MD/HD CO2 Reduction by Hybridization & WHR Technology Impact on Emission Control Dr. Uwe Zink, Corning Incorporated Director, Emerging Industry Technology April 4, 2011 1 Agenda CO2 Context Hybridization Motivation Powertrain implication Aftertreatment design considerations Technology sorting Heat Energy Recovery Approaches in Industry Rankine cycle considerations Summary 2 CO2 Context & considerations On-Road focus 3 HD CO2/Fuel Consumption Reduction: Different approaches JP: Fuel consumption, EU: CO2 focus(?), EPA: GHG focus JP: Fuel cons. -12% vs 2002 Tighter JP Regs (assumption) EPA CO2e (CO2; N2O, CH4 caps; BC) Tighter EPA Regs New EU Regs CO2 (assumption) 2011 2012 2013 2014 DoE SuperTruck Vehicle fuel eco demo 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 DoE: +50% freight efficiency Prototype demo 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ACEA: 20% reduction goal (*) DAG’s “Shaping Future Transportation” (*) “Road to Emission Free Mobility (LD & HD)”(*) CO2/Fuel Eco - Government / OE Initiatives (*):, MTZ 1-’09,, 4 Fuel consumption evolution in Europe ACEA’s Goal(*): 20% Fuel consumption reduction by 2020 –Assume vehicle -20% 10 mpg per CCJ 3/31/10 quoting DTNA @ MATS 5 (*) MTZ 1-’09, Daimler SAE Gothenborg 9-’10 CO2 & fuel consumptions measures -Aerodynamics, vehicle weight, engine, tires, drivetrain 6 Ref.: Technologies and Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, April 2010; Class 6-8 Hybrid Truck Production: Hybrid Trucks to Set to Account for 8 Percent of Total Truck Production by 2015 (Frost & Sullivan, HTUF 10/’09) 7 MD/HD-Vocational Applications are Targets for Hybridization High Potential for Braking Energy Recovery Kinetic Energy Loss Comparison of Various Types of Medium and Heavy Vehicles 100% 39 80% 31 47 4 60% 23 18 Rolling 11 40% 65 50 59 20% 35 Aero Braking 18 0% Delivery 5/07 Michigan Clean Fleet Conference Bus Refuse Vehicle Type Class 8 8 Targeting combustion engine operation at optimum BSFC points 9 Ref: Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle System Panel 10 Ricardo, SIAT Jan 2011 Hybridization impact on conventional powertrain -Combustion engine selection (“downsized”) & operation (less transient”) Ref: DTF 3-08 Volvo Diesel Engine Operation Steady State Transient “Hybridization” 11 Combustion Engine “Downsizing” -Example (MB Citaro G) Conventional: 12l, OM 457 LA OM 457 LA Hybrid: 4.8l, OM 924 LA OM 924 LA 1900 Compensation for torque & power 4 wheel hub electric motors, ea. @ 1500 OM 457 LA 60 kW continuous 800 OM 924 LA 400 1000 1400 1800 2200 rpm 80 kW peak 12 Mercedes Benz Website Cost, Certification & OBD issues need to be resolved 13 Navistar, HTUF 10/2009 HILS – Making its way into MD/HD Homologation Procedures 14 J-MLIT at ACEA Mtg Dec.3, 2009: A Global Approach to Sustainable Freight Transport Outlook: Waste Heat Recovery in combination with Hybrids “Integrated Powertrain and Vehicle Technologies for Fuel Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Reduction”, DDC, DEER 2009 15 Aftertreatment Design Considerations 16 Multiple drivers for aftertreatment requirements 17 A/T Impact of Hybridization on Freightliner M2 DPF Regeneration Interval increases 18 Freightliner, HTUF 10/2009 A/T Impact of Hybridization on Freightliner M2 DPF Regeneration Interval increases 19 Freightliner, HTUF 10/2009 Series Electric Class 8 Truck & City Bus w/ Range Extender -Freightliner Columbia (Parker-Artisane-Capstone), ZEM (Italy) Emissions are very low… aftertreatment likely not needed. Parker, HTUF 2010; 20 LD Example (Prius III, 1.8l ICE) -Intermittent ICE Operation, Lower exhaust gas temps & aggressive catalyst heating Aggressive Catalyst Heating in Prius 21 Umicore, 4/2010 Market dynamics 22 Class 6-8 Hybrid Truck Production: Hybrid Trucks to Set to Account for 8 Percent of Total Truck Production by 2015 (Frost & Sullivan, HTUF 10/’09) 23 Current offerings (NAFTA) 24 Hybridization Market Triggers Fuel prices -some anticipate $4++(US) CO2 regs -getting into place Tax incentives -key to mitigate Cost reduction -significant effort needed 25 Three areas that could affect A/T for the ICE Time frame Enabler A/T - Impact Short / Medium Serial Hybrid, Downsizing, NR: possible avoidance (kW-segment specific) ICE 1. Downsizing High battery capacity Parallel Hybrid: medium potential 2. Modified ICE ops cycle 3. Homologation / Certification Medium / Long Above and OE focused effort Functional shift Long Regulatory approaches, new cert cycles / limits Potential functional reduction Light-off, heat retention importance 26 Heat Energy Recovery Approaches 27 Context: Engine based fuel economy levers Reduced pumping losses -intake -exhaust (e.g. A/T) Heat Energy Recovery 38.7% Engine Hard/Software, NOx calibration, A/T Efficiency 28 Energy Flow Chart @ B50 point of a 290kW engine, Behr, Wien 2009 Stanton, Deer 2009 Heat Energy Recovery Approaches Turbo Turbo Process Heat Thermoelectric Charging Compounding (e.g. Rankine Cycle) Series production Series production Emerging Emerging LD & HD HD HD LD e.g. 1953 on DC-7, Wright 3350 and later up to today on HD as well (CAT, Cummins, DAF, Hino, Scania, Volvo, DDC/DAG) MAN’s Thermo Efficiency System, Marine & Stationary 29 BMW’s TEG in EGR Loop 4 cyl Diesel engine EGR Cooling TEG Suggested to move to exhaust system location for higher recovery (500W rather than 100W on EGR) 30 Ref: BMW, 5th Emission Control, Dresden, 6/10 Mechanical/Electrical Turbocompounding -extracting heat upstream of aftertreatment DDC Mechanical Turbocompounder 31 Bowman Industries, SAE ComVec 2009 Cummins Example -showing R245fa working fluid 32 Cummins, SIAT Jan. 2011 Iveco Glider -Concept Vehicle •Condensor • Expander:Turbine • Boiler 33 Lastauto Omnibus 12/2010 Expander machines under consideration 34 R&D ongoing for expander machines Turbine High rpm speeds Piston e.g. Voith’s “Steam Expander” 2 cylinder, ~0.75l displacement Rotary/Sliding Vane Axial piston rotary Considerations: Expansion ratio Ability to handle wet vapor (X<1), i.e. two-phase flow with droplets Working fluid compatibility GWP other 35 Working Fluids under Consideration 36 Rankine Working Fluid candidates R245fa, Ethanol, Water, Water/Ethanol, other Choice based upon: •Critical point •Decomposition temperature •Slope of saturated vapor line •Environmental/Safety aspects •other 37 Working fluids considerations Chemical and physical characteristics E.g. decomposition temperature Achievable system pressure cost for pumps, condensor, heat exchanger along with pressure level Environmental considerations GWP 38 Technologies emerging that will have an impact on aftertreatment design -> A/T industry needs to prepare for Hybridization ICE downsizing Shift in operating points Certification/Homologation procedures Exhaust Heat Energy Recovery New processes Additional components Weight Space Backpressure 39 Thank you for your kind attention! Questions are welcome! 40