© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft Confidential Exchange 2010 SP2 Hybrid Mode & Office 365 Co-Existence Kamal Abburi Premier Field Engineer - Microsoft Services Microsoft Confidential Premier Field Engineering - What do we do Reactive Support Troubleshooting & RCA Proactive Services Workshops Health Checks Risk Assessments Supportability Reviews Chalk & Talks Knowledge Transfers 2 Microsoft Confidential Partner with PG Technical Leadership Global Community Onsite and Remote Conditions and Terms of Use Microsoft Confidential This training package is proprietary and confidential, and is intended only for uses described in the training materials. Content and software is provided to you under a Non-Disclosure Agreement and cannot be distributed. Copying or disclosing all or any portion of the content and/or software included in such packages is strictly prohibited. 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For more information, see Use of Microsoft Copyrighted Content at http://www.microsoft.com/about/legal/permissions/ Microsoft®, Internet Explorer®, and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other Microsoft products mentioned herein may be either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Overview Hybrid Deployment Terminology and Components Requirements and Configuration 4 Microsoft Confidential Objective Understand Hybrid deployments and scenarios Understand the planning involved Understand the steps involved for successful implementation 5 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Deployment 6 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Deployment Features Secure mail routing between on-premises and Exchange Online organizations. Mail routing with a shared domain namespace. A unified global address list, also called a “shared address book”. Free/busy and calendar sharing between on-premises and Exchange Online organizations. Centralized control of outbound mail flow A single Outlook Web App URL for both the on-premises and Exchange Online organizations. Move existing on-premises mailboxes to the Exchange Online organization. Centralized mailbox management using the on-premises Exchange Management Console Message tracking, MailTips, and multi-mailbox search between onpremises and Exchange Online organizations. Cloud-based message archiving for on-premises Exchange mailboxes 7 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Scenarios - Migration to Office 365 Pilot Office 365 Large Migrations Migrate users to the cloud at your own pace Minimal or no disruption in Service 8 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Scenarios – Coexist with Office 365 Maintain a hybrid Exchange environment indefinitely Organizational Requirements Public Folders Legacy, email-enabled line-of-business applications Compliance Easy Off Boarding Mergers and acquisitions Mailbox 9 Mailbox Archive Microsoft Confidential Mailbox Things to Consider Highly Configurable - Not Customizable Networks – Datacenter Locations Regulatory and Compliance requirements Manageability Deployment and Maintenance Lifecycles Workloads not available in Exchange Online Outlook 2003 Public Folders Limits Address Lists Permissions Multiple Forests 10 Microsoft Confidential How do I Decide Exchange Deployment Options Whitepaper Office 365 for Enterprise Service Descriptions Office 365 Advisor Microsoft Office 365 Deployment Readiness Tool Microsoft Office 365 Deployment Guide for Enterprises 11 Microsoft Confidential Decision Made.. Where do I Start Exchange Server Deployment Assistant On-Premises Only Upgrade from Exchange Server 2003 Upgrade from Exchange 2007 Upgrade from mixed Exchange 2003 and Exchange Server 2007 New installation of Exchange 2010 Hybrid Deployment (On-Premises + Cloud) Exchange 2003 Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Cloud Only 12 Microsoft Confidential ExDeploy 13 Microsoft Confidential Sample Deployment 14 Microsoft Confidential Components Office 365 Hybrid server(s) - On Premises Active Directory synchronization ADFS Microsoft Federation Gateway Transport Certificates Hybrid Configuration Wizard 15 Microsoft Confidential Office 365 and Hybrid server(s) - On Premises Office 365 for enterprises Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 or later SP2 for the Hybrid Configuration Wizard Mailbox, Client Access, and Hub Transport server roles Windows Server 2003 forest functional mode or higher 16 Microsoft Confidential Sample Deployment 17 Microsoft Confidential ADFS Enables access with a single user name and password On Premises Policy and Control Single Active Directory forest Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 Requires unique third-party SSL certificate establish a relying party trust relationship 18 Microsoft Confidential Sample Deployment 19 Microsoft Confidential Active Directory synchronization Provides Unified GAL Directory Synchronization tool (32-bit and 64-bit) Cannot be a domain controller Uses SQL Server 2008 Express All Users, mail-enabled contacts and groups Two-way synchronization (write-back) KB 2256198 SafeSendersHash, BlockedSendersHash, SafeReceipientsHash, msExchArchiveStatus, ProxyAddresses, msExchUCVoiceMailSettings, PublicDelelgates 20 Microsoft Confidential Sample Deployment 21 Microsoft Confidential Microsoft Federation Gateway Identity service that runs over the Internet Uses SSL certificates and proof of domain ownership Establish trust relationships with multiple partners O365 Tenant automatically creates Federation Trust Org Relationship 22 Microsoft Confidential Sample Deployment 23 Microsoft Confidential Mail Flow Shared SMTP Namespaces Secured and Authenticated Mail Flow Channel Privacy Receiver Authentication with Domain Validation Sender Authentication Each organization treats the other one as an internal 24 Microsoft Confidential Things to Consider Single AD Forest and Domain 20,000 Objects limit Contact support to increase UPN Federated domain should be public (.local ?) Set up single sign-on before AD synchronization. High Availability Network Security Inbound; 25 TCP and 443 TCP Outbound; 25 TCP, 80 TCP and 443 TCP Bandwidth 25 Microsoft Confidential Things to Consider Outlook 2010 for best experience Outlook 2007 Unified Messaging Mobile Devices Partnership should be disabled and re-enabled Licenses Public Folders All Management from On Premises No transfer of permissions DNS Records Autodiscover, spf 26 Microsoft Confidential Things to Consider - Certificates Active Directory Federation Services Security token services(sts.contoso.com) Exchange federation Self Signed can be used Exchange services Autodiscover(autodiscover.contoso.com) OWA ActiveSync EWS Outlook Anywhere Transport FQDN of your Exchange 2010 hybrid server 27 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Configuration Wizard Guides End-to-End process for Hybrid Deployment Replaces approximately 50 manual steps Validate Permissions Verify Prerequisites and Topology Creates the HybridConfiguration object in Active Directory Makes the configuration changes to create and enable the hybrid deployment 28 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Configuration Engine 29 Microsoft Confidential Hybrid Configuration Coexistence domain Adds as accepted domain <domain>.mail.onmicrosoft.com Adds as secondary proxy domain to any e-mail address policies Exchange federation Check for an existing federation trust Use Existing or Create a federation trust Create and Configure organizational relationships Enable free/busy sharing, Outlook Web App redirection, message tracking, and MailTips Mailbox Moves Enable the Mailbox Replication Service (MRS) proxy Mail flow Configure On Premises Servers and FOPE for Mail Routing 30 Microsoft Confidential New Hybrid Configuration 31 Microsoft Confidential Demo 32 Microsoft Confidential Manage 33 Microsoft Confidential Troubleshooting 34 Microsoft Confidential Take Away Run ExDeploy Sign Up for 0365 Register your Domains with 0365 Run Microsoft Office 365 Deployment Readiness Tool Deploy Single Sign On Deploy Directory Synchronization Install Exchange 2010 SP2 Configure External Access , DNS records, Certificates Dependencies are Key Run Hybrid Wizard 35 Microsoft Confidential