env econ - University of Puget Sound


environmental economics

Chapter 13

2 issues

 what is appropriate level of waste?

 how to achieve that level (who has to reduce how much?)

take usual approach

 identify efficient levels of pollution

 discuss market levels of pollution

 demonstrate how policy can reconcile

pollutant taxonomy

 stock pollutants: accumulate over time / little or no absorptive capacity

– nondegradable materials heavy metals fund pollutants: some capacity to be absorbed

– organic pollutants

CO2 efficient allocation depends on nature of pollutant

fund pollutants: efficient allocation

 if no accumulation, future damage independent of current emissions…can use static framework

 max net benefit from pollution

– minimize costs: 2 types

 damage costs (increasing in pollution)

 control / avoidance / abatement costs

(decreasing in pollution)

efficient allocation of a fund pollutant

efficiency: MCC = MDC

 points left of Q* (less pollution) inefficient

– cost > benefit in damages avoided

 points right of Q* (more pollution) inefficient

– damages > cost of cleanup

 increasing or decreasing control would increase TC

optimal pollution not zero

 cases where could be very close to zero

 MDC of first unit > first unit MCC (plutonium?)



MCC pollution

market allocation of pollution

 damage costs externalities; control costs not

– cheap to a firm not cheap to society

 problem particularly severe with stock pollutants

– extra burden on future generations due to accumulation

policy responses

 how to achieve MCC = MDC?

 legal limits (Q*)

 internalize damage through tax / charge system

easy in theory / difficult in practice

 need to know Q where 2 MC’s cross for every emitter (high information costs)

 alternative: select Q based on other criteria

– safe for human / ecological health

 then, how to allocate responsibility for meeting this level?

 use cost-effectiveness criterion

– not necessarily optimal, but minimizes cost given some level Q

cost-effective allocation: example

 assume 2 sources currently emitting 30 units

 reduce to 15 units

 how to allocate reduction between 2 sources?

cost-effective reductions

cost-effective reductions

 source 1 cleans up 10 units (cost A)

 source 2 cleans up 5 units (cost B)

 any other allocation…higher TC (area bigger)

demonstrates important proposition

 cost of achieving given reduction in emissions will be minimized if and only if MC of control (abatement) equal across emitters

 what policy instrument to achieve equality?

– emissions standards emissions charges

– emissions trading

emissions standards

 command and control

 equal reduction?

 not cost-effective

 first source lower cost

 total costs increase if both forced to clean up same

emission charges

 fee on each unit emitted

 profit-maximizing firm controls rather than emits when cheaper to do so

cost-minimizing control of pollution with an emission charge

emission charges

 if no pollution control, pay OTBC

 best can do?

 no: cheaper to pay to reduce emissions until MC reduction = emissions charge

 minimizes cost by cleaning up 10 units and emitting

5 units

 pay OAD in control, ABCD in emission charges, total costs OABC < OTBC

emission charges

 if levied same charge on both, each source would control until MC = charge, and independently choose levels of control consistent with equal MC costs

 as long as authority imposes same charges, automatically minimize TC of control

– despite lack of information on firm’s costs

how to SET appropriate emissions charge?

 iterative trial and error

 choose rate, observe reduction

– if too large, reduce

– if too small, increase

 charges not only create cost-effective allocation, also stimulates technological progress

cost savings from technological change: charges versus standards

charges vs. standards

 Q standard based on specific technology

 as new technology discovered, standards tightened

 firms have incentive to HIDE technological advances

 with charges system, firm saves $ (A+B) if can reduce pollution at MC < T

 voluntarily reduces emissions from Q0 to Q1

transferable emission permits

 can identify cost-min allocation without trial and error

 all sources required to have permits to emit

 freely transferable

 authority issues exactly # permits needed to produce desired emission level

emissions permit system

emissions permit system

 suppose source 1 has 7 permits (1 permit = 1 emission unit)

– controls 8 units

 suppose source 2 has 8 permits

– controls 7 units

 both firms have incentive to trade (MC2>MC1)

emissions permit system

 source 2 can lower cost by buying permit from source 1 at price < C

 source 1 better off selling permit at price > A

 transfer until

– source 1 has 5 permits (controlling 10) source 2 has 10 permits (controlling 5)

 permit price = B

– neither source had incentive to trade further

other issues with instruments

 revenue effect

– taxes / charge system raises revenue; permits do not may be “double dividend”…use revenue to offset other taxes

another issue: uncertainty


 cost of being wrong



MCC use charges


MCC use permits emissions controlled emissions controlled

Prevent large fluctuations in damage costs Prevent large fluctuations in control costs
