Zulekha Hospitals, Sharjah B+G+12 Extension Project Validation of Green Initiatives, Sustainability Measures & HSE May 25, 2012 (rev3) 1 LEED A prescription for Sustainable Design The LEED Rating System recognizes the unique nature of healthcare facilities while maintaining close alignment to LEED for New Construction. 2 Global Engineering Systems understands healthcare facilities have unique needs: that •Strict regulatory requirements •24/7 operations •Specific programmatic demands •Energy and water use intensity •Chemical use •Infection control requirements •Heightened need for patient privacy •Health Safety Environment Many healthcare facilities are already designed to be long-lasting, durable buildings, a core principle of sustainable design. 3 LEED Credits for Healthcare: New Construction V3, 2009 Credit Categories – 110 Points Sustainable Sites (SS) Water Efficiency (WE) Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Materials & Resources (MR) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Innovation in Design (ID) Regional Priority (RP) 26 Possible Points 10 Possible Points R 35 Possible Points 14 Possible Points 15 Possible Points 6 Possible Points 4 Possible Points Innovation in Design Exemplary Credits for achievements beyond the credit requirements (as specified, where applicable). 4 Evaluation of Energy and environment friendly features • Design features of the Hospital has been compared with Sustainable Buildings on the following – – – – – Site Selection Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality • Buildings across the world are rated by uniform guidelines under Sustainable Buildings • The Project’s systems and architectural features have been compared with those of baseline buildings to arrive at how the project’s building is rated 5 Sustainable Sites • The site selected is not a farm land, wet land, hazardous substances site • The project shares existing parking/transportation infrastructures • Greenfield habitat & natural resources are not been disturbed. • Bus stop location indicating 2 bust stops within ¼ mile radius • Google map indicating all basic services within ½ mile radius • Architectural plan showing reflectance value of Ground floor & Roof plan in heat island effect • Community connectivity – Several community amenities near to project location • Energy Saving LED lighting for Exteriors proposed 26 Possible Points 18 Points Scored 6 Sustainable Sites – Credit Ratings Credit No. Yes 18 ? 3 No 5 Credit Name Points Supporting documents SUSTAINABLE SITES Y Prereq 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention 1 Credit 1 Site Selection 1 1) Client Undertaking Letter 2) Site Master plan/google map 5 Credit 2 Development Density & Community Connectivity 5 1)Google map indicationg 10 basic services within 1/2 mile radius Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 Not applicable Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation, Public T ransportation Access 6 1)Bus Stop location google map indicating 2 bus stops within 1/4 mile radius 1 As- built architectural plans showing location of 9 Bicycle racks and 1 Changing rooms. 3 As- Built Architectural Plans showing location of Preferred parking for 5 nos. low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles. 2 As built Architectural Plans showing location of Preferred parking for 1 nos. carpool/vanpool along with parking calculation 1 6 1 Credit 4.2 3 Credit 4.3 2 Credit 4.4 1 Credit 5.1 1 Credit 5.2 1 Credit 6.1 1 Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms Alternative Transportation, Low-Emitting & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity Site Development, Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development, Maximize Open Space Required Erosion and Sedimentation Control Draft Plan 1 Not Achievable 1 Not Achievable Stormwater Design, Quantity Control 1 Not Achievable Credit 6.2 Stormwater Design, Quality Control 1 Not Achievable 1 Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof 1 1)As built architectural drawing(Ground floor plan) showing reflectance value SRI 40.4 of covering over 50% (10 nos.) parking 2)T echnical specification sheet for covering 1 Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect, Roof 1 1)As built architectural drawing(Roof plan) showing reflectance value SRI 78 of 95% roof area 2)T echnical specification sheet for roof material 1 Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction 1 Exterior Light Layout?? 3 7 Water Efficiency • Water efficient landscaping • Reduction in water usage – In Sanitary applications, Eco friendly Medical equipment • RO plant – fed water for calorifiers & steam generators which avoids frequent blowdowns • Water saving sterilisers and washers, (Getinge Eco system) which can save upto 75 % water over similar sterilisers • Use of water savers/low flow taps & sensor operated taps to reduce by 30% 10 Possible Points 04 Points Scored 8 Water Efficiency Credit No. Yes ? No 4 0 2 Y 2 2 Points Supporting Documents WATER EFFICIENCY Prereq 1 2 Credit Name Credit 1 2 Credit 2 2 Credit 3 Water Use Reduction-20% Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Use or No Irrigation Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use Reduction Required Water calculations with proposed flow and flush rate for water sanitary fixtures. 02-04 Landscaping Plan provided 2 Water calculations with proposed flow and flush rate for water sanitary fixtures. 02-04 Water calculations with proposed flow and flush rate for water sanitary fixtures. 9 Energy & Atmosphere Optimisation of energy through various systems – Brief – – – – – – – – – – Natural ventilation & passive cooling Heat recovery systems in Air conditioning BMS system to maximize energy performance High efficiency heating & cooling equipment Central lighting control system High efficiency switch gears, lights, appliances & fixtures Light pollution minimized by proper illumination Designed to measure water & energy performance Insulated wall & doubly glazed windows Temperature/Humidity monitoring system for automatically adjust building conditions and linked to Building automation system – Enhanced refrigerant management – Non CFC refrigerant with low global warming & ozone depletion potential. 10 Energy & Atmosphere Main Energy utility systems in the project • • • • • • • Airconditioning – main equipment Airconditioning – auxiliaries (pumps) Auxiliaries –AHUs, FAHUs Building Management System Electrical and Lighting Hot water generation Medical equipment systems 11 Energy & Atmosphere Airconditioning – main equipment – – – – The design features of the chillers, which account for upto 55 % of the total power consumption, already exceed the ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and air conditioning Engineers) standards of baseline power consumption The chillers are fitted with variable speed control- one of the most energy-efficient ways of operating chillers at the highest efficiency at all capacity utilisation The chillers selected are of the most modern, energy-efficient one, and is being nowadays sought after by many customers who are going in for Green Building Certification Variable speed control helps the power consumption at all operating loads-especially when there is partial load and is expected to save about 25 % over conventional chillers 12 Energy & Atmosphere How the chillers of Zulekha Hospital Project compare • *Inference on the above comparison: – Chillers installed for this project save a minimum of 25 % of conventional chillers * Source: website of York chillers 13 Energy & Atmosphere Airconditioning – auxiliaries – Chilled water system with pumps controlled with variable speed to save on pumping energy – All AHUs (air handling units), which together account for upto 10 % of the total power, are also with variable speed controls, enabling optimum energy consumption at all running times – FAHU (fresh air handling unit) is with heat recovery unit, thus utilising the cooling energy of the exhaust air. This design is also exceeding the recommendations of ASHRAE standards 14 Energy & Atmosphere Airconditioning – AHUs & FAHU’s – AHUs in OTs and ICUs have double cooling arrangement, i.e provided with units using chilled water coils normal airconditioning units, so that during chiller trippings, the normal units can continue with power supplied by the generator. This will ensure continuous availability of air conditioning even when there is power trippings 15 Energy & Atmosphere BMS (Building Management System) – Chillers, pumps and the other auxiliaries are to be controlled with BMS, thus enabling through automatic operation, thus operation exactly to the requirements, making the operation moreenergy efficient – BMS will also ensure that the main and auxiliary equipment all operate a optimum conditions always, thus making the process energy-efficient – BMS also facilitates lesser dependence on manpower 16 Energy & Atmosphere Electrical & Lighting system – Generator and UPS power supply systems-power supply for the most critical areas such as Radiology, Labs, OTs, ICUs, etc. are provided with uninterrupted power supply and generator supply backup – Secondary critical areas like cath labs, select HVAC systems etc. are provided with generator power supply backup – Power supply to OTs is provided through isolated power supply to avoid any earth leakage problems – Electrical system is to have capacitors to make the pf 0.99, thus reducing fixed losses – Energy-efficient lamps provided in the entire building, – LED lights in common areas like lift lobbies especially in places where there is round-the-clock lighting – Lighting in common areas are to be regulated through automatic controls, thus avoiding wastage – Televisions provided in the patient rooms are to be of the energyefficient LED type 17 Energy & Atmosphere Hot Water system – Hot water recirculating pumps which optimises the power consumption & usage – Stepless thyristor controlled calorifiers which sequences all heating elements operation as per temperature & water flow demand – Booster pumps will have energy efficient type of capacity control i.e variable speed drive, for both cold water and hot water 18 Energy & Atmosphere Medical equipment system • Energy efficient LED lights for Operation theatres • Energy & Water efficient CSSD equipment saves approximately 75% water. • Zero boil off MRI unit which requires less frequent refilling of Helium 35 Possible Points 11 Points Scored 19 Energy & Atmosphere Credit No. Yes ? No 11 3 21 Credit Name Points Supporting Documents ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE Y Prereq 1 Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems 1)OPR 2)BOD 3)Commissioning plan Y Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance Energy Simulation report- rev 01 Y 4 Prereq 3 2 13 Credit 1 Fundamental Refrigerant Management Optimize Energy Performance 12% New Buildings 14% New Buildings 16% New Buildings 18% New Buildings 20% New Buildings 22% New Buildings 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 48% 1 6 Credit 2 New New New New New New New New New New New New New Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings On-Site Renewable Energy 1% Renewable Energy 3% Renewable Energy 5% Renewable Energy 7% Renewable Energy 9% Renewable Energy 11% Renewable Energy 13% Renewable Energy Client Undertaking Letter 1 to 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Energy Simulation report-rev01 1 to 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Specification of Solar water heater(300l capacity) provided 2 Credit 3 Enhanced Commissioning 2 1)OPR 2)BOD 3)Commissioning plan 2 Credit 4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management 2 Client Undertaking Letter Credit 5 Measurement & Verification 3 M & V Plan Credit 6 Green Power 2 Not attempted 3 2 20 How the parameters of systems of Zulekha Hospital Project compare with baseline/conventional Buildings Energy S.No. Parameter Unit 1 AC chiller energy efficiency 2 AC chiller specifci energy kW/TR consumption 3 Lighting in public watts/sq.ft areas COP* Conventional/ Zulekha Baseline Remarks Building Building 3.12 chiller more energy efficient than baseline model, by 10%, at 100 % load , and 25 % more energy efficient across operating priods 1.26 1.14 chiller more energy efficient than baseline model, by 10%, at 100 % load , and 25 % more energy efficient across operating priods 1.7 1.36 reduced lighting specific power means reduced energy consumption and reduced load on AC 2.78 COP-coefficient of performance, a parameter used to rate chiller's efficiency, refrigeration effect I kW/input power in kW 21 How the parameters of systems of Zulekha Hospital Project compare with baseline/conventional Buildings Architectural S.No. Parameter Unit Conventional/ Dubai Zulekha Baseline Remarks Municipality Building Building 1 Exterior wall, U vale btu/hr.ft2 .OF 0.124 0.091 0.087 2 Roof btu/hr.ft2 .OF 0.063 0.073 0.05 3 Window-wall ratio % 16 8 4 Glass shading coefficient 0.35 0.28 reduced U value means reduced heat transfer across walls and thus reduced energy consumption for cooling reduced U value means reduced heat transfer across walls and thus reduced energy consumption for cooling reduced glass area means reduced heat transfer from outside and thus reduced energy consumption for cooling better heat resistant property of glass 22 Materials & Resources Architectural features – The insulation characteristics of the wall & roof systems were found much better than conventional buildings – Window to wall ratio , which influences the heat ingress and hence the energy consumption of a building, found to be less than standard buildings, indicating that there is lesser heat gain from ambient – More than 20% recyclable materials being used like vinyl flooring, Dry wall partitions, Aluminium ceilings, steel – Use of high performance doubly glazed glass windows – More than 30% materials used in the project are regionally sourced. – Excavation materials reused for landfills in areas assigned by local authorities – Non use of materials that has potential to absorb and release indoor pollutants. Possible – Use of durable products and materials that Points require low maintenance 14 03 Points Scored 23 Materials & Resources Credit No. Yes ? No 3 3 8 Points Supporting Documents MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Prereq 1 Storage & Collection of Recyclables 3 Credit 1.1 Building Reuse, Maintain Existing Walls, Floors & Roof 01-03 Not attempted 1 Credit 1.2 Building Reuse, Maintain 50% of Interior Non-Structural Elements 1 Not attempted Credit 2 Construction Waste Management 01-02 Credit 3 Materials Reuse 01-02 Y 1 Credit Name 1 2 Required Drawing showing the assigned area for 5 nos. collecting bins for recyclables. Construction Waste Management Plan Not Achievable 01-02 Project will procure at least 10% of construction materials containing recycled content by cost.Recycled content specification is incoporated in the GBPP.Contractor to focus on materials containing recycled content during purchase of building materials. 01-02 Project will procure regional materials of at least 10% by cost.Regional materials content specification is provided in the GBPP.Contractor to follow the specifications during purchase of materials. 1 1 Credit 4 Recycled Content 1 1 Credit 5 Regional Materials 1 Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials 1 1 Credit 7 Certified Wood 1 Not attempted Not attempted 24 Indoor Environmental Quality – Minimum indoor air quality performance designed by ASHRAE standards – Environmental tobacco control – No smoking zone hospital wide – Indoor air quality management plan – Minimum use of low emitting materials like paints, flooring systems, composite wood etc – Non use of ozone depleting chemicals in mechanical equipment – Solvent based paints to avoid gas pollutants 14 Possible Points 03 Points Scored 25 Indoor Environmental Quality Credit No. Yes ? No 7 5 3 Credit Name Points Supporting Documents INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Y Prereq 1 Minimum IAQ Performance Required Outdoor air rate calculations table based on ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Y Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Required Client Undertaking Letter declaring non-smoking policy in building. Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 1 Credit 2 Increased Ventilation 1 Not Achievable 1 Credit 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction 1 Sample Construction IAQ Management plan has been provided. GES will cordinate and verify the implementtaion during construction 1 Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy 1 Sample Construction IAQ managent plan has been provided. Contractor to implement the flush out program as per the specification, before occupancy 1 Credit 4.1 Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants 1 VOC limit specifications have been added. The project will comply with the specified low VOC limits during the procurement of adhesives and sealant 1 Credit 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials, Paints & Coatings 1 VOC limit specifications have been added. The project will comply with the specified low VOC limits during the procurement of adhesives and sealant 1 Credit 4.3 Low-Emitting Materials, Flooring Systems 1 1 Credit 4.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Credit 5 Low-Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control Drawings showing permanent monitoring air flow meters and CO2 sensors with alarm generating systems that provide feedback on ventilation system performance(monitoring equipment to generate alarm when conditions vary by 10% or more than setpoint via visual Not attempted 1 Not attempted 1 Drawing showing the location of roll mat and indicating MERV 13 filters in all AC & FAHU units. Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems, Lighting 1 Drawing indicating individual lighting controls for minimum 90% (minimum) of building occupants. Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems, Thermal Comfort 1 Drawing indicating individual comfort controls for minimum 50% (minimum) of building occupants. Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort, Design 1 Design document ensuring project has followed ASHRAE 55-2004 in HVAC design Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort, Verification 1 Thermal comfort survey plan 1 Credit 8.1 Daylight & Views, Daylight 75% of Spaces 1 Not Achievable 1 Credit 8.2 Daylight & Views, Views for 90% of Spaces 1 Not Achievable 26 Innovation & Design Process – Reduction in green emission – Alternate transportation for staff – Pneumatic tube transport system for efficient transportation of materials in building 6 Possible Points 02 Points Scored 27 Regional Priority Credits – More than 30% materials used in the project are regionally sourced 4 Possible Points 0 Points Scored 28 Relation ship with LEED Yes ? No 18 3 5 4 4 2 8 6 21 3 3 8 7 5 3 2 1 3 0 0 4 42 22 46 SUSTAINABLE SITES WATER EFFICIENCY ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE MATERIALS AND RESOURCES INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY INNOVATION AND DESIGN PROCESS REGIONAL PRIORITY CREDITS PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATE 29 29 Health, Safety & Environment • Health and Safety – HEPA filters are provided- in all critical areas like OTs, ICUs, Isolation rooms, Cathlab to maintain air quality – Areas like OTs, Isolation rooms are provided with Pressure monitors, to maintain required room pressure always, thus avoiding possibility of contamination – Hygienic air handling units-materials made of SS 316, to maintain hygienic requirements – Medical-grade RO water purification system-to supply water to Dialysis . Periodical water quality tests scheduled to be carried out to ensure required quality of RO water – All openings are sealed with fire-sealing and HILTI-certified (German agency) 30 Health, Safety & Environment • Health and Safety- Fire Fighting System –FM 200-Automatic fire suppression system have been provided in critical areas like main IT server room, BMS control room, and Medical Records room for effective fire suppression without damages to critical equipment items –All areas provided with automatic sprinkler systems –Stair case pressurisation fans provided at the right places will restrict the smoke and fire from entering into the fire exit stairs –Fire zoning-a unique system installed , separates the building onto two zones, to prevent fire spreading from one zone to another –Individual rooms and corridors provided with fire-rated doors 31 Health, Safety & Environment • Health , Safety and Environment – Smoke extract diffusers with necessary ducting & fan is provided in the fire exit staircase doors to keep the exit route clear from smoke. – Emergency (UPS) as well as generator power supply is available, and Central battery for complete lighting in the building, during any power outages – Addressible fire detection & alarm system with voice alarm – Emergency & exit lights with central battery power supply. – Pneumatic tubes transportation system – a feature which will reduce manpower, energy, time, for materials, intra-building transportation – Fusible link & motorised fire dampers are provided in the areas where the HVAC ducts are passing through shafts – All AHUs & FAHUs are interfaced with fire alarm system which shuts off the equipment during fire – IPS system for operation theatres for patient safety – All AHUs above ceiling are equipped with sound attenuator to reduce the sound below less than 50dB – PA system for all communication within the building – Access Control for preventing unauthorized entry to restricted areas – CCTV for closed monitoring of the facility 32 Conclusion • The energy systems features of the Hospital Project have been compared with those of standard Buildings • The project’s building excels in most of the features compared, i.e • Energy Efficiency of chillers, which indicates an energy savings potential of 25 % than conventional ones and of auxiliaries (AHUs, pumps) • Excellent BMS (Building Management System), thus automating the control process and reducing dependence on manpower • Sound level of chillers lesser than that of conventional chillers 33 Conclusion • The architectural features of the Hospital Project have been compared with those of standard Buildings • The project’s building excels in all the features compared • The building has all the basic features which will make a Green Hospital to be a modern 150-bed multispeciality, energy efficient and environmental friendly facility • The project to have features exceeding those of Standard Buildings and meeting those of Green Buildings • The project is designed to meet sustainability goals and to provide a healthy, safe environment. 34