Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment Defense Communities Town Hall June 5, 2014 BRAC Downsizing Legend BRAC (Exclusive of Guard and Reserve Sites) Grand Forks AFB Fort Lawton Chanute AFB Newport Chem Depot Brunswick Naval Air Station Niagara Falls USARC Newport Naval Station Umatilla Chemical Depot Fort Monmouth Willow Grove NAS/JRB Walter Reed AMC Buckley Annex Fort Monroe Pueblo Chemical Depot Kansas AAP Concord NWS Seal Beach Fort McPherson Riverbank AAP Fort Gillem AF Research Lab Mesa Lone Star AAP Red River Army Depot NSA New Orleans Roosevelt Roads Naval Station Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam Base Realignment and Closure • Community Assistance $115,149,644 in OEA grant assistance has been provided to BRAC 2005 • Property Disposal (as of 09/30/13) 75,000 BRAC 2005 excess acres 43,418 acres disposed (58%) 11 Economic Development Conveyances totaling 30,804 acres have been approved to support projected creation of 20,550 new jobs Success stories • Challenges HUD approvals Transition from OEA assistance Federal partners have limited funds Environment Property transfer delays Benchmark local experiences Legend Compatible Use (JLUS) JLUS Fort William Harrison Kitsap NB Ethan Allen Firing Range Lewis-McChord JB Auburn TS Camp Rilea Minot AFB Mass. MR/JBCC Stones Ranch MR Aberdeen Proving Ground Andrews NAF/ Washington JB Patuxent River NAS Klamath Falls ANG Ellsworth AFB Fallon NAS Fort Indiantown GAP ARNG Camp Ashland Sacramento Greenlief TS Travis AFB Fort Riley Camp Clark Nevada MTA Hampton Roads NW Annex NSA Fort Leonard Wood Camp Williams TS Camp Roberts Maneuver TS Fort Pickett Boone NGC Camp Crowder Seymour Johnson AFB/MTRs/MTAs Redstone Arsenal Ventura County NB El Centro NAF Seal Beach NWS Point Loma NB Shaw AFB Columbus AFB Sheppard AFB San Diego Metro Region Charleston JB Dobbins ARB Dyess AFB San Diego NB Coronado NB Yuma Proving Phoenix Ground San Antonio JB Fort Wainwright/ Eielson AFB South Potomac NSA/ Indian Head NSF Quantico MCB South Potomac NSA/ Dahlgren NSF Wallops Island SCSC Fort A.P. Hill Yorktown NWS Dare County Range Cherry Point MCAS Crane NSA Offutt AFB White Sands Missile Range/ Holloman AFB/ Fort Bliss NAS Meridian NAS JRB Fort Worth Camp Swift Lackland AFB Kingsville NAS/ Orange Grove NALF Beaufort MCAS/ Parris Island MCRD Fort Gordon Maxwell AFB New Orleans NAS JRB Raleigh Kings Bay NSB Tyndall AFB Keesler AFB Gulfport NCBC Randolph AFB Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam Compatible Use • Community Assistance $12,019,663 in assistance across 70+ projects (17 nominations in FY14) • Partnering to Preserve Our Military Presence Prevent further encroachment of our local military operations Only program where local military sits down with the local community (with Federal funds) to address compatibility issues • Challenges Climate change adaptation Energy siting decisions Multi-jurisdictions Environmental preservation Benchmark local experiences Legend Defense Industry Adjustment (DIA) DIA University of Michigan, Ohio State University, Purdue University Oshkosh Commonwealth of Massachusetts Allen County Solano County State of Connecticut Commonwealth of Virginia Texarkana Anniston Army Depot State of Arizona Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam DoD Industry Adjustment Response • Program Access – Communities self-identify and request assistance • May 20, 2014 Federal Funding Opportunity announcement • Eligibility – Job loss of 2,500 in an MSA, 1,000 outside MSA, or 1% of local workforce – Direct and significant adverse impact on a community or its residents • Funding – $48.6M budgeted for FY14 – $58.1M requested for FY15 Public Schools on Military Installations (PSMI) Legend PMSI JB Lewis McChord JB McGuire – Dix – Lakehurst Fort Belvoir Travis AFB NSA HR/ Norfolk Dugway Proving Ground NAS Lemoore NAWS China Lake Fort Riley Edwards AFB Kirtland AFB Fort Sill USMC Camp Pendleton San Diego NB Fort Bliss Fort Polk Wheeler/ Schofield AAF Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam Public Schools on Military Installations Funding (in Millions) Funding – OEA was provided $770M (FY2011: $250M; FY2012: $250M; FY2013: $270M) to construct, renovate, repair, or expand elementary and secondary public schools on military installations to address capacity or facility condition deficiencies identified on the Secretary’s Priority List. Sequestration – $43.9M reduction due to FY13 sequestration. While there was no FY14 sequestration impact, unobligated funds remain subject to future sequestration reductions. Obligations to Date – $371.3M Average DOD Investment – $24.7M/project Legend Roads Program (RP) RP JB Lewis McChord Walter Reed NMMC – Bethesda Fort Belvoir JB San Antonio Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam Transportation Infrastructure Improvements • Transportation infrastructure improvements associated with medical facilities related to BRAC 2005 recommendations - $300M (available until expended) • Program authority - Section 8110, P.L. 112-10 • Executed $290.13M, using competitive process, through grants to local and state governmental entities and Federal interagency arrangements with Department of Transportation • 8 projects across several bases: Walter Reed Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD; San Antonio National Military Medical Center, TX; Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, VA; and Madigan Army Medical Center, JB Lewis-McChord, WA • OEA’s construction grant implementation and monitoring activity will extend beyond 2017 11 Total OEA Programs Legend BRAC JLUS MG DIA RTA PSMI RP Guam Richmond Tinian (North Field) Saipan Northern Mariana Islands NCTS Finegayan Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam Andersen AFB OEA GRANTS ADMINISTRATION • Revised Federal Grant Guidance OMB consolidated 8 Federal grants circulars into one “super circular”, effective 12/26/13 DoD issuance of implementation regulations targeted for 12/26/14 2 CFR part 200, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” • What This Means for OEA Grantees Changes ahead Grantees need to be informed of the revised requirements (see OEA website) Anticipate additional requirements and processes Prior to grant award: pre-award risk assessment, grantee internal controls Post-award: on-site monitoring visits, compliance documentation • OEA Response OEA organization and personnel changes Information and updates on OEA’s website and through Project Managers “Kick-off meetings” with grantees to review grant award terms and conditions Planned: webinars and tutorials on OEA’s website; improved user-friendly guidance, dropdown menus and templates in EADS II