This Briefing is Unclassified UNCLASSIFIED 45th Space Wing Financial Look Ahead Cecil D. O’Bryan Jr., P.E. 45 CES/CEZ 17 Jan 13 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Overview UNCLASSIFIED • Purpose: • Provide SAME members with an overview of funding sources, existing contracts, and contract avenues • Provide SAME members a look at potential design and construction projects for FY13 • Agenda: • • • • • • Terminology and Fund Sources FY13 MILCON Outlook AFSPC and AFCEC Time Lines and Strategy Contracting Avenues Potential Multi Year Contracts Potential FY13 Construction Program UNCLASSIFIED 2 Fund Sources and Terminology UNCLASSIFIED • Sustainment Restoration and Modernization (SRM): • • • • • • Sustainment is maintenance Restoration and Modernization is repair and new work Bulk of our projects Repair, maintenance, and construction of small structures Sometimes referred to as Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Sources: AFSPC, Wing and Mission Partners • Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF): • Not your tax dollars—profits from club facilities (Tides, Golf Course, Bowling Alley) • Used to support these activities • Sources: Local and centrally managed • DBEH (Cape Canaveral), SXHT(Patrick), YXTK(Ascension), ALMY(Antigua), NYRL (Malabar), JJAE (Jonathan Dickenson) UNCLASSIFIED 3 Where Our Funds Come From UNCLASSIFIED Special Programs Medical Mission Partners Air Force SRM NAF Energy 45 SW MILCON This all changes with sequestration UNCLASSIFIED 4 How SRM Dollars Flow UNCLASSIFIED FY11 SRM $ - HAF MAJCOMS Wings/PRV FB Pri Funded Projects FY12 RM RM Matrix FB Pri MAJCOM Pri HAF Pri Funded Projects FY13 RM & SUS > $5M SRM Matrix FB Pri MAJCOM Pri HAF Pri Funded Projects FY14 RM & all SUS (Proposed) SRM Matrix FB Pri MAJCOM Pri HAF Pri Funded Projects UNCLASSIFIED 5 What’s Does This Year Have in Store for Us UNCLASSIFIED • Potentially new open ended AE Contract—most likely 8A • Centralization does not include small projects—CE is working on how to address and fund these requirements • Centralization of large sustainment projects—reduced everyone's distribution to fund this new class of projects • R&M Funding and large sustainment project funded on a score—not our local priorities UNCLASSIFIED 6 AFSPC Strategy and Timelines UNCLASSIFIED • Initial Distribution • Authority to advertise (R&M, Energy & Demo) mid Nov • Authority to advertise (Sustainment) 30 Jan • Straddle Authority issued (Jun/Jul) • Straddle A--Funds are guaranteed for last quarter FY13 or 1st qtr FY14 • Straddle B--Funds not guaranteed UNCLASSIFIED 7 Contract Avenues UNCLASSIFIED • • • • • • • • • • • • • Open ended A-E Services (CDE) Request for Proposal (RFP) – Price Performance Trade-Off Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements (SABER) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)-Paving, Roofing, Paint 8A, Hub Zone, SDVOB, Women Owned Army Corps of Engineers Infrastructure, Operations, Maintenance and Services Contract (IOMS) – INDYNE Eastern Range Technical Support Contract (ERTS) - CSR Range Architect-Engineering and Inspection Services (RAEIS)-TBD Launch Operations Support Contract (LOSC)- SCLS Navy (NAVFAC) AFCEC GSA UNCLASSIFIED 8 FY13 Funds Received UNCLASSIFIED Project Nbr ALMY051902 DBEH041643 DBEH051514 DBEH111705 DBEH111720 DBEH121710 SXHT071037P2 Project Title Construct Fence, Telemetry Boresight Antenna Maintain R/W Clear Zone, Phase 2 Maintain Airfield Markings, CCAFS Repair Roofs, CCAFS Maintain Paint/Finishes Repair Roads & Parking, CCAFS Repair Pavement on Rescue Road, Phase 2 SXHT111023 SXHT111049 SXHT111051 SXHT121074B SXHT121074C SXHT095000 SXHT941012B SXHT111045 SXHT071068 SXHT111096 Construct Lighting, Tennis Court Const Lighting, S. Housing Adult Softball Field Repair South Housing Soccer Field and Parking Repair Warfit Field Construct Well at Warfit Field Repair Marina Docks D, E & F Repair South Airfield Overrun Repair/Upgrade Lighting/Controls, Central Various Repair Electrical Panel & Feeders, Facility 988 Repair Water Distribution System Leaks YXTK111900 Repair Lighting Various Energy Energy YXTK111901 Repair AC Units Various Energy UNCLASSIFIED Fund Source SMC SRM SRM SRM SRM SRM SRM NAF NAF NAF NAF NAF NAF SRM Energy Energy 9 Potential SRM Funding Project Nbr DBEH051685 DBEH061537 DBEH091610 DBEH101549 DBEH101706 DBEH131735 DBEH101739 DBEH121572 Multi SXHT071033 SXHT081048 SXHT101090C SXHT121001 SXHT121015 SXHT121059 SXHT121136 SXHT131000 YXTK091812 YXTK111809 UNCLASSIFIED Project Title Const Lightning Protection, Wastewater Treatment Plant Repair Storm Drain, AF Wharf Construct HVAC System At MSA#2 Storage Magazine Repair Fire Water Line, ITL Area, (LET) Repair Transformers and Switches, CX 40 (LET) Repair High Voltage Transformers (LET) Demolish Lawn Mower Equip Bldg CX 30, Facility 56926 Demolish Lube Storage, Facility 84922 Repair Storm Damage, PAFB, CCAFS Repair Hangar 313 Repair Mill And Overlay Apron, N & S Ramps, Bldg 810 Repair/Expand Base Stormwater Canals Repair HVAC, Dining Facility B350 Maintain Paint Various Facilities Airfield Paint/Rubber Removal Rpr Kitchen Hoods, Airman Dining Hall Construct Emergency Booster Pump Station Repair Electrical Distribution Line, TLM Hill Repair Potable Water Header Piping UNCLASSIFIED 10 Potential SRM Straddle Projects UNCLASSIFIED Project Nbr DBEH041608B DBEH041608C DBEH101515 DBEH101518 DBEH101538 DBEH101593 DBEH101600 DBEH111513B DBEH111532 DBEH111626 DBEH111633 DBEH112708 DBEH121574 DBEH121638 DBEH121641 DBEH121673 UNCLASSIFIED Project Title Repair Airfield Ops, Fac 50211 Construct Addition, Airfield Ops Repair Entry Control Windows, MOC Repair Ladders XY, MOC, PS-7 Towers, CCAFS Repair HVAC, Airfield Control Tower Repair MOC Roof To HURCON Standards, Fac 81900 Cons Water Line From Fac 56930 To Fac 1207a (LET) Repair Water Lines, W Industrial Area (LET) Repair Air Lock Doors At NPF, Fac 55810 Repair Fire Protection, Fac 60705, Comm Spt Cons Vehicle Barriers, CCAFS Repair Lightning Towers, Tel IV Repair Interior EOD Facility, 56620 (Companion) Construct Addition To EOD Facility, 56620 (Companion) Repair Exterior EOD Facility, 56620 (Companion) Repair Lift Stations, ITL Area 11 Potential SRM Straddle Projects UNCLASSIFIED Project Nbr DBEH141710 DBEH141735 SXHT001020 SXHT011039 SXHT061022 SXHT071001 SXHT101040 SXHT101090 SXHT101094 SXHT111009 SXHT121017 SXHT121037 SXHT891050 YXTK041808 YXTK101811 YXTK121802 YXTK932800 UNCLASSIFIED Project Title FY14 IDIQ- Paving/Parking/Restriping, CCAFS Repair High Voltage Transformer (LET) Repair Fire Supp Sys, Bldg 981 Repair/Construct VQ, Bldg 265 Repair Fire Protection System Bldg 533 Repair/Replace Sewer Mains And Pump Repair Concrete Support Columns, Chiller Bldg 925 Maintain/Dredge S. Base Stormwater Canals Construct/Relocate Airfield Rotating Beacon Repair 1st Floor NE Corner Bldg 423 Repair Roofs, Various Facilities, PAFB Maintain/Repair Streets/Parking, Various, PAFB Repair/Construct VQ, Bldg 404 Repair, Corrosion Control, Bottle Gas Storage Fac Repair Roofs, Various Repair Handholds & Covers, Runway Lighting System Construct Potable Water Storage Tank 12 Potential Demo/Consolidation Focus Fund UNCLASSIFIED Project Project Title Number DBEH101739 Demolish Lawn Mower Equip Bldg CX 30, Facility 56926 DBEH121572 Demolish Lube Storage, Facility 84922 Demolish HLDD II CX 17A MST, Facility DBEH081616 28416 DBEH081611 Demolish HLDD II Delta Lab, Facility 56632 DBEH081626 Demolish HLDD II Misc Group 3 DBEH081615 Demolish HLDD II Facility 36001 UNCLASSIFIED Scope 540 SF 324 SF Fund Source AF AF 22,787 SF NASA 9,676 SF 3,925 SF 17,571 SF NASA NASA NASA 13 Potential Energy Projects PROJ # ALMY091912 DBEH061588 DBEH111578 DBEH111594 DBEH111608 DBEH111642 DBEH121504 DBEH121506 DBEH121541 DBEH122002 DBEH122006 SXHT031063 SXHT091092 SXHT111053 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE Antigua AS Energy Audit REPAIR CHILLERS, MOTION PICTURE LAB, FACILITY 1605 Conduct Installation Energy Audit, CCAFS Repair HVAC, Hangar G, Facility 1606 Repair Lighting, Waste Water Treatment Plant and Hangar R&D Repair Retro-Commissioning of HVAC PAFB and CCAFS Repair Lighting and Controls, Various Facilities Repair Lighting, LPF Multiple Facilities Repair Energy Management Controls Repair by Replacement Area Lighting Replace Boilers at Heat Plant, Facility 60533 REPAIR HVAC, B1364 Conduct Installation Energy Audit, PAFB Repair/Replace Hot Water Boilers, Dorm 505 Green: Accepted by Command UNCLASSIFIED 14 Potential Energy Projects PROJ # SXHT111054 SXHT111000E SXHT121048 SXHT121077 SXHT121078 SXHT121079 SXHT121080 YXTK091824 YXTK091826 YXTK111802 YXTK111827 YXTK111830 YXTK121812 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE REPAIR BY REPLACEMENT HOT WATER BOILERS, DORM 506 Repair Water Distribution System, PAFB Repair by Replacement HVAC, Youth Center B3656 Repair/Replace Taxiway Lighting w/ LED REPAIR BY REPLACEMENT HOT WATER BOILERS, DORM 503 REPAIR BY REPLACEMENT HOT WATER BOILERS, DORM 502 Repair by Replacement Area Lighting Renewable: Repair Water Heaters, Solar, Various Ascension AAF Energy Audit Energy Cons: Repair A/C Units, Various Repair By Replacement Area Lighting Energy Cons: Repair A/C Controls, Various Repair/Replace Taxiway Lighting w/ LED Green: Accepted by Command UNCLASSIFIED 15 Environmental Quality Program UNCLASSIFIED Base CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS CCAFS Project Nbr DBEH087257 DBEH097274 DBEH127203 DBEH127204 DBEH127258 DBEH137250 DBEH137253 DBEH137254 DBEH137255 Project Title CONS-Complete Stabilization Of Complex 14 Block House CONS-Enhance Least Tern Nesting Habitat CONS - Conduct 3D Laser Mapping of Launch Facilities CONS-Five Year Update, INRMP 2013 CONS-Preserve Launch Complex 26, Phase 6 CONS-Historic Properties Survey CCAFS CONS-Invasive Veg Control, Cogon Grass CONS-Invasive Veg Control, BP CONS-Preserve Launch Complex 26, Phase 7 CONS-Invasive Control At LC 21/22, LCS 1-4, & CCAFS DBEH137258 Lighthouse Malabar NYRL137267 CONS-Mgt, Invasive Species & Fire Fuel Reduction CCAFS DBEH117268 P2-Implement TMDL BMP, Phase 2 UNCLASSIFIED 16 Quality of Life (QOL) Program Project Nbr Project Title UNCLASSIFIED SXHT101021 Repair Lodging Office Lobby SXHT111090 Repair Fitness Center Locker Rooms and Showers SXHT131030 Renovate Building 335, Airmen Ministries SXHT121135 Custom Creations SXHT111072 Repair/Upgrade Beach Facilities, Phase II SXHT111074 Construct/Upgrade Beach Facilities, Phase III SXHT125003A Repair Marina Dock A SXHT125003B Repair Marina Dock B SXHT125003C Repair Marina Dock C SXHT121082 Repair/Renovate HAWC, Building 546 SXHT101092 Repair Pool Bath House, B917 SXHT061042 Repair Family Pool, Facility 919 YXTK931880 Repair Laundry Facility SXHT091081P1 Repair Base Theater, Bldg. 431 SXHT111050 Construct Restrooms, S. Housing Soccer Field SXHT002508 Maintain Tennis Court, So Housing Area ALMY131900 Repair/Resurface Basketball Court SXHT121137 Construct South Base Pavilion UNCLASSIFIED 17 Mission Partner UNCLASSIFIED Project Number DBEH101548P2 Project Title Fund Source Mission Partner SXHT041604 Construct Underground Communications Duct Bank PAINT INTERIOR (OFFICES,RESTROOMS,OPEN AREAS), BLDG 691 SXHT121104 Construct Communications Tower, 301st RQS Mission Partner SXHT131016 MAINTAIN FUELS EQUIPMENT UNCLASSIFIED Mission Partner DLA 18 MILCON UNCLASSIFIED FYDP Base Project Number 2015 CCAFS DBEH063000 UNCLASSIFIED Project Title Range Communications Facility Scope (SM) 3,216 19 Questions UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 20