QUICK FACTS Meth is 100% manmade and may contain: 0.2% of Americans use Meth on a monthly basis Making pound of Meth creates pounds of toxic waste 1 94% of persons who smoke meth become addicted in 6 months of use 5 Methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant with a high potential for developing a substance use disorder. Possession of 5 grams of pure meth in Washington is a class C felony, with a minimum 5 year jail sentence and/or up to a $10,000 fine. Not only is it illegal, it is extremely harmful to your physical and mental health. If you or someone you know is using meth, seek treatment or other support services. 1.800.662.HELP (4357) PERSONAL CHANGE PLAN to reduce or stop using meth: 1. 2. 3. HEALTH RISKS OF METH USE Using meth can seriously impact your health, well being and can cause permanent damage. Need help? Call: Teen Link: 866.833.6546 Washington Recovery Help Line: 1.866.789.1511 Alcohol & Drug Help Line 206.722.3700 ANY LOCAL RESOURCES??? For more information on how your use may be affecting you visit: www.drugscreening.org. Speak with your physician or a Behavioral Health Specialist if you have any concerns about your use or are interested in a referral to treatment services. [Insert Clinic Name] [Insert clinic number] [Clinic Logo Here] SOURCES: NIDA Info Facts (www.drugabuse.gov) Good, Solt, et al. (2010) Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy, OBGYN 116, 2. WA State Institute for Public Policy (www.wsipp.wa.gov ) University of WA: ADAI (adai.washington.edu)