Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 Tipologia/ Typology Paese/ Visiting Professor Progetto/Project Università/University Country Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica Advanced techniques for complex networks analysis long and inverse problems. Reichel Lothar Behavioural types for contractlong oriented systems Tuosto Emilio Quantile regression in medical research short Bottai Matteo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica Discrete Event Methodologies for Networked Control long Systems Hadjicostis Christoforos Research topics in MagnetoHydro-Dynamic transport of long materials Bialostocka Anna Maria Periodo di Lordo permanenz dipendente/ a/ Lenght Gross Income of stay Kent State University USA 3 mesi € 21.693,30 University of Leicester UK 3 mesi € 16.878,30 Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden 10gg University of Cyprus Cyprus 3 mesi € 21.693,30 Bialystok Technical university Poland 2 mesi € 8.042,22 France 10gg € 2.885,70 Austria 3 mesi € 16.878,30 Spain 3 mesi € 16.878,30 Norway 3 mesi € 21.693,30 Telomerase activity detection short by electronic biosensors University Paris Diderot Piro Benoît Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Ambientale ed Architettura Decoding borders: a research project concerning border relationships between local communities and long neighborhoods Vienna University of Technology Haselsberger Beatrix Laboratory of landscape and Escuela Tecnica Superior de urban planning Arquitectura, Barcelona long Bellmunt Chiva Jorge Management of scarce resources under risk and uncertainty: Scenario Analisis and Stochastic optimization Norwegian University of Science long approaches and Technology,Trondheim Gaivoronski Alexei € 2.885,70 Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 Improving the multi-modal connectivity Texas A&M University COSTRUMED (COmputational STRUctural short MEchanics and Dynamics) Technische Universität Dresden Kaliske Michael Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Salivary glands secretion: new insights on pharmacological regulation. A multidisciplinary long approach. Gothenburg University Ekström Hans Jörgen Integrative genomic approaches to discover biomarkers of drug response and susceptibility to bipolar long disorders University of Patras Patrinos Georgios The 3D architecture of telomeres in interphase nuclei of tumors and its implication in short the diagnosis University of Manitoba Mai Sabine Pepino de Gruev Marta Taste perception in humans short and nutritional implications Washington University in St. Louis Yanina Role of dopamine in learning short and motivation University of Oxford Walton Mark Discovering genetic and epigenetic determinans of short suicide and mood disorders McGill University, Montreal Turecki Gustavo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Chimica e dei Materiali Saffron separation by long optimized cyclon University of Strathclyde Minisci Edmondo Advanced techniques for crystal process modeling and Louisiana State University, Baton long control Rouge Romagnoli Jose Alberto Ultra refractory highperformance ceramics for short hypersonic flight CIRIMAT Toulouse Estournes Claude Dipartimento di Filologia Letteratura e Linguistica long Quadrifoglio Luca USA 3 mesi Germany 10gg Sweden 1,5 mesi € 10.846,65 Greece 3 mesi € 16.878,30 Canada 10gg € 3.485,70 USA 10gg € 3.485,70 UK 10gg € 2.885,70 Canada 10gg € 3.485,70 UK 2 mesi € 8.042,22 USA 3 mesi € 21.693,30 France 10gg € 16.878,30 € 2.885,70 € 2.885,70 Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 long Authier Gilles Paul long Martín Mor Adrià long Smith-Rosenberg Carroll long Jewiss Virginia Carol Non Indo-European Languages of Europe: typology and contact phenomena Translation Technologies: Tools for translation and localisation The Mulatta, representation and metaphor. The infernal journey: text and metaphor of the cultural negotiation between Italy and the US short Hammerstaedt Jürgen P. W. New papyri of Sappho Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche Bioinorganic aspects of metal long toxicity Kozłowski Henryk Conducting/Magnetic Multifunctional Moleculeshort based Materials Schlueter John P-T history reconstruction from mineral re-equilibration in metamorphic rocks: the case study of the Variscan short orogen Massonne Hans-Joachim Geoarchaeology: paleoenvironment and Human impact short French Charles A. I. Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza English contract law and long charterparties Lorenzon Filippo The protection of fundamental rights in cross-border relations and through international long Souto Galvan Maria Esther organizations Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris France 2 mesi € 14.462,20 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain 1 mese € 5.626,10 University of Michigan USA 1 mese € 7.231,10 Yale University USA 1 mese € 4.021,11 Universität zu Köln Germany 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Wrocław Poland 3 mesi National Science Foundation Arlington USA 10gg € 3.485,70 Universitaet Stuttgart Germany 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Cambridge UK 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Southampton UK 3 mesi € 21.693,30 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Spain 3 mesi € 21.693,30 € 21.693,30 Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 Bio-law and Bioethical Issues in Latin America in a Comparative Perspective short Jiménez Eduardo Pablo Immigration law in USA: the entry and the removal of the short alien Motomura Hiroshi Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e delle Istituzioni Development and refinement of measurement instruments long for evaluation purposes Toland Michael David FOOD, CULTURE AND TERRITORY: THE QUALITY PRODUCTIONS BETWEEN THE NEW ALTERNATIVE FOOD NETWORKS AND long THE NEW PEASANTRIES. Counihan Carole Marie Dipartimento di Storia Beni Culturali e Territorio National University of Mar del Plata Argentina 10gg € 3.485,70 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) USA 10gg € 3.485,70 University of Kentucky USA 1 mese € 5.626,10 Millersville University USA 1,5 mesi € 10.846,65 Argentina 2 mesi € 11.252,20 Spain 1,5 mesi € 10.846,65 France 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Leipzig Germany 1 mese € 7.231,10 University of Athens Greece 1 mesi € 7.231,10 Science, social space, cultural Universidad de San Martín, history, and Weltanschauung Buenos Aires Sanctuaries and territory in the Iberian Culture: the Guadalquivir valley Ruiz Rodríguez Arturo (Andalucia, Spain) (VII-I century B.C.) Universidad de Jaén long Carlos Human sciences and contemporary History in the Centre National de la Recherche short Mediterranean area Scientifique (CNRS) Lyon Faurè Christine A. G. Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica Medicina Clinica e Molecolare long long long Kwiatkowski Nicolas The stigma on mental Angermeyer Claus Matthias disorders and alcohol abuse. A new experimental animal model for resuscitation and sudden death Xanthos Theodoros Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 Dosimetric models of occupational and environmental exposure to inhaled nanoparticles and their predictive value on lung function Quinn Margaret long Prevention and detection of adverse psycosocial factors. Hansen Klaus Stagis short Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali Applied multivariate statistical methods in business and long economics Esposito Vinzi Vincenzo long Martin John Francis long Wilhelm Adalbert F. X. short Kammerlander Holzapfel Nadine short Leon-Ledesma Miguel Angel Evaristo Joao Roberto USA 1 mesi € 7.231,10 Roskilde University Denmark 10gg € 2.885,70 ESSEC Business School France 3 mesi € 21.693,30 Australia 3 mesi € 21.693,30 Jacobs University Bremen Germany 1 mese € 5.626,10 University of St.Gallen Germany 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Kent UK 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Minnesota USA 10gg € 3.485,70 University of Bristol UK 10gg € 2.885,70 University of Leeds UK 10gg € 2.885,70 McGill University, Montreal Canada 2 mesi Southampton Solent University UK 1,5 mesi Performance Management in Public Sector Organizations La Trobe University Statistical learning An integration of Diverging Literature streams on Transfer of Leadership Recent developments in economic theory and applications Social media communication strategies and firm reputation Comparative reporting and disclosure issues in Europe. Jones Michael short The credit crunch after the recent global crises short Keasey Kevin Dipartimento di Pedagogia Psicologia Filosofia Cusa's Critique of OntoTheology and its Influence on long Vico' Metaphysics Green Garth W. Mental health and active long aging in Sardinia Hitchcott Paul K. short University of Massachusetts Lowell € 11.252,20 € 8.439,15 Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 The role of framing factors in Australian Catholic University, self-concept determination Strathfield Insightfulness and caregiving: clinical and research implications in working with short children University of Haifa Oppenheim David Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell'Ambiente short Morin Alexandre long Luhmer Michel J. G. long Blomberg Lars Jonas O. short Ciufolini Marco short Eynon Nir long Université lIbre de Bruxelles (ULB) 10gg € 3.485,70 Israel 10gg € 3.485,70 Belgium 2 mesi € 14.462,20 Uppsala University University of British Columbia, Vancouver Sweden 1 mese € 7.231,10 Canada 10gg € 3.485,70 Victoria University Australia 10gg € 3.485,70 Mass spectrometry: Fundamentals, analysis and development of new methods University of Mons Belgium 10gg € 2.885,70 Paci Emanuele G. A. Physics of complex biological systems University of Leeds UK 2 mesi € 11.252,20 Pietrucci Fabio Thermodynamics and kinetics of biological processes via Université Pierre et Marie Curie, molecular simulations Paris France 1 mese € 4.021,11 short Gerbaux Pascal A. M. A. Dipartimento di Fisica long Characterization of bilayer liposomal structure and interactions with loaded drugs by means of NMR analyses Computational methods for drug design and virus characterization Chemistry and medicine: inseparable partners Genetics and sport performance Australia Physics of protein-protein and short ligand-protein interactions Utrecht University Bonvin Alexandre M.J.J. Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Dissecting the divisom of short Gram-positive cocci Newcastle University Vollmer Waldemar Netherlands 10gg € 2.885,70 10gg € 2.885,70 UK Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015 Appointed Visiting Professor 2014/2015