Sustainable phosphorus use in agroecosystems: A story of global imbalance and resource recycling Thomas NESME & Elena BENNETT 5th Phosphorus in Soils and Plants congress, August 2014 Key messages 1. At the global scale, trade of agricultural products improves P resource use efficiency 2. But at regional scale, current P management in agroecosystems exhibits major imbalances 3. These imbalances are often due to crop and livestock segregation 4. This segregation drives major P flows and P resource displacement Phosphorus is a key factor for crop production High P fertilisation No P fertilisation Moderate P fertilisation At the global scale, a significant fraction of croplands is nutrient limited Maize Wheat (Mueller et al., 2012) In heavily P limited soils, small addition of P can boost crop yields • Small addition of 10 kg P/ha/yr could increase maize yields by 12% in South America and 26% in Africa (van der Velde et al., 2013) • With N addition, this would save 29 millions ha from cropland expansion and provide food for +200 millions people P losses from agricultural lands trigger algal blooms, hypoxia and water eutrophication 'Dead zones' are observed worldwide and their number has doubled since the 1960's (Diaz and Rosenberg., 2008) Toward rock phosphate depletion? ? (Cordell et al., 2009) Although controversies exist, reports converge to – Peak in global P extraction by mid-21st century – Depletion of phosphate resources before mid-22nd century – And, as a result, to predicted increase of mineral P fertiliser price (Peñuelas et al., 2013) As a consequence, there is a need to: – Draw a picture of the current management of P resources in agroecosystems at the global scale – Understand the effects of crop / livestock segregation on P resource use – Assess the effects of agricultural product trade Trade of agricultural products has increased dramatically over the last decades • International trade represents nowadays ~20% of global crop production • Trade connects countries with different P use practices Trade improves P resource use efficiency globally PUE = P in harvested crops / P fertiliser applied 1.2 2007 1.0 n=8 PUE 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 • Crop imports are often sourced from countries with higher PUE • At the global scale, trade of crop products may improve the use efficiency of limited P fertiliser resources 0.0 Imports Domestic (From Schipanski and Bennett, 2011) But at regional scale, P budgeting exhibits major imbalances across the world croplands •At the global scale, annual inputs of P fertilizer (14 Tg P) and manure (10 Tg P) exceed P removal by crops (12 Tg P), resulting in a 12 Tg P surplus in croplands •10% of the croplands receive over 50% of the global use of both fertiliser and manure •However, 15% of the cropland area has major deficits while 35% has major P surplus (MacDonald et al., 2011) Cumulative imbalances led to major residual soil P • At the global scale, from 1965-2007, half of the total applied P (550 kg P/ha) was taken up by crops (225 kg P/ha) • This resulted in massive accumulation of residual P in highly fertilised soils (e.g. in Brittany in France) (Lemercier et al., 2008) Residual soil P could help to reduce fertiliser P demand • In regions with strong P accumulation, residual soil P could play a critical role to meet crop requirements • In those regions, P application could be reduced • Innovations are needed to better mine this residual soil P (e.g., intercropping, enhanced microbial activity) (Sattari et al., 2012) • In contrast, in regions with limited accumulated past P supply, residual soil P will play a small role • In those regions, additional inputs will be required to meet crop requirements (Sattari et al., 2012) In regions with massive P supply, soil P is mainly anthropogenic • Massive use of P fertiliser has increased the contribution of anthropogenic P (i.e. inherited from mineral fertiliser) vs natural origin of soil P stocks • Case-study: modelling of the natural vs anthropogenic soil P pools for France, accounting for mineral P fertiliser use and crop-livestock recycling loop, from 1948 to 2010 Livestock Feed Food Fertilisers Soil P pools Labile PNat Stable PNat Labile PAnt Stable PAnt Manure By 2010, ~80% of France's soil P originated from mineral fertiliser! Anthropogenic signature of French soil P pools LP: Labile P SP: Stable P Years (Ringeval et al., 2014) The uneven distribution of mineral fertilisers explains part of the soil P imbalances Fertiliser inputs exceed crop P requirements in 45% of the world croplands (Potter et al., 2010) But manure supply also drives soil P imbalances Manure inputs exceed crop P requirements in 25% of the world croplands (Potter et al., 2010) Manure P surpluses result from the uneven distribution of livestock animals Cattle Pigs Chickens (Robinson et al., 2014) Manure P surpluses also result from the low P use efficiency of livestock production Crop P fertiliser use efficiency = 66% Fertiliser P 100 g Crop P 66 g 34 g Livestock feed P use efficiency = 8% Livestock feed P 100 g Livestock product P 8g 92 g Crop and livestock segregation is a key driver of soil P imbalances • Livestock production systems are increasingly specialised and spatially segregated from arable production systems Pig density in France in 2010 • This segregation generates – Large feed imports and soil P surplus in regions of livestock production – Limited manure supply and large mineral P fertiliser use in regions of arable production (Gaigné et al., 2012) Crop / livestock segregation limits the P resource recycling Livestock district 1.2 LU/ha (n=21) Mixed district 0.6 LU/ha (n=17) Legend Urban area Arable land Permanent crop Grassland Mixed crops Forest Natural pasture Peatland Water Arable district 0.2 LU/ha (n=25) Material exchanges are more important in mixed districts Specialised arable Surveyed farm Specialised livestock Mixed Other farm Material flow Cycling pattern Local autonomy (%) Cycling index (%) Specialised arable 39 0 Mixed 52 20 Specialised livestock 13 0 (Nowak et al., subm) Crop / livestock segregation structures P flows at regional scale Centre region • Livestock density: 0.3 LU/ha • Arable crops: 65% of UAA Feed 2.3 Fodder 2.8 Crop products 13.4 Crops 20.2 (0) Animals 5.1 (-0.6) Crop residue 4 Animal products 1 Animal Excretion 4.2 Soils 23.1 (1.1) Erosion 1.8 Crop uptake 20.2 Fertilizer 12.9 Other inputs 1.9 • Balanced soil P inputs and outputs (+1 kg P/ha/yr) • Large use of mineral P fertiliser (13 kg P/ha/yr) (Senthilkumar et al., 2012) Brittany region • Livestock density: 2.1 LU/ha • Arable crops: 6% of UAA Dairy cows Poultry Pigs (Gaigné et al., 2012) Feed 28.9 Fodder 23.5 Crop products 7.1 Animal products 12.3 Animals 40.2 (-1.2) Crop residue 3.3 Animal Excretion 29.1 Soils 42.3 (18.9) Crops 21.8 (0) Erosion 1.7 Crop uptake 21.8 Fertilizer 7.9 Other inputs 2 • Soil inputs >> outputs highly positive soil P budget (+ 19 kg P/ha/yr) • Animal feed represents 75% of total P inputs. Even without mineral P fertiliser, the soil P budget would remain highly positive • Animal manure spreading on soils can hardly be qualified as P recycling (Senthilkumar et al., 2012) Crop / livestock segregation drives mineral P fertiliser use in arable regions Proxy of crop / livestock segregation Variation coefficient of the stocking rate at department scale (%) (Nesme et al., subm) Similar patterns of soil P accumulation in livestock regions exist worldwide… Poultry density Soil P balance (Gerber et al., 2005) The crop / livestock segregation drives global P resource displacement International food/feed trade among countries increased dramatically in the past decades – P trade flows increased from 0.4 Tg in 1961 to 3.0 Tg in 2011 (x7 increase) – In 2011, 20% of the global crop production was traded – In 2011, P trade flows were equivalent to 17% of global P fertiliser use International P flows are driven by soybean and cereal trade Trade P flows (Tg P/yr) 3.50 Soybeans 3.00 Pulses (other than soybeans) 2.50 Other 2.00 Fruits and vegetables 1.50 Forage 1.00 Cereals 0.50 Cakes (other than soybean cakes) Animal products 0.00 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 Years 1996 2003 2010 (Nesme et al., in prep) For some countries, P imports through trade provide large amounts of P resources P import through trade as % of domestic P fertiliser use (Nesme et al., in prep) Trade P flows interconnect world regions P flows among world regions in 2011 (in Tg P/yr) (Nesme et al., in prep) Conclusion Take home message 1. At the global scale, trade of agricultural products improves P resource use efficiency 2. But at regional scale, current P management in agroecosystems exhibits major imbalances 3. These imbalances are often due to crop and livestock segregation 4. This segregation drives major P resource displacement at the global scale Solutions? • The multi-faceted P issues call for solutions adapted to different contexts – Increased mineral P inputs in soils with low P status – Reduced P losses to water bodies from soils with high P status – Increased P resource recycling everywhere • The global interconnections and regional inefficiencies call for integrated approaches across the world However, in the long term P resource recycling in agroecosystems should be a priority A range of different options should be explored – P mining from residual soil P – Reduced P losses from agricultural soils – P recovery from rich streams (e.g. struvite production from urban wastes) – Agriculture redesign towards more integrated croplivestock farming systems… with synergies for other environmental issues (e.g., biodiversity, soil erosion, animal diseases) Thanks for your attention! A 5R strategy should be deployed and adapted to the different P contexts Realign P inputs Reduce P losses to water Recycle P in • Match P inputs to P requirements • Use residual soil P • Minimise P losses in runoff • Integrate crop and livestock systems manure Recover P in • Produce P fertiliser substitute waste Redefine P in food chain (from Withers et al., subm) • Influence dietary choice Struvite production? • Which sources for struvite production at the global scale? – Total annual P production in manure = 20-30 Mt P/yr (of which a large fraction is probably already recycled) – Total annual P production in waste-water = 3-5 Mt P/yr (of which 30-40% is already recycled to Ag soils) – Compared to total annual use of mineral P fertiliser = 15-20 Mt/yr • Some technical issues to be overcome – Organic effluents have low (<10 mg P/L) and variable P content – Struvite production exhibits high energy and economic costs • Struvite production costs: 6800 US $/t P • Mineral P fertiliser price: 2000 US $/t P – Most countries lack of proper regulation framework • Struvite production could solve part of the P problem but does not account for the other consequences of crop/livestock segregation (e.g., short crop rotations, pest and disease propagation, etc.)