Human Resources Development to Support Coffee

Human Resources Development to Support
Coffee Plantations Improvement in Aceh
Syiah Kuala University
Indonesian International Coffee Symposium – Banda Aceh, 20 Nov. 2014
I. The Context and Recent Development
 It is very important to keep Indonesia being an exporter
7% of world coffee production, and the fourth largest
world coffee producer after Brazil, Vietnam, and
 Gayo Highland is the largest Arabica coffee producing
region in Indonesia, even in the South-East Asia.
 The total coffee plantations in the area are around 94,851
ha; 45,316 ha in Bener Meriah, 48,300 ha in Aceh Tengah,
and 1,235 ha in Gayo Lues, owned by about 65,196
families of farmers
 Almost 80 percent of coffee growers in Gayo Highland
maintain organic plantation. The soil, the landscape, and
the climate of the area contribute to various rich
characters, strong body, and complex flavor of Gayo
Arabica Coffee.
I. The Context and Recent Development contd
 The Gayo Arabica Coffee belongs to the premium
category, equal to the class of other world-famous
coffees like Brazilian, Blue Mountain, and Ethiopian.
 About 40,600 ton green beans/year, 85% of the
total production of Gayo Arabica Coffees, are
exported to USA, Japan, Germany, Italy, and
England, accounting for 60% of Indonesia Arabica
coffee export.
 Some of Gayo Arabica Coffee producers have
been certified by international certification bodies
such as Organic (Bio Inspecta), Fairtrade, Rainforest
Alliance, Café Practice, and Bird Friendly.
I. The Context and Recent Development
 The coffee productivity in Gayo Highland has not
substantially improved. The gap between potential
yields and the actual yields is large.
 Productivity ranges from 600-720 kg green
beans/ha/year (mixed varieties, less inputs, poor
crop management) to around 2000 kg green
beans/ha/year (hybrid varieties, enough inputs,
good crop management, etc.).
 Average productivity of Indonesian Arabica coffee
is 954 kg green beans/ha.
 Selling price of the conventional green beans of the
Gayo Arabica Coffee at farm gate level varies from
IDR 21,000-26,000/kg.
I. The Context and Recent Development
 Most smallholder coffee farmers continue to experience
difficulty producing enough coffee beans to meet their
income requirements, so coffee productivity growth remains
essential for achieving income security.
 Poverty pressure together with climate change are key
factors contributing to the acceleration of land degradation
process, clearance of natural forest, increased cultivation of
crops on steep slopes and other marginal lands.
 High labor requirements, and uncertainty about investment
returns, have created a barrier to the adoption of sustainable
farm management practices.
 The region is struggling to cope with current climatic
conditions, and the longer term impacts associated with
climate change will pose additional stress and new
I. The Context and Recent Development
 Agricultural resources should be utilized in the
most optimal manner so as to maximize their
productivity and realize to the fullest income
generating potentials at the least possible cost.
 Sustainable management and utilization of such
resources are the guiding principle in pursuing
agricultural development.
 Conservation and protection of indigenous biodiversity and promoting environmentally friendly
practices to minimize the negative impact of
climate change in coffee development should
also be given emphasis.
II. How Syiah Kuala University Can Support
Sustainable Coffee Development in
 Returns from coffee crops depend on three factors:
 Productivity
 Quality
 Efficiency
 These three factors are affected by:
 Human resource development
 Utilization of quality planting materials
 Cost-efficient management
 In addition, research and development efforts
should intensified, new product developed, and
technology improved
 Syiah Kuala University has played and will keep
playing a greater role in providing support these
areas by
 Training in coffee production
 Research
 Technology development and application in
postharvest and processing
 Agro-finance management and marketing network.
II. Human resource development
 Coffee growing is labor intensive and therefore
skills improvement is crucial.
 Generation changes and skills of the young
coffee growers need to be upgraded.
 More value added should be gained by coffee
growers. They need training not only in technical
know-how, but also efficient farm management,
marketing, and entrepreneurial skills.
These are the examples of the things that
can be done by Syiah Kuala University
 Development of integrated database in coffee
 Plan of skills improvement
 Train postharvest and processing practices for
better handling of the harvest
 Establishing a central nursery to supply quality
seeds to the small growers.
 Strengthening coffee growers cooperatives.
 Disseminating and training programmes on Good
Agricultural Practices (GAP) for coffee
 Syiah Kuala University can also help in coffee
quality control and safety
 This can be done through the provision for lab
analysis, inspection, certification and
 Through its coffee processing peer-group, Syiah
Kuala University is ready and available to train
coffee processors with updated coffee
processing technology and management