LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies West Yorkshire / West Midlands Low Emission Strategy Planning Guidance IAQM, September 25th 2013 Andrew Whittles Managing Director Low Emission Strategies Ltd LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Contents • Evolution • Guidance • National Planning Policy Framework • West Yorkshire / West Midlands LES Guidance • Conclusions Exposure LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Blackheath Road, Greenwich LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies “Greenwich hope to improve air quality by piping clean air in from Bexley” AQB, 2001 LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Greenwich Peninsula LEZ LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Greenwich Millenium Village LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Greenwich Peninsula LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Lower Lea Valley Olympic Site LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies LES Ltd London Guidance Low Emission Strategies Applicable Range Nitrogen Dioxide Annual Mean > 5% below national objective Applicable Range PM10 Recommendation Annual Mean: > 5% below national objective 24 hr: > 1-day less thannational objective No air quality grounds for refusal; however mitigation of any emissions should be considered. APEC – B Between 5% below or above national objective Annual Mean: Between 5% above or below national objective 24 hr: Between 1-day above or below national objective. May not be sufficient air quality grounds for refusal, however appropriate mitigation must be considered e.g., Maximise distance from pollutant source, proven ventilation systems, parking considerations, winter gardens, internal layout considered and internal pollutant emissions minimised. APEC – C > 5% above national objective Annual Mean: > 5% above national objective 24 hr: > 1-day more than national objective. Refusal on air quality grounds should be anticipated, unless the Local Authority has a specific policy enabling such land use and ensure best endeavours to reduce exposure are incorporated. Worker exposure in commercial/industrial land uses should be considered further. Mitigation measures must be presented with air quality assessment, detailing anticipated outcomes of mitigation measures. APEC – A London Councils, 2007 LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Thames Gateway Bridge Design LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Emirates Cable Car LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Tesco, Woolwich 2013 LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Low Emission Strategies LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Mitigation Measures Construction Phase Low Emission Strategy / Scheme Elements: - On-road vehicle specification1 - Recharge/refuel infrastructure - NRMM22Specification3 - Sustainable delivery strategy Operational Phase Low Emission Strategy / Scheme Elements: - Differential parking levy4 - Priority parking5 - Emission specified parking5 - EV dedicated parking5 - Low Emission Taxi Rank5,6,7 - Alternative fuel infrastructure6,7 - Fleet emission specification1 - Fleet emission strategy1 - Procurement strategy1,8 - Bicycle/E- bike rental scheme6,7 - Car club6,7 - Low Emission car club6,7 - Resident incentives9 - Employee incentives9 - Visitor incentives9 - Information networks6,10 - Waste to fuel segregation, collection/process6,7,11,12 Development Type Applicability Residential Commercial Industrial Notes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 See Table – Low Emission Technologies: Applicability and Availability Denotes Non-Road Mobile Machinery 3 See London Code: Reducing Emissions from Construction & Demolition Sites (Greater London Authority) 2 Where charge is levied on off-street parking Off-street parking provision 6 Option for provision by scheme off-set 7 Consideration may be required of adoption of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). CIL allows for capital (non-revenue) costs 8 Recommended/required via contract/restrictive covenant 9 Incentives may include store/club card /leisure facility discounts etc 10 Information internet/other media concerning low emission strategy options,/impact of options 11 Consideration to segregation of waste, capable of providing renewable fuel, and disposal/processing into low emission fuels 12 Local authorities may consider upgrade of vehicle technologies concerning RCVs/vans and community transport provision 5 LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies National Planning Policy Framework LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Planning policies should sustain compliance with and contribute towards EU limit values or national objectives for pollutants, taking into account the presence of Air Quality Management Areas and the cumulative impacts on air quality from individual sites in local areas. Planning decisions should ensure that any new development in Air Quality Management Areas is consistent with the local air quality action plan (Paragraph 124) NPPF.... LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Planning policies should sustain compliance with and contribute towards EU limit values or national objectives for pollutants, taking into account the presence of Air Quality Management Areas and the cumulative impacts on air quality from individual sites in local areas. Planning decisions should ensure that any new development in Air Quality Management Areas is consistent with the local air quality action plan or low emission strategy (Paragraph 124) (DCLG website 2013) NPPF... LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for the movement of goods or people. Therefore, developments should be located and designed where practical to: - incorporate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles; and consider the needs of people with disabilities by all modes of transport (Paragraph 35) LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies NPPF... If setting local parking standards for residential and nonresidential development, local planning authorities should take into account: -an overall need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles (Paragraph 39) Bradford Low Emission Strategy - Foreword LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies “The existence of a black pall of smoke over the town is quite unnecessary to the trade of Bradford…the existence of the unnatural and unhealthy condition of the atmosphere is highly prejudicial.....” said Dr. Thomas W Hime, Medical Officer of Health for Bradford, in his annual report to the Council in 1884. At Bradford Council we have long recognised that clean air is fundamental for the district to prosper, and be an attractive place to live, work and invest. The adoption of our Air Quality Strategy in April 2011 continued the council’s commitment to protect the health of its residents. Transport is now the major contributor to our air quality problems. This Low Emission Strategy outlines how the council will work with the public and the private sector, and with other stakeholders, to implement measures which reduce the impact of emissions from traffic on public health and air quality, whilst simultaneously contributing to the regeneration of our economy. Cllr Andrew Thornton: Portfolio holder for Environment, Sport & Sustainability LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies West Yorkshire Low Emission Strategy LES Ltd Public Health Low Emission Strategies LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Percentage of Deaths Attributable to PM2.5 (Defra 2012) Development Classification Table Scheme Type Threshold LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Minor Medium Major Below DfT threshold criteria for Meets DfT threshold criteria for Medium type developments Transport Assessment and Transport Assessment and which also trigger any of the Travel Plan (TA/TP) Travel Plan (TA/TP) following criteria: Or where the development is for any B2 or B8 use falling below the major classification . i) Where development requires an EIA ii) Where development is likely to increase traffic flows by more than 5% on roads with >10,000 AADT or change average vehicle speeds by > 10 kph/likely to cause increased congestion iii) Where a development requires a Transport Assessment and HGV movements are =/> 10% of total trips Assessment None (other than for exposure) None (other than for exposure) Air Quality Assessment required including an evaluation of changes in vehicle related emissions Mitigation Type 1 Types 1 and 2 (Mitigation should be included within Travel Plan) Types 1,2 and 3 (Mitigation should be included within Travel Plan LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Where the proposed development falls within the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999. Where the proposed development falls within the Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000. Proposals that could increase the existing traffic flow on roads of > 10,000 AADT by 5% or more or change average speeds by more than 10kph Proposals that include additional HGV movements more than 10% of total trips. Proposals that introduce biomass energy/heating plant into the urban environment. Where significant demolition and construction works are proposed. Mitigation and Compensation LES Ltd Development Type Assessment Required Compensation Minor None (other than Type 1 for exposure) - Medium None (other than Type 1 and 2 for exposure) - Major Full AQ Assessment in line with Council Guidance, including evaluation of emission and concentration changes Type 3 Mitigation Type 1 and 2 Low Emission Strategies Type 1 – EV Recharging Standards Provision Rate LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Residential Commercial/Retail Industrial 1 charging point per unit (house with dedicated parking) 10% of parking spaces (this may be phased with 5% provision initially and a further 5% trigger) 10% of parking spaces (this may be phased with 5% provision initially and a further 5% trigger) 1 charging point per 10 spaces (unallocated parking) To prepare for increased demand in future years, appropriate cable provision for increased provision should be included in scheme design and development in agreement with the local authority Where Travel Plans are required, recommended EV re-charging provision should be detailed within them, including future proofing through the provision of cabling ... LES Ltd Type 1 – Construction Standards Minor Appropriate Code of Construction Practice Best Practice Guidance Small Scale Major Best Practice Guidance Low Emission Strategies Large Scale Major Best Practice Guidance Diesel exhaust emission controls on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM - 37 kwh power rating or above) should be required on sensitive sites at the discretion of the local authority LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Type 2 – Standard Mitigation for Scheme Sustainability Mitigation Travel Plan (where required), including mechanisms for discouraging high emission vehicle use and encouraging the uptake of low emission fuels and technologies Designation of parking spaces for low emission vehicles Differential parking charges depending on vehicle emissions All commercial vehicles should comply with either current or previous European Emission Standards from store opening, to be progressively maintained for the lifetime of the development Fleet operations should provide a strategy for considering and reducing emissions, including possibilities for the take up of low emission fuels and technologies Use of ultra low emission service vehicles LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Damage Cost Calculation Road Transport Emission Increase = ∑ [Estimated trip rate for 5 years X Emission rate per 10 km per vehicle type X Damage costs] LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Type 3 – Additional Mitigation/Compensation for Scheme Acceptability Mitigation / Compensation On-street EV recharging Contribution to low emission vehicle refuelling infrastructure Car clubs Low emission bus service provision Low emission waste collection services Bike/e-bike hire schemes Contribution to renewable fuel and energy generation projects Incentives for the take-up of low emission vehicle technologies and fuels Air Quality Monitoring programmes LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Low Emission Travel Plans Avoid vehicle use Shift Improve to sustainable transport modes emissions of vehicle parc LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Damage Cost Calculation Road Transport Emission Increase = ∑ [Estimated trip rate for 5 years X Emission rate per 10 km per vehicle type X Damage costs] LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Damage Cost Calculation Road Transport Emission Increase = ∑ [Estimated trip rate for 5 years X Emission rate per 10 km per vehicle type X Damage costs] LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Damage Cost Calculation Road Transport Emission Increase = ∑ [Estimated trip rate for 5 years X Emission rate per 10 km per vehicle type X Damage costs] LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies IGCB Damage Costs – Defra (2010) Sensitivities Central Estimate (1) (2) (2) NOX £955 £744 £1,085 SOX £1,633 £1,320 £1,856 Ammonia £1,972 £1,538 £2,241 £28,140 £22,033 £31,978 £9,703 £7,598 £11,027 PM Waste £20,862 £16,335 £23,708 PM Industry £25,229 £19,753 £28,669 £2,426 £1,900 £2,757 PM Transport Average £48,517 £37,987 £55,133 PM Transport Central London PM Transport Inner £221,726 £173,601 £251,961 £228,033 £178,540 £259,129 PM Transport Outer £148,949 £116,621 £169,261 PM Transport Inner Conurbation £117,899 £92,309 £133,975 PM Transport Outer Conurbation £73,261 £57,362 £83,252 PM Transport Urban Big £87,332 £68,377 £99,241 PM Transport Urban Large £70,351 £55,081 £79,944 PM Transport Urban Medium £55,310 £43,305 £62,853 PM Transport Urban Small £34,932 £27,351 £39,696 PM Rural £15,041 £11,776 £17,091 PM Domestic PM Agriculture PM ESI LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Emission Factor Toolkit (Defra) http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/review-and-assessment/tools/emissions.html#eft LES Ltd Bradford Waste PFI – Planning Condition Low Emission Strategies A Low Emission Strategy for the operations at the site and its associated road transport shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority 12 months from implementation of this planning decision notice. The Low Emission Strategy shall include, amongst other matters; i) Assessment of Low Emission Vehicle technology and infrastructure (e.g. Electric Vehicle dedicated parking and charging, gas refuelling station etc) ii) Assessment of fleet emission specification (e.g. current best practice - this may be current Euro standard vehicles). This should include all vehicles forming part of the operation and accessing the site, such as refuse collection vehicles, bulk transfer vehicles, forklifts, heavy goods vehicles, staff vehicles etc iii) Assessment of Procurement policy (including planned vehicle replacement and suppliers of other goods and services) iv) Measures such as eco-driving (driver training and technological aids to eco-driving), and policies regarding vehicle idling. The Low Emission Strategy shall have targets for emission reduction and timescales, with pollution savings quantified. At the end of each calendar year an implementation plan shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which on approval shall be fully implemented in accordance with the details and measures so approved. The Low Emission Strategy shall take into account future changing standards and available technologies and be updated accordingly in agreement with the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of improving air quality, reducing green house gases and ensuring that the effects on the environment and occupants of adjoining land is minimised, in accordance with policies UR3, P1, P8 and P11 of the Replacement Unitary Development Plan and paragraphs 30 and 120 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Low Emission Strategies: LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies • Bradford • York • West Midlands • West Yorkshire • Sussex / Horsham • Merseyside • Leicester • Northampton • Southampton • Sheffield • Exeter • Colchester • Scotland Conclusions LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies • Clarity / certainty – define ‘sustainability’ in AQ terms • Level playing field • Acknowledges cumulative impact / seeks incremental benefit • Core Strategies / AQAP / Low Emission Strategies • Workloads • Damage costs / HMRC Green Book – AQ Supplement • Travel Plans • Section 106 / CIL • Euro Standards / diesel / low emission technology readiness • Public Health / HIA • Innovation / opportunity /precedent • Communication LES Ltd Low Emission Strategies Thank you! andrew@whittles.demon.co.uk sally.jones@bradford.gov.uk popplewellv@walsall.gov.uk sdouglas@wakefield.gov.uk nigel.jenkins@lewes.gov.uk