Green Economy and BRICS Olga Ponizova, Eco-Accord, Russia Topics: To share thoughts on green economy and its importance for BRICS; To share thoughts on climate change process and BRICS; To suggests ways of cooperation among BRICS countries on Green Economy, in particular on Climate Change and LowCarbon Economy. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa = BRICS • Rapid economic development • Geographical and demographic importance • Old civilisations • Necessity for development and poverty eradication • Rich natures BRICS and global stability: Остальные страны 61,42% Россия 9,60% Китай 4,93% Sourse; Bobylev, MSU Бразилия 7,06% Австралия 6,52% США 5,22% Канада 5,25% Green Economy: No officially agreed definition; UNEP: Green economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression. Features: * low-carbon energy (especially renewable energy and resource of energy efficient technologies); • sustainable water supply systems, water and sanitation, and waste management; • sustainable production of food (organic, biodynamic farming and sustainable practices for livestock) • the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; • sustainable transport system, with an emphasis on public transport, planting the automotive industry; • sustainable tourism; • green jobs, sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods that provide social justice and equality and establish concrete measures in order to progress and prosperity; • Reforming International Environmental Governance: global policy and economic nstitutions Tools: - Appropriate pricing , including phase-out of inefficient subsidy, assessment of natural resources in monetary terms and the introduction of taxes that harm the environment; - Public procurement policies that encourage the production of environmentally friendly products and use of the principles of sustainable production methods; - Reforming the system of "environmental" tax, involving a shift from taxes on labor to taxes on pollution; - Increase public investment s in infrastructure, based on SD principles (including public transport, renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings) and natural capital to restore, maintain and, where possible, increase the volume of natural capital; - Targeted government support for research and development related to the creation of environmentally sound technologies; - Social policies to ensure consistency between the goals in the social field and the existing or proposed economic policies. International Context: • February, 2009. - 25th Session of the UNEP Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum - green economy report. • April, 2009. -UN Communique on nine joint initiatives to tackle the crisis, one of which was the initiative of the green economy. • June, 2009. – Green Growth Declaration (OECD). • June, 2009. - More than 20 UN Agencies mentioned green economy at the UN Conference on Global Economic and Financial Crisis and Development • September, 2009. - UNEP report to G20 in Pittsburg • December, 2009. UN GA decision on Rio +20 * 2010 – G20 in Toronto • 2010 - ESCAP meeting • 2011 - UN ECE meeting * 2012 – Rio+20 BRICS Leaders Meeting Declaration Sanya, China, 14 April 2011 III. New proposals to explore 3. Explore the feasibility to cooperate in the field of green economy. Green Economy Benefits, UNEP: stimulate economic progress new jobs at the same time reducing the risks of global threats such as climate change, loss of ecosystem services and water scarcity. In the short term "green economy" is able to provide GDP growth, increasing per capita income and employment in the same or even higher rates than the traditional "brown" economy. In the medium to long term "green economy" will overtake "brown" and also give much greater benefits for the environment and reduce social inequality. Green Economy: financing For the 2012-2050 years. only 2% of global GDP should be invested in ten key sectors: agriculture, housing and utilities, energy, fisheries, forestry, industry, tourism, transport, disposal and recycling of waste and water management. Wise financial policy Green Economy risks/concerns Green protectionism (wind power, aviation, carbon taxes); Lack of Social Inclusiveness (e.g. no new jobs or “dirty” jobs; The concept will be used as pure environmental; The same approach for different countries, without specific situation. Good practice: Renewable Energy in China Sustainable urban planning in Brazil Rural ecological infrastructure in India ccessStories/tabid/29863/Default.aspx Green Economy: Obstacles Lack of awareness on the GE concept; Lack of proper understanding of Lack of capacity to implement the concept in full; Difficulties to International economic rules don’t often promote GE concept (WTO) Possibilities of cooperation: Common actions again green-protectionism; Common position at the international fora (WTO etc.); Research on cost and benefit of GE for BRICS and “feasibility to cooperate in the field of green economy” – new BRICS TERN initiative? Exchange of experience, among different stakeholders - governments, civil society groups, farmers, business(BRICS Green Economy Forum?) Technological cooperation. Share of Countries in CO2 emissions Under UNFCC: Only Russia is included in Annex 1. China - will endeavor to lower its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45% by 2020 compared to the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 15% by 2020 and increase forest coverage by 40 million hectares and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters by 2020 from the 2005 levels. South Africa – 34% below BAU 2020; conditional 42% BAU by 2020 India - will endeavour to reduce the emissions intensity of its GOP by 20-25% by 2020 in comparison to the 2005 level. Brazil -36.1-38.9% of projected emissions by 2020 Russia - 15-25 %/1990/2020, the range of the GHG emission reductions will depend on the following conditions: - Appropriate accounting of the potential of Russia’s forestry in frame of contribution in meeting the obligations of the anthropogenic emissions reduction; - Undertaking by all major emitters the legally binding obligations to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions. Some developments in India and Brazil: Brazil has established a stock exchange for voluntary carbon units which may precede a domestic trading scheme; • • • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s second richest state, recently announced to launch an ETS for its largest emitters between 2013 and 2015. India has not shown much propensity for a domestic ETS due both to political and institutional reasons; However, trading schemes for energy efficiency and renewable energy are already in place. Some development in China: China has made concrete steps towards the creation of regional ETS in various cities and provinces. Newer announcements even envisage the creation of a national system by 2015. However, these plans are still at early stages, and differ widely in their institutional designs. For example, - Guangdong is likely to put in place a trading system based on absolute emission caps, - Tianjin and Beijing have indicated that their trading schemes might be based on energy saving credits. However, the implementation pathway is as yet unclear. The question is in particular how the very diverse design choices of the envisaged pilot schemes are to be aligned to form a convergent system on such short notice. Possible cooperation on carbon market-based– mechanisms development -exchange of experience; - joint research and analytical work; - capacity building; - seminars and conferences. The project could contribute to the new global CC agreement and reduce risks for “carbon protectionism” from EU and other countries with ETS. BRICS Leaders Meeting Declaration Sanya, China, 14 April 2011 22. We support the Cancun Agreements and are ready to make concerted efforts with the rest of the international community to bring a successful conclusion to the negotiations at the Durban Conference applying the mandate of the Bali Roadmap and in line with the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities. We commit ourselves to work towards a comprehensive, balanced and binding outcome to strengthen the implementation of the UNFCC and its Kyoto Protocol. The BRICS will intensify cooperation on the Durban conference. We will enhance our practical cooperation in adapting our economy and society to climate change. 8. We support the development and use of renewable energy resources. ..We are convinced of the importance of cooperation and information exchange in the field of development of renewable energy resources. Possible BRICS cooperation: Common position on climate change negotiations reflecting reality and SD approach; Research, e.g.economic scnario of emissions reduction; Exchange of experience of different stakeholders; Technology cooperation; Concrete projects (carbon market-based– mechanisms development)