La Pata Avenue Gap Closure and Camino Del Rio Extension American Society of Civil Engineers March 15, 2011 Harry Persaud, AICP, PMP 1 Project Location 2 Project Location 3 Project Background La Pata Avenue included on Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) since 1963 La Pata and Camino Del Rio shown on City of San Clemente General Plan since 1982 and Talega and Forster Ranch Specific Plans The existing La Pata Avenue built in the 1970s as a "dead-end" landfill access road Project initiated in 2005. Three years of coordination with City and resident groups resulted in an alignment responding to concerns of proximity, light and glare, and aesthetics. 4 Project Location 5 Project Purpose and Objectives Implement Orange County MPAH, Circulation Elements of San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano, and Specific Plans for Talega and Forster Ranch Provide north/south access for local traffic Improve access to schools, commercial areas, and recreational amenities Improve emergency access Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas emissions 6 Project Purpose and Objectives (continued) Facilitate local inter-community circulation Provide increased network capacity to support the forecast travel demand for the 2035 design year Minimize impacts to utility transmission infrastructure Minimize impacts to existing residential land uses Minimize impacts to the natural environment 7 Proposed Project Alignment 8 Proposed Project Widen La Pata Avenue from three to five lanes from Ortega Highway to the existing road terminus at the Prima Deshecha Landfill (PDL) – a distance of 9,600 feet Construct four new lanes from the existing PDL terminus to Calle Saluda – a distance of 10,100 feet Extend Camino Del Rio, as a four-lane roadway, from its existing terminus to the proposed Avenida La Pata – a distance of 1,700 feet Estimated Total Cost: $77,368,000 9 Proposed Project Lighting will be provided along Camino Del Rio, on La Pata between Calle Saluda and Camino Del Rio, and on La Pata north of the landfill entrance to the project limits. Sidewalks will extend along Camino Del Rio to La Pata and on the west side of La Pata from Calle Saluda to Camino Del Rio and from Vista Montana north to the project limits. Bike lanes will be provided along both La Pata and Camino Del Rio. San Clemente’s off-road bike path east of La Pata will be extended north to the city limits. The roadway project requires grading of 9 million cubic yards. 3 million cubic yards are required to balance the roadway. The remaining 6 million cubic yards are required to stabilize a large landslide complex. All earthmoving is balanced on site. 10 Alternatives 11 Environmental Issues Addressed Aesthetics (Views) Air Quality (including Green House Gases) Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology and Soils (landslides) Hydrology and Water Quality Hazards and Hazardous Materials Land Use and Planning Noise Public Services and Utilities Recreation (Multi-use Trails) Traffic and Circulation 12 Engineering Challenges and Solutions Community Impacts Electric Transmission Facilities Prima Deshecha Landfill Geology Water Quality 13 Design Challenges & Solutions Talega Community Workshops Horizontal & Vertical Alignment Refinements 7% Grade Design Deviation Berms to reduce visual impacts Forster Ranch Trailhead parking La Pata Trail Over-crossing Rubberized Asphalt to Reduce Noise Impacts 14 Electric Transmission Facilities Solution Early Coordination Workshops with SDG&E and SCE 7% Grade Design Deviation Tower relocation Plan Coordinated with SDG&E Facility Access Plans Incorporated into Design 15 Prima Deshecha Landfill Solution Design Addresses Existing Access Requirements to Zone 1 Design Addresses Future Access Requirements to Zone 4 Three Bridge Structures eliminate need for signalized intersection access Grade separations will maintain access to and between Zone 1 and Zone 4 16 Landslides in Project Area 17 Landslide C Remediation Concept 2 million c.y. Buttress Fill 9 million c.y. Excavation 9 million c.y. removal 2 million c.y. buttress fill 3 million c.y. to balance roadway grading 4 million c.y. recompaction consistent with landfill general development plan 18 Geotechnical Solutions Identified Remediation Concepts to assure construction feasibility Remediation Plan to accommodate roadway construction and landfill operations Remediation Concept to balance earthwork on site. 19 Water Quality Solutions Six water quality basins to provide load reductions and detain runoff Bio-retention planter boxes proposed in constrained right of way areas 20 Significant Unavoidable Impacts Traffic: 2016 – I-5 Northbound ramps/Avenida Pico and I-5 Northbound direct on-ramp from Crown Valley Parkway 2035 Without SR-241 Scenario – I-5 Northbound ramps/Avenida Pico Improvements currently being planned and funded by M2 will reduce impacts. Air Quality: Construction Emissions – CO, ROC, NOX, PM10, and PM2.5 Contributions to regional air quality thresholds Localized Impacts – Worst Case Assumptions Noise: Increased traffic on Camino Del Rio forecast to exceed 65 dBA at 6 modeled locations Several 4-foot noise walls are recommended and will reduce significant impacts. 21 Visual Simulation Near Calle Gaulteria Existing With Roadway 22 Visual Simulation on Forster Ranch Ridgeline Trail Existing With Roadway 23 Aesthetics – Cross Sections 24 25 26 27 28 Traffic - Study Area 29 2016 Daily Traffic Volume 38 39 282 274 6 4 13 33 33 53 Without Project 51 With Project 30 2035 Daily Traffic Volume Without SR-241 41 54 313 336 8 5 27 38 38 64 Without Project 59 With Project 31 2035 Daily Traffic Volume With SR-241 43 41 294 5 28 291 8 15 29 51 Without Project 51 With Project 32 Vehicle Miles of Travel A Comparison of daily vehicle miles travelled (VMT) within the study area shows the following reductions as a result of the project. Scenario 2016 2035 Without SR-241 VMT - 30,758 - 71,531 2035 With SR-241 - 29,115 33 Noise – Monitored Locations 34 Proposed Noise Mitigation (Del Rio) 35 Projected Traffic Noise Levels 36 Recreation 37 EIR Process Public & Agency Review and Comment NOP Prepare Technical Studies Scoping Meeting Public & Agency Review and Comment Draft EIR Public Meeting Public & Agency Review Final EIR San Clemente and County Planning Commission Hearings EIR Certification County Board of Supervisors Meeting 38 Community Outreach San Juan Capistrano Transportation Commission – November 10 at 6:00 p.m. Mission Viejo City Council Briefing – November 15, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. San Juan Capistrano City Council Briefing – November 16, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. San Clemente Planning Commission Briefing – November 17, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Public meeting – November 18, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Ladera Ranch Civic Council Briefing – November 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Forster Ranch HOA meeting – December 7, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. San Clemente Planning Commission Hearing – December 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. 39 Project Schedule Notice of Preparation (NOP) November 10, 2009 (30 day review period) Publish Notice of Availability (NOA) and Public Circulation of DEIR November 3, 2010 (45 day review period) DEIR Comment Period Closes December 17, 2010 Prepare Final EIR March, 2011 County Planning Commission Hearing April, 2011 County Board of Supervisors Hearing FEIR Certification New RFP (NEPA) and (Design) April, 2011 Design 2011-2012 ROW, Permits, Funding (Road, RMV, M2 State Federal) 2011-2012 Construction 2013-2015 40 Questions? 41