Surface Water and Groundwater Status Donal Daly Hydrometric & Groundwater Section Environmental Protection Agency Acknowledgement: Colleagues in EPA and on WFD Groundwater Working Group WFD Water Status “A measure of the present” Status is the key element determining the measures to be employed in the RBD Management Plans to achieve the objectives of the WFD Based on an evaluation of: pressures, physical settings and monitoring results Ecological Status for Surface Waters Pass WFD Fail WFD Surface Water Body Classification process Interim Status Assessment of Rivers River Quality – WFD Interim Status Ecological Class High Good Moderate Poor Bad Number of Water Bodies (9%) 738 (40%) 509 (28%) 389 (21%) 41 (2%) 173 Interim Status Assessment of Lakes Lake Quality – WFD Interim Status Biological Class High Good Moderate Poor Bad Number of Lakes (28.0%) 75 (27.7%) 94 (34.7%) 17 (6.3%) 9 (3.3%) 76 Surface Area (km2) 37.1%) 204.4 (20.5%) 397.9 (40%) 7.1 (0.7%) 16.5 (1.7%) 369.6 ( Transitional and Coastal Water Status Main Causes of “less than good” Status Surface Water Bodies Discharges from Wastewater Treatment Plants (nutrients) Diffuse Agriculture (resulting in inputs of P, PO4 and N) Forestry (sediment and P) Urban areas GWBs are classified as either POOR or GOOD STATUS for both quantitative and chemical elements GWB boundary Aquifer boundary GROUNDWATER BODIES ARE NORMALLY LARGE (10s to 100s km2) WILL HAVE SEVERAL SW BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH EACH ONE 3-Dimensional Geological/hydrogeological boundaries Groundwater Bodies (GWBs): the management unit of the WFD (not aquifers) Groundwater Status WFD + ‘Daughter’ Groundwater Directive The overall aim of the WFD is to achieve “Good Status” for all GWBs by 2015 Scale: Status assesses Average GWB Conditions Local issues are managed under site specific “Prevent or Limit” legislation, but they may still impact on status GWB Results: Quantitative Status 4 GWBs at Poor Status 2 due to unsustainable longterm abstraction 2 due to abstractions impacting on the supporting water level/flow conditions of wetlands GWB Results: Chemical Status 111 GWBs at POOR STATUS Relates to 14% of RoIs area Main Drivers: MRP contributing to SW Eutrophication (101 GWBs) Metals from Historic Mining Activities (5 GWBs) Contaminated land / Urban (2 GWBs) Diffuse NO3 (2 GWBs) Issues Arising (Selected) 1) Nitrogen & TRAC waters 2) Groundwater as an input and a pathway to surface water 3) Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) 4) Phosphate in karst groundwater impacting on surface water ecosystems 5) Groundwater Threshold Values (TVs) 6) High status sites 7) OSWTSs 8) Nitrate Trends Who undertakes water body classification? EPA undertakes and is responsible for this work Small Stream Risk Score (SSRS) method not used for status; but part of investigative monitoring Drifting Ulva blooms (Green tides) (‘sea lettuce’!!) on the Brittany coast N Nitrogen, TRAC Waters and Sea Lettuce 16% of TRAC waters are eutrophic or potentially eutrophic. Why? Due to the presence of nutrients, mainly N & P. Coastal waters EQS (median) for N = 2.6 mg/l (or 12 mg/l as NO3) at fresh water interface Main N Sources WWTPs and diffuse agriculture Short–term Implications: A potential health hazard (H2S) An expensive and difficult collection & disposal issue Medium to long–term Implications: Investment in upgrading WWTPs needed Reduction in nitrate loss to groundwater Lag time for reduction??? No longer sufficient to ‘see’ groundwater largely in terms of wells Springs Wells Groundwater as a contributor to surface water Weathered/broken rock zone as pathway for water and contaminants Hook Head, Co. Wexford Groundwater as a contributor to groundwater dependent ecosystems (GWDTEs) Pollardstown Fen - a GWDTE GWDTEs - Progress Very little Environmental Supporting Conditions not known: N & P environmental quality standards needed groundwater level and flow conditions Progress, incl. monitoring, needed for next RBMP Phosphate in GW: Discussion Rivers in blue are ‘less than good’ status mainly due to diffuse pressures PO4 in groundwater the main cause in red areas. Specific measures to reduce PO4 “leakage” to GW may be needed Will existing measures be sufficient? Phosphate in GW: Discussion Why an issue? Main cause of eutrophication of rivers River MRP EQS low = 35µg/l P P readily adsorbed in soil & subsoil, but where thin, can enter groundwater Where an issue? Vulnerable aquifers (i.e. thin soil/subsoil & sinking streams) Karst aquifers, where high proportion of surface water comes from groundwater Note: high pressures (e.g. LUs) not needed Main cause: agriculture Subsidiary: OSWTSs Measures introduced to improve SW Bodies will also have to consider GW inputs arising from diffuse agriculture and, in places, OSWTSs GWB Group Average MRP Concentration Galway Karst 36 mg/l Mayo Karst 34 mg/l Cork Karst 25 mg/l Clare Karst 28 mg/l Roscommon Karst 25 mg/l Kerry – Limerick Karst 45 mg/l Groundwater Threshold Values (TVs) TVs are in the Groundwater Regulations and have been reported to the EU TVs are mean concentrations TVs are not Emission Limit Values (ELVs) TVs are trigger values that prompt further investigation: not the boundary between GOOD and POOR status Parameter Threshold Value Test Reason for TV TVs 37.5 must to theGWQ receptor, e.g. Nitrate mg/lbe NO3 appropriate Drinking Water/General Protect Human Use Human TCE/PCE 7.5 ug/l use (drinking Generalwater) GWQ Surface Chloride 24 mg/l Cl water Saline Intrusion Wetlands Conductivity 800 uS/cm Saline Intrusion MRP 35 ug/l P Surface Water Quality Ammonium 65 ug/l N Surface Water Quality Protect Human Use-Point Source Upper Limit of NBL Upper Limit of NBL SW EQS SW EQS High Status Surface Water Bodies 9% of rivers and 28% of lakes. Number of high quality river sites halved in last 20 years. High status WBs are critical to species biodiversity Deterioration to ‘good’ not allowed, therefore measures to prevent this of critical importance and a high priority Sensitive to pressures (forestry, farming, peat extraction, rural housing) so ‘low level’ activities may cause the deterioration Additional measures to protect these areas likely to be needed OSWTSs (septic tanks etc) Groundwater Status Not a major issue Individual wells affected If new EPA CoP followed, pollution of groundwater should be minimal But a legacy of existing polluted wells, particularly from ‘soak pits’ OSWTSs (septic tanks etc) Surface Water Status Contributes ~7% P overall But significant locally Areas with minimal soakage the issue – gley soils, clayey subsoils, low permeability bedrock A legacy of bad decision-making by LAs The future EPA CoP; Building Regs; DEHLG Circular Letter Some sites are “unsuitable” in practice Some Context!! Sewage pipe!! holiday house in west of Ireland Sinéad The Stray Cat Ponded effluent 32 33 Start of percolation test Next day Conclusion: site is not suitable 34 20-30% of impact due to OSWTSs Map source: CDM & Eastern RBD RBPM Gley soils & limited soakage Map source: CDM & Eastern RBD RBPM Drinking Water Protected Areas Results of Status Test: 2 GWBs at POOR STATUS Durrow WS, Laois Ballyheigue WS, Kerry Nitrate main driver: however many MPs > 25 mg/l NO3 But DWPA test only undertaken in MPs in EPA network! Nitrate Trends in Rivers NO3 concentrations are stable 43% of all (surveillance + operational) stations had concs. <10mg/l, with 21% >25 mg/l Over 70% of surveillance stations had concs.<10mg/l NO3, with 3% >25mg/l But more time and data needed to test for statistical significance. Nitrate Trends in Groundwater Trend analysis undertaken by EPA for 119 wells/springs Statistically significant downward trend at 11 sites Statistically significant upward trend at 12 sites Environmentally and statistically significant upward trend at 2 sites There is no rivers EQS for nitrate. If one is chosen that is lower than the 37.5 mg/l NO3 TV, then it will have implications for groundwater body status. Arabic Proverb Literally “Into the well from which you drink do not throw stones” [Care for the water upon which you depend]