acid rain Toxic air pollution 17 17 Prevention of the pollutions Proper management of the wastages minimizing and ultimately reducing the pollution. Government, non-Governmental shipping organizations, intergovernmental shipping agencies Come forward and mobilize communities To adapt techniques and activities that are sustainable. The awareness of the crew Increasing by training and applying marine laws very strictly. Reduced pollutions by throwing the pollutants from ships. To prevent oil spills and oil leakage, banned unfitted vessels. Prevent to run unregistered marine vehicles and industries. Form the law to confirm the punishment for avoiding the law. 18 Emission reduction methods Comparatively marine vehicles emitted less emissions. But in Bangladesh Using old engine emitted more emissions. For environment issue these few amount can’t be neglected if possible to mitigate. Emission Reduction Counter action Method Preventive Method Reduction of Produced emissions Reduction of Production of emission sources Absorption or conversion of emissions gases Reduction of Fuel Consumption or use best quality fuel and engine Preventive methods is more reliable and efficient . By reducing the fuel consumption By using good quality fuel that produce low emissions.19 Which method is best in Bangladesh? For high speed ship wave resistance is very important By design optimization - required skill person. About 8% fuel consumption and emissions can be reduced. For low speed ship frictional resistance is very important Smoothing hull - required regular maintenance. About 3-4% fuel consumption and emissions can be reduced. 2.1 Resistance coefficients 1.75 1.4 Cw for reference ship Cf for reference ship 1.05 0.7 0.35 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Speed in knots Speed limit of Inland vessels in Bangladesh 6-12knots. 20 Which method is best in Bangladesh? In Bangladesh for power reduction –reduction of frictional resistance is the most applicable method. In Bangladesh difficulties : Lack of consciousness lack of knowledge and reluctant to grow up consciousnesses. 21 Prevention of shipyards pollution Best management practiceFor maintenance, housekeeping and materials management. Alternatives of Sandblasting for removing coatings Dry, abrasive grit or high-pressure water blasting. Alternative anti-fouling coatings with less toxicity to discourage buildup of marine organisms on hulls. Reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutantswater-borne, high-solids paints and powder coatings, more efficient painting techniques and properly maintained cleaned spray guns and high-efficient application equipment. 22 Prevention of pollution from ship breaking yards Identifies, quantifies and locates the type of waste on board carried out before dismantling process. Removing and cleaning of liquids, fuels, oils, liquids residues. A safe working and operating procedures must maintain. Removing the consumable and loose equipment properly. 23 Prevention of pollution from ship breaking yards All hazardous wastes Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls, bilge and ballast waters, oil and fuels metal cutting and paints and also miscellaneous ship machinery. properly removed and disposed. Drawing working plan and following safe and cutting sequence Techno-scientific and best management practices applied forHanding, storing, disposing materials and substances of ship. 24 Conclusion The shipping activities that pollute marine environment : Ship production, ship navigation & Ship breaking. Most unexpected source of pollution: Unregistered vessels Most important factor for pollution in Bangladesh unconsciousness & violate the laws. For low speed inland vessels in Bangladesh: By regular hull maintenance mitigating -about 3- 4% of fuel consumption and emissions. Proper wastage management & consciousness reduce pollution. Shipyards mainly pollute by sand blasting and painting works Mitigating by grit/water blasting, environmental friendly paints. Pollutants of breaking yard-wastage, coating, metal, oily things. Pollution reduction by proper management of wastages before scraping and scraping metals, coatings & oil after scraping. 25