Shared Services: Baker Water Treatment Plant Paul Cook Irvine Ranch Water District General Manager February 21, 2013 Background on IRWD About Irvine Ranch Water District Water, Wastewater, Water Recycling, Urban Runoff California Special District governed by a publicly-elected Board IRWD customer base: • Residential population: 350,000 • Daytime population: over 500,000 • Service connections: 102,381 IRWD service area: • 181 square miles (20% of Orange County) • All or part of six cities and unincorporated county: Irvine Tustin Orange Lake Forest Newport Beach Costa Mesa 3 About the Irvine Ranch Water District IRWD services and system statistics: Potable Water: Three treatment plants, 25 wells, 1,500 miles of pipelines Wastewater: Nearly 1,000 miles of sewage collection pipelines Recycled Water: Two water recycling facilities (28 MGD + 5.5 MGD) and approximately 500 miles of recycled water pipelines Urban Runoff Treatment: The San Joaquin Marsh and 31 built and planned man-made wetland treatment sites IRWD Shared Services Baker Water Treatment Plant Baker Water Treatment Plant Project Objectives: 1. Improve potable water supply reliability for southern Orange County by constructing a local regional water treatment facility. 2. Collaborate with multiple retail water agencies to optimize treatment capacity and conveyance. 3. Design facility to treat raw water from three sources, blended or as individual sources. 4. Utilize modern treatment technology to produce water that meets standards stricter than current regulatory requirements. 5. Minimize waste by operating plant at greater than 99% recovery efficiency. Advanced water treatment facility with microfiltration membranes, UV disinfection, and chloramines for residual disinfection Baker Water Treatment Plant Diemer Plant Why this project? • Optimize available capacity in the Baker Pipeline. (43.5 cfs; 28,200 AFY; 63,300 homes) Why at IRWD? • Utilize existing storage and conveyance facilities. • IRWD operates other membrane treatment facilities. At what cost? • Total cost estimate: $79 million. • All-in cost: $898 per acre-foot. Baker Pipeline Lower Feeder Santiago Lateral Irvine Lake Lake Mathews AMP Baker Plant Site South County Pipeline South OC Regional Imported Water Distribution System Baker Water Treatment Plant Multi-agency project with six primary stakeholders Capacity Ownership Split: Agency Flow Rate, cfs (MGD) Capacity ETWD 5.0 (3.2) 11.5% IRWD 10.5 (6.8) 24.1% MNWD 13.0 (8.4) 29.9% SMWD 13.0 (8.4) 29.9% TCWD 2.0 (1.3) 4.6% TOTAL 43.5 (28.1) 100.0% * MWDOC does not own capacity, but participated in the Feasibility Study and will facilitate the purchases of untreated water from the Metropolitan Water District. Moulton Niguel Water District Site Is Part of Overall IRWD Baker Property Project Site at Construction Completion 16 MG RESERVOIR 16 MG RESERVOIR PRODUCT WATER PUMP STATION CT BASIN IRWD Contact Information Paul Cook IRWD General Manager Phone: (949) 435-5590 E-mail: 12