Oklahoma Smart Meters

Smart Meters/Smart Grid
Kaye Beach
Oct 21, 2011
What is a “Smart Meter”
Smart meters are digital devices that collect energy-use
data and – unlike traditional meters – transmit and
receive data, too
Smart meters are a new type electrical meter
that will measure your energy usage, like the old
ones do now. But, it will send the information
back to the utility by wireless signal
(radiofrequency/microwave radiation
signal)instead of having a utility meter reader
come to the property and manually do the
monthly electric service reading.
• Smart Meters DO NOT save
energy. (People Do)
• - their sole purpose is to change your
• It is hoped that consumers will save
energy through increased awareness of
how much they use and that estimated
bills will be eliminated.
Smart Meters
A smart meter is usually an electrical meter that records consumption
of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that
information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing
purposes.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the
meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart
meters can gather data for remote reporting.
• What is Smart Grid?
Smart Grid is the digital and Wi-fi enabled power meters that
enable communication between the appliances in your home
or business, with the power provider.
This provides you and your utility company with visibility of your
energy usage and control over your appliances as well as your
usage of gas and water.
The Smart Grid vision has three primary parts:
(1) new communication and digital sensors and automation
capabilities for the distribution and transmission systems;
(2) new digital metering systems for all customers;
(3) direct interfaces between the new metering systems and
customers through in home technologies.
Smart Appliances
• On the heels of the Smart Meters come the
deployment of smart appliances. These will affect
ALL of us. Your household appliances will be
equipped with chips that allow your appliances
to communicate with the smart meters, and if
you buy into the "automated" plan, then the
utility company will be able to control your usage
if it wants or needs. The plan is to penalize those
who don't buy into the "automated" system by
charging them with higher rates.
Smart Home Energy Monitor
• In addition, in order to make the wireless
smart meter effective with your smart
appliances, smart grid energy efficiency
proponents say you'll need a smart Home
Energy Monitor also installed in your home
that will help you monitor which appliances
are using how much energy and when and at
what rate so you can modify your usage
patterns. Is your utility company making
the device optional or mandatory?
Energate’s smart thermostats bring demand response
to Oklahoma
Sept. 28, 2011
Oklahoma Gas and Electric (OG&E) is moving ahead with plans to
launch a residential demand response program in 2012.
The initiative is aimed at reducing peak energy demand, as well
as the need to build new power plants to meet demand. The
utility will work with smart-grid firm Silver Spring Networks and
demand response technologies provider Energate to roll out the
program. Energate will supply smart thermostats through Silver
Energate’s in-home technologies let customers program their use
preferences based on peak pricing signals sent from utilities.
Some 40,000 residences are expected to see Energate’s smart
thermostats and accessories installed as part of the 2012 rollout.
A Global Plan
• Smart meters are part of a new global plan to
upgrade the world electrical grid to a Smart
Grid and reduce energy consumption.
Smart Grid-Global
Going Global
In addition to the United States, Smart Grid is being
implemented in both Canada and Mexico. Planners are
working on standards that will integrate all of North America
into a single, unified Smart Grid system.
Moreover, there is a serious initiative underway to create a Global Smart
Grid that will integrate all the continents on the globe!
The Global Energy Network Institute (GENI) presents this Dymaxion (tm)
Map of the world from the perspective of the North Pole that reveals the
global grid currently under construction. The only part of planet earth left
untouched is Antarctica. The yellow lines represent high-voltage electrical
transmission links that are capable of transferring large amounts of energy
from continent to continent.
• Technocracy is government by scientists, engineers and
experts. The endgame for Smart Grids is control
through measuring and monitoring your every
move. Patrick Wood explains in detail the history and
intent of Technocratic control and an economy based
on resources. Technocracy through Smart Grids can
only exist as long through measuring and monitoring
individuals and a persistent belief in the global
warming fairy tale. Wood's articles can be read here:
• http://www.augustforecast.com/2010/03/03/smartgrid-the-implementation-of-technocracy-2/
• On Oct 27, 2009 President Obama announced
that the Department of Energy awarded $3.4
billion in stimulus money to 100 smart-grid
• Each project had come up with its own matching
funds which put the investment at over $6 billion.
The Dept. of Energy estimated that the awards
will result 18 million homes getting the smart
meters which will allow for the conversion to the
Smart Grid.
OG&E 2009 Oklahoma Pre
• “Why is OG&E requesting pre-approval to move
forward with Company wide deployment before
the Norman Project (Phase I) is completed ?”
• Answer-A window of opportunity was created for
further deployment in 2009, with the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) ,which
contained an estimated $3 .4 billion in stimulus
grant funding for Smart Grid investment.
• www.occeweb.com
Oklahoma Gas & Electric’s smart grid program
Oklahoma Gas & Electric, the state’s largest
utility, began deploying smart grid technology in
2010, starting with smart meters. As of
September 2010, approximately 100,000 meters
are installed.
The company plans to install smart meters for all
of its almost-800,000 customers by the end of
OG&E Smart Meter Oklahoma
• In July 2011, OG&E got approval from the
Oklahoma Corporation Commission to roll the
smart meter program out to all of its
customers in the state.
• The company expects to spend about $360
million on the project, with about $127 million
of that coming in the form of stimulus funds
earmarked for smart grid projects.
Cost Not Justified
• CT Attorney General George Jepson states;
"Connecticut Light & Power Co.’s plan to replace
existing electric meters with advanced technology
would be very expensive and would not save enough
electricity for its 1.2 million customers to justify the
The current at the plans for smart meters all over the
nation will not save enough money or energy to be
worth it however, we should expect rates to increase by
the way of “critical peak pricing” sometime in the future
From the Wall Street Journal Feb 22, 2010
“What Utilities Have Learned From Smart-Meter Tests...And why they aren't
putting those lessons to use”
Preventing Rebellions
“You could have a real rebellion" if smart meters push up customers'
rates, especially if utilities' other capital expenses are increasing”
. . .utility executives and regulators have been reluctant to implement
rate plans that penalize people for too much energy use, fearing that if
customers associate smart meters with higher bills, they will stall the
technology's advance just as it is gaining traction.
So, many utilities are trying an approach that is less controversial, but
also less effective. . .
Steven Sunderhauf, a program manager for Pepco. "From a purist's
standpoint, I may prefer critical peak pricing because it gets the
boldest response…but using rebates will help people get comfortable
with smart meters
Peak Pricing
• All indications are that “peak pricing” will be
implemented at some point after we get used
to the meters.
• Customers will have to pay much higher prices
for using the same energy during certain
• This would hit businesses, the poor and
elderly the hardest.
Peak Pricing
• Results showed that people responded most
when threatened with the 75-cent-per-kwh
peak pricing. Those customers cut their
overall energy consumption between 22% and
34%, depending on whether they also had
programmable thermostats that could
automatically change temperature settings.
Customers offered rebates reduced their
usage 9% to 15%—again, with the deeper cuts
among those who had smart thermostats.
November 17, 2008
PUGET SOUND ENERGY: Mandatory TOU prices for all residential customers
abandoned in 2002 when analysis showed negative cost benefit and higher, not
lower, customer bills
– Customers with most adverse bill impacts: multi-family and mobile homes
MAINE: Mandatory TOU prices for high use electricity customers made voluntary
with onset of restructuring and widespread customer dissatisfaction in face of
higher electricity prices
– Elderly customers in newly built multi-unit condos and senior and low
income housing complexes most adversely affected and without alternative
NEW YORK: Previous efforts to push for Time of Use pricing resulted in state law
that prohibits such time-based pricing except as voluntary options.
Many utilities offer Time of Use rate options to residential customers using
interval meters; little customer interest
RESTRUCTURING STATES: Most abandoned mandatory TOU and other rate design
structures associated with generation supply management and assumed that the
competitive market would provide such products.
Choice-Do we have one?
Health and Safety
Do we have the right to refuse?
The Public Service Company who is installing the meters in
Owasso says no.
Can a customer opt out of the program if the new meter is not
“No, in order to reap the full benefits of AMI from an
operational and cost standpoint, AMI needs to be fully
deployed throughout the project area. In turn, our operational
structure is changing to support the new technology and work
OG&E customers are also told they have no choice and are
being threatened with service disruption if they do not allow
• The federal government has set goals for states and utilities to
upgrade their electrical grids, and has awarded $4.5 billion in
grants to encourage this. However, the federal government
does not mandate the installation of smart meters, or even
wireless smart meters.
• On February 1, 2011, press officer Thomas Welch of the U.S.
Department of Energy press officer responded to questions
about whether the federal government has made the
installation of wireless smart meters mandatory. He wrote:
• No. The Federal government, including DOE, does not have
any role in regulating the installation of smart meters, nor
does it have a policy about the mandatory adoption of smart
They say that smart meters are safe…
Two Views
• The following are the two charts that seek to
compare microwave radiation from smart
meters to cell phones, microwaves and other
The first is from the CCST report- taken directly
from EPRI- an energy industry front group.
Health Impacts of Radio Frequency
from Smart Meters”
by Daniel Hirsch
31 January 2011
This one is from Mr.
Hirsch’s study (pdf),
corrected for whole body,
cumulative exposure.
Dirty Electricity
• Dirty electricity or electric pollution is another
danger that can lead to cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and suicide. Dr. Sam Milham, author
of 'Dirty Electricity', is a physician and
epidemiologist who has studied this issue
extensively. You can read his recent papers
about the health effects of dirty electricity at
his website Sam Milham.com.
• Safety Hazards
There are many reports of electrical fire
hazards associated with smart meter
installation and at least a couple of class
action lawsuits have been filed by consumers.
-Smart Meter Fires and Explosions
The FCC was assigned by the
Environmental Protection
Act of 1969 to protect our
health from microwave
radiation from wireless
transmitters like cell towers,
WiFi and Smart Grid units.
US safety standards for
wireless exposures are now
among the weakest in the
“The FCC does not have the expertise to evaluate
whether the standard (RF safety limits) is appropriate.”
(Julius Knapp, Director of FCC Office of Engineering and Technology in response to Congressman
Kucinich’s question whether the FCC’s RF safety standards are appropriate to protect children and
vulnerable adults and others at Sept. 25, 2008 Congressional Hearing.)
The Canadian Green Party has reversed its
position on smart meters due to health
There are many advocacy groups formed that center on
the health implications of the smart meters/smart grid.
Here are just a few;
Smart Meter Safety
The EMF Safety Network
Citizens for Safe Technology
The More You
The more people know about smart
meters, the more likely they are to
worry about the impact those meters
will have on their privacy, according to
a new study by the Ponemon
Institute, a research organization
based in Traverse City, Mich.
Dark side of a bright idea
Utility companies, by gathering hundreds of billions of data points
about us, could reconstruct much of our daily lives -- when we wake
up, when we go home, when we go on vacation, perhaps even when
we draw a hot bath.
They might sell this information to marketing companies -- perhaps a
travel agency will send brochures right when the family vacation is
about to arrive.
Law enforcement officials might use this information against us
("Where were you last night? Home watching TV? That's not what the
power company says … ").
Divorce lawyers could subpoena the data ("You say you're a good
parent, but your children are forced to sleep in 61-degree rooms. For
shame ...").
A credit bureau or insurance company could penalize you because your
energy use patterns are similar to those of other troublesome
consumers. Or criminals could spy the data, then plan home
burglaries with fine-tuned accuracy.
Possible Consequences on Privacy
Identity Theft
Determine Personal Behavior Patterns
Determine Specific Appliances Used
Perform Real-Time Surveillance
Reveal Activities Through Residual Data
Targeted Home Invasions (latch key children, elderly, etc.)
Provide Accidental Invasions
Activity Censorship
Decisions and Actions Based Upon Inaccurate Data
Unwanted Publicity and Embarrassment
Tracking Behavior Of Renters/Leasers
Behavior Tracking (possible combination with Personal Behavior Patterns)
Public Aggregated Searches Revealing Individual Behavior
Read more from EPIC, the Electronic Privacy Information Center
Aggregate Data vs Granular Data
• When the meter reader used to come to the house and
record your electrical usage, it was aggregate data.
There were really no privacy issues and the electric
company was considered the owner of that
• Now the utilities can detect occupancy, when you
home or away, when you are sleeping or awake, and
when and what appliances you are running.
• This is granular data that can be used to track your
whereabouts and habits.
Smart Meter Data
Granular Smart Meter data: Energy usage over time from Data Access and
Privacy Issues Related to Smart Grid Technologies, Megan J. Hertzler, Assistant
General Counsel, Xcel Energy
Valuable Data
Entities that may seek personal customer information
• energy companies seeking to improve service or sell
information for profit,
• third-party marketers,
• law enforcement agencies investigating possible
criminal acts,
• insurance companies seeking to identify unhealthy
behaviors in order to adjust rates,
• criminals attempting to perpetrate illegal acts,
• researchers looking to create new energy related
Marketing and
law enforcement
From EFF
• Marketing companies will also desperately
want to access this data to get new intimate
new insights into your family's day-to-day
routine–not to mention the government,
which wants to mine the data for law
enforcement and other purposes.
The Fourth Amendment
The threats to privacy connected to smart meters lie
primarily within the concepts of a right to be left alone
within one’s home and the right to control personal
The first right is embedded in the Fourth Amendment of
the U.S. Constitution:
The right of the people to be secure in their person,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported
by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or things to be
Control over disclosure of personal
• The second right—to exercise control over the
disclosure of personal information— has been
discussed by a number of legal scholars.22
The U.S. Supreme Court also recognized this
right in 1977 in Whalen v. Roe.23
• Smart meters can compromise both of these
Privacy Implications of Smart Meters By Cheryl Dancey
Balough, Balough Law Offices, Chicago, Illinois, 2011
Who Owns the Data?
• “. . .the consumers are the ultimate owners of their energy
consumption data.” And“the customer must own her or his home
energy usage data, have
• consistent access to that data for personal review in a usable
format, be fully informed of what data is flowing to and from the
meter, to whom the data is flowing, and with what frequency the
data is communicated.”
• Once data is transferred to third parties, the genie is out of the
bottle so to speak and once out, it cannot be put back. This is why
consumers must retain as much control over sharing and use of
smart meter as possible
Who owns the data?
Utilities traditionally own meter data and can use it for a variety of purposes
within limits. But smart meter data is qualitatively and quantitatively different
than the data collected by traditional meters which only collected the total
consumption by kilowatt hours of electricity on a monthly (or even less
frequent) basis.
It all boils down to control. Who ultimately gets to decide how a customer’s data
is used?
The Department of Energy states;
There also seems to be a broad consensus on perhaps the most critical question in
the context of Smart Grid technologies: who should control the extent to which
third parties should be able to access CEUD for innovative purposes other than
the provision of electrical power?
On this question, almost all proponents of both consumer-ownership rights and
consumer-access rights agree: Consumers should decide whether and for what
purposes any third-party should be authorized to access or receive CEUD.
Third Party Access- Opt In
• Explicit opt-in authorization should be
required to release customer data to another
company or party.
• Customers should be told how their data will
be collected and what it will be used for.
With “opt-in” arrangements, the customer initiates the contact
with the service provider and approves sharing the usage data
with outside third parties
Texas Statute
In Texas, lawmakers chose to specify ownership of all meter
data in favor of the consumer.
Texas Utilities Code 39.107(b)
All meter data, including all data generated, provided, or otherwise made available, by
advanced meters and meter information networks, shall belong to a customer,
including data used to calculate charges for service, historical load data, and any other
proprietary customer information.
Texas also requires written authorization by the customer
before permitting a third party access to their data.
HB 1079
Oklahoma passed a bill last session that outlines how this revealing
data is shared
The purpose of this bill is “to establish standards to govern the access
to and use of certain electric utility usage data by electric utilities,
customers of electric utilities, and third parties.”
This is not a customer data protection law. It is a consumer data
access law for the utility companies.
Read the bill http://www.scribd.com/doc/62786738/OklahomaHB1079-The-Electric-Usage-Data-Protection-Act
HB 1079
HB 1079 authorizes OG&E and other utility providers in the state
the right to share your meter usage data, without your consent,
to various third parties for purposes of;
“development, enhancement, marketing, provision of energyrelated products and services or promotion of public policy
That covers just about every purpose under the sun.
Data use for purposes that are directly related to billing and
service is one thing. The utilities and their contractors need data
for billing, providing services required by law, or to implement
programs directly related to the provision of those services. But
“marketing, development, and promotion of public policy
objectives” may fall into the category of secondary purposes and
seems to throw the privacy barn door wide open.
• -‘Smart’ meters have security holes
Flaws could allow hackers to tamper with
power grid, reseachers say
• CIA Director James Woolsey calls Smart grid
“Stupid” due to National Security problems
caused by so-called smart meters.
PG&E acknowledges SmartMeter problems
April 26 2010
"We have found eight meters out of the 5.5 million meters that
we installed where there is an issue with the actual meter
accuracy," said Burt.
However, under intense questioning from Sen. Dean Florez, DKern County, PG&E confirmed there have been other problems.
For example, 9,000 of its SmartMeters have not communicated
energy usage back to PG&E, more than 11,300 SmartMeters
simply failed to work and another 23,000 SmartMeters were
installed improperly.
• April 24, 2010
• Two major utilities in Texas have confirmed that some
customers received inaccurate and sometimes inflated bills
after turning to SmartMeters to measure their energy usage.
• Hundreds of consumers have blamed SmartMeters for
overcharges and sudden spikes in their bills.
• "It's a software glitch," says Floyd LeBlanc with Centerpoint.
"We found the software glitch and corrected it."
n Texas, numerous media outlets trumpeted the results of
Oncor’s smart meter accuracy testing, saying the meters were
accurate. One Texan decided to read the report and found the
accuracy wasn’t so perfect after all. This website is one page full
of well-cited documentation of smart meter inaccuracies.
Blowback and Opposition
• The growing opposition against wireless smart
meters is uniting Republicans and Democrats,
liberals and conservatives, environmental
health advocates, green-advocates, civil
libertarians, independents and Tea Party
USA Blowback
• Excessive rate increases led to lawsuits in California and
• California Public Utilities Commission has received more
than 2,000 health complaints.
• As of Sept 2010, 18 cities and 3 counties have demanded a
halt to the SmartMeter program, citing peer-reviewed
studies that suggest possible serious health consequences.
• Hawaii Public Utilities Commission rejected SmartMeters
• Maryland's Public Service Commission rejected the
SmartMeter Program because of "significant financial and
technological risks" and "savings that are largely indirect,
highly contingent and a long way off.”
• New Mexico Gas is honouring medical waivers
In some states, utility companies have been
persuaded to allow customers to opt out.
PG&E Submits Smart Meter Opt-Out, But Wants to Charge for It
Maine Utilities Must Offer Consumer a Smart Meter Opt Out
The Maine Public Utilities Commission is requiring Central Maine
Power (CMP) to offer an opt-out program for customers who do not
want a standard smart meter installed. Power consumers in CMP’s
service territory will have two opt-out options: they can get a smart
meter and have its transmitter turned off or they can retain the
existing analog meter
Maine May 25, 2011
• as a “landmark” case that represents the first
time any state had ordered an electric utility
to permit customers the choice to opt out of
a smart meter program
• They proved that because of unresolved
concerns relating to health, privacy and cyber
security resulting from the installation of
wireless meters on their homes, customers
should have a choice concerning the
installation of those meters.
• Smart grid technology rollout stalls in Hawaii
Hawaii regulators scuttle plan for expanded rollout of smart grid
HONOLULU (AP) -- "Hawaii regulators have rejected plans for a
broad expansion of smart grid electric technology that would have
been paid for by residents and businesses. Hawaiian Electric Co.,
the state's primary utility, had envisioned a $115 million smart grid
project reaching 451,000 locations on Oahu, Maui and the Big
Island. But the utility's proposal fell apart when the Hawaii Public
Utilities Commission on Monday denied a request for expanded
testing of the technology on Oahu. The "smart grid" concept relies
on installing new electric meters that can wirelessly communicate
with the utility, allowing it to better distribute power and handle
additional renewable energy."
Smart meters not to be compulsory in Netherlands
The Hague, Netherlands --- (METERING.COM) --- April 14, 2009 - Smart meters
will not be compulsory in the Netherlands, minister of economic affairs Maria
van der Hoeven has decided.
Van der Hoeven had intended to make smart meters compulsory, with a refusal
to install them punishable with a fine of up to €17,000 or six months in prison.
However, after vigorous campaigning by consumer organizations and privacy
watchdog groups on privacy concerns with smart meter data it became clear that a
majority of parliamentarians would vote against compulsory smart metering. As a
result van der Hoeven has backed down and moved to make the installation of smart
meters voluntary.
. A report commissioned by the association from the University of Tilburg last
November stated that the introduction of smart meters would constitute a
violation of the consumers’ right to privacy and the freedom to do as they
please within their homes, and consequently would be in breach of the
European Convention of Human Rights.
Moreover Consumentenbond maintains, it is not obvious that smart meters
would lead to energy saving by consumers.
• 912 646 1984
September 21, 2011
Smart Meter installment began with little warning in some areas of
Oklahoma. Since February of 2010 OG&E has already installed 350,000 smart
meters. They plan on installing smart meters for nearly 800,000 customers by
the end of 2012.
Edmond residents are getting the jump on them and have started a petition
drive to allow customers to have a choice in the matter.
From News 9 published Sept 19, 2011
EDMOND, Oklahoma — A group of concerned citizens from Edmond are
asking Edmond Electric to avoid a Smart Meter System.
The Smart Meter System is the newest technology available for electric
companies. The system is designed to track a customer’s use of electricity
without sending a utility worker to review each meter.
Edmond Electric believes the system could help with overall cost and energy
efficiency. Not everyone supports the move.
Don Powers is an attorney in Edmond who believes the Smart Meter System
is not a smart idea.
• Read more
If you are an Edmond Electric customer and would like to have a say in the
matter you can read and sign the petition online here
Del City Oklahoma
Opposition -What others are doing
• People across the country are taking action to stop
unwanted installation of smart meters on their homes
and businesses. Some have gotten a moratorium on
installation of the new meters declared by their city.
• Residents usually developed a petition, gathered
signatures and lobbied their city council to get the
issue considered.
• If you are opposed to having a smart meter installed
you should contact your utility provider and notify
them that you are requesting that it not be installed.
• Follow up with a certified letter.
• Some customers have applied DO NOT INSTALL stickers
or signs on their analog meters and/or have taken
steps to secure them by locking them up.
• Smart Meter Refusal Letter to your energy
• http://www.scribd.com/doc/62782083/Smart
• Oklahoma Corporation Commission
• http://www.occ.state.ok.us/
How to Stop Smart Meters
• http://stopsmartmeters.org/how-you-canstop-smart-meters/
• http://www.scribd.com/doc/46785093/Howto-stop-Smart-Meters
If a utility company installed a Smart Meter on your
property or residence, you can do something about it.