Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek Watershed Management Plan Presented By: Jason Cole, M.Sc., P.Geo Rob Frizzell, M.Sc., P.Geo Municipality of Clarington Council Monday January 23, 2012 What is a watershed plan? A management document that lays the framework for protecting and enhancing the natural environment, while guiding development within the watershed Recommendations are based on scientific studies and community input Durham Region and Clarington Official Plans include policies that recognize the importance of watershed planning As part of the OP Review Clarington has undertaken this study • Will form the basis for the Courtice Employment Lands Secondary Plan 2 Robinson Creek Tooley Creek Lake Ontario 3 Characterize the Watershed Establish Existing Conditions • Groundwater Quantity/Quality • Surface Water Quantity/Quality • Aquatic Species and Habitat • Terrestrial Natural Heritage • Land-use (Current and Future) Identify • How the Watershed Functions • Opportunities for Improvement Set Targets and Evaluate Management Alternatives Develop a Watershed Management Plan Set Natural Environment Targets Natural Heritage System Based on Existing Conditions • Based on existing natural environment features • Enhancement scenarios based on CLOCA model Water Budget • Based on methods used for Source Water Protection Studies and the Preferred Management Alternative Specific Recommendations to Guide Development and Preserve the Natural Environment Imperviousness • Based on current and future land-use Management Alternatives • Environmental Constraints 4 Existing Conditions Land-use dominated by urban residential and agriculture, with limited remaining natural environment features Headwaters located north of Bloor Street Creek primarily supported by surface water runoff Natural environment features concentrated along riparian corridors and in wetland area north of Bloor St. 5 Existing Conditions Land-use dominated by urban residential and agriculture, with limited remaining natural environment features Headwaters located north of Hwy 2 in Maple Grove Wetland PSW Creek south of Hwy 2 primarily supported by surface water runoff Natural environment features concentrated along riparian corridors and in Maple Grove Wetland 6 Natural Heritage System Based on existing natural environment features and targeted enhancements Includes Environmental Protection for a Natural Heritage System Water Budget Defined High Volume Recharge Areas (HVRA) Maintain pre-development infiltration rates postdevelopment in HVRAs Impervious Surfaces Enhanced stormwater control measures Minimize runoff using new and existing technologies 7 Management Recommendations are made based on Existing Conditions and the Environmental Constraints. Set Management Goals Set Objectives to meet the Goals Identify Management Actions to achieve the Goals and Objectives Regulation and Policy Education and Stewardship Land Dedication and Acquisition Monitoring 8 GOAL – To Maintain and Enhance the Health, Quality, and Functionality of the Ecosystem Objective – Protect and Enhance the Natural Heritage System Regulation and Policy Define and Protect a Natural Heritage System within the Official Plan Minimize the Impact of Development on Natural Heritage System • An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will be required for development approval. Negotiate Net Gains Education and Stewardship – Support programs that increase natural cover, forest cover, and riparian vegetation Land Dedication and Acquisition – Focus on NHS Lands Monitoring – To determine if objective is having desired effect Watershed Management Plan was approved by CLOCA Board on Tuesday January 17, 2012. Watershed Management Plan is provided to Municipality of Clarington Council to be referred to Staff for consideration during the OP Review process. The Watershed Management Plan will be used as the basis for development of Secondary Plans 10 QUESTIONS? Presented by: Jason Cole and Rob Frizzell AECOM 300 Town Centre Blvd Markham, ON L3R 5Z6 11