
“What caused the United States to
become involved in World War I, and
how did the U.S. change as a result of
its involvement?”
SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in
World War I.
Describe the movement from U.S. neutrality to engagement in World War I, with
reference to unrestricted submarine warfare.
Explain the domestic impact of World War I, reflected by the origins of the Great
Migration, and the Espionage Act and socialist Eugene Debs.
Explain Wilson's Fourteen Points, the proposed League of Nations.
Passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, establishing Prohibition, and the
Nineteenth Amendment, establishing women suffrage.
“What caused World War I, and why did the
United States enter the war?”
Francis Ferdinand
William II
Western Front
Zimmermann note
From Neutrality to War
What Caused World War I?
Main Idea: In the early 1900s, Nationalism in Europe led to competition among
nations. As the conflict grew, countries expanded their militaries and formed
alliances with other nations.
The Fighting Begins
Main Idea: After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, war broke out in
Europe. Because of alliances between nations, the conflict spread quickly. New
technology caused a stalemate, and led to a long and deadly war.
Wilson Urges Neutrality
Main Idea: Wilson hoped the United States could stay neutral during the war, but
many Americans felt the war’s effects and were divided over where their loyalties
Neutrality Gives Way to War
Main Idea: Wilson continued to try and stay neutral, but tension with Germany
caused the United States to enter the war in 1917.
Mobilization: readying of troops for war
Central Powers: Germany and AustriaHungary
Allies: Russia, France, Serbia, Great Britain
Stalemate: a situation in which neither side is
able to gain the advantage
Autocrat: a ruler with unlimited power
Imperialism: increased rivalries within Europe
Militarism: aggressively building up a nation’s armed
forces in preparation for war
Nationalism: countries acted in their own interests
and minorities wanted independence (Social
Alliances: countries agreed to come to each other’s aid
in the event of an attack.
Assassination: Archduke Francis Ferdinand killed
June 28, 1914
Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie traveled to
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia
After a terrorist bombing injured two officers, Gavrilo Princip
shot them, starting World War I.
Austria-Hungary thought Serbia was behind the assassination
and declared war. Russia
began to mobilize, as did
France, Russia’s ally.
Germany declared war
on Russia. When Germany
invaded Belgium, Great
Britain entered.
Military Strength, 1914
Technology leads to stalemate: trench
warfare; “no-man’s land”
 1914 Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers
 1915 Italy joins Allies
 Schlieffen Plan- German plan
to strike France, then turn on Russia.
They advance to within
30 miles of Paris, where
the French and British stop
them at the Marne.
Machine guns, hand grenades, poison gases,
artillery shells
Old strategies – generals kept attacking,
resulting in horrible casualties
Burned fields, poisoned wells, killed
Submarines, blockades
Deadly Technology of World War I
Neutral to protect trade
Acted as peacemaker
Increased armed forces
and began to prepare
Peace movement that
consisted of former
Populists, progressives,
social reformers, and
some women.
Reading Skill: Identify Causes
Political Cartoons: The Question of Neutrality
Blockaded Germany
to keep essential
goods from them
Contraband goods
(war materials)
Germany’s response
was U-boat attacks to
blockade Britain;
Germans violate
neutral rights
Wilson wanted peace,
but began to prepare
for war
National Defense Act
– expanded army
Naval Construction
Act – build more
On Feb. 1, 1917,
Germany resumed
unrestricted submarine
On Feb. 3, the U.S.
broke off diplomatic
relations with
Germany, and Wilson
asked Congress to
allow armed merchant
German U-Boat
Secret offer from Germany to Mexico offering
an alliance so Mexico could recover lost land
in U.S.
Filibuster: senators talk and refuse to stop to
prevent vote
U-boat: Unterseeboot,
Lusitania, a British
passenger ship, sunk in
1915. It was carrying
weapons for the Allies as
well as 1,200 passengers,
including 128 Americans.
Sussex, a French passenger
ship sunk in 1916
Sussex Pledge: German
government promised to
warn ships before attacking
Germany sinks U.S.
ships City of Memphis,
Illinois, and Vigilancia
April 6, 1917 War
declared by Congress
“The world must be
made safe for
democracy” is a
quote by Woodrow
Progress Monitoring Transparency
“How did the war affect Americans at home?”
Selective Service Act
Bernard Baruch
conscientious objector
Espionage Act
George Creel
Great Migration
The Home Front
America Mobilizes for War
Main Idea: To prepare the country for war, the government implemented
a draft and created new federal administrative agencies to oversee the
war effort.
Opposition and Its Consequences
Main Idea: At home, the United States dealt with Americans opposed to
the war, harsh treatment of those against it, and prejudice against
German Americans.
The War Changes American Society
Main Idea: When men entered the armed forces, Women moved into the
workforce, African Americans moved north for a better life, and Mexicans
crossed the border into the United States.
Liberty Bond: special war bonds sold to support the
Allied cause
Price controls: system of pricing determined by the
government on food
Rationing: distributing goods to consumers in a fixed
Daylight saving time: turning clocks ahead one hour
for summer
Sedition: speech or actions encouraging rebellion
Vigilante: citizens who take the law into their own
Liberty Bonds
raised $20 billion
Loaned $10 billion
to Allies
Boy and Girl Scouts
sold bonds
Poster and skits to
Industry converted to
war goods
War Industries Board:
under Bernard Baruch;
regulated production;
controlled raw
materials, production,
and prices
War Trade Board:
punished firms dealing
with enemy
National War Labor
Board settled labor
Food Administration
under Herbert Hoover
Price controls
Hoover chose
voluntary restraint and
efficiency; appealed to
Daylight saving time
instituted to save fuel
needed to produce
artificial light
Rising U.S. Production, 1915-1918
Committee of Public Information (CPI)
Agency to educate the public about causes of
war and to convince Americans to support the
war effort
George Creel – director
Distributed pamphlets and press releases
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW): goal
of overthrowing capitalism
Vigilantes lynched and horse-whipped
The goal of the Industrial Workers of the
World was to overthrow capitalism.
Vigilantes lynched and horse-whipped
Espionage Act 1917: made it illegal to
interfere with the draft
Sedition Act: 1918, Illegal to interfere with the
draft and to obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds
or discuss anything disloyal about the
American government, the Constitution, or
the army and navy
1,000 convictions; Eugene Debs sentenced to
10 years
Fear of foreigners led to nativism
 Fear of espionage and secret agents
 Feared sabotage of transportation and
 “Hate the Hun” hostility toward Germans
 Lynching of Robert Prager,
a citizen born in Germany
Cut off the flow of immigrants from Europe
Women, African Americans, and Mexican
Americans recruited by industry
Great Migration: 500,000 African Americans
went North
Mexicans came to the American West to work
on ranches and farms
Supporting the War
The Great Migration
Reading Skill: Summarize
He’s in the Army Now
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Chapter 19
Section 3
“How did Americans affect the end of World
War I and its peace settlements?”
Vladimir Lenin
John J. Pershing
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Henry Cabot Lodge
Wilson, War, and Peace
America Gives the Allies the Edge
Main Idea: The impact of the United States joining the war was felt quickly and
Germany surrendered in the fall of 1918.
Wilson Promotes Peace Without Victory
Main Idea: After World War I ended, Wilson encouraged independence, diplomacy,
and free trade. He proposed his ideas in the Fourteen Points and traveled to
France to make sure his voice was heard at the Allied peace conference.
Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference
Main Idea: The Allied leaders wanted Germany to make payment for war damages
and rejected many of Wilson’s ideas.
America Rejects the Treaty
Main Idea: When the Treaty of Versailles was brought back to Congress, many
Senators refused to ratify it without changes. Wilson refused to compromise and
the treaty was defeated.
Selective Service Act: draft of young men for
military service
American Expeditionary Force (AEF): American
troops in Europe in WWI
Convoy: group of unarmed ships surrounded by
a ring of destroyers, torpedo boats, etc.
Armistice: cease-fire
Genocide: organized killing of an entire people
World War I is known as the
“war to end all wars”
By 1917, German Uboats had sunk 430
Allied and neutral
Troops were moved
to Europe by
unarmed ships with
destroyers, torpedo
boats and armed
Russia suffered
enormous casualties on
the Eastern Front.
March 1917, Czar
Nicholas II gives up
He and his family are
taken prisoner by the
rebels and killed
Bolsheviks, under
Vladimir Lenin,
violently overthrew
Russia’s government in
Nov. 1917
Lenin made peace with
Germany on Mar. 3,
1918, freeing the
Germans troops to
concentrate on
defeating the Allies on
the Western Front.
General John J. Pershing
arrived in France in June,
1917, with 14,500 troops;
veteran of the SpanishAmerican War
He recommends an army of
1 million men by 1918.
Selective Service Act
passed in May 1917
American Expeditionary
Force (AEF)
3 million draftees
11,000 women, who
served as nurses,
drivers, and clerks
14,000 civilian
women served
abroad in war effort
Pershing kept Americans independent of Allied armies.
Intended to use more offensive moves
300,000 African American troops were kept separate and
most never saw combat.
Harlem Hell Fighters, 369th Infantry
Regiment persuaded white officers to loan
them to the French. The entire regiment
received France’s highest combat
medal, the Croix de Guerre.
Germans were within 50 miles of Paris.
Battle of Chateau-Thierry, Americans helped
the French save Paris; lost half of troops;
began to turn the tide of the war
Used tanks to break German lines
Summer of 1918, German advance stopped
General Ludendorff, asked Kaiser
Wilhelm to seek peace.
St. Mihiel: General
Pershing and troops
routed Germans
Airplanes used in
Eddie Rickenbacker: 26
enemy fighters
Col. Billy Mitchell
organized a fleet of
over 1,400 bombing
planes; new strategy
for war
Offensive, Sept.
Killed 25 machinegunners captured
132 Germans
Medal of Honor
Allies wanted total
Kaiser fled to
November 11, 1918
ended fighting
50,000 Americans dead
Estimated 8 million European soldiers and
sailors dead
Millions of civilians died
Armenians-100s of thousands killed by
Ottoman forces in a campaign of genocide.
Military Casualties of World War I
Reading Skill: Sequence
Fourteen Points: Wilson’s peace goals, such as an end to
entangling alliances
Self-determination: power to make decisions about one’s own
Spoils: rewards of war
League of Nations: an organization in which the nations of the
world would join together to ensure security and peace for all
Reparations: payment from an enemy for economic injury
suffered during a war
Versailles Treaty: treaty ending World War I, on
June 28, 1919
Fourteen Points
Peace without victory
Open diplomacy
Freedom of the seas and free trade
Movement toward ending colonialism
Reduction of armaments
Ethnic self-determination
League of Nations
 Wilson took no Republicans or senators
Allies wanted spoils; wanted to divide up Germany’s
Wilson had to agree
Wilson hoped to persuade Congress to accept the
Article 10: attack on one is an attack on all
Republican senators rejected it fearing war
Georges Clemenceau, French premier demanded
harsh penalties against Germany
Created Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
Reparations: Decided Germany owed $33 billion
Germany couldn’t pay and did not forget humiliation
Versailles Treaty: June 28, 1919
Reading Skill: Summarize
Self-determination violated
-Some Germans and Austrians attached to other
-Iraq created from Basra, Baghdad, and Mosul from the
Ottoman Empire
-Iraq given to Britain as a mandate (territory overseen
by another nation)
Many Americans thought the treaty was too
harsh toward Germany, especially the “war
guilt clause”
“Irreconcilables”: senators would not accept
treaty and were isolationist; disliked Article
10, calling for mutual defense
“Reservationists”: wanted changes and to
impose restrictions on American participation
in League of Nations
Gave 36 speeches in 23 days
Suffered a stroke, paralyzing one side of body
Senate refused to approve treaty
Economy: no plan to help troops back into
Women workers fired
Gloom – end of optimism
African American troops; no jobs; number of
lynchings increase
Should the United States Join the League of Nations?
Progress Monitoring Transparency
“What political, economic, and social effects
did World War I have on the United States?”
Nicola Sacco
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Red Scare
Warren G. Harding
Palmer Raids creditor nation
Effects of the War
America Adjusts to Peace
Main Idea: While adjusting to peace, Americans dealt with rough
times, including a deadly flu epidemic, loss of opportunities that
women and African Americans had gained, and economic
problems due to inflation.
The Red Scare
Main Idea: The Soviet Union emerged as a communist nation and
led to the Red Scare, the widespread fear that communists and
radicals were plotting in the United States.
Americans Embrace Normalcy
Main Idea: The 1920 election of Warren G. Harding symbolized a
return to “normalcy,” but it was clear the United States was now
an economic power and could not retreat completely back into
Bird flu that spread
around the world
Pandemic that killed
550,000 Americans
Killed 50 to 100
million worldwide
The Spread of Influenza in the United States
Employment opportunities during the war
 Post-war recession:
-women lose jobs
-African American workers compete with
returning soldiers
-Race riots in American cities
 Inflation soared as consumers wanted scarce
 Labor strikes increased
Wartime demand
Soldiers faced
Lower demand
Higher cost of living
Labor Unrest increased
Discrimination against
The Red Scare
Russian Revolution
 Bolsheviks
Vladimir Lenin
Renewed Nativism
Palmer Raids
American Civil
Liberties Union
Sacco and Vanzetti
Attorney General Palmer became convinced that
Communist agents were planning to overthrow the
American government
thirty-eight bombs sent to leading politicians by
Palmer recruited J. Edgar Hoover as his special
assistant and together they used the Espionage Act
(1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) to launch a campaign
against radicals and left-wing organizations.
The public lost interest by spring of 1920 as one Palmerpredicted terrorist attack after another failed to occur
Political Cartoons: Reaction to Radicals
During World War I,
Charles T. Schenck
produced a pamphlet
maintaining that the
military draft was illegal
Supreme Court Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes
rejected the argument
that the pamphlet was
protected by the First
He argued that the
government is justified in
silencing free speech if
there is a “clear and
present” danger to the
The government
promises to create
revolutions in other
countries and spread
The government owns
all land and property
Communism in
the Soviet Union
Individuals have no
rights that the
government is legally
bound to respect
A single political party
controls the government
One of the key social
tensions of the era
1919 – 4 million
workers held 3600
Most Strikes were beat
down by federal
Communist Plot
1919 Bombings?
Because of the
violence, Economic
Boom, and increased
wages Union
membership declined
from 5 million to 3.4
million in 1920
Boston Police Strike
(1919), police commissioner refused to
recognize a policemen's union.
Governor Calvin Cooledge finally
called out the state militia to maintain
order in the city, declaring "There is
no right to strike against the public
safety by anybody, anywhere,
Steelworkers 1919
Gary, Indiana
US Steel Corporation used force
to break the strike
 18 dead, 100s seriously
 federal troops occupied the city
for several months.
United Mine
Workers Coal Strike
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Refers to a widespread attitude in a society of a
rejection of alien persons or culture
Believed immigrants could not be fully loyal to the US
 Did not like Jews, Catholics, or Orthodox Christians
 City problems (slums, corruption) were blamed on the
 Immigrants meant competition for jobs
 Believed they carried dangerous political ideas
 Socialism, Anarchy, etc.
 Most of them came from very politically unstable
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
Election of 1920: Warren G.
Harding; Republican
Called for a return to
“normalcy” – a simpler time
U.S. was economic giant
and a creditor nation
Political changes: German
and Russian monarchies
toppled, Austro-Hungarian
and Ottoman Empires
ended; Britain and France
weakened; U.S. stronger
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport
alcoholic beverages
18th Amendment
Ratified in 1919