NAFDAC / AWDROP PARTNERSHIP TOWARDS PERFECT BOREHOLE APPROVAL FOR WATER BUSINESS OPERATORS. PRESENTED AT ASSOCIATION OF WATER WELL DRILLING RIG OWNERS & PRACTITIONERS INTERNATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS WORKSHOP ON WATER WELL STANDARDIZATION,AT KAKANFO INN JOYCE ROAD, OFF RING ROAD, IBADAN ON 6th NOVEMBER 2013 BY MRS O.N. MAINASARA DIRECTOR, FOOD SAFETY AND APPLIED NUTRITION DIRECTORATE, YABA, LAGOS. 1 INTRODUCTION ACCEPTABLE SOURCE OF WATER THE NIGERIAN INDUSTRIAL STANDARD FOR WATER RELEVANT NAFDAC REGULATIONS /GUIDELINES QUALITY MONITORING AND CONTROL EXPECTED PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS EXPECTED CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS EXPECTED TOXIC CHEMICAL REQUIREMEMTS MICROBIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS CONCLUSION 2 Water is important in sustaining life however, provision of safe drinking water is a challenge all over the world due to : The presence of microorganisms in drinking water which could give rise to waterborne infections such as typhoid fever, diarrhoea, hepatitis E, cholera . The presence of chemicals that could arise from water treatment & cleaning of equipment, packaging materials, source of water supply etc. This could lead to organ diseases in consumers. 3 Trade in packaged water has increased globally due to water shortage and the recognition that traditional drinking water supplies such as public and private waterworks may not always be able to guarantee the microbiological, chemical and physical safety of water to the extent previously thought possible. 4 1. Borehole Water The depth of the drilled borehole must not be below the sea level and it should be equipped with a submersible, pump to pump out water. The borehole must be suitably positioned topographically from the septic tank and there must be a good distance (e.g . 30 metres) separating the two of them. The minimum depth of the borehole should be 150ft. (depends on the topography). Note: Well water is not acceptable 5 2. Public Mains Water The water must be running freely in the factory lifting of water with tankers from another location to the factory is not acceptable, in order to avoid cross contamination of the water. 3. Spring water: Collected into a reservoir at the shortest possible distance from the source to prevent environmental pollution. There should be no need to subject this source of water to chemical treatment. 6 The Nigerian Industrial standard(NIS) i.e standards organization of Nigeria (SON) standards cover physical and chemical characteristics namely: Physical &organoleptic colour, taste, odour, temperature and turbidity. Chemical characteristic: maximum permitted levels of inorganic constituents such as chloride, fluoride, copper, iron, nitrate, manganese, magnesium, zinc, sulphide, total dissolved solids, PH, hardness( as caco3) & conductivity. Organic constituents : maximum permitted levels of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons such as 3,4benzfluoranthene,11,12,-3,4Benzpyrene indeno (1,2,4-cd-pyrene) 7 Other parameters covered by the NIS are: Disinfectant & disinfectant by- product Toxic chemical substances Contaminants Hygiene Microbiological requirements Packaging transportation/distribution and shortage Labeling Methods of sampling& analysis Criteria for conformity. 8 1. Bottled Water (Labeling) Regulations 1995. 2. Bottled Water (Advertisement) Regulations 1995. 3. Pre-packaged Food Labeling Regulations 2005. 4. Draft Food Safety Regulations 2009. 5. Guidelines for Production and Registration of Packaged Water 9 NAFDAC Guidelines on Production and Registration of Packaged Water stipulates that: No packaged water shall be manufactured, advertised, sold or distributed in Nigeria unless it has been registered in accordance with the provisions of Act Cap F33 LFN 2004 and the accompanying regulations & guidelines. 10 All sourced water require some form of treatment before consumption, the treated water must be controlled constantly to ensure that the quality of water reaching consumers are not compromised along the treatment networks. It is important that drinking water is monitored regularly to ascertain the level of quality characteristic first and the presence/nature of any pollution within the treatment network. Any information desired from quality monitoring will subsequently be used in determining the type and degree of treatment required or control measures to be effected to make the water portable again and to guarantee its safety to the consumers. 11 The water quality criteria that determine portability are basically classified as physical, chemical these parameters and microbiological. Constant monitoring of by manufacturers help to detect accidental critical events including their sources that may result in quick and unusual amounts of contaminants into the source or drinking water. 12 S/N Parameter Expected 1 Colour Colourless 2 Taste Unobjectionable 3 Odour Unobjectionable 4 Temperature Ambient 5 Turbidity Not Turbid 13 S/N Parameter Maximum permitted Levels 1 PH 6.5-8.5 2 Conductivity 1000ug/cm 3 Total Alkalinity 100mg/L 4 Total Hardness 100mg/L 5 Chloride 100mg/L 6 Sulphate 200mg/L 7 Calcium 75mg/L 8 Magnesium 30mg/L 9 Iron 0.3mg/L 10 Zinc 0.5mg/L 11 Copper 0.1mg/L 12 Nitrate 10mg/L 13 Nitrite 0.1mg/L 14 Total Dissolved Solids 500mg/L 15 Coliform 1cfu/ml 16 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0cfu/ml 17 E.coli 0cfu/ml 14 S/N Parameters Maximum Permitted Level 1 Lead 0.01mg/L 2 Cyanide 0.01mg/L 3 Cadmium 0.003mg/L 4 Arsenic 0.01mg/L 5 Barium 0.05mg/L 6 Mercury 0.00mg/L 15 Escherichia coli[E.coli] Pseudomonas aeruginosa Klebsiella aerogenes Faecal streptococci Coliforms 0 0 0 0 1cfu/ml 16 World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on drinking water quality NIS:303:2008 standard for portable water Data from manufacturers of bottled water Data from NAFDAC Angara,A.A production of pipe-borne water and quality characteristic, IPAN News Vol.6 No 23[2005] pgs 9-13. 17 The importance of safe drinking water cannot be over emphasized because of the serious health implications and the effect on morbidity and mortality of any nation. Water producers must therefore improve on their Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to gain consumer confidence which will increase productivity, job creation and improved earnings. There is need for collaboration with NAFDAC to safeguard the health of Nigerians. 18 THANK YOU 19