The Sustainability Challenge TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE REPORTING TO ENHANCE SUSTAINABILITY The challenge The project vision is for… “…an irrigation industry that applies triplebottom-line reporting for continuous improvement and enhanced sustainability”. Sustainability Challenge Project Concurrent and converging components TBL Framework Participatory Method Evaluation Method SI’s, their selection and use Knowledge about sustianability and irrigation Irrigation Sustainability Assessment Guidelines Case study Organisation Analysis Case Study Evaluation Case Study Learning TBL reporting review TBL Reporting and evaluation Workshops & Planning Irrigation Sustainability Assessment 1. Irrigation sustainability principles 2. High-level objectives 3. Linkages between each high-level objective and: Subcomponents Operational objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------4. Indicators and performance measures Irrigation Sustainability Principles 1. Ensuring the health of the supply river and groundwater/drainage systems, and maintaining extractions at sustainable levels 2. Using, conserving and enhancing the land/water/ biota resources in irrigation areas and associated areas, now and into the future 3. Maintaining the economic and social services and benefits to rural and associated urban communities that enhances the quality of life, now and into the future ISAF AND MI BUSINESS PLANNING 1. Irrigation sustainability principles 2. High-level objectives – based on issues of concern for stakeholders 3. Component tree of each H-L objective Subcomponents Operational objectives ------------------------------------------------------ 4. Sustainability indicators MI - Management plans/activities of irrigation company such as: Business plan, LWMP, etc Business objectives Activities - KPI’s Lower two tiers of generic component tree modifiable by users to suit local conditions/concerns provide flexibility, and direct links to MI business management plans/activities ‘Business Scorecard’ A business management approach links discussion of overall strategic directions with each business unit’s goals; allows input from staff on business objectives as well as performance indicators Strategic Plan Strategic Directions Document Business Unit Plan Individual and team performance plans Corporate Plan Executive performance Plan Overview of sustainability issues Environmental issues / objectives In BSC plan Added to BSC Other Downstream impacts on water resources Degradation of irrigated lands – e.g. salinity Maintain water quality Weeds Catchment target implications Disjointed biodiversity areas Climate change – reduce greenhouse emissions WUE & groundwater recharge Climate change – seek energy efficiencies Root zone salinity / depth of groundwater Ecosystem services opportunities Sub optimal understanding of impacts of irrigation Biophysical state of Murrumbidgee & Tumut Rivers – upstream in and downstream impact Long term viability of perennial horticulture Lack of land use capability information Overview of sustainability issues Economic issues / objectives In BSC plan Reduced allocations to area Maintain profitability of irrigation farming Water trade Increased legislative requirements – influence legislation MI governance Added to BSC Long term infrastructure – financial security Minimise impacts of water competition / maintain attractiveness Other Attract / maintain value adding industries Maintain / grow diversity of agricultural industry Sustaining growth of businesses Maintain / grow diversity of industries Benchmarking performance with other irrigation areas Overview of sustainability issues Social-political issues / objectives In BSC plan Employment security within company Added to BSC Add to quality of life in region Attract skilled & unskilled labour Gain/influence community acceptance of irrigation Other Declining services: health, education & transport Employment security in region Rural unemployment Change in population demographics Reduce poverty / equitable wealth distribution Diminishing political significance Image of irrigation in wider community Reduced government support / input into NRM Controlling development demand ISAF and the Urban case study Successful application with Lower Nepean Hawksbury Water Users Assoc, primary producer and cut flower irrigators Councils Water provider 4 tier framework adapted to 5 step worksheet 5 Step Process Step 1 Adopt or develop principles that define irrigation sustainability Irrigation Sustainability Principles (ISAF) 1…etc New sustainability principled (if needed) Step 2 Adopt or develop high-level objectives to give more detail about sustainability in irrigation High level objectives (ISAF) 1…etc New high level obj (if needed) Step 3 List the issues with regard to irrigation sustainability, that your organisation would like to improve Step 4 Turn these issues into objectives for your organisation Objectives that will help our organisation improve our irrigation sustainability Indicators for each objective 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Step 5 Develop indicators for each objective that will show progress towards sustainability. Urban response to framework Responses to evaluation of the process 100% of participants thought it relevant 100% of participants thought it a useful process 94% of participants thought the process easy to use Readily usable and logical process, good for planning specific action from general ideas about sustainability. Plain language version needed Electronic format would be good Final products – Report Series 1. TBL Approach and Irrigation Sustainability Assessment (Mid May) • The triple bottom line approach and performance reporting in the Australian irrigation industry, • Irrigation Sustainability Assessment Framework • Indicators of performance and their criteria for selection. 2. Case Study Experience (Mid May) • Murrumbidgee Irrigation Case Study, • Lower Burdekin Case Study, • Urban Case Study, • Murray Irrigation Limited and their move to sustainability reporting 3. Integrated reporting processes (Early June) • Participatory approach to performance reporting • Evaluating performance reporting across each case study 4. Sustainability Reporting For Irrigation - TBL recipe / glossy (June 30) • background, ISAF and indicators, how to …, • appendix case study summaries