于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 天津市新金融低碳城市设计研究院有限责任公司 于家堡金融区概况 Overview of Yujiapu Financial District 响螺湾商务区 XIANGLUOWAN BUSINESS DISTRICT 蓝鲸岛 BLUE WHALE ISLAND 于家堡金融区 YUJIAPU Financial District 海河 HAIHE RIVER 于家堡金融区位于滨海新区,总建筑面积达到970万平方米,将是世界最大的金融区之一。 Yujiapu Financial District at the CBD of Binhai New Area, It covers 3.86sq.km. of land and is divided into 120 parcels with a planned GFA of 9.7 million square meters.,it will become world’s largest financial district . 2010年6月19日,第9届APEC能源部长会议确定于家堡金融区为首例APEC低碳示范城镇。 On June 19, 2010, the 9th APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting was held in Yokohama, Japan. The meeting chosed Yujiapu Financial District as the first APEC low-carbon model town. 2 于家堡金融区的低碳规划特点 Low-Carbon Decomposition of City Orientation 国内首个规划了丰 富的立体架构、地 全球最大规模的金融商务区 下空间的金融区 全球最大规模 金融区商务区 China’s first financial district which has planned rich 3D architecture and underground space. World’s largest financial CBD 以生态景观为基底、 与自然环境为友的 金融区 Eco-landscape-based environmentfriendly financial district 于家堡金融区低碳城镇 指标体系的定位与思路 Orientation and Approach of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 于家堡金融区 低碳城市目标 Low-carbon city targets of Yujiapu Financial District 城市定位的低碳分解 于家堡金融区低碳目标分解 Low-Carbon Decomposition of City Orientation Decomposition of Low-Carbon Targets of Yujiapu Financial District 于家堡低碳城市研究内容 Research Content of Yujiapu Low-Carbon City 于家堡低碳城市目标Targets of Yujiapu Low-Carbon City 低碳智慧金融城 Low-Carbon Smart Financial City 1 1 城市定位的低碳分解 Low-Carbon Decomposition of City Orientation Low-carbon life city 低碳生活城 3D city 垂直立体城 Diversified and vibrant city 多元活力城 E-finance city 网络金融城 Smart future city 智慧未来城 1 于家堡金融区低碳目标分解 Decomposition of Low-Carbon Targets of Yujiapu Financial District 减排 目标 CERT C1 一个实现绝对减排的新城镇; C1 a new town realizing absolute carbon emission reduction (CER); C2 一个碳减排各方面指标达到国际领先水平的城镇。 C2 a town with all CER indexes reaching international leading level. 环境目标 空间目标 社会经济目标 Environmental targets Spatial targets Social and economic targets E1 a high-density metropolis with a good natural environment; E2 a city at a leading level in intensive utilization of resources and energy; E3 a smart city owning Intellisense technology and environment. S1 a 3D city with a high-density intensive layout; S2 a city with high-performance green buildings and high-carbonsink low-carbon landscape; S3 a highly accessible city realizing convenient traffic through mass transit and nonmotorized traffic; S4 a mixed-function city with characteristic urban blocks and vibrant streets. SE1 a regional financial center attractive to individuals and companies; SE2 an innovative city in lowcarbon economy, leading carbon finance and carbon trading; SE3 a city guiding low-carbon life and low-carbon operation by lowcarbon policy. 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系的技术路径 Technical Path and Low-Carbon Model of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon City 绿色低碳 CBD的发展 低碳CBD 发展模型 低碳城市建设 的循环模式 于家堡金融区 低碳建设路径 Development of Green CBD Low-Carbon Development Model of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Circulation Mode of Yujiapu Financial District Technical Path of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳城市建设的实施策略 Implementation Strategy of Low-Carbon City Construction 低碳城市实施策略可以归结为“减源增汇”,在具体实施路径上可归纳为四类,即降低固定碳 源碳排放;降低移动碳源碳排放;降低过程碳源碳排放;促进自然碳汇碳清除。 Low-carbon city implementation strategy may be summarized into “source reduction and sink enhancement”. The concrete implementation paths may be classified into four categories: reduce carbon emissions of stationary carbon sources; reduce carbon emissions of mobile carbon sources; reduce carbon emissions of process carbon sources; promote carbon removal by natural carbon sink. 降低固定碳源碳排放 Reduce carbon emissions of stationary carbon sources 降低移动碳源碳排放 Reduce carbon emissions of mobile carbon sources 减源增汇 Source reduction and sink enhancement 降低过程碳源碳排放 Reduce carbon emissions of process carbon sources 促进自然碳汇碳清除 Promote carbon removal by natural carbon sink 2 于家堡金融区的低碳城市问题与挑战 Low-Carbon City Problems and Challenges of Yujiapu Financial District 问题与挑战 Problem and challenge 解决方案 Solution 人口高密度→交通压力 低碳交通 High population density – traffic pressure Low-carbon transport 土地空间有限→城市高密度 Limited land space – high city density 立体城市 3D city 资源能源稀缺→能源水源 Resource and energy scarcity – energy and water resource 低碳能源 Low-carbon energy 生态承载力→生态赤字 低碳景观 Ecological capacity – ecological deficit Low-carbon landscape 产业集聚→金融创新 碳金融 Carbon finance 高层高密度→建筑节能减排 绿色建筑 Green building Industrial clustering – financial innovation High-rise high density – energy conservation and emission reduction of buildings 2 于家堡金融区低碳循环模式 Low-Carbon Circulation Mode of Yujiapu Financial District 2 华北电网 North China Power Grid 再生建材 Recycled building materials 南疆热电厂+临港IGCC Nanjiang Thermal Power Plant + Port IGCC 新河污水处理厂 垃圾回收 Xinhe Sewage Treatment Plant Garbage collection 中翔中水厂 垃圾处理厂 Zhongxiang Reclaimed Water Plant Refuse processing plant 新村水厂+新区水厂+海河南岸水厂 Water plants for new villages + water plants for new areas + water plant on the southern bank of Haihe River 于家堡金融区低碳发展路径 Low-Carbon Development Path of Yujiapu Financial District 2 于家堡金融区减少碳源的低碳路径包含空间路径、技术路径和社会路径三个层面。空间路径涉及高密度开发 的紧凑型城市、TOD公交导向开发、小街坊密路网的城市结构以及功能混合的城市布局。 The low-carbon paths of Yujiapu Financial District for reduction of carbon sources include spatial path, technical path and social path. Spatial path involves compact city developed in high density, TOD, city structure with small residential blocks and a dense road network and an urban layout with mixed functions. High density urban construction Hybrid city Carbon source (spatial path) Buil ding Green building Renewable energy Carbon source (technical path) Building energy conservation Low-carbon transport Compact city Energy Small residential blocks and dense road network Lowcarbon Yujiapu Regional energy TOD Plant Multilevel greening Carbon capture technology Carb on sequ estra tion Carbon sink Local plants Garbage recycling Tra nsp ort Carbon sequestration technology Waste NEV Reuse of reclaimed water Carbon finance policy Green life Carbon source Vertical agriculture CDM (social path) Smart city Energy price policy E-commerce Green roof 3D gree ning 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系的定位与目标 Orientation and Targets of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 指标体系的构建思路 指标体系制定思路 Construction ideas of the index system Establishment flow “只有可测量,才能可操作”——彼得·费迪南德·杜拉克 “What Gets Measured Gets Managed” ——Peter Ferdinand Drucker 3 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系的构建思路 Establishment Approach of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 基本信息、规划及前期研究 Basic information, planning and preliminary study 国际著名机构定义 Definition of international famous institution 低碳循环模式 Low-carbon cycle model 低碳关键路径 Key lowcarbon path 低碳发展定位、目标 Orientation and targets of low-carbon development 低碳城市建设实践 Practice of low-carbon city construction 著名学者论著 指标体系研究 Books of famous scholars Research on the index system 国内外指标体系案例研究 Case study of domestic and foreign index systems 低碳城镇指标体系框架 Low-carbon development index system framework 低碳城镇指标体系 Low-carbon development index system 延伸拓展 Extend and expand 指标体系分解和技术路径 Decomposition and technical path of the index system 低碳发展保障措施 Supporting measures of low-carbon development 国内外参考指标体系库 Database of domestic and foreign reference index systems 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系制定思路 Establishment Approach of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Development Index System 于家堡低碳指标体系从城市总体规划定位出发,结合自然气候条件和区域发展目标,从城市碳排放清单出发 ,根据于家堡城市碳排放的影响要素分析,从低碳环境保护、低碳资源利用、低碳空间组织、低碳交通出行 、低碳经济发展和低碳城市运行六个维度形成低碳指标体系框架。 Yujiapu low-carbon index system proceeds from the orientation of urban master plan and urban carbon emission inventory, considers natural and climatic conditions and regional development goals, and establishes a low-carbon index system framework from six dimensions including lowcarbon environmental protection, low-carbon resource utilization, low-carbon space organization, low-carbon travel, low-carbon economic development, and low-carbon city operation. Intelligence New-type CBD Low Low carbon carbon 3 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系的核心特色 Core Characteristics of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 核心/创新特色 Core/innovative characteristics 减碳目标 CERT 关键绩效指标 KPI 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系的核心特色 Core Characteristics of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System World’s first low-carbon CDB index system 减碳指标全覆盖 提出总量/强度/人均三指标 Full coverage of CER indexes ——put forth total amount, intensity and per capita indexes All indexes relate to low carbon——All indexes direct to CER Regional characteri stics and local suitability of the indexes 全指标低碳相关 ——所有指标直接指向碳减排 China’s first one setting a target of reducing total carbon emissions by 30% (technically advanced and feasible, but political factor should be considered) Extend the index system to index decomposition and realization path— (target, decomposition and path in trinity) 指标 区域 特色 及本 地适 宜性 4 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系的减碳目标测算 Core Characteristics of Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 于家堡金融区的减碳目标CERT of Yujiapu Financial District 低碳化的目标,主要由“二氧化碳排放总量”(总量目标)、“单位GDP二氧化碳排放量”(强度目标)、“人均 碳排放量”(人均目标)组成。 Low-carbon indexes mainly include “total CO2 emissions” (total amount target), “CO2 emissions of unit GDP” (intensity target) and “per capita carbon emissions” (per capita target). 实现绝对总量目标减排约30% Realize absolute total amount target of reducing carbon emission by about 30%, • 中期目标(至2020年):2020年二氧化碳排放总量较2010年减排约20%。 • Mid-term target (to 2020): by 2020, reduce total CO2 emissions by about Reduce ~20% Reduce ~10% 20% over 2010。 • 长期目标(至2030年):2030年二氧化碳排放总量较2010年减排约30%。 • Long-term target (to 2030): by 2030, reduce total CO2 emissions by about 30% over 2010 。 1.8657M t 2010 Carbon emissions of buildings 1.351 million tons 526,000 tons 2010,1.866 million tons Reduce emissions by ~20% 1.047 million tons 430,000 tons 1.4652M t 2020 Carbon emissions of transport 1.3216M t 2030 Reduce emissions by ~10% 923,000 tons 410,000 tons 2020,1.466 million tons 2030,1.322 million tons (unit: 10000t) 4 4 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系的关键绩效指标 KPI of Yujiapu Financial District Low-carbon Town Index System 国际先进可持续城市的低碳发展计划普遍会有一个确定的碳消减总体目标。低碳生态城市则针对碳排放目标还会提 出一系列的关键指标作为达到总体目标的核心考核目标。 针对于家堡低碳总体目标和目标分解,于家堡从城市低碳运行的温室气体量化减排出发,提出具有先进性和示范性 的关键绩效指标。 The low-carbon development plan of an internationally advanced sustainable city universally contain a determined overall CERT. A low-carbon eco-city will put forth a series of key indexes for CERT as core assessment targets in order to achieve the overall target. In respect to the overall low-carbon target and target decomposition of Yujiapu, Yujiapu proceeds from quantitative GHG emission reduction of low-carbon city operation and puts forth advanced and exemplary KPI. 关键绩效指标 KPI C10 碳 金 融 与 碳 交 易 创 新 示 范 指 标 C10 Index for smart city C09 C09 Index for innovation and demonstration of carbon finance and carbon 地 下 空 间 综 合 利 用 指 标 trading C08 高 比 例 低 碳 出 行 指 标 C08 Index for comprehensive utilization of underground space C07 水 资 源 节 能 指 标 C07 Index for high-ratio low-carbon travel C06 高 密 度 低 碳 城 市 空 间 指 标 C06 Index for Conservation of water resources C05 室 内 空 气 质 量 指 标 C05 Index for high-density low-carbon urban space C04 区 域 能 源 集 约 供 应 指 标 C04 Index for Indoor air quality C03 高 星 级 绿 色 建 筑 覆 盖 指 标 Index for intensive regional energy supply C02 C02 Index for coverage of high-star green buildings C01 C01 All-level quantitative index for carbon emissions 碳 排 放 全 层 次 量 化 指 标 智 慧 城 市 指 标 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System Index category No. Index Value Low-carbon city operation Low-carbon economic development Low-carbon travel Low-carbon space organization Low-carbon resource utilization Low-carbon environmental protection Total carbon emissions Low-carbon environment Carbon intensity Time Reduce by 30% in 2030 over 2010 2030 ≤150 t/million dollars of GDP 2020 ≤4.4 t/person 2030 Per capita carbon emissions Green ratio of built-up areas Artificial environment 2020 Indoor PM2.5 daily average concentration Start from today Roof greening ratio 2020 Multi-level greening ratio 2020 Energy use Coverage rate of intensive regional energy supply 2020 Water resource utilization Daily per capita water consumption ≤90/person•day Unconventional water resource utilization rate Intensive land use Per capita area of land for construction Daily per capita garbage generation Garbage disposal Ratio of separate waste collection Green building Ratio of green buildings Urban space Ratio of small residential blocks Underground space utilization rate Urban space Underground vehicle traffic share rate Green transport Start from today 2020 ≤0.8kg/person·day Start from today Start from today 100%, ≥70% for buildings at or above 2 stars 2020 2020 2020 2020 Low-carbon travel ratio 2030 Mass transit share ratio 2030 Ratio of new-energy buses 2020 Transfer distance of public transit system ≤200m Economic vitality Ratio of R&D input to GDP Coverage rate of green procurement on public utilities Low-carbon Carbon emission investigation rate of large public buildings economy Carbon trading participation ratio of large public buildings Smart city Start from today ≤60m2/person Length ratio of integrated underground pipe racks 3D city 2020 Start from today 2020 2020 2030 Coverage rate of intelligent transport 2020 Coverage rate of smart grid 2020 Coverage rate of low-carbon system management service 2020 Low-carbon policy Perfection rate of low-carbon policy Construction time Implementer sequence Near term Mid termLong term Govern Enterprise Public ment 2030 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳环境 | 碳排放总量 Low-carbon environment | Total carbon emissions Reduce ~20% Reduce ~10% 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 计算方法/公式 Calculation method/formula 指区域内温室气体以CO2当量形式表示的排放总量,以万吨表示。 Refer to the total emission amount of GHG in the area expressed in form of CO2 equivalents. The unit is 10000 tons. 2020年碳排放量较2010年基准减排20%,2030年较2010年基准减排30% Reduce carbon emissions by 20% in 2020 over 2010, and 30% in 2030 over 2010 1.8657M t 2010 Carbon emissions of buildings 1.4652M t 2020 Carbon emissions of transport 国内首提 Put forth in the first time in China ■确定碳排放总量目标 ■Determine the target of total carbon emissions 详见于家堡碳排放计算报告 For more information, please refer to Yujiapu carbon emission calculation report. 国内参照值 Domestic reference value ■Hong Kong: Reduce total CO2 emissions by 19%~33% in 2020 over 2005; ■Xiamen: Control total CO2 emissions at 68.64 million tons in 2020; 国际参照值 Foreign reference value ■London: Plan to lower carbon emissions in 2025to 60% of the level in 1990; ■New York: Carbon emissions in 2030 will be reduced to about 70% of the level in 2005; ■Paris: In 2004, it proposed for lowering carbon emission level by 75% in 2050; ■Tokyo: Reduce carbon emissions by 25% in 2020 compared to 2000; ■Hammarby Sj Stad: Reduce carbon emissions by 50% in 2015 compared to other districts in 1990. 1.3216M t 2030 (unit: 10000t) 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳环境 | 碳强度 Low-carbon environment | Carbon intensity 指标定义 Definition 区域所有经济活动产生的二氧化碳排放当量与其国民生产总值的比值, 以吨/百万美元表示。 Refer to the ratio between CO2 emission equivalents generated by all economic activities in the area to the GDP of the area. The unit is t/million dollars. 2010 2020 2030 Carbon intensity (t/million dollars) 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 计算方法/公式 Calculation method/formula 单位GDP碳排放量≤150吨/百万美元(2020年) Carbon emissions of unit GDP≤150 t/million dollars (2020) 国内领先 Leading in China ■确定碳强度减排指标 ■Determine carbon intensity reduction index Carbon emission intensity = CO2 emission equivalents (t) GDP of the area (million dollars) 国内参照值 Domestic reference value ■Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-city index system: ≤150 t/million dollars (2013) ■Tianjin Southern New Town index system: ≤150t/million dollars ■Wuxi Taihu New Town • National Low-carbon Eco-city Demonstration Area planning index system: ≤90t/million dollars ■Qingdao Sino-German Eco-Park index system: ≤240t/million dollars (2015), ≤180t/million dollars (2020) ■Chongqing green, low-carbon and ecological urban area evaluation index system: ≤150t/million dollars ■Chinese low-carbon eco-city evaluation index system: ≤213t/million dollars (2015), ≤167t/million dollars (2020) 国际参照值 Foreign reference value ■Tokyo: 146t/million dollars ■New York: 173,000t/million dollars ■Paris: 112t/million dollars ■London: 162t/million dollars (以上数据在2000至2006年之间 The above data are for 2000~2006) 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳环境 | 人均碳排放 Low-carbon environment | Per capita carbon emissions 指标定义 Definition 区域内人口(生产和消费)活动排放的碳总量,用该区域的人口相除,以吨/ 人表示(此指标为碳排放人均指标)。 Refer to total carbon emissions generated from (production and consumption) activities of the people in the area divided by the population of the area. The unit is ton/person (this index is a per capita carbon emission index). 8 6 4 6.2 2 4.9 4.4 0 2010 2010年 2020 2020年 2030 2030年 人均碳排放(吨/人) Per capita carbon emissions (t/p) 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 计算方法/公式 Calculation method/formula 国内参照值 Domestic reference value 国际参照值 Foreign reference value 人均碳排放≤4.4吨/人(2030年)Per capita carbon emissions ≤4.4 t/person (2030) 国内领先(同等城市) Leading in China (equivalent cities) ■确定人均碳排放减排指标 Determine per capita CER index Per capita carbon emissions = CO2 emission equivalents (t) Population of the area (person) ■Langfang Wanzhuang Eco-City index system: ≤1t/person (2020) ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city index system: ≤4t/person ■Singapore: 7.86t/person (1994) ■New York: 10.2t/person (2005) ■Tokyo: 4.89t/person (2006) ■Seoul: 4.1t/person (2006) ■Vancouver: 4.9t/person (2006) ■Sydney: 0.88t/person (2006) ■Paris 5.2t/person (2005) 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 能源使用 | 区域能源集约供应覆盖率 Energy use | Coverage rate of intensive regional ener 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 采用新技术为区内建筑实行集中供热、集中供冷,综合利用城市电厂 余热、冰蓄冷等低碳能源和技术,以集约的手法探求区域低碳化路线 的区域能源供应占区域总能源供应的比例,以百分数表示。 区域能源集约供应覆盖率≥70%(2020年) Coverage rate of intensive regional energy supply≥70% (2020) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■能源集约供应,减少能源负荷,建筑能耗及碳排放;Intensive energy supply reduces energy load, and energy consumption and carbon emissions of buildings; ■减少能源机房建筑面积,降低建筑材料碳排放,节约冷热源投资;Reduce floor area of energy machine rooms, lower carbon emissions of building materials and save investment of cold and heat sources; ■专业合同能源管理,减少运营碳排放,节约运行费用。Professional EPC reduces carbon emissions of operation and saves operating cost. 计算方法/公式 Floor area of intensive regional energy supply Calculation Coverage rate of intensive regional energy supply = * 100% GFA of regional energy supply method/formula 国内参照值 Domestic reference value 国际参照值 Foreign reference value ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city index system (Coverage rate of heat and cold supply to public building areas) ≥54% N/A 无 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 绿色建筑 | 绿色建筑比例 Green building | Ratio of green buildings 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 建成区符合绿色建筑标准的建筑面面积占建成区总建筑面积的百分 比(临时建筑除外),以百分数表示。 Ratio between the floor area of the buildings conforming to the standard for green buildings in built-up areas to the gross floor area in built-up areas (except temporary buildings), expressed with percentage. 绿色建筑比例100%,二星级以上绿色建筑比例≥ 70%(2020年) The ratio of green buildings is 100%, and the ratio of green buildings at or above 2 stars is 70% at least (2020) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■通过建筑“四节”(节地、节能、节水、节材)减少能源、资源、材料等各方面减少碳排放。 ■Reduce carbon emissions through conservation of land, energy, water and materials. 建成区符合绿色建筑标准的建筑面积 高星级绿色建筑比例 = × 100% 建成区总建筑面积 计算方法/公式 Calculation Ratio of high-star green buildings = method/formula 国内参照值 Domestic reference value Floor area conforming to the standard for green buildings in built-up areas GFA of built-up areas * 100% ■Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-city index system: 100% (start from today) ■Tianjin Southern New Town ecological index system: 100% ■Tangshan Bay (Caofeidian) International Eco-city index system: 100% ■Weifang BEDA eco-construction index system: ≥75% (2020) ■Wuxi Taihu New Town • National Low-carbon Eco-city Demonstration Area panning index system: 100% ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city index system: 100% ■Qingdao Sino-German Eco-park ecological index system: 100% (2015) ■China low-carbon eco-city evaluation index system: 100% 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 立体城市 | 地下空间利用率 3D city | Underground space utilization rate 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 指建成区内地下空间开发建筑面积与规划建设用地面积之比(以百分数 表示)。 Ratio between the floor area of underground space development in the builtup areas and the planned area of land for construction (expressed with percentage). 地下空间利用率≥100%(2020年)Underground space utilization rate ≥100% (2020) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■节约城市用地,节约土地资源; ■Save urban land and land resources; ■多层次集约开发利用地下空间; ■Intensively develop and utilize underground space at multiple level; ■增加城市地面开敞景观空间; ■Increase urban open landscape space on the ground; ■城市功能垂直分布,减少交通排放。 ■Vertically distribute urban functions and reduce traffic emissions. 建成区内地下空间开发建筑面积 地下空间利用率 = × 100% 建成区建设用地面积 计算方法/公式 Underground space utilization rate = Floor area of underground space development in built-up areas Area of land for construction in built-up areas 国内参照值 国际参照值 * 100% ■长沙梅溪湖生态城指标体系: ≥35% ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city index system: ≥35% ■河北省生态宜居城市建设目标指标体系: ≥5% ■Hebei ecological and livable cities construction target index system: ≥5% ■重庆市绿色低碳生态城区评价指标体系:引导性指标,鼓励选择 ■Chongqing green, low-carbon and ecological urban area index system: directive index, encourage selection 无 N/A 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 立体城市 | 地下车行交通分担率 3D city | Underground vehicle traffic share rate 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 指区域内地下车行交通系统出行的交通量占总车行交通量的比率,以百 分数表示。 Refer to the ratio of traffic volume of underground vehicle traffic system to total vehicle traffic volume in the area. The unit is percentage. 地下车行交通分担率≥20%(2020年) Underground vehicle traffic share rate ≥20% (2020) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■节约城市用地,节约土地资源; ■Save urban land and land resources; ■多层次集约开发利用地下空间; ■Intensively develop and utilize underground space at multiple levels; ■增加城市地面开敞绿地种植空间; ■Increase urban open landscape space on the ground; ■城市功能垂直分布,减少交通排放。 ■Vertically distribute urban functions and reduce traffic emissions. 地下车行交通系统出行的交通量 地下车行交通分担率 = × 100% 总车行量 计算方法/公式 Underground vehicle traffic share rate = Traffic volume of underground vehicle transport system Total vehicle traffic volume 国内参照值 无 N/A 国际参照值 无 N/A * 100% 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-carbon Town Index System 绿色出行 | 低碳交通比例 Green travel | Low-carbon travel ratio 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 指区域内的居民在区内选择步行交通、自行车交通、轨道交通以及 常规公交车交通等出行的数量占总体出行数量的比例,以百分数表 示。 Refer to the ratio of the number of travels of residents in the area on foot, or by bicycle, rail transit or conventional bus to the total number of travels. The unit is percentage. 低碳交通出行比例≥80%(2030年)Low-carbon travel ratio ≥80% (2030) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■减少机动车出行,降低交通碳排放;Reduce travel by motor vehicle and lower carbon emissions of traffic; ■鼓励公交出行,保护环境,降低碳排放。Encourage travel by mass transit to protect environment and reduce carbon emissions. 计算方法/公式 Low-carbon travel ratio = Calculation method/formula 国内参照值 Domestic reference value 国际参照值 Foreign reference value No. of low-carbon travels of residents in the area Total number of travels * 100% ■Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-city index system: ≥30% (2013), ≥90% (2020) ■Tianjin Southern New Town ecological index system; ≥90% ■Shenzhen Guangming New District Green New Town construction index system: ≥80% (2015) ■Weifang BEDA eco-construction index system: ≥80% ■Wuxi Taihu New Town National Low-carbon Eco-city Demonstration Area planning index system: ≥80% ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city index system: Mass transit≥40% , non-motorized traffic≥40% ■China low-carbon eco-city evaluation index system: ≥80% ■库里蒂巴:71% ■Curitiba: 71% ■斯德哥尔摩:53% ■Stockholm: 53% ■阿姆斯特丹:66.1% ■Amsterdam: 66.1% 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 绿色交通 | 公共交通系统换乘距离 Green transport | Transfer distance of public transit sys 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 计算方法/公式 国内参照值 国际参照值 指行人经历从一个公共交通站点下车换乘另一公共交通站点上车的 水平距离。 Refer to the horizontal distance a passenger covers when he/she transfers from a public transit station/stop to another. 公共交通系统换乘距离≤200米(2020年)Transfer distance of public transit system≤200m (2020) 国际先进 Leading in the world ■缩短公交换乘距离,鼓励公交出行,减少私家车出行; ■Shorten public transit transfer distance, encourage travel by mass transit and reduce travel by private car; ■减少换成时间,增加公交运行效率。 ■Shorten transfer time and raise operating efficiency of mass transit. 无 N/A ■Changsha Meixi Lake Eco-city plans to arrange bus stops in a service radius of 300m. 19 conventional bus stops, 9 wharves, and Meixihu West Station, Luyunlu Station and Culture & Arts Center Station of Metro Line 2 are in the plan. Besides, around metro stations, convenient transfer connections are arranged (between metro and conventional bus, metro and walk, and metro and bicycle). ■Hong Kong subway network has 13 interchange stations. 9 of them can realize transfer on a same platform. The transfer time is only 15s. Each day, 45 million people take subway, same or similar to the metro passenger traffic of many tier-1 cities in mainland China, but even if at peak hours, crowding is seldom seen in Hong Kong, as seen in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. ■The metro transfer distance is short in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. Almost all passengers transfer in a same station. 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳经济 | 大型公共建筑碳盘查率 Low-carbon economy | Carbon emission investigation rate of large public buildings 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 进行ISO14064温室气体盘查的公共建筑的比率,以百分数表示。 Ratio of the public buildings receiving ISO14064 GHG emission investigation, expressed with percentage. 大型公共建筑碳盘查率 80%(2020年) Carbon emission investigation rate of large public buildings: 80% (2020) 国内首提 Put forth in the first time in China ■为碳交易做准备; ■Prepare for carbon trading; ■推动低碳城市可持续发展。 ■Promote sustainable development of low-carbon cities. 进行ISO14064温室气体盘查的公共建筑数量 大型公共建筑碳盘查率 = × 100% 总公共建筑数量 计算方法/公式 Calculation method/formula Carbon emission investigation rate of large public buildings = 国内参照值 Domestic reference value 国际参照值 Foreign reference value 无 N/A 无 N/A No. of public buildings receiving ISO14064 GHG emission investigation Total number of public buildings * 100% 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳经济 | 大型公共建筑参与碳交易的比例 Low-carbon economy | Carbon trading participation ratio of large public buildings 指标定义 Definition 参与碳排放权交易的大型公共建筑的数量占大型公共建筑总量的比 率,以百分数表示。 Ratio of the number of large public building participating in carbon emission trading to the total number of large public buildings, expressed with percentage. 赋值 大型公共建筑参与碳交易的比例 80%(2030年) Value Carbon trading participation ratio of large public buildings : 80% (2030) 指标水平 国内首提 Put forth in the first time in China Level 减碳关联 ■有效示范建筑碳交易; ■Set a good example for carbon trading of buildings; CER correlation ■引导活跃碳交易市场。 ■Guide and activate carbon trading market. 计算方法/公式 Carbon trading participation ratio of large No. of large public building participating in carbon emission trading * 100% Calculation Total number of large public buildings public buildings = method/formula 国内参照值 Domestic 无 N/A reference value 国际参照值 Foreign 无 N/A reference value 5 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 5 智慧城市 | 智能交通覆盖率 Smart city | Coverage rate of intelligent transport 指标定义 Definition 赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 减碳关联 CER correlation 计算方法/公式 Calculation method/formula 智能交通覆盖率指区域交通系统内具有道路监控、交通管理信息系 统及停车管理信息系统的交通网点数量占全区交通网点总数的比例, 以百分数表示。 Coverage rate of intelligent transport refers to the ratio of the number of traffic outlets with road monitoring, traffic management information system and parking management information system to the total number of traffic outlets in the area. The unit is percentage. 智能交通覆盖率100%(2020年) Coverage rate of intelligent transport: 100% (2020) 国际领先 Leading in the world ■智能引导分流车辆; ■Intelligently guide and divert vehicle traffic; ■优化机动车交通,降低交通碳排放; ■Optimize motor vehicle traffic to lower carbon emissions of traffic; ■引导停车,减少拥堵,降低交通碳排放。 ■Guide parking to mitigate traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions of traffic. 区域交通系统内具有智能交通网点数量 智能交通覆盖率 = × 100% 全区交通网点总数 Coverage rate of intelligent transport = No. of intelligent traffic outlets in the transport system of the area Total number of traffic outlets in the area 国内参照值 Domestic reference value 国际参照值 Foreign reference value 无 N/A 无 N/A * 100% 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系的分解与路径 Decomposition and Strategy of Yujiapu Financial District LowCarbon Town Index System 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 绿色建筑 | 绿色建筑比例 Green building | Ratio of green 指标赋值 100%,且二星以上70% buildings Value 指标水平 Level 指标分解 Decomposition 低碳路径 Low-carbon path 100%, above 70% for buildings at or above 2 stars 国际领先 Leading in the world ■In built-up areas, all buildings are green buildings and above 70% of the buildings are at or above 2 stars; ■Green construction ratio of buildings: 100%; ■Intelligent ratio of buildings: 100%. ■All conform to general indexes of green buildings: ① National standard “Evaluation Standard for Green Building”; ② Local standard “Tianjin Evaluation Standard for Green Building”; ■Evaluation of super high-rise green buildings: Comply with “Technical Rules for Evaluation of Green Super High-rise Building”; ■Super high-rise buildings: ① Select a structural system and reduce the use of reinforced concrete; ② Reduce light pollution of curtain wall; ③ Usage rate of energy-feedback elevators in super high-rise buildings: 100%; ④ Setting ratio of fresh air heat recovery: 100%; ⑤ High-performance building curtain wall enclosure system; ⑥ Control of buildings with sheer glass curtain wall (Tianjin Regulations for Planning Management); ⑦ Control of window-wall ratio in the south or other directions for super high-rise buildings; ⑧ Raise system energy efficiency of public buildings and adopt energy-efficient equipment; ⑨ Attach importance to green acceptance and energy system commissioning and management; ■Formulate a special plan for green buildings and encourage green evaluation according to international standards (such as: LEED and BREEAM). In built-up areas, all buildings are green buildings Index decomposition Above 70% of the buildings are at or above 2 stars Green construction ratio of buildings: 100%; intelligent ratio of buildings: 100%. Ratio of high-star green buildings All conform to general indexes of green buildings: 1. National standard “Evaluation Standard for Green Building”; 2. Local standard “Tianjin Evaluation Standard for Green Building”; Evaluation of super high-rise green buildings: “Technical Rules for Evaluation of Green Super High-rise Building” Characteristic indexes for super high-rise green buildings Select a structural system and reduce the use of reinforced concrete Path/strat egy Reduce light pollution of curtain wall Usage rate of energy-feedback elevators in super high-rise buildings: 100% Construction of hardware facilities Setting ratio of fresh air heat recovery: 100% High-performance building curtain wall enclosure system Control of buildings with sheer glass curtain wall (Tianjin Regulations for Planning Management) Control of window-wall ratio in the south or other directions for super high-rise buildings Raise system energy efficiency of public buildings and adopt energy-efficient equipment Attach importance to green acceptance and energy system commissioning and management 6 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 立体城市 | 地下空间利用率 3D city | Underground space utilization 指标赋值 rate ≥100% Value 指标水平 Level 指标分解 Decomposition 低碳路径 Low-carbon path 国际领先 Leading in the world ■Connectivity rate of underground garages: 100%; ■Parking ratio of underground garages: 90%; ■Connectivity rate between underground rail transit stations and buildings above them: 100%; ■Connectivity rate between above-ground landscape parks and underground commerce and transport: 100% ■Ratio of underground commercial space: 50%; ■Utilization of multilevel underground space: Spatial multilevel underground development; ■Comprehensive utilization of multifunction underground space; the functions cover transportation, commerce and municipal services. Connectivity rate of underground garages: 100% Parking ratio of underground garages: 90% Connectivity rate between underground rail transit stations and buildings above them: 100% Index decomposition Underground space utilization rate Connectivity rate between above-ground landscape parks and underground commerce and transport: 100% Ratio of underground commercial space: 50% Utilization of multilevel underground space: Spatial multilevel underground development Path/strategy Comprehensive utilization of multifunction underground space; the functions cover transportation, commerce and municipal services 6 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 6 低碳经济 | 大型公共建筑碳盘查率 Low-carbon economy | Carbon emission investigation r of large public buildings 指标赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 指标分解 Decomposition 低碳路径 Low-carbon path ≥80% 国内首提 Put forth in the first time in China ■The popularity rate of carbon emission investigation technology among large public buildings is 90% or above; ■Ratio of the number of technicians for carbon emission investigation of large public buildings to total number of people: ≥10%. ■Intensify publicity and education of GHG emission reduction; ■Strengthen training of GHG emission investigators and form a technical team; ■Encourage enterprises to adopt GHG audit conducted by a thirdparty certification institution; ■Strengthen the unity and renewal of quantitative technical standards. Carbon emission investigation rate of large public buildings Index decomposi tion The popularity rate of carbon emission investigation technology among large public buildings is 90% or above Ratio of the number of technicians for carbon emission investigation of large public buildings to total number of people: ≥10%. Intensify publicity and education of GHG emission reduction Path/strat egy Strengthen training of GHG emission investigators and form a technical team Encourage enterprises to adopt GHG audit conducted by a thirdparty certification institution Strengthen the unity and renewal of quantitative technical standards 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系 Yujiapu Financial District Low-Carbon Town Index System 低碳经济 | 大型公共建筑参与碳交易的比例 Low-carbon economy | Carbon trading participation ratio of large public buildings 指标赋值 Value 指标水平 Level 指标分解 Decomposition 低碳路径 Low-carbon path ≥80% 国内首提 Put forth in the first time in China ■Coverage rate of e-trading of carbon trading platforms: 100%; ■Carbon trading participation ratio of enterprises annually emitting more than 20,000t of carbon on average: 100%. ■Establish a scientific quota distribution system, adopt an electronic system and prevent power rent-seeking; ■Encourage voluntary emission trading ■Collect carbon tax from enterprises with high emissions; ■Establish a trading platform and announce and supervise trading information; ■Establish a system of qualification verification and management by third-party certification institution. ■Track international standards and guide local authorities to supplement standards and technical codes according to national conditions. CER correlation Carbon trading participation ratio of large public buildings Index decompositi on Path/strateg y Make use of carbon emission trading market, promote carbon capitalization and guide and encourage low-carbon development of enterprises Coverage rate of e-trading of carbon trading platforms: 100%; Carbon trading participation ratio of enterprises annually emitting more than 20,000t of carbon on average: 100%. Quota distribution Adopt an electronic system and prevent power rent-seeking system Establish a trading system and platform A third-party certification institution audits the reports on carbon emission investigation of large public buildings and issues certification reports Announce and supervise trading information Establish a system of qualification verification and management by a third-party certification institution Normalize technical Track international standards standards Normalize Formulate local supplementary standards and technical technical standards codes according to national conditions 6 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标 体系实施 Implementation and Evaluation of Yujiapu Financial District LowCarbon Town Index System 实施路径 实施政策 Implementation path Implementation policy 7 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系实施与评估 指标体系的实施路径 Centralized energy supply Total amount control Economic leverage 低碳能源 Bus support Rail backup Advocate non-motorized traffic Low-carbon energy Mixed functions “Builders’ home” 低碳交通 公共服务 事业 Low-carbon transport Publicize low-carbon city Advocate low-carbon life Public service Regional planning Individual building 低碳建筑 低碳系统 管理 Building system Low-carbon construction Low-carbon system management Transport system Riverside park · low-carbon culture North park · low-carbon transport Perception building · low-carbon innovation Riverside park · zero-carbon center Energy management system Public service system Security system 低碳技术 展示 Display of low-carbon technologies 7 于家堡金融区低碳城镇指标体系实施与评估 指标体系在低碳城市规划控制中的应用——建筑能耗控制与碳交易 Building energy consumption control and carbon trading -77.12% Building A 楼宇A 建筑减排 42.8万吨 碳量计算 carbon calculation 居住建筑:80kwh/㎡∙a 办公建筑:110kwh/㎡∙a 碳排放量控制图 carbon emission control chart 碳排放审查 carbon emission investigation 建筑能耗控制与碳交易 楼宇A 楼宇B 楼宇C Building energy consumption control and carbon trading 碳交易 carbon trading Thank You 电子邮箱:low-carbon@tenio.com 官方微博:weibo.com/tilcinstitute