What is STAR? The STAR Community Rating System is the nation’s first framework for evaluating, quantifying, and improving the livability and sustainability of U.S. communities. The STAR Community Rating System uniquely combines: A common framework for sustainability encompassing the social, economic and environmental dimensions of community; A rating system that drives continuous improvement and fosters competition; and An online tool that gathers, organizes, analyzes, and presents information required to meet sustainability goals What STAR is not . . . A green ranking initiative – STAR is a rating system that integrates equity and economic considerations. A sustainability toolkit – STAR’s measures were vetted by technical experts. An audit of municipal performance – STAR measures community-wide condition change. STAR will help my community . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Streamline data collection then benchmark and measure progress. Make more informed decisions. Learn from a common framework. Plan for and implement effective strategies. Marshall credibility and recognition. Communicate progress to the community and its leaders. Work with limited resources. “There is no common way of defining and measuring sustainability. We need a system to quantify how we’re doing and to guide us to further leadership, and that system should be designed by the cities who will use it.” - Sadhu Johnston, STAR Chairman Vancouver, BC STAR Communities Board & Leadership Sadhu Johnston, Vancouver, British Columbia Shannon Parry, Santa Monica, CA Jason Hartke, U.S. Green Building Council Chris Hoene, National League of Cities Bracken Hendricks, Center for American Progress Michael Schmitz, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Hilari Varnadore, Director, STAR Communities STAR Sponsors & Funders American Institute of Architects Argosy Foundation Bullitt Foundation* City of Chicago, IL City of Dallas, TX City of Fayetteville, AR City of Portland, OR City of Santa Monica, CA City of Seattle, WA District of Columbia* ESRI Home Depot Foundation Johnson Foundation Kresge Foundation* The Kendeda Fund National Building Museum National League of Cities Overbrook Foundation Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation Scherman Foundation Siemens Summit Foundation* Surdna Foundation* Turner Foundation U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Green Building Council* Waste Management, Inc. Westchester County, NY *denotes 2012 support STAR’s Stakeholder Process Established a diverse, consensus-based stakeholder engagement process More than 200 volunteers representing cities and counties, state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, national associations, universities, utilities, and private corporations STAR’s Committee Structure Executive Committee Steering Committee Beta/Pilot Communities Technical Advisory Committees Environment Economy Society Natural Systems Economic Prosperity Education, Arts & Community Planning & Design Employment & Workforce Training Health & Safety Energy & Climate Ad Hoc Committees Affordability & Social Equity STAR Beta Communities Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Boulder, CO Chattanooga, TN Cranberry Township, PA Des Moines, IA King County, WA New York, NY St. Louis, MO Washington, DC Invited STAR Pilot Communities STAR Guiding Principles Think and act systemically. Instill resiliency. Foster innovation. Redefine progress. Live within means. Cultivate collaboration. Ensure equity. Embrace diversity. Inspire leadership. Continuously improve. Framework: STAR Community Rating System Terms Definition Goals Comprehensive community-level aspirations toward achieving sustainability Objectives A clear, desired outcome intended to move the community toward the goal Evaluation Measures Community level outcomes representing the actual state of a system and used to identify progress relative to Objective Local actions are foundational or implementation based; proven effective and essential toward moving the needle on outcome and Objective Framework: Community Level Outcomes Community Level Outcomes are: the measureable aims or purposes of each objective; to be focused on the community-scale results and not on local government operations Two Primary Types: GOAL OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES Trend Lines: Capture progress in a specific direction over time. Thresholds: Establish a specific limit above or below which the community would receive full credit. ACTIONS Framework: Local Actions Foundational Actions: Education and outreach (EO) Plan development (PD) Policy and code adjustment (PoC) Partnerships and collaboration (PC) Practice improvements (PI) Inventory, assessment or survey (IAS) Implementation-based Actions: Programs and services (PS) Facility and infrastructure improvement (FI) Enforcement and incentives (EI) GOAL OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES ACTIONS STAR’s Sustainability Goals 1 Built Environment Achieve livability, choice, and access for all where people live, work, and play 2 Climate & Energy Reduce climate impacts through adaptation and mitigation efforts and increase resource efficiency 3 Education, Arts & Community Empower vibrant, educated, connected, and diverse communities 4 Economy & Jobs Create equitably shared prosperity and access to quality jobs 5 Equity & Empowerment Ensure equity, inclusion, and access to opportunity for all citizens 6 Health & Safety Strengthen communities to be healthy, resilient and safe places for residents and businesses 7 Natural Systems Protect and restore the natural resource base upon which life depends Framework of STAR Objectives 1 - Built Environment 2- Climate & Energy Ambient Noise & Light Climate Adaptation Community Water Systems 3- Education, Arts & Community 4- Economy & Jobs 5- Equity & Empowerment 6- Health & Safety 7- Natural Systems Arts & Culture Business Retention & Development Civic Engagement Active Living Green Infrastructure Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Community Cohesion Green Market Development Civil & Human Rights Community Health & Health System Invasive Species Compact & Complete Communities Greening the Energy Supply Educational Opportunity & Attainment Local Economy Environmental Justice Emergency Prevention & Response Natural Resources Protection Housing Affordability Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency Historic Preservation Quality Jobs & Living Wages Equitable Services & Access Food Access & Nutrition Outdoor Air Quality Infill & Redevelopment Resource Efficient Buildings Social & Cultural Diversity Targeted Industry Development Human Services Indoor Air Quality Water in the Environment Public Spaces Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure Workforce Readiness Poverty Prevention & Alleviation Natural & Human Hazards Working Lands Transportation Choices Waste Minimization Safe Communities Climate & Energy Goal Area Resource Efficient Buildings Objective PURPOSE: Improve the energy and water efficiency of the community’s residential, commercial, and institutional building stock Community-level Outcomes Outcome 1: Energy Efficiency Demonstrate achievement of reductions in the energy use intensity of the community’s building stock over time Full credit: Awarded for maintaining the 80% by 2050 track Partial credit: Awarded on a sliding scale for smaller reductions Outcome 2: Water Efficiency Demonstrate achievement of reductions in the water use intensity of the community’s building stock over time Full credit: Awarded for maintaining the 80% by 2050 track Partial credit: Awarded on a sliding scale for smaller reductions Outcome 3: Certified Building Stock Overall increasing trend in the percentage of buildings that achieve certification in energy efficiency and green construction compared to a baseline year, not predating 2000 Climate & Energy Goal Area Resource Efficient Buildings Objective Local Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Adopt a building energy efficiency plan to improve the energy and water efficiency of commercial, residential and institutional buildings in the community Adopt or upgrade building codes to ensure that new and renovated buildings are more water and energy efficient Adopt an energy and water use information disclosure ordinance requiring energy and water users to disclose consumption levels Create an education and outreach campaign or challenge to engage citizens and businesses in energy and water efficiency efforts Establish a committee to provide recommendations on policies related to resource efficiency in buildings or integrate this role into the work of existing committees Work with the local utilities to improve energy efficiency programs and increase submetering throughout the community Train inspectors to enforce water and energy efficiency standards in adopted building codes Incentivize energy and water efficient certified buildings Create a program to help homeowners and renters upgrade to more energy and water efficient homes Renovate local government buildings to improve energy and water use efficiency Climate & Energy Goal Area Waste Minimization Objective PURPOSE: Reduce and reuse material waste produced in the community Community-level Outcomes Outcome 1: Total Solid Waste Demonstrate progress in reductions of total solid waste generated within the jurisdiction that is disposed of via landfill or incinerator. Full credit will be awarded for reductions toward the goal of 100 % by 2050 from a given baseline year. Partial credit will be awarded as follows: 60% – 79% reductions, 80% of points available 40% – 59% reductions, 60% of points available 20% – 39% reductions, 40% of points available 5% – 19% reductions, 20% of points available Climate & Energy Goal Area Waste Minimization Objective Local Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Creation of a Waste Management Plan Create a public education campaign or a targeted outreach effort to inform residents and businesses of the role that they play in achieving the waste reduction targets Develop or participate in a regional coalition that enhances the jurisdiction’s ability to address waste management targets Provide services to enable residents and businesses to recycle and reduce their waste footprint Implement incentives or enforce regulations ensuring that residents and businesses are working toward community waste reductions targets Collaboratively create and run at least 2 targeted recycling programs at key locations throughout the community Operate at least two specific waste management programs for critical waste stream types found in the community, such as: organic waste, hazardous waste, electronic waste, and construction / demolition waste Create a waste-to-energy conversion system for the community Adopt specific product bans that will significantly advance progress towards waste reduction goals Natural Systems Goal Area Green Infrastructure Objective PURPOSE: Design and maintain a network of green infrastructure features that integrate with the built environment to conserve ecosystem functions and provide associated benefits to human populations Community-level Outcomes Outcome 1: Designated Green Infrastructure Demonstrate that 35% of the jurisdiction’s land area has protected vegetated surfaces performing at a minimum two of the following functions: Localized cooling through tree canopy cover, green roofs or green walls; Water management through wetlands, stream buffers, and permeable surfaces; or Recreation through parks and/or greenways -ORDemonstrate incremental progress of between 2% and 5% change compared to a baseline year toward the goal of 35% Outcome 2: Distribution of Green Infrastructure Demonstrate that 85% of the population lives within a 1/2-mile walk distance from green infrastructure features that are performing at a minimum two of the above listed functions Natural Systems Goal Area Green Infrastructure Objective Local Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Create a community wide green infrastructure plan that is integrated with other relevant local plans Adopt a policy requiring relevant departments be engaged during early reviews of proposed developments to ensure that project sites are evaluated for green infrastructure potential and environmental protections are put in place prior to construction Create incentive programs to encourage land owners to adopt green infrastructure practices that link to the broader green infrastructure systems Increase the percentage of funding invested in green infrastructure Adopt local design criteria and associated codes that require proactive green infrastructure practices for new developments Upgrade public spaces and public buildings based upon locally adopted or recognized best practices in green infrastructure. Where possible, create demonstration projects to enhance public support Partner with key community groups and other stakeholders to ensure that green infrastructure practices are used in appropriate settings Provide for ongoing maintenance of green infrastructure at level required to maintain evapotranspiring functions Establish a green infrastructure monitoring program and regularly report on status of desired outcomes Natural Systems Goal Area Natural Resources Protection Objective PURPOSE: Protect, enhance and restore natural ecosystems and cultural landscapes to confer resilience and support clean water and air, food supply, and public safety Community-level Outcomes Outcome 1: Priority natural systems areas Achieve or demonstrate incremental progress towards achievement of natural system areas targets relative to the baseline and horizon year of a locally-adopted plan Outcome 2: Wetlands, streams and shoreline buffers Achieve no net loss of these critical resources Outcome 3: Connectivity Increase the area of land directly connected to regional natural systems in order to improve ecosystem services Outcome 4: Restoration Reduce the difference between the actual acreage and the goal acreage of restoration targets as established in the Natural Systems Plan Natural Systems Goal Area Natural Resources Protection Objective Local Actions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Develop a plan to protect and restore natural resources through land conservation, corridor connectivity, and restoration of biological integrity and function Create an advisory board with scientific experts and other local stakeholders to inform land conservation and restoration activities Partner with adjacent jurisdictions, state and federal agencies, and local or regional nonprofit organizations to advance land conservation and restoration efforts Adopt land use regulations that establish appropriate wetland, stream, and shoreline buffer widths and adjacent land uses Adopt land use strategies to incentivize permanent land conservation Implement local and market-based financing strategies to acquire land or development easements or fund restoration and maintenance activities Restore, maintain and monitor conserved natural lands to increase natural resource resilience, adaptability, and biological integrity Sponsor educational and outreach activities to increase ecological literacy and knowledge about natural resources protection Recognitions & Certifications Participating STAR Community: Registered intent to use the rating system Reporting STAR Community (50-199 points): Registered intent to report and met basic prerequisite of completing objectives in all 7 goal areas 3-STAR Community (200-399 points) Recognized for sustainability leadership 4-STAR Community (400-599 points) Recognized for national excellence 5-STAR Community (600+ points) Recognized as top tier achiever in national sustainability Release Dates, STAR Products OCT NOV Release, STAR Community Rating System (free) Release, STAR Community Rating System Technical Guide STAR Pilot Community Program commences Release of the online reporting tool (for pilot use only) National launch of all STAR Community products + services MAR For more information: Hilari Varnadore, Director (202) 379-8524 hilari@starcommunities.org Claudia Hernandez, Senior Program Officer Daniella Hirschfeld, Technical Manager Aaron Lande, Technical Writer Andrea Peet, Program Manager Thor Peterson, Technical Writer/Innovation Credits STAR Communities 1200 First Street NE 7th floor Washington DC 20002