The Smart Grid Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

The Smart Grid
Enabling Energy Efficiency and
Demand Response
Clark W. Gellings
Chapter 1: What is the Smart Grid?
Brevard Community College
ETP1400 Distributed Electrical Power
Generation and Storage
Bruce Hesher
What is the Smart Grid?
A bi-directional electric and communications network that
improves the reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric
system for small to large scale generation, transmission,
distribution, and storage. “Smart Grid Dictionary Plus”
A smart grid is a form of electricity network using digital
technology. A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to
consumers using two-way digital communications to control
appliances at consumers' homes; this could save energy,
reduce costs and increase reliability and transparency if the
risks inherent in executing massive information technology
projects are avoided. The "Smart Grid" is envisioned to
overlay the ordinary electrical grid with an information and net
metering system, that includes smart meters. Wikipedia
The use of sensors, communications, computational
ability, and control in some form to enhance the overall
functionality of the electrical power delivery system. p1
The Smart Grid Enables ElectriNetSM
ElectriNetSM (electricity network) is the guiding concept for
marrying the Smart Grid with low carbon, central generation,
local energy networks and electric transportation.
It recognizes the evolution of the power system into a
highly interconnected, complex, and interactive network of
power systems, telecommunications, the Internet, and
electronic commerce applications.
The move toward more
competitive electrical power
markets is envisioned to
enable consumer choice and
dollar votes in terms of price,
power quality, and fuels used
to generate power.
Realizing the ElectriNetSM requires developing the
IntelligridSM communications architecture to enable
connectivity between each element of the ElectriNetSM.
An agent based software model to predict and react to
power demand is envisioned.
EPRI's IntelliGridSM initiative is creating the technical
foundation for a smart power grid that links electricity with
communications and computer control to achieve
tremendous gains in reliability, capacity, and customer
services. A major early product is the IntelliGridSM
Architecture, an open-standards, requirements-based
approach for integrating data networks and equipment that
enables interoperability between products and systems.
Local Energy Networks p4
Examples of local energy networks include: a factory, a
neighborhood, or a group buildings. They facilitate the
functionality of the ElectriNetsm. They incorporate the
sensing, monitoring, and data that enables the local area’s
power to be self-healing, secure, self-correcting, etc.
Local energy networks increase the independence,
flexibility, and intelligence for optimizing the performance of
energy use and management at the local level.
With the move to decentralized electric production, local
energy networks will provide the ability to produce more
power close to where it is consumed.
Electric Transportation
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV’s) can be
recharged during low cost off-peak hours. PHEV’s
represent both a controllable load and on-site storage of
With 72% of U.S. oil consumption going to transportation,
electric vehicles represent an opportunity to reduce
dependency on foreign oil and for consumers to save
money. Current technology can run a PHEV on the
equivalent of 75¢ per gallon gasoline!
They draw power at a rate of 1.42KW which is easily supplied by
standard home wiring. Note that a
standard 20A, 120V socket is 2.4KW.
Chevy Volt
Low-Carbon Central Generation
An essential component of the ElectriNetsm is low-carbon
central generation. There will be a need for large scale
central electricity production for the foreseeable future.
The ElectriNetsm makes possible multiple central
generation sources linked by high voltage connections. If it
is a good production day at the wind farm or a sunny day at
the photovoltaic power plant that energy can be used.
The Smart Grid will help to provide long distance, low loss
transmission as well as local storage.
What Should Be the Attributes of the
Smart Grid?
In order for the ElectriNetSM to be realized the following
attributes are needed;
• Absolute reliability of supply.
• Optimal use of bulk power generation and storage in
combination with distributed resources and controllable /
dispatchable consumer loads to assure lowest cost.
• Minimal environmental impact of electricity production and
• Reduction in electricity used in the generation of
electricity and an increase in the efficiency of the power
delivery system and in the efficiency and effectiveness of
end users.
• Resiliency of supply and delivery from physical and cyber
attacks and major natural phenomena (hurricanes,
earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.)
• Assuring optimal power quality for all consumers who
require it.
• Monitoring of all critical components of the power system
to enable automated maintenance and outage
Why Do We Need a Smart Grid? p7
The grid has not grown as fast as power production and
use. Congestion, outages, roving brown-outs have resulted.
If the grid is not improved this trend will accelerate.
The traditional grid is designed for centralized production
and downstream distribution. Modern generation is
increasingly distributed.
Traditional generation plants can be reliably scheduled, but
renewable resources tend to work on their own schedules.
Technology that can improve power distribution that was
not available when the traditional grid was designed and
built is now available.
Is the Smart Grid a “Green Grid” ? p12
There are environmental impacts to power production.
Global warming due to increased levels of CO2 in the
atmosphere might be one of them. The scientific
community is not in agreement over CO2 and global
warming / climate change. Google “climategate”.
Most people agree that pollution is bad and we should be
good stewards of the Earth. Sulfur, ash, and other
pollutants in the atmosphere and deforested land due to
strip mining are issues.
The Smart Grid and the renewable energy sources that it
enables are environmentally friendly. Lower transmission
and distribution losses means less coal and oil needs to be
burnt to meet our needs.
Alternative Views of a Smart Grid p14
Just as there is more than one definition of the Smart
Grid, there is more than one vision of what the Smart Grid
should be. There are many technology options that could
be used.
Capgemini’s Vision ( Focus
should be on 4 main activities:
1. Gather Data: from many sources on the grid.
2. Analysis / forecasting: the data for operational and
business purposes.
3. Monitor / Manage / act: an operational system that
triggers predefined procedures that log or take action.
4. Rebuild the grid to support bi-directional power flow.
IBM’s Vision ( Taken from consumer
perspective. Not all customers are the same. There will be
a steady progression toward a “Participatory Network” of
intelligent network connected devices, distributed
generation, and consumer management tools.
IntelliGridSM ( A consortium
created by EPRI to pave the way to the IntelliGridSM.
Partners are utilities, manufacturers, and representatives of
the public.
Objective: greater consumer choice and rapid advances
in communications, computing, and electronics are
promoting similar changes in the power industry. A growing
knowledge-based economy requires a digital power
delivery system that links information technology with
energy delivery.
The Modern Grid Strategy ( The U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology
Lab (NETL) is the manager of the Modern Grid Strategy
(MGS). There function is to foster a national vision for the
grid among all stakeholders. p19
GridWiseTM (www.ElectricDistribution.ctc.con): The Electric
Grid Distribution program of the DOE supports distribution
grid modernization, through development and use of
advanced sensor, communication, control and information
technologies to enable GridWiseTM operations of all
distribution systems and components for interoperability
and seamless integration. p19
General Electric Vision ( GE sees the
smart grid as a family of network control systems and
asset-management tools, empowered by sensors,
communication pathways and information tools.
UK SuperGen Initiative (
A consortium that has recognized two broad challenges:
First, there are engineering problems created by
embedding renewable energy sources into a distribution
network and second there is a need to develop a market
and regulatory environment to encourage the use of
The Galvin Initiative ( Inspired
and sponsored by Robert Galvin (former CEO of
Motorola). Wants to achieve a consumer focused
power system that never fails.
Electricite de France (EDF) Power-Strada: EDF proposes to
“invent the smart grid”. It defines it as integrating distributed
energy resources with dispersed intelligence and advanced
automation. p23
European Union Smart Grid ( The EU
is undertaking various activities to overcome barriers to the
development of smart grids in Europe. p24
No one definition of the smart grid prevails. A better name
might be “smarter grid”. A variety of approaches are
presented. There is a common them of improving the overall
functionality of the power delivery system. Some approaches
advocate incremental change while others concentrate on
automation. All approaches envision a system which
improves the environment, enhances the value of electricity,
and improves the quality of life.
The electric grid was designed
and built using technology of the
40’s and 50’s. It has since been
expanded but not modernized
much. Applying modern
technology will improve its
efficiency and function.