Forest Tenure Reform in Nepal: Community Forestry on the Move Keshav Raj Kanel Nepal Country Background Rational and Evolution of Community Forestry Forest Tenure and Governance in CFUGs Major Achievements Lessons Learned Conclusions India China China Ind High Himal High Mountain Middle Hills Churia Hills Terai India Cross Section of Physiographic region in Nepal Parameter Unit Status Total population number 27 million Literate population percent 54.1 Population dependent on agriculture percent 6 Total land area hectare 14.7 million Total forest area percent 39.6 Total arable land percent 21 Contribution of Ag and Forestry to GDP ($ 12 Billion) Percent 32 Integrated farming system with forestry as an important component Nationalization alienated the local people from forests Forest agency was not capable to conserve and manage the forests Dilemma in forest management ◦ Who has the access and control over the forest? ◦ How to regulate the extraction of forest products? Forests became de-facto Open access Resource leading to accelerated D and D Hills and Mountains had some crude form of local participation in forest management before nationalization It was not democratic, but had a system of people guarding the forests, and control over the harvest of the forest products Some of the champions of forest officials were tired of being blamed, and were looking for ways to involved local people in forest management – Support from the politicians Learning by doing led to the present model of CF Before 1957: Some forests were administered as private property 1957 - 1990: Forest was controlled as state property Private forest nationalized Concept of participatory forestry emerged (1978) Some form of forest management rights deconcentrated to local political bodies 1991 onward: Forests have been managed by the community as Community Forest Forest Act, 1993 and Forest Regulations, 1995 provided conducive environment to devolve management rights to CFUGs. Community Forest is the part of the National Forest handed over to the Community Forest User Group (CFUGs) for its development, protection and utilization. •Land belongs to the government •Use and management of CF by the CFUG •Regulation by CFUG and DFO •CF is the high priority program Forest Act and Forest Regulations Provide the Framework of Forest Tenure New Community Forest Program Guidelines (2009) Further Elaborates the Rights of the CFUGs CFUG is Registered at the District Forest Office Group of traditional forest users (HHs) adjoining a forest They have a charter of association Users have Access, Withdrawal, Use and Management Rights, but not the right over the land General Assembly of the Users makes major decisions to be implemented by Exe. Committee Inventory of Forest is taken with the Assistance of DFO Operation Plan (OP) of CF is Prepared by CFUG with the Support of DFO Front Line Staff The OP is a Contract Between CFUG and DFO. It is of 5 to 10 Years Duration. Forest Management Schedules are Performed by CFUG as Per the OP Sales and Distribution of Forest Products Done by CFUG CFUG has a Fund From the Sale of Forest Products and others. It is Used for Forest Management (25%), Livelihood Promotion (35%), and Community Development. Annual Report has to be Given to DFO. DFO is the Gate Keeper of Forest. Can take Various Actions Against the CFUG and Its Members. FECOFUN is Strong in Advocating the Rights of Forest Users CFUG Formation and CF Hand Over Process Review and Revision Forest & User Identification Social Mapping Well Being Ranking Monitoring & Evaluation Feedback Implementation HH visit Tole Meeting Interest Group Meeting User group formation •General Assembly Training/Study tour Technical support Financial support Constitution preparation • Approval by DFO Forests Handover CFUG Registration OP approval by DFO Joint signature (DFO & Chairperson of CFUG) Participatory mapping Transect walk Operational plan preparation Tole Meeting Interest Group Meeting Social survey Forest demarcation Forest Resource Inventory General Assembly Global Nations NPC NRM sector Media National Universities Federation NGOs Line agencies Local Bodies Poor Service center Federation CFUG Dalit Women FUGs District Local Total number of CFUG = 14,439 Number of women only CFUG = 795 Households involved = 1.66 mill. HH (39 % of the total population ) Total area of community forests handed over = 1.23 mill. ha (30 % of the total national forest) Total area of community forests managed by women leadership only = 23,257 ha F UG Num be r C F Are a "00" F isc a l Y e a r 2006/07 2007/08 2004/05 2005/06 2002/03 2003/04 2001/02 1999/2000 2000/01 1997/98 1998/99 1995/96 1996/97 1993/94 1994/95 1991/92 1992/93 1990/91 1988/89 1989/90 < 1987 1987/88 C F UG #/C F Area 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Learning From the Past 1968 2000 Jiri after 32 years All types Sal forest Katus-chilaune forest Pine forest Biomas s Carbon Biomas s Carbon Biomass 1994 193 91 242 114 199 93 143 67 2008 232 109 260 122 249 117 190 89 + 21% + 21% + 7% + 7% + 25% + 25% % change Carbon Biomas s + 33% + 33% Notes: • Includes only ‘tree’ carbon (above and below ground) i.e. not shrubs/litter and soil organic C Conclusions • All forest types have increased their biomass (and carbon) significantly from 1994-2008 • Large differences between forest types e.g. Pine>Katus-chilaune>Sal Carbo n Capacity of the Users Strengthened Eco-Tourism Promoted Forest Product 83% Membership Fee 1% Other Income 13% Entrance Fee 1% Fine/ Punishment 1% GO/NGO Grants 1% Infrastructure Development 36% Harvesting and Silvicultural Operation 18% Miscellaneous 17% Training/Study Tour 2% Pro-poor Program 3% Forest Watcher 10% Operational Cost 14% Lessons Learned from Community Forestry Unbundling the Functions of Forest Agency is Essential Community Forestry is More an Institutional Building Process CFUGs Responsible for Forest and Fund Management Forest Agency Responsible for Monitoring and Regulation Transferring Regulatory and Fiscal Rights to CFUG Brings Innovation and Motivation to Users Reorientation of Forestry Staff, and Capacity Building to CFUG is Necessary Reform is not a Linear Process, but is an iterative and muddling through Process Reform and Partnership Building are Continuous Processes Negotiations and Building Consensus Among Forest Agency, CFUGs is Important to Change the Role of Forest Agency Forest Condition Improves with CF Contribution to Livelihood – Questionable Community is not Homogeneous, - Inclusion of Decision Making and Benefit Sharing a Challenging Task for Governance Contextual Factors are Important in CF Management Conclusion gnificant Problems We Face Cannot Be Solved By The Same f Thinking That Created Them Albert Einstein Thank You