
101 admin/command control




[a] NWP 4-04.1, U.S. Navy, Seabee Operations in the


[b] NAVEDTRA 14235, Seabee Combat Handbook, Vol. 2

[c] 1NCD TACMEMO 4-01.01-07

[d] NAVEDTRA 14234, Seabee Combat Handbook, Vol. 1

[e] Blue Jackets’ Manual, 23rd Edition


[g] NAVFAC P-315, Naval Construction Force Manual


 101.1 Discuss the function and organization of the following companies within the battalion: [ref g, ch. 8)


 a. Alfa [p. 6-9]

Responsible for the operation and maintenance of the automotive, construction and materials-handling equipment assigned to the battalion.

 b. Bravo [p. 10-12]

Responsible for water, sanitary sewer, and power distribution systems, fuel systems, and communications projects.

Bravo company serves as a mini public works department providing for maintenance and operation of the unit’s camp.


101 c. Charlie/Delta [p. 12-14]

Act as the NMCB's general construction company.

Responsible for prime contracts and an occasional subcontract; normally equal in strength and capabilities; they function as prime contractors for vertical construction.

 d. Headquarters [p. 5-6]

Is the administrative and military organization for all enlisted personnel assigned to the NMCB's executive and special staffs.

 The Headquarters Company provides support to the line companies in construction and disaster recovery operations.



 101.2 Describe the mission of Convoy Security Element

(CSE). [ref. c]

 A specially trained mobile unit to act as security escort for convoys and utilized to assist with camp security.

 A specially trained mobile unit to act as security escort for convoys and utilized to assist with camp security.



 .3 State the purpose of and describe the following:

 a. Combat Operation Center (COC) [ref. b, pp. 1-6 thru


 The COC is used to maintain command and control of battalion in tactical environment.

 Manned by watch standers at CBR, Operations, and

Fire Support Coordinator board, plus communicators and watch officer.



 b. Alternate Combat Operation Center (ACOC) [ref. b, p. 1-8]

 Alternate COC--requires same information and set-up as COC; assumes control of battalion if COC is destroyed

 c. Company Command Post (CP) [ref. a, ch. 5]

 Localized version of the COC at Company level.


 d. Air Detachment (AIRDET) [ref. a, pp. 2-10, 2-11]

 Can accomplish all missions of a battalion, but on a smaller scale

 NMCB Rapid Response Force

 89 personnel, 35-45 pieces of CESE, but usually task organized

 Ready to fly in 48 hours from receipt of a warning order


 101.4 Identify and explain the purpose of the following ratings in a Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB): [ref. e, pp. 23 thru 35]



Storekeeper, works in the supply department. Operates and monitors MLO


Religious person. Armed escort for the Chaplain.


Bosunmate. Skilled in all tasks pertaining to deck equipment on a ship.


Ships serviceman. Handles the ships store and laundry


Culinary Specialist. Sets up and operates field kitchens


 Legalman.

 MR

 Machinery repairman

 MA

 Master at Arms. Acts as a police force within the battalion.

 NC

 Naval Career Counselor


 YN

 Yeoman. Works in the admin office.

 PN

 Personnel man.

 Works in admin

 HT

 Hull technician, skilled in welding.

 HM

 Corpsman, first aid specialist


 PC

 Postal clerk

 ET

 Electronics technician

 GM

 Gunners mate. Maintains weapons and operates armory.

 IT

 Intelligence tech, specialist in computers and communications.

102 supply/logistics


 References:

 [a] ABFC View


102.1 State the purpose of the NMCB Table of Allowance

(TOA) as it relates to the following: [ref. a] a. P25SMART

The NMCB TOA is listed as the P25 and is broken down into three sub-TOAs to assist in quick deployment

 Air Det (A/D): P25A or TA-41

Air Echelon (A/E): P25C or TA-31

Sea Echelon (S/E): P25D or TA-22



 b. P32

 TOA for construction capability augment for the Naval

Expeditionary force.

103 coms and security




[a] NAVEDTRA 14234, Seabee Combat Handbook, Vol. 1

[b] TM-11-5820-890-10-8, SINCGARS Ground Combat Net Radio, ICOM

[c] Construction Battle Skills Guide, P-1160, Book 1, All Hands

[d] Motorola 68P81044C05-A, XTS 5000 Operator’s Guide

[e] NAVEDTRA 14235, Seabee Combat Handbook, Vol. 2

[f] Harris Guide 10515-0103-4100 (Rev. A), AN/PRC-150(V)(C), Man Pack Radio

(Operator’s Manual)

[g] TM 11-5805-749-12, Switchboard, Telephone, SB-3614A(V)/TT Operator’s Manual

[h] TM 11-5805-650-12, Telephone Set, T-838/PT Operator’s and Organizational

Maintenance Manual



[j] Harris Guide 10515-0109-4100 (Rev. J), AN/PRC-117(V)(C), Man Pack Radio

(Operator’s Manual)

[k] ref MCWD 3-40.3 Communications and Information Systems



 103.1 Explain the frequency spectrum, configurations, operator maintenance, and antenna

 systems/ranges for the following:

103 a. AN/PRC-119A-E [ref. c, p. 358]


30 to 87.975 MHz freq

2320 channels/freq.'s

Sends and receives secure voice and digital data

6 Comsec channels/ 6 Frequency hopping channels

8 Single Channels (SC) for plain text

Transmits 200 meters to 10 Kilometers or more

Batteries last 4 (BB690) to 30 (BA5590) hrs depending on type & use


 Antenna Systems:

 3ft Tape- up to 5 miles

 10ft whip- up to 10 miles

 OE-254- up to 36 miles


 b. AN/PRC-150 [ref. f, pp. 1-1 thru 1-8]

 HF- usably range up to 1000 miles.

 Puts out up to 20 watts

 Deployed in backpack configuration..

 Uses as wireless messaging terminal (WMT)

 Uses Microsoft Outlook to send e-mail

 5 units in TOA


 c. AN/PRC-117



 30 MHZ to 2 GHZ

 10 watts VHF and 20 watts UHF

 Manpack or vehicle mount

 Range 10-25 Km (clear line of sight)


 d. AN/VRC-90A [ref. b, p. 2-19]

 Vehicular SINGARS system

 Single RT1523 with power amp

 Range 40-59 Kilometer depending on antenna system.

 Antenna Systems:

 3900

 OE-254


 e. VHF handheld SABER 1 fascinator [ref. d, p. 1]

 Handheld secure radio

 VHF radio with 2.5 - 6 watts

 Need radio interface box to fill

 VHF - 138 to 174 MHz

 Range - 1 to 3 miles


 Operator Maintenance

 Clean and corrosion free

 Ensure all knobs and switches function correctly

 Check antenna for cracks and splits

 Ensure battery charger contacts are not broken


 Hand held secure VHF radio replacing SABER.

 1-6 watts output

 48 channels

 Range 1-3 miles

 Programmable from 136-174 MHz

Surveillance mode

 f. XTS-5000 portable radio [ref. d])

Over the air rekeying (OTAR) capability


 103.2 Discuss the general characteristics, operator maintenance and employment of the

 following wire communication assets:


 a. SB-3614A [ref. g]

 Switchboard.

 12 slots for TA-312’s

 Programmable SB

 Can assign priority circuits

 Allows operator to make unassisted phone calls

 Up to 30 circuits.

 DSN capabilities.


 b. TA-312/PT [ref. c, p. 354]

 Two wire tactical phone.

 Operates on 2 D cell batteries

 Range 14 miles wet and 22 miles dry

 Talk up to 4 miles in earpiece with dead battery

 Press to talk handset

 Hand crank to call distant stations.


 c. TA-838/PT [ref. h]

 Analog field phone

 Replaced by TA-312


 d. AN/GRA-39 ref. a, pp. 11-12, 11-13]

 Provides capability to remotely operate radios from up to 2 miles away

 Powered by 12 D cell batteries

 Remote unit located in COC/CP

 Local unit located at antenna farm


 e. TA-1

 Hand held Comm device

 Uses WD-1 wire

 Talks 4-7 miles

 Squeeze signal generator

 Press to talk button

 Light weight and easy to store

 Normally configured in gun loop


Operator Maintenance

Remove dirt and moisture from housing, handset, cord, or connector. Inspect painted surfaces for bare spots, rust or corrosion.

Inspect surfaces for cuts or cracks.

Inspect handset cord for breaks, cuts or deterioration.

Inspect for inoperative binding posts, broken connector, or hand set connection.


 f. SB-22

 12 line switchboard

 Operator uses headset

 Hand ringing generator

 Can interconnect calls

 29 line packs when stacked

 Uses 4 D cell batteries when used with operator pack

 Audio/visual call indication


 103.4 Discuss the tactical employment and purpose of

NMCB communication systems.

 [ref. i, pp. 5-1 thru 5-5/ e, pp. 1-10 thru 1-14]


 Tactical Employment Loops:

 Rifleman-Fireteam Leader-SQD Leader-PLT Leader

 Company CP-COC-Regiment/ MAGTAF

 Purpose: Strong coordination between rifleman up to

MAGTAF and beyond can ensure a victorious outcome for any combat mission assigned to a Seabee organization.


 .5 Discuss the procedure for Loading COMSEC

Material into the following RT-1523E,

 RT-1694, RT- 1796 [ref. b, pp. 5-29 thru 5-32]


 There are five tasks categorized as primary for the

SINCGARS radio operator, manpack or vehicular and one preparation task for the ASIP

 These tasks enable the operator to meet all normal

 radio. communications requirements when the unit is in an operational situation



 Required for use of single channel communications, participation in

 Cold Start net opening, use of CUE and ERF method of late net entry,

 and single channel frequency updates.

 Load COMSEC, FH Data, and Sync Time into RT

Using ICOM Fill



 Required for secure, frequency hopping communications,

 participation in Hot Start net opening, COMSEC/FH data updates, and

 without sync time, participation in Cold Start net opening.

 Perform Hot Start Net Opening



Required when the net has been down, for any reason and for any period of time, and is now to become operational at a prescribed time.

Operators load their RTs with all required COMSEC keys, FH data, and sync time. At the prescribed time, they call the NCS and enter the net.

The Hot Start procedure may also be used when an individual operator has been out of the net for any reason and wishes to re-enter without resort to the CUE and ERF method of late net entry.



 Perform Passive Late Net Entry

 Required when an operator's radio sync time becomes greater than plus or minus 4 seconds, but not more than one minute, different from net sync time. The

Passive Late Net Entry process enables an operator

 to re-enter the net without requiring action on the part of the NCS or other net operators.



 Obtain SOI information from ANCD

 SOI information electronically stored in the ANCD replaces the paper SOI extract. The ANCD SOI program is used when Information on nets, suffixes, pyro/smoke, sign/countersign is needed. It may be used to view quick reference (QREF) related items in group, time period, set, find, and memo. It may also be used to obtain the net ID of a net that is not a part of the loadset being used.


5.4c. Select RT Preparation Settings from MENU

(Preparation TASK 1)


This task is required to set the ASIP radio to proper settings for other tasks. MENU selections are Volume, Channel, Power, Mode and

COMSEC. These settings will need to change as operationally necessary. The backlight function is also covered.

CMSC setting

Backlight lights (4 settings Low to High, then OFF)


 (1) Place RT on SQ

 Set Backlight

 (2) Press FREQ/Backlight

 (3) Press CHG until desired setting

 Default Settings are: VOL (5), CHAN (1), PWR (LO),




 KYK-13

 Common Fill Device (CFD)

 Electronic transfer/fill device

 Holds up to six Crypto segments

 Loads auxiliary COMSEC gear


 .6 Discuss the following communication and information systems planning factors:[ref k]


 a. Mission

 Communication equipment necessary will depend on what kind of mission assigned to the unit.

 Ranges, distance and terrain should be taken into consideration.


 b. Available resources

 TOA availability

 c. Environmental

 Terrain and weather will affect the ability to operate communication Equipment.


 Field radios are for line-of-sight communications. Any obstruction between the transmitting station and the receiving station may disrupt or block communications.

 Factors such as valleys, densely wooded areas, towers, low lying areas, and sources of electrical interference are common obstructions that have an adverse effect on radio communications.

104 weapons


 References:


[a] NAVEDTRA 14234, Seabee Combat Handbook, Vol.

 [b] Smart P25 ABFC View

 [c] 31st SRG Trainee Guide 956.1


104 weapons

 The following items apply to the 84mm M136 (AT-4):

 104.1 Describe the 84mm M136 (AT-4). [ref. a, pp. 14-20]

 Lightweight

 Self contained anti-armor weapon

 Free flight fin stabilized cartridge packed in an expendable launcher

 One piece

 Right shoulder fired only

 Man-portable


.2 Describe the different firing positions. [ref. a, pp. 14-30 thru 14-32]

Standing Used when firing on moving or stationary targets from behind a protective barrier such as a wall or barricade. Most unstable and exposed position.

Kneeling Used for firing on moving or stationary targets. Maximum use of support is essential for stability

Sitting Used for firing on stationary targets. More suitable than kneeling position.

Prone The least stable position. Affords the most protection.

The danger area extends for 60m with a 90 degree angle behind the weapon

The weapon must not have any obstructions closer than 5 m to the rear of the weapon.



.3 State the following capabilities/nomenclature: [ref. a] a. Length [p. 14-21] 40 inches b. Weight [p. 14-21] 14.8 lbs Fully loaded

 c. Maximum range meters d. Maximum effective range meters e. Muzzle velocity


950 fps



 f. Controls

 Transport Safety Pin. Blocks the movement of the firing pin and prevents it from striking the cartridge percussion cap.

 Cocking Lever: When the cocking lever is in the SAGE position, there is no contact between the firing rod and the trigger.

 Forward Safety. Prevents the firing rod from striking the firing pin.


 f. Ammunition [p. 14-22]

 Tactical cartridge, 18 inches long,

 High explosive, anti-tank (HEAT)


 g. Misfire procedures [pp. 14-26, 14-27]

 Causes - A complete failure to fire caused by a faulty firing mechanism or faulty element in the propellant charge.



Shout “misfire”

Maintain sight picture

Release safety catch

–Re-cock the weapon

–Check back blast area and attempt to fire

Repeat if necessary

If still fails, release safety catch and return cocking lever to the safe position.

Reinsert the transport safety pin, lay weapon on ground and notify chain of command


 i. Safety [pp.14-32, 14-33]

 Take care in selecting positions for firing. Avoid areas that could cause you to fire through a screen of brush or trees.

 Impact with a twig or branch may deflect the rocket or cause it to detonate.

 You must try to obtain concealment, but not at the risk of safety.


To prevent the rocket from striking the foreground and causing serious injury to personnel, maintain the launcher in the firing position until the rocket has left the launcher.

Avoid the blast of flame and ejected residue to the rear of the launcher.

Remove flammable material , such as dry vegetation, from the backblast area.

Keep personnel and ammunition clear of the rear danger area unless adequate shelter protection is provided.

Sand or loose dirt in the backblast area can also reveal your position to the enemy.

Do not fire rockets at temperatures below -40 F or above 140 F.

Never fire a damaged weapon.


 .4 Describe the characteristics of 40mm machine gun.

[ref. c]

 Air-cooled

 Belt-fed

 Blow back operated

 Automatic weapon

 Fires from open bolt position

 Crew served


 .5 Discuss loading/unloading procedures. [ref. c]

 Keep the weapon down range

 Make sure the bolt is forward. If not take the weapon off safe and ease the charging handles forward.

 Open the cover

 Insert the first round through the feed throat


 Place the first round into the feeder. Female link first.

 Push the round across the first pawl

 Move the slide assembly to the left

 Close the cover


Unlock and grasp the charging handles and charge weapon.


Place weapon on safe

Open cover

Remove remaining rounds and inspect chamber

Once clear, close cover

Place weapon on fire and use charging handles to “ride” bolt forward or press trigger sending the bolt forward.


 104.6 State the following capabilities/nomenclature:

 a. Proper employment [ref. c]

 Can be vehicle mounted ground mounted on tripod

 Used for indirect fire


 c. Arming range [ref. c] M383 HE Round

18 to 36 meter

 M918 TP Round 18 to 30 meters

 d. Maximum effective range (area target) 1500 m

 Maximum range 2212m


 e. Maximum effective range (point target) [ref. c]

 f. Rate of fire [ref. c] 325 to 375 rds/min

 g. Safety [ref. c] Thumb switch with “Safe” and “Fire” positions

104 h. Ammunition types [ref. c]

M383 HE - High explosive, designed to inflict personnel casualties.

Arming distance of 18 to 36m. 15m casualty radius.

 M430 HEDP -High explosive, dual purpose

 M385E4/M385A1 - Training Practice with propellant. Max range


M918 TP - Target round with a flash signature. Max range 2200m

M922 Dummy - Inert

105 embark



[a] COMSECONDNCB/COMTHIRDNCBINST 3122.1, Embarkation Manual

[b] COMSECONDNCB/COMTHIRDNCBINST 4627.1, Naval Construction

Force Maritime

Prepositioning Force Operations Instruction

[c] ABFC View Program,

[d] MCRP 4-11.3F, Convoy Operations Handbook

[e] MCRP 4-11.3H, Convoy Tactical Operations

[f] AMC Pamphlet 36-101, Vol. I, AMC Affiliation Program Equipment

Preparation Course

[g] JP4-01.3 Joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Movement Control


 105.1 Explain the operations of the battalion Mount

Out Control Center (MOCC). [ref. a,

 pp. 3-1]

 The Mount Out Control Center controls, coordinates, and monitors the movement of all personnel, supplies, and equipment to the embarkation staging area


 .2 Discuss who is responsible for the operation of the battalion MOCC. [ref. a, p. 3-1]

The XO is responsible of the operations in MOCC

 MOCC controls, coordinates, and monitors the movement of all personnel, supplies and equipment to an embarkation staging area.


 (.3 State the purpose and the function of Unit

Movement Control Center (UMMC). [ref; g]

Movement control consists of:

 (a) the planning, routing, scheduling, and controlling of common-user assets; and (b) maintenance of intransit visibility (ITV) to assist commanders and staffs in force tracking.


 .4 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following key Embark personnel. [

 ref a. pp. 2-3 thru 2-4]


 a .Embarkation Officer

Know location of supplies, vehicles and equipment assigned to Battalion.

Maintain MOCC files.

Train personnel and staff.

Maintain turnover file.

Coordinate with S-3 for all requirements concerning

Battalion movement.

Validate preliminary load plan (PLP) for deployment.

Ensure all detachments are assigned qualified personnel for movement


 b. Embarkation Chief

 Advise and assist Embark Officer with all requirements listed above.

 Maintain close liaison with Regiment and Brigade staff on all embark issues.

 c. Embarkation LPO

 Assignment and efficient use of all Battalion assets for all deployments.

 Assist Embark Chief will all duties listed above.


 .5 Explain the procedures to calculate the center of balance for Civil Engineer Support

 Equipment (CESE). [ref. f, pp. 4-6 thru 4-24]

 The formula is: (W1xD1) + (W2 x D2) divided by GVW


105.6 Explain the four types of shoring used during embarkation operations. [ref. f, ch. 6] a. Sleeper [pp. 6-6, 6-7]

Cross bracing and dunnage b. Rolling [p. 6-1]

Chocks and dunnage.

c. Parking [pp. 6-3 thru 6-6]

For tracked vehicles, wood planking laid down to lock the tracks in place.

d. Approaching [p. 6-8]

Ramps and dunnage


 .7 Describe movement formations and techniques of a convoy. [ref e, pp. 3-3 thru 3-



The following are techniques that can be used based on the situation, road conditions, and the judgment of the CC.

a. File Formation (Figure III-3).

(1) Best used with inexperienced or foreign drivers.

(2) Advantages:

(a) Simplicity.

(b) Usable at night but interval will have to be compressed.

(c) Minimizes IED blast effects (when driving on centerline of road).

(3) Disadvantages:

(a) Weak left flank security.

(b) Reduced field of view.

(c) Reduced headlight coverage at night


b. Staggered Formation (figures III-4 and III-5).

(1) Used only on multilane roads.

(2) Advantages:

(a) Allows for all around security.

(b) Greater flexibility.

(c) Permits ease of maneuver during contact.

(d) Limits third party vehicle interference.

(e) Greater headlight coverage at night.


(3) Disadvantages:

(a) Requires more command and control and driver experience.

(b) More vulnerable to IED blast effects

c. Offset Formation (Figure III-6).

(1) Used to block third party traffic and assists in changing lanes.

(2) Advantages:

(a) Combines flexibility of stagger with the ease of file Formation.

(b) Allows CC to control third party traffic.

(3) Disadvantages:

(a) Vulnerable to IED blast effects.

(b) Difficult to command and control.


 .8 Identify and explain the elements of a convoy organization. [ref. e, pp 1-9 thru 1-16]

 Three Divisions

 March Column

 Composed of entire convoy

 Convoy Commander in charge

 Serial Column

 Limited to 20 vehicles

 Unit Column

 Limited to 10 vehicles or less


 Convoy Commander

 –initiates, issues and enforces march orders supervises movement

Serial Commander In charge of 20 vehicles,

Supervises serial, Answers to Convoy Commander

Advance Officer Precedes the column, Recons the route and selects alternate routes, Notifies proper authorities and Post traffic control personnel


Trail Officer Post warning flags, prevent interference, enforce convoy discipline, collects traffic control personnel

Unit Commander Responsible for 10 units of CESE

Maintenance Officer Rides at rear of convoy, Responsible for

CESE maintenance

Vehicle Commander

–Usually a Petty Officer in charge of all vehicles carrying troops


Other Convoy Positions

Pace Setter Usually a Petty Officer stationed in lead vehicle.

Guides Personnel posted at critical intersections when on non-tactical convoys

Escorts Military Police or other personnel for a nontactical movement

During tactical movements, the escorts may be armed guards, armed aircraft, infantry, armored units, or other units as required to protect or accompany the convoy


 .10 Describe vehicle convoy logistics and security requirements. [ref. e, pp.1-15 thru 2-4]


Control capabilities will be reduced at night. At the same time, the convoy’s vulnerability to ambush or harassing fire will be increased. Compromise between the need for both security and control. Increasing the size of security forces for night movement creates a greater noise and control problem. Decreasing the security forces permits better control and noise discipline.

Carefully consider the requirements for security and control.

Regardless of the choice, most vehicles, including escorts, will be road-bound. If an attack is encountered, the best reaction, as in daytime operations, is dependent upon the type of attack.

Dispersion and extended intervals offer the best protection from air and artillery attacks. Rapidly clearing or evading the killing zone, along with a high volume of return fire, is the best protection from ambush. Night immediate-action drills should be rehearsed and all convoy members should receive refresher training in night security and night defensive techniques.

106 contingency ops



[a] COMSECONDNCB/COMTHIRDNCBINST 3300.1, Rapid Runway Repair

[b] ABFC View Program,

[c] UT Basic Vol 2, p 2-1

[d] CE Basic p 3-21

[e] FM 5-277, Bailey Bridge

[f] TM-08676A-23/2, Medium Girder Bridge, Marine Corps

[g] AFMAN 10-219, Vol. 4, Rapid Runway Repair Operations

[h] NAVEDTRA 14081, Equipment Operator, Basic

[i] UFC 3-270-07 Unified Facilities Criteria O&M Airfield Damage Repair

[j] CIN-710-1023, Airfield Damage Repair Crew Training Guide

[k] Mabey Johnson User Manual

[l] Training Guide for Command Post Bunker S-710-1017

[m] Training Guide for Observation Tower S-710-1016

[n] Training Guide Heavy Construction 1 A-710-0044


 106.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of the following Rapid Runway Repair

 (RRR) / Airfield Damage Repair (ADR) teams and state what type of equipment is

 necessary to perform their mission under Battle

Damage Repair (BDR)/RRR. [ref. a, ch. III]


106 a. MOS [Annex C]

After an air base attack, the base commander’s immediate problem is to launch and recover mission aircraft as soon as possible.

The base engineer must recommend the best airfield surfaces to repair; i.e., those that require the least repair time but still provide adequate launch and recovery surfaces for mission aircraft. The launch and recovery surface selected for repair is called the minimum operating strip or MOS. The MOS is the area from which aircraft take off and land. When a MOS is combined with access taxiways from aircraft staging areas such as shelters and parking aprons, the entire area becomes the minimum airfield operating surface (MAOS). The length of the

MOS will depend on the take-off or landing distance of the mission aircraft, whichever is greater.

106 b. DAT [Annex B]

Bomb damage assessment activities are categorized into two distinct areas: airfield damage repair assessment and facility and utility damage assessment. In this manual, only airfield damage repair assessment is addressed. Airfield damage repair assessment includes evaluation of damage involving runway surfaces, taxiway surfaces, and other facilities that directly support aircraft operations. Since major recovery tasks cannot be started until damage assessment and MOS selection are completed, speed and accuracy during damage assessment are essential. The damage assessment teams (DATs) determine and report the location, types, and numbers of unexploded ordnance, and the location, types, and quantity of airfield pavement damage to the survival recovery center (SRC).


 c. Crater/Spall [Annexes E, F]

DEFINITION OF SPALL. A spall is damage that does not penetrate through the pavement surface to the underlying layers. Spalls may be up to 1.6 m (5 ft) diameter.

REPAIR CONCEPT. Repair of a spall requires few procedures: squaring of the edges, cleaning out and removing debris, apply bonding agent if required, placing the fill material, finish the surface to provide a smooth structural bearing surface for aircraft traffic


Purpose. This section provides guidance on repair of spalls. Although spalls are relatively small, they can be numerous. Thus, planning for spall repairshould receive close attention.


Manufacturer’s instructions. Insure that the manufacturer’s instructions, or rules of common practice, are strictly followed.

Bonding. The spall area must be prepared thoroughly.

Sides should be vertical, loose material removed, and the repair surface clean or coated with a bonding agent if applicable. Bad bonding will result in the patch coming loose.



Conventional Cement/Grout. A conventional cement grout mixture similar to that indicated for Stone and Grout crater repair may be used in spall repair with pea gravel substituted for 76-mm (3-in.) stone as the aggregate.

A rapid setting cement

(proprietary) must be used to obtain a compressive strength of 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) in

4 hr. Consult the technical representatives for information on rapid setting cements.


Cold Mix Products. Tests conducted on a variety of cold mix patching products have met with limited success. Conventional cold mix asphalt is suitable for

 small repairs up to 0.61 m (2 ft) in diameter and 1.83 mm (6 in.) deep. Proprietary patching products can be used for both small and large spall repair; however, both types of materials tend to rut easily


Proprietary Products. Numerous commercial-offthe-shelf (COTS) materials are available. Some of these materials, particularly some rapid setting

 cements, have been tested and approved for DoD use while others have not. Before any material can be used on DoD airfields, it must be certified for use. Contact your service technical representative for the appropriate material and installation procedures for your particular application



 State how many members are to be trained at a battalion level to satisfy the requirements of


 46 personnel E-6 and below RRR level I trained

 20 personnel E-5 and above RRR Level II trained

 6 personnel E-6 and below cretemobile trained (FOD cover crew leaders)


 106.3 Describe the duties and responsibilities of a damage assessment team and state what type of equipment is necessary to perform their mission under

Battle Damage Repair (BDR)/RRR.


 The damage assessment team is responsible for the recording, marking and reporting of all conditions on the taxiway, parking apron, fueling station, and any other collateral damage encountered.

 All damage and types of hazards are reported and plotted.

 Damage assessment kit

 Marking tape

 Non-metallic tape measures

 EOR forms

 Maps (scale 1” = 100’)


 a. Airfielded Fiberglass Matting (FFM) [ref. g, p.

5.8.2] [ref. I, p 2-15]

 Folded fiberglass mat (FFM)/fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) foreign object damage (FOD) covers are suitable only for fighter aircraft and C-130 operations.

These FOD covers are not approved for C-17, C-5

Galaxy, C-141 Starlifter, KC-10 Extender, and KC-135

Stratotanker operations.


 b. AM-2 aluminum matting [ref. g, p. 5.8.1] [ref. i. p 2-


 AM-2 mat is suitable as a runway surface only for fighter aircraft and C-130 operations, and then only if accomplished as a flush repair and installed and

 certified in accordance with Naval Air Systems

Command Instruction


 c. Crushed stone repair [ref. a, Annex E, ch. 3]

 Crushed stone repairs without FOD covers are approved for C-17, C-5, C-141, KC-10, and KC-135 operations.


 d. Cretemobile [ref. h, pp. 14-3, 14-4]

 Utilized as a mobile concrete mixing plant


 e. Pavement [ref. j, p 2-1-25]

 This type of repair may be used in lieu of or as a replacement for both the crushed stone and sand-grid repairs when additional resources are available.

Uniform compaction of backfill material is critical.


 .3 Explain the fundamentals of a typical battalion tent camp layout.

 [ref. b, High-res camp layout and DWG 6028038]



Sufficient space for command dispersion

Concealment from ground and air observation

Protection from bombing and strafing attacks

Protection from mechanized attack


Water supply




Site not occupied by other units in last two months


 .4 Explain the purpose of maintaining operator logs for generators and boilers [ref. c]

 [ref. d]

 Daily operating logs are kept on some

Equipment. The main purpose for using operating logs is to continuously record data on equipment performance.


106.5 Discuss the following transportable bridges: a. Bailey [ref. e, p. 1-5]

Through-type metal truss bridge with heavy timber decking, roadway carried between two main girders.

Highly mobile and versatile bridge, can span a variety of gaps

Transported in 5-ton dump & 40 ton trailer

Quickly assembled by manpower, 30-40 personnel

12’-6” wide, can span up to 210’


–Single / Single bridge, 100’

–Double / Single bridge 140’

–Double / Double bridge 180’

Launched and de-launched via roller system

Additional bays are added to counter balance during launching and delaunching


 Components:

 Truss panel - form girder, 5’ x 10’ panel

 Transom - main support, 10” x 20’ flange beam

 Stringer - 10’ steel beams

 Chess - 2” x 8” x 14’ wood decking

 Rollers - launching & de-launching

 Bearing & base plates

 Ramps

 Various pins, clamps, braces, tie plates, bolts, jacks, and carrying bars and tongs


 . Medium girder [ref. f, pp. 1-8 thru 1-13]

 MGB is a two girder deck bridge

 Launched and de-launched via roller system and 5 ton dump.

 Three types of MGB’s

 Single story MGB

 Double story MGB

 Linked reinforced MGB


 Transported to site via 5 ton dump & 40 ton trailer

 Crew size 24 to 32 personnel

 •Bridge is formed with 2 main girders from a

 number of panels pinned together.

 Roadway is formed by hanging deck units between girders and connecting ramps at each end

 13’-2” wide bridge

 Used for light vehicle loads

106 c. Mabey Johnson [ref. k]

The bridge is widely used throughout Iraq by US Army Engineers and US Marine Seabee

Engineers in fixed and floating configurations.

Capable of taking continuous traffic

Extra wide single lane width 4.2m

Clear spans up to 61m

Multi-span bridges can be built over fixed and floating supports

Built on a green field sites by sitting on grillages and using ramps

Transported into theatre in conventional 6m and 12m ISO containers and on 6m

DROPS/PLS flatracks>>

Can be built using in-service construction equipment e.g. field cranes and tracked/wheeled excavators

Easily returned to stock after use

Rugged with long fatigue life

The modular design of the equipment means it can be constructed in a large number of different configurations, to match various sized gaps throughout the support area.

107 cese fundamentals




[a] NAVFAC P-300, Management of Civil Engineering Support


[b] COMFIRSTNCDINST 11200.2, Equipment Management (Red


[c] NAVFAC P-307, Management of Weight Handling Equipment

[d] NAVSEA 4790.8B Maintenance and Material Management


107.1 State the purpose of the Battalion Equipment Evaluation

Program (BEEP).

[ref b. ch 4 pg 1]



 .2 Discuss the purpose of the following publications and instructions:

 a. P-300 [ref. a, p. iii]

 The purpose of this publication is to assist management at all levels in properly discharging their responsibilities in the efficient management of the transportation program


 b. COMFIRSTNCDINST 11200.2 [ref. b, Signature Page]

 The purpose of this publication is to establish policy, assign actions and give guidance for the Naval

Construction Force Equipment Management program.

107 c. P-307 [ref. c, p. 2]

To maintain the level of safety and reliability built into each unit of applicable equipment by the original equipment manufacturer

To ensure optimum service life

To provide uniform standards for licensing of WHE operators;

To ensure the safe lifting and controlling capability of WHE and promote safe operating practices through the inspection, test, certification, qualification, and operation requirements prescribed herein.


 d NAVSEA 4790.8B Maintenance and Material

Management (3M)

 Standard for scheduled maintenance and parts ordering.

 Used for ships maintenance and material maintenance.


 3 Describe the term deadline and its effects on availability. [ref b. ch 3 pg 10]

 Deadline means a vehicle is out of service and cannot be utilized.

 Applies to all equipment that cannot be returned to service to perform all intended functions; has been determined by the maintenance supervisor, or higher authority,that repair parts are required, and that the parts are not obtainable within 3 working days.


 .4 Describe the purpose of equipment lay up (3M).

[ref. d. ch1 p. 73]

 Lay-up maintenance actions prepare the equipment for periods of prolonged idleness, and are usually performed only once at the beginning of the inactive period


 a. IEM

 IEM maintenance requirement cards are assigned

SYSCOM MRC control numbers in the same manner as PMS MRCs. The SYSCOM MRC control number, periodicity indicator, skill level, and manhours information, normally located adjacent to a maintenance requirement on the MIP, will not be repeated when an operational MRC is used for IEM.


 b. Status I and Status II

 Status I. Equipment that will remain on board and

 will be inactive for thirty days or longer and is not scheduledfor corrective maintenance or overhaul.

 Status II. Equipment that is inactive for thirty days

 or longer and is directly subject to corrective maintenance, overhaul, or removal for safe storage/replacement


 .5 Describe the responsibilities of the following: [ref. b]

 a. Equipment yard supervisor [ch. 2, pp. 35, 36]

 The Equipment Yard Supervisor, the "Yard Boss", manages the equipment yard and the CESE parked in it; establishes and enforces traffic control through the yard, such as stop signs, speed limits, and one-way traffic flow; maintains and establishes parking areas and ensures that all operator maintenance procedures are performed correctly to reduce equipment breakdowns.


 b. Collateral equipment custodian [ch. 2, p. 53]

 To control collateral equipment, the custodian shall do the following:

 a. Inventory. Maintain an accurate up-to-date location list

 of the unit's Collateral equipment using the CB 60



 (1) The CB 60 Form is the main inventory card and shall

 be kept up-to-date at each issue, return to stock, and upon

 receipt of new equipment.

 (2) Complete a CB 60 Form for each line item of

 equipment, annotating NSN and description. The card file is by EC-USN sequence.

 (3) Initiate NAVSUP Form 1250-1/-2 per instructions

 paragraph 3303 subparagraph d for all losses or damage that require reordering, and enter requisition number on a

CB 60 Form.


 c. Dispatcher [ch. 2, pp. 34, 35]

 The Dispatcher's primary duty is to manage the unit's equipment resources efficiently within the general policies and directives of the U.S. Navy and according to local policies, as directed by the unit Equipment



 d. Maintenance Supervisor [ ref. b. ch1 p.4 and ch3 pg


 The ALFA Company Maintenance Supervisor is normally a Construction Mechanic Senior Chief

(CMCS). The A4 is tasked with ensuring proper maintenance and repair of all automotive, construction and material handling equipment assigned to the NMCB/Unit.


 e. Det Repair parts Petty Officer [ ref b. ch 3 pg 3 ]

 Maintains inventory and issues repair parts.


 107.6 State the purposes of a Monthly CESE/MHE report. [ref. b. ch1 pg 20]

 The report is sent by the close of

 business on the FIFTH DAY of the FOLLOWING month, via message.

 CESE/MHE, which cannot be used to meet operational or

 contingency commitments due to the following reasons, should be

 reported:


1) Deadline Applies to all equipment that cannot be returned to service to perform all intended functions; has been determined by the maintenance supervisor, or higher authority, that repair parts are required, and that the parts are not obtainable within 3 working days.

(2) Non-availability All equipment deadlined, awaiting shop entry, disposition, or any reason that does not allow equipment to be dispatched prior to close of business.

Nonavailability is figured on a 24-hour, 7-day week basis.

c. CESE/MHE which has been placed in active/inactive storage will be reported separately in item 7.


 .7 Name 3 pieces of CESE specific to a NMCB [ref.

ABFC View]







108 construction ops



 References:

 [a] Crew Leader Handbook

 [b] NAVFAC P-405, Planners and Estimators


 [c] NAVFAC P-445, Construction Quality Management




 108.1 Explain the use of the following:

 a. Seabee Construction Management (CBCM) program

[ref. a, pp. 3-5]

 Construction management in the Seabees is based on the CPM. A major advantage to using the CPM method is training. CPM gives the new project supervisor exposure to the fundamentals of project management.


 b. Crew Leader Handbook [ref a]

 Utilized for project planning, manpower projections.


 c. NAVFAC P-405 [ref. b]

 The Seabee Planner's and Estimator's Handbook is a technical GUIDE for planning

 and estimating construction projects undertaken by the Naval Construction Force (NCF).

 The handbook provides information on estimating construction work elements and material

 quantities, including equipment and manpower requirements.


 .2 Discuss project scope. [ref. a, pp. 4-2, 15-17, 15-18]

 An overall view of what the project consists of accomplishing.


 .3 Discuss the following: [ref b]

 a. Direct labor [pp. 1-2]

Direct labor includes all labor expended directly on assigned construction tasks, either in the field or in the shop, which contributes directly to the completion of the end product.

 Direct labor must be reported separately for each assigned construction task.


 b. Indirect Labor [pp. 1-2]

Indirect labor is labor required to support construction operations, but does not produce an end product itself.


 c. Overhead Labor [pp. 1-2].

Overhead labor is not considered to be productive labor because it does not contribute directly or indirectly to the end product. It includes all labor that must be performed, regardless of the assigned mission.


 .4 Discuss the following: [ref.a]

 a. Delay Factor (DF)[pp. 2-8]

 Weather, manpower experience, equipment failure, supply shortages. Anything that can affect the time frame of the project

108 b. Production Efficiency Factor (PEF) [pp. 2-8]

Direct Labor Efficiency factor is used to determine how much construction type production a battalion main body or detachment is achieving. It is easily determined from the Situation Report (SITREP).

The overall battalion goal is 30 percent while main body averages are 20 percent.

The formula is the fraction (written as percent) of actual direct labor divided by the total strength of the battalion. It is used where actual direct labor is the total labor charged to the project tasking, and is accounted for by the timekeepers at each job site. The total strength includes every enlisted person in the battalion, both Occupational

Field 13 (OF-13) and non OF-13.

108 c. Manday Capability Equation (MC) [pp. 2-10]

Manpower estimates consist of a list of the number of direct labor man-days required to complete the various activities of a specific projectA man-day is a unit of work performed by one man in 8 hours.

Man-Day Capability: MC =DL x AF x WD x ME

MC = Man-Day Capability, Man-Day Availability or Tasked Man-


DL = Planned Direct Labor

AF = Availability Factor

WD = Available Workdays, Total Deployment Days less Sundays, holidays, turnover, training and off Saturdays. (Obtained from the deployment calender.)

ME = Man-Day Equivalent, Planned work hours per day divided by

8 hours (one man-day). Example: a 9-hour workday can be

Shown as 9/8 or 1.125



.5 Discuss the following scheduling reports [ref. a]

 a. Level I [pp. 1-1]

A Level I schedule lists all of the projects assigned and contains a broad schedule for each project. The schedule also includes a planned rate of accomplishment for the entire deployment

. After the operations officer has balanced the estimated workload against the battalion’s manpower skills and equipment the Level I is submitted through the chain of command up to the Commanding Officer.

 The level I is updated by the Operations Officer .


 b. Level II [pp. 1-1, 3-1]

 Used by company CDRs, Ops

 Project specific

 By master activity

 Bi-weekly bar chart

 Quick view of project progress

 Planned progress verses actual progress curve

 Sitrep input to S3 biweekly

 Sitrep input to brigade monthly


 c. Level III [pp.1-1, 1-2, 3-5, 3-6]

 The following information is found on a Level III barchart.

 Construction Activities

 Start, finish and duration of each construction activity

 Critical activities

 Free Float


 108.6 Discuss the Construction Project SITREP [ref a., pp. G-6]

 A message SITREP must be submitted monthly by the battalion within 3 workdays after the last day of each month. The report includes all tasked projects listed in increasing numerical sequence.


 All SITREPs include a project status summary by location. This summary provides project WIP,

 remaining project man-days, and completion date percentage data. The status summary also contains a brief description of the work accomplished during the reporting period for each project


 .7 Discuss the importance of generating and maintaining complete and accurate Construction

Activity Summary Sheets (CASS). [ref. a, p. 2-12]

 A typical Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB) project might contain between 15 and 50 construction activities. Construction activity numbers are usually four digits. The first two digits identify the master activity and the second two digits show a specific construction activity within a master activity


 Once the master activities have been broken into construction activities, you will need to use a CAS sheet (figs. 2-9 and 2-10) for each activity. In addition to the activity description and scheduled dates, all the required resources are shown on the front. Safety andQC requirements are on the back. The space at the bottom of the back page should be used for mandayand duration calculations


 .9 Discuss Request for Information (RFI). [ref. a, pp.

12-4, 15-9, 15-72]

 A request for a clarification of the project scope or if unforeseen circumstances are encountered.


 .10 Discuss a project scope change. [ref. a, pp. 12-3, 12-


 A change in the project due to unforeseen circumstances. May be an increase or decrease of scope.


 .11 Describe the purpose of the Naval Construction

Force (NCF) Quality Control Program (QCP). [ref. c, p.


 The purpose of the Quality Control Plan:

 Provide customer satisfaction with a product that fulfills the requirement for which it was intended

 Provide quality construction requiring no rework

 Provide craftsperson accountability for quality construction, and economical use of material within the Naval Construction Force.


 .12 State the purposes of the project safety plans contained in the project package.

 [ref. c, p. 2-40]

 The safety plan lists the hazards and corrective action to be taken from the back of the CAS sheets.

 The crew leader must ensure that the crew is properly trained and aware of all safety conditions present.


.13 Describe the 3-phases of control for the Construction Quality

Management Program

(CQMP) [ref. c, pp. 2-10 thru 2-13]

The main purpose of the quality control program (see

2ndNCB/3rdNCBINST 4355.1C) is to prevent discrepancies where the quality of the workmanship and the materials fail to match the requirements in the plans and specifications. The responsibility for quality construction rests with the crew leader and the chain of command. The quality control division of the operations department as described in chapter 2 is responsible for conducting tests and inspections to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications. The crew leader must plan quality into the project. Quality planning avoids discrepancies found by the quality control (QC ) inspectors while performing their inspections

201 warfare mission



[a] OPNAVINST 3501.115D, Projected Operational Environment

(POE) and Require

Operational Capabilities (ROC) for the Naval Construction Force


[b] NTTP 4-04.1, Seabee Operations in the MAGTF

[c] NAVFAC P-1049, Naval Construction Force Mobilization


[d] OPNAVINST 5450.46K, Naval Construction Force Policy


[e] NWP 4-04 Naval Civil Engineer Operations


 201.1.1 State and discuss the NMCB mission. [ref. b, p.




 The mission of the NMCB is to provide responsive military construction support to Navy, Marine Corps, and other forces in military operations; to construct and maintain base facilities; to repair battle-damaged

 facilities, and to conduct limited defensive operations as required by the circumstances of the deployment situation. It can also accomplish disaster control and recovery efforts when required.


 .2 Define the term MOB. [ref. c, pp. 7-1, 7-2]

 A quality or capability of military forces that permits them to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission



 .3 Discuss the role of the NMCB in a MOB mission.

[ref. a, encl. 7]

 The NMCB can function as an integral

 unit of the NCR, or operate independently. The NMCB can provide specialized, task-organized detachments up to one-half its organizational size to address specific support requirements. Nearly 85 percent of each NMCB can deploy as an air echelon via strategic airlift (approximately 60 C-141, 44 C-17)


 .4 Discuss the role of an NMCB in support of amphibious operations. [ref. e, p 2-6]

 Not all component Seabee organizations may be employed during amphibious operations. Normally employed under OPCON of the CATF, PHIBCBs and

UCTs conduct construction

 missions that assist with the ship-to-shore movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies.


 The NMCB can rapidly upgrade beach egress and road networks to staging and marshaling areas and other inland destinations, and construct expedient survivability structures(e.g., earthen berms) for Class

III bulk liquids (AAFS) and Class V (A/W) storage.


 .5 Discuss battalion command and control within the

Marine Air/Ground Task Force

 (MAGTF). [ref. b, p 2-7]

 Seabee units employed under OPCON of the MPF

MAGTF commander (e.g., an NMCB) will be tasked in accordance with MAGTF construction priorities.

However, those Seabee units employed in direct support of the NSE or other Navy component commande r(e.g., a PHIBCB) during MPF operations are not subject to MAGTF priorities.


 .6 Discuss battalion command and control during joint operations in peacetime and wartime [ref. d, pp. 6-8]

A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. The concept of operations frequently is embodied in campaign plans and operation plans; in the latter case, particularly when the plans cover a series of connected operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession. The concept is designed to give an overall picture f the operation. It is included primarily for additional clarity of purpose.


 .7 Describe tactical construction. [ref. a, encl. 7]

 Manpower for security should be figured into the project if necessary. Consideration should be given to direct labor wearing armor and Kevlar in man days efficiency factor


 201.1.8 Describe the Seabees role in advanced base and camp construction. [ref. c, p. 12-2]

 NMCB’s construct base facilities in support of the

Navy, Marine Corps, and other armed services engaged in military operations.

 NMCBs are rapidly deployable, self-sustaining units with the exception of Class IV construction materials that are provided by supported commander, and are capable of performing vertical, horizontal and specialized construction.


 .9 Discuss battalion operations during a peacetime deployment. [ref. c, p. 12-3]

 When forward deployed during peacetime, the active

NMCBs perform project construction (primarily for skills training and readiness) in support of Fleet CINCs under the coordination and project management of the NCBs.



 11 Discuss battalion administrative and operational control in homeport. [ref. d, pp. 7, 8]

 NCRs are under the OPCON/ADCON of their NCBs and exercise OPCON/ADCON over subordinate NCF units. In support of forward deployed units in the

European theater, CINCUSNAVEUR exercises OPCON over the deployed NMCB in Europe via SECOND NCB and TWENTY-SECOND NCR, both of which remain in CONUS for peacetime operations and coordination of NCF units in that theater


12 Discuss NMCB administrative control when forward deployed.

[ref. d, p. 8]

Forward deployment requirements for NMCBs are specified in

reference (i). Rotation of NMCBs shall be planned by both

NCBs and the Fleet CINCs, and approved by the CNO (N44).

When not deployed , NMCBs are under the ADCON/OPCON of the NCBs reporting via their NCRs. When forward deployed,

NMCBs shall be under the OPCON of the AOR theater CINC via the Navy service component commander serving that CINC and OPCON NCR Forward deployed NMCBs remain under the

ADCON of the NCBs reporting via the NCRs. NMCBs may be assigned OPCON to a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) or a

Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)


 .13 Discuss NMCB operational control within the

MAGTF and a Naval Construction

 Regiment (NCR) [ref b, p. 2-7] [ref. e, p 2-7]

 Transferable command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command. Operational control is inherent in combatant Command (command authority).


 Operational control includes authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations and joint training necessary to accomplish missions assigned to the command. Operational control should be exercised through the commanders of subordinate organizations.
